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My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

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#1 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 06:57

This is a hugely long post. As an OP I believe that is justified. There is repetition involved because it is so long and I want to remind people of key points that may be lost earlier in the wash. DeadParrot – I’m really sorry.


We are all FS players. I do actually believe in the whole community. I use PvP players here as an unfortunate short hand. I do not seek to divide – if my ideas are horrifying to you, rest easy knowing they are in no danger of being implemented, but since they occurred to me I have been unable to do much else but think on them and so must post this for the sake of my own sanity and productivity.


The core of these ideas is consistency and removal of ambiguity – make the rules clear for everyone. No more unwritten codes. We want consistency from HCS – we should expect it from each other. I also believe it will promote PvP activity – not your grandfather’s PvP – but meaningful PvP that will be a valuable part of the game’s ecosystem, that everyone will understand and not be in fear of. No more bogey-men.


I have a 4 point plan for the Bounty Board (BB).


Before we get started I’d like to say I think – after discussions today with guys on the forum - that the Thievery and Master Thief enhancements should be enhanced. I can’t lie – this system will increase punishment on PvP players – I know you guys can take it, because it will mean more PvP activity across the board – but I believe that if you do get punished more then your chances of earning gold before you get punished should be increased. If no-one PvP’s the system remains as dead as it is now. I agree that you need more incentive.


Back to my 4 point plan.  


1) The victim of an attack sets the punishment required.


2) The bounty hunter (BH) cannot in any circumstance be bountied. Don’t freak out before reading on – I think this can turn into a good thing.


3) Guildmates can clear each other’s bounties.


4) Two new Top 250's for PvP are created: An Outlaw Top 250 is created to track those players who have lost the most levels on the bounty board, and a Lawless Top 250 to track those who evaded the posse of Bounty Hunters and survived on the board for a set period of time, initial suggestion being one week. Additionally Outlaw and Lawless medals could be created in addition to the top 250s.


Please bear with me and hear out why I think these may actually be good ideas for PvP and the community at large.


Bear in mind I do not PvP and if you want you can completely ignore my ideas on that basis. I’ll not be offended in the slightest.


I will go through each point in turn and expand on it to explain how it might work and my thinking behind it and why it might be beneficial.



1) The victim of an attack sets the punishment required.

This is the core of my imaginary system. Currently among players who do not PvP, or who have been exposed to it as victims of attack there is a prevailing feeling that the BB does not provide adequate redress. They have no faith in the current system. Across numerous threads this scenario is painted: The victim is hit and loses gold, and then is made victim again by paying for a bounty only to see the bountied player soft cleared by her friends. The victim loses twice.


I am not here to hash that argument out again. I am not here to point fingers. This is my perception based on what I have seen in game and in this forum over the years I have been playing. The scenario above is reality in the minds of many players. People feel powerless in the face of attack. They do not want to hit back and risk being placed on the bounty board themselves. They are not able or do not want to put a delevel party together and risk everyone in the delevel party being put on the BB for their pains. They do not trust the board to provide realistic punishment. The end result is they do not post the bounty at all. The PvP ecosystem shrinks. The BB remains dead. If the victim sets the punishment, they feel empowered, they have a sense of control, they have an increased chance of seeing the punishment they want actually carried out. They are more likely to post bounties. The PvP ecosystem expands.


How do I propose this works?


 The injured party will pay for the damage they desire to be wrought upon their attacker, the more damage desired, the higher the fee. The exact scale can be determined if this idea got enough support to warrant it. Currently a fee is levied - this would be similar but slide up as more retribution is required. This fee is paid to the BH who completes the highest % of the required damage to the outlaw placed on the board, which will encourage competition among BH’s. Retribution would be capped at 3 levels initially. This is a radical departure from how it currently works. In one step this removes the ambiguity of BB etiquette, 10 stam vs. 100 stam hits, late bounty hits etc., as the punishment is set as required by the original victim, and must be fulfilled for the bounty to be completed. The bounty does not expire until the target damage is met, or a week passes – if an outlaw can defend him or herself that long – kudos. If 3 levels are required as punishment, then it is 3 levels that are lost. The victim gets the redress they can pay for. Why 3 levels max? Because currently 5 levels are risked, but that risk I believe is not consistently delivered. If this system does succeed in promoting more bounties and more regular punishments, those punishments need not be as harsh. 3 levels/bounty still means that if a player was harassing another in game with constant hits he or she could still be more effectively dropped out of range than currently.



2) The bounty hunter (BH) cannot in any circumstance be bountied.

This is almost as important as #1. This will encourage people who have not or will not PvP to try it as BH’s. The protection is key to making that happen. On the recent thread which suggested no more bountys on the BH there were a few comments indicating that if this were the case people would take up BHing. This is more people trying PvP. This is an expansion of the PvP ecosystem, not a contraction. I believe another reason the BB is dead is because BH’s have been punished heavily for doing their jobs in the past. So in game now we have on one hand a disaffected game population not bothering to post bounties because they don’t see the point, and on the other hand there are few people prepared to take on bounties as they risk being delevelled themselves as a result. It is a recipe for inactivity. The proof appears to be on the BB daily.


In this imaginary system BH’s cannot be driven off the board by counter bounties and delevelling. I believe this practice is why we do not see much in the way of independent BH’s nowadays. They are the agents of justice and as such should be protected. And again this helps to remove any unwritten rules about when and why a certain BH can be bountied and another not. An active BH population will also increase the incentive to bounty hits which currently go unanswered.


What will happen? Where is the risk going in PvP here? It is going away for BH’s sure – but in return our hardcore PvP population actually get to dance on the BB again. Do you guys really think the first inexperienced noob BH’s will be able to take you out? And if they suck and give up, why do you need to punish them further by bountying them for quitting? You have already beaten them and demonstrated your skill – which seems to me to be the point in PvP – the defeat of an active human opponent. This system increases the chance you’ll go up against them when they are hunting you. At first new BH’s will suck – but will learn the hard way at your hands, and may be tempted to switch codes! We may have two types of PvP player – the BH and the outlaw, who can switch roles when they want. Currently risk for every hit has led to a situation where experienced PvP players tell me the practice is not profitable for them, and the BB is dead in the water. Risk for all has led to inactivity and boredom for most – people are drifting away from the game. It may be time to pick your poison. A more active BB will give more opportunity for profit (depending on the imaginary pay structure – and why get into the minutiae of that if the system as a whole meets no approval here?), and more importantly increased PvP activity with new participants.


3) Guildmates can clear each other’s bounties.

The restriction can be dropped as the possibility of ‘soft clears’ is removed – the victim is in charge of the punishment, the hunter cannot be bountied, so guildmates can now clear each others’ bounties as they must perform the bounty punishment as set forth by the injured party.


Also in a game which has sadly got smaller this removes the need to have a network of allies – many of which may have retired. Your guildies can handle your business, if they can beat other BH’s to it!


4) Two new Top 250s for PvP are created: An Outlaw Top 250 is created to track those players who have lost the most levels on the bounty board, and a Lawless Top 250 to track those who evaded the posse of Bounty hunters and survived on the board for a set period of time, initial suggestion being one week.


PvP players get two top 250's (and possibly medals too) – one to show their battle scars and see who has taken the most risks and received the most punishment in their cause, the other to show PvP skill in evading punishment and being untouchable. Hence Outlaw vs Lawless. Guildmates and allies cannot post each other to the BB. This will reduce but not eliminate abuse. The fact that you have to lose levels on the Outlaw ladder should also limit abuse – even PvP players have limits to the ranges they want to drop from.




I think these ideas make the BB system clear and consistent. If you take the risk of stealing from another player then you can and will be bountied and made to pay for it. There are no unwritten rules or customs to follow – the person hit says how much retribution they want, and the bounty hunter who administers the punishment is free from counter bounty to encourage more participation on the board.


This system gives you more bounties, more players playing PvP, initially perhaps as BH’s but later they may become poachers rather than gamekeepers, and more rewards in the system via bounties. Hopefully Thievery and Master Thief enhancements can be upped to make the increased risk of retribution worth it for the PvP player. If more people play on the BB then more may become interested in the ladder. And by making the victims part of the process by having them set the punishment you remove the lingering sense of disenfranchisement that exists in those players who do not want to PvP and who feel helpless when attacked. This way they control what happens to their attacker. If the attacker can stay free for a week you have to hold your hand up and say well done. Removing ambiguity and unwritten codes of behaviour from the BB also demystifies the board – what we understand we need not fear. The whole community could become more comfortable with PvP. I’m a dreamer.


The BH medal – you would get a tick towards that not for completing the bounty as is done currently – but for doing the largest % of the desired damage to the outlaw on the board. This means competition will be had to clear the bounty and get the most damage done. Again – more people getting involved, as if you don’t make the BH tick, you’ll still get some Smasher ticks in. Will this devalue the Smasher medal? I don’t think so, but if you do – see my points on the Guild medals thread. If a titan scenario occurs where a player does 51% (if possible) and stops, then no payout is made if the full punishment is not completed – so if one BH does 51% of the damage and stops, but the outlaw survives for the rest of the week his bounty is active, then the 51% BH gets nothing. It pays to finish the job.


PvP ranges could be expanded if it is shown that outlaws are dropping levels rapidly and are not as capable of staying in a certain level range. The proof of that would be in the pudding – how it plays out.


The core of this is: have the victim set the punishment, and the BH be free of counter bounty. PvP players get more people to play with and places to be recognised, non-PvP players have some faith in the BB restored and so use it more often. More gold and FSP exchange hands via the BB. A virtuous cycle.


I know I have been talking about the need to present simple ideas to the Cows and then I vomit out this huge game altering plan. The idea would not let go. I’m sharing it.


Feel free to point out abuses/exploits. Feel free to point out why it might be unworkable. Feel free to cherry pick good sections from bad if you find some ideas more appealing. If you hate it all I’m cool with that too. Remember I don’t work for HCS and this is not on the roadmap so there is no danger of this becoming real unless everyone thought this was the best thing since sliced bread and agitated for this change to HCS (a sequence of events HIGHLY unlikely), and even then they might not do it anyway, so keep that blood pressure down! LOL!


Thanks for reading.

Edited by Belaric, 04 April 2014 - 15:12.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#2 Lahona



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 07:26

Well .... 


I 'think' I like it  -- I'm sure others will pick holes in this so my response is qualified until I see what others can find wrong with it.


I might well be tempted to try for a bounty hunter medal if this was to come about.  if that happens, you never know what it could lead too ;)

#3 Bleltch



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 08:01

Wont work, it's way too complicated. (i'm guessing from the length of the post) Got cliffs notes?

Edited by Bleltch, 04 April 2014 - 08:02.

#4 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 08:08

Wont work, it's way too complicated. (i'm guessing from the length of the post) Got cliffs notes?

LOL! The bolded bits work as Cliffs notes.


I don't think it is any more complicated than the current system. Which doesn't seem to be working too well.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#5 Crzy



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 08:43

To be honest I really like this idea and feel like it would give people a reason to bounty and even bounty hunt. Everything you stated about why people don't bounty is exactly how I feel when I get hit. Only problem that might keep players from bountying under this change would be the fact that if guild mates can take the bounty then the victim might not want to post because they will just split the pot. And if I choose for someone to lose 10 levels but pay 10 fsp, I wouldn't want it to go to the thieves guild mate since pvpers already take pride in levels lost.


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#6 BraveKath



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 08:48

Well thought out, interesting proposal Belaric.


First -- Overall I like it.  I have a few questions though.

1) Totally support the victim setting the amount of punishment/damage to be inflicted to equal a completed bounty and the amount determined on a sliding scale - very good.  

I also like that if the Bountied Player can defend for a week, though I think of low level players and that might be excessive?

 - - - May I suggest that if under level 100 (?) that they only have to defend for 2 days?  It may be just too exhausting/discouraging to a new low level player if they have to defend for a week.  Granted there are many old, experienced players that are low levels.  Not sure the programming feasibility of that. The Level, the days -- just tossing out something.

2) BH'er can't be counter-bountied.  I was against this idea, but reading your argument for it and considering other related comments elsewhere in past days I wonder if it's not a bad idea.  What we're doing now isn't working, so maybe time for a change and at least the punishment has been established.

The BH inflicting the greatest damage seems fair enough.  I'm not a mathematician by any stretch of the imagination and I'm wondering about how the level differences of different Bounty Hunters will affect the ability to win the Bounty.  It a fun challenge as a BH'er to beat a buffed-geared up player higher than you on the BB and that's an edge I'd want to see us preserve.  THIS MAY NOT BE A FACTOR -- Forgive this bad mathematician's query.

3) Cool -- as long as the damage requirement is set - Guildmate or enemy - it doesn't matter who is hitting you.

4) (Answered -- not a PvP Ladder a Top Rated Ladder ) .... I'm confused on the Outlaw, Lawless Ladders.  Is there a regular ladder for the rest of us smucks who want to play the ladder but haven't been to the BB and then we have three Ladders?  I don't know we have enough active folks for two ladders .  Am I wrong, would they be divided into the current level ranges or are you just tossing everyone together?  

The rewards idea sounds fine.

Edited by BraveKath, 04 April 2014 - 23:47.

#7 Crzy



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 08:58

I think when he says ladder he really means top rated list? Is there an enhancement or buff to allow master thief over 100%? I know the thieves shrine guild structure allows thievery to go over 100% but I don't recall master thief getting one. Could be a new structure or 2000 buff. Sleight of hand or sticky fingers could be the name lol


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#8 tharzill



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:38

Very well thought out and stated (as usual!) I personally like this idea myself and think it would be good for the game as a whole. As you stated the current system is completely broke. One thing though, in this system I believe (as much as it pains me to say so LOL) that PvP Protection should be done away with. With the "victim" being able to set the retribution then there should be no need for it. IMHO. 

#9 yodamus



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:13

thank you OP for this thread...i could not have said all your points even better..probelm is that the pvpers will not stand for anything that is not totally on thier side...and next probem is that the cows would never listen to such great ideas...your first 2 points really really need to be listened tio and implemented by the cows...we will see..awesome great post OP ..

#10 BraveKath



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:38

I think when he says ladder he really means top rated list? Is there an enhancement or buff to allow master thief over 100%? I know the thieves shrine guild structure allows thievery to go over 100% but I don't recall master thief getting one. Could be a new structure or 2000 buff. Sleight of hand or sticky fingers could be the name lol


Oh -- that makes sense Top Rated List.  *slaps head* yes, that makes sense and cool idea.

#11 BraveKath



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:51

..probelm is that the pvpers will not stand for anything that is not totally on thier side...and next probem is that the cows would never listen to such great ideas...


Derision will get us no where and only alienates.  We need to each put the past behind us and move on. Let's keep it positive and constructive, then with the ideas here and elsewhere we can perhaps actually move forward finding compromises and collaboratively create something that's good for the game as a whole no matter one's style of play.

Edited by BraveKath, 04 April 2014 - 12:54.

#12 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 14:50

To be honest I really like this idea and feel like it would give people a reason to bounty and even bounty hunt. Everything you stated about why people don't bounty is exactly how I feel when I get hit. Only problem that might keep players from bountying under this change would be the fact that if guild mates can take the bounty then the victim might not want to post because they will just split the pot. And if I choose for someone to lose 10 levels but pay 10 fsp, I wouldn't want it to go to the thieves guild mate since pvpers already take pride in levels lost.

I see your point.


However I believe that if the imaginary system took off there would be no reason to expect that a guildmate of the attacker would necessarily win the bounty. The victim gets the retribution they want - no matter where the reward money goes, that is the key. If you get what you pay for you should not be unhappy. The money is gone as soon as you post. If guildmates clear and split the pot - the levels desired lost are still gone. As pointed out in the OP the current system leads people to feel they have lost twice. This way the victim at least gets what they pay for (most of the time). 

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#13 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:07

Well thought out, interesting proposal Belaric.


First -- Overall I like it.  I have a few questions though.

1) Totally support the victim setting the amount of punishment/damage to be inflicted to equal a completed bounty and the amount determined on a sliding scale - very good.  

I also like that if the Bountied Player can defend for a week, though I think of low level players and that might be excessive?

 - - - May I suggest that if under level 100 (?) that they only have to defend for 2 days?  It may be just too exhausting/discouraging to a new low level player if they have to defend for a week.  Granted there are many old, experienced players that are low levels.  Not sure the programming feasibility of that. The Level, the days -- just tossing out something.

2) BH'er can't be counter-bountied.  I was against this idea, but reading your argument for it and considering other related comments elsewhere in past days I wonder if it's not a bad idea.  What we're doing now isn't working, so maybe time for a change and at least the punishment has been established.

The BH inflicting the greatest damage seems fair enough.  I'm not a mathematician by any stretch of the imagination and I'm wondering about how the level differences of different Bounty Hunters will affect the ability to win the Bounty.  It a fun challenge as a BH'er to beat a buffed-geared up player higher than you on the BB and that's an edge I'd want to see us preserve.  THIS MAY NOT BE A FACTOR -- Forgive this bad mathematician's query.

3) Cool -- as long as the damage requirement is set - Guildmate or enemy - it doesn't matter who is hitting you.

4) I'm confused on the Outlaw, Lawless Ladders.  Is there a regular ladder for the rest of us smucks who want to play the ladder but haven't been to the BB and then we have three Ladders?  I don't know we have enough active folks for two ladders .  Am I wrong, would they be divided into the current level ranges or are you just tossing everyone together?  

The rewards idea sounds fine.

Aha - you have found a problem Kath! Thank you... kinda!! LOL!


If we start subdividing times to escape punishment by level we are adding complexity, the aim is to keep things clear. However you have given me a further idea due to....


The level differences. I think as it stands each 100 stam from a EOC player would do a whole lot more XP damage than a 100 stam from a level 50. This means that in this system high level players would cause more damage and dominate winning bounties. Unless I am vastly mistaken and the level of the hitter does not matter with regards to XP loss on the BB.


The solution is... the level of the hitter will not matter on the BB in terms of XP loss - 10 stam - 100 stam if the hit is successful a straight % of the target's level is lost, irrespective of the level of the attacker. The amount of stam used in the attack determines the XP lost by the target, not the level of the attacker. This keeps the BB an even field for all BH's, and again is one rule for all - simplicity is key. If a level 1950 is wearing a set that can be bypassed by a level 225 with motivation - he pays the price in XP lost on the board. That way the challenge of hitting up is preserved, and there is no high level bias to the board, aside from the fact that high level players will always be able to hit their targets more successfully, but no reason a level 500 cannot clear a fellow 500 player as fast as at 1900 trying to do the same thing, if the 500 is well prepared.


Splitting BHing into level bands and making it so people outside of those bands cannot take bounties takes the inclusive nature away and fractures the community. It would also lead to people sitting at band edges to gain advantage. High level players will have an advantage they have earned through long years of play - but if you can make the hits on an outlaw, you can keep up with the high level BH in terms of XP damage inflicted on the target and chance of winning the bounty. Ingenuity continues to be rewarded...


The ladders are as crzy says - top 250's. I'll change that in the OP. And they could easily be medals too, if that is preferred, or can run in tandem.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#14 Maehdros



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:08

Interesting idea,  Sadly finding *loot* on other players these days is a rare occasion, even with an increased pvp range.So the increase in thievery rates would have to be massive.



As for your suggestions, I don't agree with a week of sitting on the board for a bounty to expire. Not everyone plays 24/7, that's a HELL of alot of stamina sunk buffing to try and save 3 levels, and most hunters without experience will wait for targets to go offline, then clear/smash. 2 days as it is currently ( until changed) seems fine. If a player is hit off the board, they have 48 hours to post a bounty, same should apply to a bounty once posted. If you can defend for 2 days, you get out of jail. if not, you get slapped around gently or *not so gently*


This ties in with your second proposal which I strongly disagree with. No counter bounties of the hunter.


Bounty hunting IS pvp. it's a faster version of it ( 2 mins compared to 1 hour) between attacks. In my opinion I see this as a risk free smash away fun for those who don't want to get bitten back in pvp.  (imo) If  someone PvP's they risk a bounty. Plain and simple. Bounty hunting should never ever be risk free. It's PVP. If someone has the nerve  to smash for the fun of it or wants to earn a reward for smashing me, I sure as heck want the ability to seek revenge. ( I assume anyone in the same situation  would as well)


The *forced* clearing/smashing of a bounty, set by a *wronged* player shouldn't coincide with a *risk free bounty*. If someone wants to smash, they should risk the same to themselves.Also, this tangles up pvp prestige, as one way of obtaining it can lose you levels/bounty, while laddering ( in the new update) or simply clearing bounties, is a counter bounty free way of gaining prestige.



Tho I rarely read the forums or play as much as I used to,I am all for encouraging pvp via events,  ladders, new leaderboards ( as you suggest) and so on. Even nerfing the level loss limit on bounties. But as for removing counter bounties, sorry mate, I'd never agree to it.



just my two~




#15 vastilos



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:24

This is a very well thought out and well written suggestion, and I really like it. The only thing I would suggest is that the person who is placing the bounty, should not be charged bounty tickets to place a bounty. Instead, the punishment they want you to receive is what the price should reflect (why pay for bounty tickets to post the bounty then have to pay for the punishment?).

Also, there are those who PvP that when they get de-leveled, they do not post those who participated in the party (unless it's a guild war, and that's a different scenario/situation) because they know it was deserved (but those who like to "double dip" are the ones who cry wolf when they get de-leveled).

In my opinion it is in very bad taste to post someone who quit on your bounty, and that is probably one reason (if not a major reason) why people don't try to bounty hunt. Eliminating the BH'er from getting counter bountied would solve that issue. But with that comes another issue, what about those guilds that go to war and rely on the bounty board to get those de-levelings?

What I've suggested is more involvement from the admins in these scenarios. Example, Person A wants to try a bounty for the first time, he gets a few hits in and realizes that he can't win so he stops. Person B decides he doesn't like quitters and posts Person A, and Person A has the potential to lose 5 levels. Once person A gets posted and/or cleared, he would send in a ticket to support. The admins can take a look at logs and see this. Then the admins would go from there. But doing this would mean that a lot of descriptions would have to be rewritten, and players would have to be notified for a good while until pretty much everyone in the community gets the idea of etiquette.

#16 DomCorvis



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:30

Interesting idea,  Sadly finding *loot* on other players these days is a rare occasion, even with an increased pvp range.So the increase in thievery rates would have to be massive.



As for your suggestions, I don't agree with a week of sitting on the board for a bounty to expire. Not everyone plays 24/7, that's a HELL of alot of stamina sunk buffing to try and save 3 levels, and most hunters without experience will wait for targets to go offline, then clear/smash. 2 days as it is currently ( until changed) seems fine. If a player is hit off the board, they have 48 hours to post a bounty, same should apply to a bounty once posted. If you can defend for 2 days, you get out of jail. if not, you get slapped around gently or *not so gently*


This ties in with your second proposal which I strongly disagree with. No counter bounties of the hunter.


Bounty hunting IS pvp. it's a faster version of it ( 2 mins compared to 1 hour) between attacks. In my opinion I see this as a risk free smash away fun for those who don't want to get bitten back in pvp.  (imo) If  someone PvP's they risk a bounty. Plain and simple. Bounty hunting should never ever be risk free. It's PVP. If someone has the nerve  to smash for the fun of it or wants to earn a reward for smashing me, I sure as heck want the ability to seek revenge. ( I assume anyone in the same situation  would as well)


The *forced* clearing/smashing of a bounty, set by a *wronged* player shouldn't coincide with a *risk free bounty*. If someone wants to smash, they should risk the same to themselves.Also, this tangles up pvp prestige, as one way of obtaining it can lose you levels/bounty, while laddering ( in the new update) or simply clearing bounties, is a counter bounty free way of gaining prestige.



Tho I rarely read the forums or play as much as I used to,I am all for encouraging pvp via events,  ladders, new leaderboards ( as you suggest) and so on. Even nerfing the level loss limit on bounties. But as for removing counter bounties, sorry mate, I'd never agree to it.



just my two~




i couldnt have worded that better


#17 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:35

Interesting idea,  Sadly finding *loot* on other players these days is a rare occasion, even with an increased pvp range.So the increase in thievery rates would have to be massive.



As for your suggestions, I don't agree with a week of sitting on the board for a bounty to expire. Not everyone plays 24/7, that's a HELL of alot of stamina sunk buffing to try and save 3 levels, and most hunters without experience will wait for targets to go offline, then clear/smash. 2 days as it is currently ( until changed) seems fine. If a player is hit off the board, they have 48 hours to post a bounty, same should apply to a bounty once posted. If you can defend for 2 days, you get out of jail. if not, you get slapped around gently or *not so gently*


This ties in with your second proposal which I strongly disagree with. No counter bounties of the hunter.


Bounty hunting IS pvp. it's a faster version of it ( 2 mins compared to 1 hour) between attacks. In my opinion I see this as a risk free smash away fun for those who don't want to get bitten back in pvp.  (imo) If  someone PvP's they risk a bounty. Plain and simple. Bounty hunting should never ever be risk free. It's PVP. If someone has the nerve  to smash for the fun of it or wants to earn a reward for smashing me, I sure as heck want the ability to seek revenge. ( I assume anyone in the same situation  would as well)


The *forced* clearing/smashing of a bounty, set by a *wronged* player shouldn't coincide with a *risk free bounty*. If someone wants to smash, they should risk the same to themselves.Also, this tangles up pvp prestige, as one way of obtaining it can lose you levels/bounty, while laddering ( in the new update) or simply clearing bounties, is a counter bounty free way of gaining prestige.



Tho I rarely read the forums or play as much as I used to,I am all for encouraging pvp via events,  ladders, new leaderboards ( as you suggest) and so on. Even nerfing the level loss limit on bounties. But as for removing counter bounties, sorry mate, I'd never agree to it.



just my two~




Thanks for the 2c.


I can see your point on a week. It could be shortened to 48 hours. I think increased activity would make it tougher to survive that time. Or perhaps somewhere in between.


BH is PvP I agree. But it seems to me that bountying the BH which originally may have expanded the PvP market by creating more targets in a PvP free for all, has now gotten to the stage where it has constricted the PvP market - people do not wish to play that way anymore, being counterbountied has become a disincentive to play, so they don't participate, the BB slumps into inactivity. The price of being able to counterbounty has become less initial activity of any kind it seems to me.


The question then becomes - do you want a system where you can bounty anyone for any hit and nobody wants to play, or do you have a system where Bounty hunters do not get bountied and more people take the chance to play? Your risk as the original attacker remains the same. Under the current system you have the option of immediately extending that risk to anyone who tries to punish you for the initial unprovoked attack - I believe you have the right to that initial attack, but I think the privilege of counter bountying has led to the board dying. Is that what you want? Is an inactive BB to your taste?


In summary - your preferred style of play has been hugely successful - you have placed risk everywhere. The strongest and best PvP players survive, even if the activity is not that profitable anymore. I think you have become victims of your own success and excellence - the general population of the game does not want to mess with you. So you are kings of an empty kingdom that is running out of gold. Some of you donate to survive. The risk you love is too high for the general community - they have walked away from the BB. This way does reduce risk, but increases activity - your kingdom has people within it once again. Which do you prefer? The current system leaves your play style marginalised and disliked. I'd be hoping this change would make PvP unmysterious and acceptable to a much wider community. In my wilder dreams it would make the whole game more attractive. But yes - it would not be your grandfather's PvP - I've made no bones about that anywhere.

Edited by Belaric, 04 April 2014 - 15:37.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#18 lapdragon



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:46

first off...i want to say that its awesome that everyone is putting in ideas to liven up the BB!!  nice to see us all working together to make this a great game!  I found the ideas to be thoughtful and sparked good points.  Still i am one who feels that you shud be able to bounty the hunter.  For the simple risk of taking a bounty.  brings to mind killing fish in a bucket.  cant make it totally risk free.  also, for many who Bh, most will not take a bounty on a simple clear if someone else is on it.  So for player A to decide to try and quit, that bounty is passed up on since it looks as if it is being cleared..unless you see it sit for awhile then you ask...so yes A shud be bountied for quitting..hence..bounting the hunter.


im adding this...it is for another forum..but i dont think smasher shud count on the BB...that is my 2cents.

Edited by lapdragon, 04 April 2014 - 15:48.

#19 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 15:51

This is a very well thought out and well written suggestion, and I really like it. The only thing I would suggest is that the person who is placing the bounty, should not be charged bounty tickets to place a bounty. Instead, the punishment they want you to receive is what the price should reflect (why pay for bounty tickets to post the bounty then have to pay for the punishment?).

Also, there are those who PvP that when they get de-leveled, they do not post those who participated in the party (unless it's a guild war, and that's a different scenario/situation) because they know it was deserved (but those who like to "double dip" are the ones who cry wolf when they get de-leveled).

In my opinion it is in very bad taste to post someone who quit on your bounty, and that is probably one reason (if not a major reason) why people don't try to bounty hunt. Eliminating the BH'er from getting counter bountied would solve that issue. But with that comes another issue, what about those guilds that go to war and rely on the bounty board to get those de-levelings?

What I've suggested is more involvement from the admins in these scenarios. Example, Person A wants to try a bounty for the first time, he gets a few hits in and realizes that he can't win so he stops. Person B decides he doesn't like quitters and posts Person A, and Person A has the potential to lose 5 levels. Once person A gets posted and/or cleared, he would send in a ticket to support. The admins can take a look at logs and see this. Then the admins would go from there. But doing this would mean that a lot of descriptions would have to be rewritten, and players would have to be notified for a good while until pretty much everyone in the community gets the idea of etiquette.

Thank you vastilos.


I'd have no problem with getting rid of Bounty tickets to post the bounty - having the charges for increased retribution scaled up would more than make up for that gold sink. Bounty tickets can still be used to take the bounty.


This system removes all that etiquette nonsense. It is gone. Delevel parties are gone. Counter bounties are gone. Your whole person A person B problem is resolved as those situations cannot occur where the victim dictates the punishment and the BH cannot be bountied. If a target is too good for the BH he gives up - the target wins and has proved herself the better player and has a shot at a tick on the Lawless medal/ Top 250 if no other BH can hit her before the bounty expires..


Double dipping - it could still happen if the double dipper is clever with his timing. But it would be harder. And the likelihood is the double dipper would just get bountied straight off initially if he was not attacking someone inclined to PvP.


I would say, if not obvious - the victim cannot ever prosecute their own bounty. You post it, others clear it.


The BB used as a weapon in Guild wars can remain, (Which I would point out was NEVER its original intended purpose) but guilds can go at it directly and not have it be a popularity contest of who has the most allies to delevel their enemies on the board - as guildies can clear each other. It is cleaner and more direct in my view. The guild wars would be more focused and between the two guilds involved.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#20 vastilos



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Posted 04 April 2014 - 16:01

Just to clarify things (since I didn't ask this nor was it mentioned) but the bounty hunter having no fears of being bountied only applies to 10 stamina hit clears, or would 100 stamina hit clears be included as well?


EDIT: As for the guilds that go to war with each other, I mentioned they use the bounty board. To eliminate this, create a new Guild Wars system. The 2 guilds that want to fight with each other enter this system for a set period of time. All PvP is welcome with no bounty reprisals. After the set time is over, the fight is over. If nothing is solved, then the Guilds enter the system and fight again. This system would have no cool down period so you can start, finish, start again until the war is resolved. Exp loss would be the same as a normal off the board hit would take away.

Edited by vastilos, 04 April 2014 - 16:05.

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