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Adventures of Val: Beginning of his quest:

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#1 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 03:02

[OOC] If you wish to join, read the following below and choose from it:

Class: (Warrior, Ranger, Mage)

Weapon: (Sword for Warriors, Bow for Rangers, and Staffs for Mages)

Skills: (2 skills)

Spells (If Mage): (3 spells)|

Buffs (If Warrior): (3 buffs)| ---------| This is maximum above, beside and below the note.

Summons (If Ranger): (3 summons)|

No God-modding, weapons of Mass destruction, skills of Mass Destruction and Spells/Buffs/Summons of Mass Destruction. [/OOC]

Name: Val

Class: Mage

Weapon: Wooden Staff

Skills: Survival, Geographical Locating.

Spells: Fireball, Ice Pillar, Mage's Map.

Val, a mage skilled at surviving, looked at a strange Map. He sealed it with his spell, and continued onward. He spotted a creature, possibly a wolf. He defeated it with ease with a fireball spell. Then, his Mage's Map lead him to a mountain top. He created an ice pillar as a flag. The mountain he was standing on, was Never-Melt Mountain. He decided to put his Ice pillar to signal companions. He created 2 more and used them to train his geological locating skill. He does so with ease. He spots something ahead, but can't make it out. Perhaps it's a companion?

#2 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 November 2007 - 13:02

Name: Raven

Class: Warrior

Weapon: Sword, a Blood Elf sword.

Skills: Stealth, Hunting

Buffs: Bloodlust, Enchant Weapon, True Sight

Raven, a mastered Elven swordsman, looked around his surroundings, he was hungry and hadn't eaten for days. Then up ahead, he spotted a deer, by using his stealth skills, he moved behind the deer, and strucked it down with one swift blow. He cutted the meat out of the deer, then wrapped it up and placed it in his bagpack. He spotted a mountain, and saw an ice pillar, with a person standing beside it. He waved and started up the mountain.

#3 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 25 November 2007 - 18:18

Val could now make out who it was. It was a companion so he waved back. He then made a wall made of ice pillars to signal the start of a fortress. As the Companion approached, he introduced himself.

Hello. My Name is Val. Welcome to the fortress. It's still incomplete but if we get someone to collect some wood, we can build a guard tower here.

Now all he could do was wait.

[OOC] Sign-up is still available. Please sign up [/OOC]

#4 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 November 2007 - 07:08

Pleased to make your aquaintence, my name is Raven. Some wood you say? I believe another one of our companions will be coming.. I might be wrong.

Raven sat down and let out a sigh. He hadn't relaxed like this in days, then he took out the deer meat and said,

Want some?

#5 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 22:00

Ok, sure. Here, I got some Wolf fur for clothes and some Wolf meat as rations. We need to use them wisely.

He took some deer meat and placed them in an icebox marked "Rations - Use Wisely." He then spotted a polar bear and killed it with a Fireball. He collected the meat and fur, places the meat in the icebox and took the fur to build a store in the fortress. He then made 2 Ice pillars and coloured them according to what time the store opens and closes.

There! A shop that keeps your feet extra warm! Now what else is there to do?

He stares at Raven for a bit, then continued with his work. On his site, he spotted another polar bear. He killed it with a Fireball, like last time, and placed the meat in the icebox.

We should have enough to last awhile, Raven. I just hope others will join us.

[OOC] Sign-up is still on. Also, the store has these items to trade:

Iceboxes: 20 Gold (RP gold)

And would like to buy:

Polar Bear fur: 5 RP gold or 10 RP gold if in perfect condition.

Store is RED. (Meaning closed, but CYAN means open) [/OOC]

#6 fs_spenser

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Posted 29 November 2007 - 04:14

Raven let out a whistle as he saw the polar bear got burned by the fireball from Val.

Nice shot!

We should have enough to last awhile, Raven. I just hope others will join us.

Raven was looking for a polar bear himself, he found one and slowly moved up to it, taking care not to be seen, and with one swift stroke Raven drove his sword into the skull of the polar bear. It fell dead. He cutted the polar bear's meat out and took the fur from the bear, he then began to make a coat out of it.

Those companions of ours, if there are any, are sure making us wait! If they don't come we might as well finish the fortress first.

Raven continued his work and after a few moments, he got up and said,

Val, what is the purpose of all this?

Then all he could do was wait for Val's answer.

[ OOC : Yes, please join us! ]

PS: How on earth do you use RP gold? And get? -_-

[Current RP Gold : 0]

#7 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 00:28

[OOC] There are 3 ways to get and use gold (3 apiece I mean)

To Get gold:
1. Sell stuff. MOST common way, I think
2. Killing Bandits, of which some appear
3. When I issue a bank, you can store gold and get 2% Interest.

EX1: Polarbear fur - 10 RP gold to you.
EX2: He killed a bandit and found 15 gold (For Bandits, keep amount respectable, but if a Boss comes, you can get alot)
EX3: 100 Gold in bank: +2% Interest = 102 RP Gold in bank today.

To Use RP gold:
1. Buy stuff. MOST common way I think.
2. Used on crafts, like FSP in FS on craftable FS items.
3. Repairing items at a blacksmith, like FS.

EX1: Icebox - 20 gold to store
EX2: He crafted an icebox, costing him 10 gold
EX3: A blacksmith can repair (Item Name) for # Gold [/OOC]

Hearing the question:

Val, what is the purpose of all this?

From Raven, he replied:

We are going to build a small community. I have been asked to do this, and could invite a few friends. Since noone was there, I decided to go alone and hoped someone could help me. You're skills should help me build this community. I have already built the floor of the store, and I need two more Polar Bear fur to build the walls. I would also need a bank, a barracks, and a couple guards, made from different material. This quest was given by the Imperial order to help build stronger forces. But the fort should be small, nothing too big.

Continuing with the work set out for him, he found 2 more Polar Bears and killed them with fireballs. He collected their fur and meat, placed the meat in the icebox and built portions of a wall. He could see it wasn't ready yet, and so was the floor. He decided to make a lying ice pillar, buried in the ground, to finish the floor.

Come now, let us finish building this fort.

#8 fs_spenser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 16:46


We are going to build a small community. I have been asked to do this, and could invite a few friends. Since noone was there, I decided to go alone and hoped someone could help me. You're skills should help me build this community. I have already built the floor of the store, and I need two more Polar Bear fur to build the walls. I would also need a bank, a barracks, and a couple guards, made from different material. This quest was given by the Imperial order to help build stronger forces. But the fort should be small, nothing too big.

Come now, let us finish building this fort.

Raven let his thoughts wander for a minute, his eyes staring into the forest beside the fort. He did not see a few bandits moving slowly, cautiously in the trees, only when he did see them was when his thoughts were shattered by a scream that came from one of the bandits. The bandit swung his axe down on Raven, and Raven just managed to dodge in time. He pulled out his sword and sliced at the bandit's stomach, opening a deep wound. The bandit screamed and fell.

That was close.

But it was not over yet, there were other bandits, coming at him from 12 o'clock. Raven counted them, 1-2-3-4. He grinned, he was looking for a fight like this, just to show off a little, Raven pointed his sword at the bandit's and brought up his hand and pointed two fingers up and bended them several times and said;

Bring it on.

Quick, surround him.. and then kill him!!

The bandits surrounded Raven, he grinned and poised himself, waiting for the bandit to strike. They walked for a few seconds in a circle, then suddenly, one bandit broke the circle and screamed and brought his halberd down on Raven, Raven neatly side-stepped and let the halberd sprawl into the ground. With one swift stroke, he chopped the back of the bandit. Raven grinned again, and said;

Is that all you've got?


#9 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 01:03

[OOC] that is fine. Bandit Mage is in Dark Red [/OOC]

Val noticed Raven was in trouble. He spotted a bandit about to slice him. Val just burned him with a Fireball in time but now a Bandit Mage came up and bound Raven with some vines.

Val? I remember you. I was once in your "Imperial" order. Now I'm going to finish off what I started: Killing your friends!


Val burned the Bandit Mage, but the Bandit mage sent leaves at Raven. Val managed to burn them, and the heat threw off the vines. As Raven fought the bandits, Val sent an Ice Pillar to trap the Bandit Mage. But the Bandit Mage was thrown off balance instead. He then bound Val, but Val threw off enough heat to shake off the vines. Without warning, Val's staff began to glow. A Fire Bolt came and struck the Bandit Mage. Val, having minor injuries, helped fend off the remaining Bandits.

Raven, that Bandit mage sent them. We should be on the lookout for...

Before he could finish, a ball of lightning hit him in the back. He was thrown off his feet, but a quick ice pillar sent him to higher ground. The Bandit Mage was on his feet, scarred from the Fire Bolt. He sent another Ball of Lightning, but Val was quick on his feet. He could feel heat rising in his body, even though it was cold out. Again, Val's staff glowed. Another Fire Bolt flew out and struck the Bandit Mage. This time, the Bandit Mage was dead. Val shook off the heat. He then collected 100 gold and a crystal ball. He used the ball to make a bank.

Come now. The Bandit's are dead or gone. Let us rest.

[OOC] Val can now use Fire Bolt. Sign-up is still going on. [/OOC]

#10 fs_spenser

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 13:51


There were about 2 more bandits left, each carrying a heavy battle axe. The two of them charged at Raven, screaming and running aimlessly. Raven jumped neatly into the air, making the two heads of the bandits knock into each other, the bandits each swung the axe at each other where Raven was before, in a few moments, it was over. He looked over at Val and saw he had finished his battle as well, he was very skilled in the arts of magic. He looked on the ground and he found 50 gold, in total of all the bandits he killed.

Well, that was the first victory our army had isn't it! And, the beggining of more new adventures! Alas, it is only us here.. I wish we had more company.

Then Raven continued his work and started to look for wood in the forest. This time, he remembers not to let his guard down for that could still be more bandits around.

Current RP gold: 50

#11 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 16:13

[OOC] The bank is now OPEN [/OOC]

Val sent a banker and 2 guards to take care of the bank. He then made another ice pillar and shaped it as a door easily. He then went to a nearby lake to practice water spells. He kept flipping some water with his staff. Unfortunately, he learned nothing. Frustrated, he went to the Forest to help Raven. He spotted a wolf and burned it with a fireball. He collected the meat and fur and went back to the fort.

There! Some more rations!

He placed the meat in the icebox, and continued with his work.

[OOC] Why is no1 signing up? [/OOC]

[RP Gold: 100]

#12 fs_spenser

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Posted 02 December 2007 - 13:50

[OOC: Sorry, not gonna post my part of the story ATM.. is everyone too shy to sign up? :)

#13 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 17:52

[OOC] Due to the recent downtime, all players signed up before the downtime MUST re-sign-up the RP. Apologies for the inconvieince. Sign-up is still available, looking for 23 more RPers. :) Previously, there was a tavern, extra store supplies and a church, but it was "knocked off" the list, so we'll be RPing to get it back. Apologies for the inconvience again. :([/OOC]

#14 fs_spenser

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Posted 11 December 2007 - 06:56


#15 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 11 December 2007 - 18:56

[OOC] It was FS server problems, not Internet Explorer, Spenser. So don't worry about it. :) [/OOC]

#16 fs_spenser

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 06:37


Raven walked around the forest searching for firewood to take back to the fortress. He gathered all his arms could carry and walked back to the edge of the forest then dumped all the wood on the grass at the edge. He knew that they needed to make a guard tower and they needed the big logs, so he started looking for a suitable one. He walked to the river and spotted a nice fat long willow tree at the side of river. Raven pulled out his axe and hacked at it. The axe was almost through.. one more cut.. CCCRAAACCKKK!


Raven grinned, now the problem was how was he to bring the willow log back to the fortress. He remembered in the map that there were a few taverns scattered around in this land. Raven then begin to look for the nearest one he could find, and indeed he found one. He looked for ogre's in the Tavern that would help him heave the log back to the fortress.

What can I get you?

I'm hiring a few ogre's that would help me carry some big logs back to my fo-

Raven paused, taking care not to reveal that he was making a army. He continued.

Like I said before, I'm hiring a few ogre's that would help me carry some big logs to the edge of the forest, do you know anyone willing to help me?

Of course.. there are a few. Over there, at that table.


Raven walked over to the table and talked to the ogre's. The ogre's were willing to help Raven for a sum of 50 gold. Raven and the ogre's then walked out of the Tavern and Raven led them to the wood.

This one's suspicious.. send a ogre chieftan and a few ogre mage's to find out what they're doing.. then dispatch them.

Yes sir..

[Current RP Gold : 0

#17 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 23:10

[OOC] Ok, my mistake [/OOC]

Val noticed trouble was brewing. He approched the Bartender and inquired about what was going on.

Bartender says "I don't trust that guy with the ogres. I sent a dispatch to clear them."

(uh oh! That can't be good)

Bartender added "Those ogres were actually wanted, but I made no mention of it."

(Something's wrong here)

Val then questioned the Bartender about the staff lying on the table where he saw the ogres sat on it.

Bartender answers "It's a Steel Staff. They said they Came from some place called Vvardenfell or watever the hell it's called. Some island.

(Ogrims... No wonder they were wanted. They're Daedra)

[OOC] Note: If you don't play The Elder Scrolls 3, Ogrims are huge, green Ogres. A steel staff was a weapon from that game, unenchanted. Vvardenfell is the Island, Morrowind, where the whole game takes place
Bartender added "You can take the staff if you like. Not much use for me."

Val collected the staff. He sold his Wooden Staff to the store for 15 gold. He then raced out to catch the "Ogres" that Raven wanted.

[OOC] Ogrims are DARK BLUE [/OOC]

Raven! Don't use them! They are NOT Ogres.

Looks like your friend guessed our secret. Kill him, then we'll take care of YOU, Raven.

The Ogrims charged towards Val, but he was prepared for battle.

[OOC] Val traded in a wooden staff (15 RP gold) for a Steel Staff (Free) as a weapon. He will then learn a new spell at the end of my next post related to the Game I mentioned in an earlier OOC. Still has Fire Bolt. Church is now OPEN [/OOC]

#18 fs_spenser

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 09:17


What the..

Raven was stopped short when one of the 'Ogre' swung it's club at Raven at it knocked him in the chest. The club had knocked all the air out of Raven and he was gasping for breath, the 'Ogre' then moved in to kill him and swung the club with two hands, into Raven's head. SWiiiShhh! ClUUnk! The club knocked the ground, Raven had managed to roll to the side at the last second.

That was a lucky last second roll away Raven. But however! I will not miss this time!

The 'Ogre' word was true and it knocked Raven squarely on his forehead, sending him flying into a tree. Blood came out of Raven's head and he gave a loud and mighty,

Ooow!! Curse you dammit! I'm gonna kill you and your sorry friends!

Raven gave a battlecry and pulled out his sword, his eyes were getting redder and redder, as though he was filled with anger and hate. His arm's were starting to get bigger, his muscles bulged, and he cast Enchant Weapon on his Blood Sword.

Raven again, gave a battlecry and charged at the 'Ogre' and leaped, and brought down his Blood Sword using two hands, and split the skull of the 'Ogre' that attacked him. He turned to the remaining two, and sliced one neatly in the stomach, a blood spurted out and dripped on Raven's mouth. He licked the blood and looked at the terrified 'Ogre'.

Please.. don't kill me, I can be of service to you!

What good are you? You're just a stupid 'Ogre'.

I..I am not an 'Ogre'! I am an Ogrim!

'Ogre', Ogrim, whatever. If you really want to be of service, move that log to the fortress before I change my mind.

The Terrified Ogrim then moved the log to the fortress quickly, it's hands trembling.

There, I've done i- KyaaAAAhhh!!!

Raven chopped the head of the Terrified Ogrim and it's head landed on the ground.

Heh, these things are really dumb! They expect me to let them live after what they did to me..

Raven then looked around, he looked for the gold he paid the Ogrims and he collected 50 gold, plus an additional 50 gold from what the Ogrims had. He counted and had a total of 100 gold. He noticed something that had been unearthed from the battle and picked it up, it was a crystal ball and he used it to make a Item Shop.


#19 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 01:42

Val was surprised to see Raven fending them off by himself. He noticed the Item Shop had these items:


Whirler's Club (Wind) 300 RP Gold

Scroll of Wind Beast (Wind, Spell) 100 RP Gold


However, since he had 90 Gold, he could not collect the item he wanted. He chopped some wood and made a fire. He then cooked some wolf meat and placed it in a warmer's box he made earlier

[OOC] 100 RP Gold - 10 RP Gold from Warmer's Box = 90 RP Gold left [/OOC]

You doing Okay, Raven???

#20 fs_spenser

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 12:53

Yeah, everything's fine!

Raven sat beside Val and ate some wolf meat, then he walked into the forest to pee. He finished his 'business' and then went to look in the Item Shop, there were these 3 things in stock.


Whirler's Club (Wind) 300 RP Gold

Scrol of Wind Beat (Wind, Spell) 100 RP Gold

Blood Elven Shield (Fire Elemental) 150 RP Gold


Heh, I should save up for that shield.. it looks good.

The Blood Elven Shield had been gold trimmed and was fitted with blazing red jewels at the side, it was used formerly used by a Blood Elf Captain in a war and now laid dormant in the Item Shop.

Hey owner! Save that shield for me will' ya!

[Current RP Gold : 100]

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