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Ascension of the Throne

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#1 fs_lichblader

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Posted 10 July 2010 - 20:53

Good vs. Evil War RP. Anyone is free to join.

Name: Lader (LB for short)
Gender and Race: Male. Human
Background: Formerly an undead warrior, he regained his humanity from drinking the "Revitalizing Elven Waters of Lothar."
Weapons and Combat Style: An azure rune engraved sword capable of cleanly cutting through the thickest of armor. His fighting style utilizes speed, power, and accuracy and unleashing endless barrages of attacks while having little or no chances for the opponent to strike back. Is also capable of dark magic.

Rules: Please no super rigged abilities like immortality or super omega attacks. Thank you. Also try to sound as clear as possible so other RPers can understand you.

The Story:
It was raining that day. Several bodies of orcs, trolls, humans and horses lay sinking in the mud. Several dead trees still stood, but other than that the battlefield was empty as both sides stood on opposite sides of the battlefield awaiting the first move. Lader was a low-ranked soldier along with many others who wanted glory and to become so called heroes.

Lader was still getting used to his human body again. His skin had grown back as now bones or organs were no longer visible. Although the sky was gloomy, his skin was no longer a ghastly color but a radiating white-tan color. He was completely exhausted from a skirmish with the legion of greenskins. His clothes were shredded and bloodied in some areas.
He must have slain only a dozen or so enemies though. Luckily had it not been for the rain and the retreat calls he would've have perished in battle along with many other brave adventurers.

The fort they were was securely guarded as several guard towers surrounded the structure. The fort must have been several decades old. There were about a good hundred knights, warriors, and adventurers, but no larger than a thousand left. Earlier that day a third of them were wiped out against the giant ogre wave until the mounted knights came jousting in.
Many of the surviving humans were hiding under shade for protection against the endless rain. Some looked quite hungry as food rations were starting to dwindle. Luckily Lader managed to get a loaf of bread and a chalice of water, but he was still was freezing from the downpour of rain.

#2 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 16:17

A limping knight came walking by.

"This battle is going to be the end of us. We stand no chance against those demons."

Lader looked up at him.

"There is a small chance of us winning though. We do have the advantage. While the orcs stay in tents we have a strong solid fort. Not to mention I heard rumors of reinforcements sometime later tomorrow. I think they are being led by the Prince of Eribor?"

The knight dropped besides Lader in the cold damp dirt.

"I can tell you for certain that it is not a rumor. As a high-ranked knight we were given this news several days ago before the initial attack."

#3 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 16:42

Male Teenagerish (around 14 to 15)Brown hair
Weapons:Brown arow given to him by his deceased father with ingravings of a wizard on it it has a spell cast on it It will always hit the target based on the weilders emotions if he is calm it will hit no matter what if he is even the slightest bit angry he will be unable to hit the target.
two throwing knives given to him by his mother They have what seems to be an elvish looking writing on the blades
Combat style: swift and easy going He is calmer in the graace of battle then when he is not

After that moment LB here a wisthling noise and then a wimper he turns to see a demonized dog with an arrow in it's neck then a teenager walking towards him who then says
"you look like hell want some bread" and hands him a peice of bread "I was hunting and then I heard noise lucky I got here he was about to jump you,who is this man what happened you look a bit to weak to have done this much damage to him?"

#4 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 16:50

"Looks like you weren't here earlier today. Surprising that the guards let you in through the gates. Well first off we are in a middle of a war. This knight is.."

Lader had forgotten to ask his name as he saw the limped knight asleep.

"Well yea. We are in a middle of a war. It's been quiet for about an hour now. But the rain stills fails to cease."

#5 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 16:56

"Well I was hunting in the woods outside of the fort and While I was up in a tree I saw a demon dog get through some how thought I'd do something about it"
He looks and see that there are about ten nights around staring at the three of them.
"seeing as i've caught your atention While I was hunting I saw aroud five stalkers from the orcs circling around your east flank, I took one out but the others scattered"

#6 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 17:11

"Hmm. Looks like we need to get everyone ready. The rain is starting to settle down a bit. I'm going out to see if we can get those stalkers. Anyone with me?"

#7 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 18:08

"I am"
"I'm a pretty good stalker myself
My father was a stalker for the king you know one of the best stalkers of our kind I got this bow from him"

#8 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 18:11

Several other adventurers came to volunteer.

Now their numbered 11.

"I think this is find now. Let's head out. We got the advantage of knowing this forest more than them."

#9 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 18:13

"Are you guys going through the tree path or by ground? It wold be much faster through the trees and easy to ambush them"

#10 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 18:16

"Either is find. But these are no ordinary orcs we are going against. They're sense are sharp. That's why you were able to only kill one. I suggest we split into two groups. Now let's go."

#11 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 18:34

"Which group shall I be in LB yours or the other?"

#12 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 19:14

Off RP: Just pick. Doesn't matter.

#13 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 19:56

Off rp:your group
On Rp as LB and spiider started climbing the tree starting the trail they noticed movement in a tree around 75 yards away from them sudenly spiider took of shot one arrow then there was a boom on the gruound for he had just tooken out one of them who had seperated from the oters earlier when he attacked them earlier.

#14 fs_lichblader

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 20:04

A sudden blood-hurtling scream followed shortly after and metal clinging could be heard.

Lader and Spiider along those with them ran to the commotion and saw the remaining orc scouts fighting the rest of the group.

#15 fs_specter7

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 21:56

Name: specter
race: orc
weapons: horned helmet used for goring that was given to him for slaying 250 humans and 2 axes common among orc warriors
fighting style: hot headed, he charges through the battle head first, goring the first few people. then he wildly swings his two axes, hitting not only enemies but his friends too.

“hrraaaaggghh! i will kill everyone of you filthy humans!” He charges through the crowd. screams from the massacre filled the air. the frightened combatants ran away but were hunted down by the orcs. specter swung his axe wildly and hit 2 humans and another orc as well. the number of human combatants were dwindling. the humans didnt expect that they were ready for an ambush.

#16 fs_spiiderxse

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 22:00

Spiider sees this and shots specters partner directly in the chest killing him easily thenruns to a safer hiding position to start shooting down Orcs
He Try repededly to hit specter with no luck
Of course he think his helm Too has a spell on it
He then tells lader You must take specter for I cannot

#17 fs_lichblader

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 00:25

Ooc: Note that there are about less than a dozen of us and we are well far off from the fort.

Lader stabs his blade in the ground, half of the blade struck deep in the earth.

"obscurum redimio creatura..."

Specter is slammed hard on the ground by an unknown force. Unable to move he slowly calms down.

#18 fs_specter7

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 04:38

the other orcs run away, fearing the strength of the magic Lader used on specter. "hraaaagggggh.... what is this magic? release me this instant! this is cheating you! hear me! cheating!!!" after a long struggle Specter finally admits defeat. "ok. what do you want with me?" growls Specter at Lader and Spiider.

#19 fs_lichblader

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 04:46

Lader dispels the incantation.

"That was dark magic. Not many know of it. We want information about the orcs..."

The surviving humans and Specter return to the fort. When they arrive Specter is disarmed and cuff-chained.

#20 fs_specter7

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 04:55

they brought Specter to the dungeons. there they placed him in a cell and left him to be guarded by two huge men. Specter banged the wall with his fist but to no avail. he was panicking. he knew that in situations like this, they were supposed to kill themselves to prevent any information from reaching human ears. but he was scared. he was afraid to die. eventually Specter sits on the corner of the cell. shaking. he was wondering what the shadow lord would do to him if he had learned of what he was about to do. realizing that if he were to spill the beans, it would be safer for him to hide behind the humans.

thinking of nothing but himself, he thinks of a plan to get out of the human castle alive, and to escape the shadow lords wrath.

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