I know a way how you can put a natural cap on the marketplace.. but i dont know if HCS would like it.
What do players want even more than gold or fsps? Stamina!
How can we link stamina to gold? by letting people buy stamina with gold.
If they would make an upgrade where you can buy 25 stamina for xxx gold, then i think the marketplace would value fsps at that goldprice. They could make it 150K, or 200K, but when thats implemented the marketplace will stay at about the same price.
Lets say you are done hunting, or pvp'ing: When you have gold in hand, you still have the option to buy fsps. But if the price is too high, then you can buy stamina instead. Or you would bank the gold for later purposes.
The powerlevelers (who purchase stamina with fsp now) would actually regulate the marketplace.
Right now the powerlevelers actually hold on to their fsps untill there is x2 or x3 event. But if they had the choice to purchase it with gold too, then fsp has a fixed value for them. They would regulate the market by selling their fsps and banking the gold untill the next x2 event.
This still allows some fluctuation on the marketplace. But it will never be 50K higher than the fixed value.
Any thoughts on this are welcome.
I like the idea to at least buy more stam with gold. Marketplace is as high as 240k right now, I bet, just like me, others probably don't even feel like hunting right now knowing that whatever gold they get will be eaten up by the FSP price.... really quickly! I mean despite the several cave events that were introduced lately, the price is not going down as it's directly correlated with the decline in game population, therefore, increasing the game population is the answer, but not an easy one. So, there needs to be a cap on the MP, and introducing it without enforcing it would be the way to go. Let people buy stam for gold as berten suggested and this MAY lead to less gold in the game. There need to be other gold sinks right now. Here's another gold "upgrade" idea:
For 500k, you can increase your mailbox timer ... all items in the mailbox will get 12 (or 24) hours added to them. You can buy it maximum 4 times in a week.... going on a camping trip to enjoy the last few days of summer but afraid of losing the items in the mailbox, sink some gold in the game ;-)