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Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

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#201 Loaf



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:17

For equipped backpacks, please remove the option to "Destroy" the bag while it is equipped (and possibly full of items).  I can think of zero situations in which I would want to destroy an equipped backpack, and it freaks me out when I accidentally click that option when trying to open them.


ps. Really wish left clicking an equipped backpack open/closed it, since there is already menu functionality for unequipping.

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#202 Lortuk


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 12:23

if you on low mana, blur or turn grey the skill's icon on bar

i'm really confuse in combat when i have low mana cuz i don't know if i can use my skill yet.

#203 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 18:14

if you on low mana, blur or turn grey the skill's icon on bar

i'm really confuse in combat when i have low mana cuz i don't know if i can use my skill yet.

I like this :)

 I read your first sentance wrong so I edited my post :P


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#204 Lortuk


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 11:36

in inventory
different color around different type of item (like purple for quest item, grey for component etc...)
so you can easily know what item's type is that

#205 Qudi


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 14:06

-List of items that can be gathered per profession per level in the professions window.

It's already possible to view all the recepies for the crafting professions, we need this also for gathering.

#206 iambrad



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 15:29

When you put yourself to follow someone, it would be nice if you could go through doors with this feature.  I have to keep clicking follow each time we go through a door, just a minor annoyance.

#207 Caede


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 17:26

I know its a browser game, but how about a downloadeble game client?

#208 KeS



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 15:27

Resetting your character/talents should be free. I think you should have a feel for what is best for you if you choose to stay in one class or try various combinations.

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#209 Lortuk


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 18:23

Resetting your character/talents should be free. I think you should have a feel for what is best for you if you choose to stay in one class or try various combinations.

i like this
or you can reset with a amount of in-game money depends on your level (there is also a real-life money option too)

#210 AtomicOxide


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 19:08

Something I think should be implemented is definitely optional WASD movemont. When I have to use my mouse to move it feels clunky and difficult

#211 KeS



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 03:11

i like this
or you can reset with a amount of in-game money depends on your level (there is also a real-life money option too)

or it can have a low cost, 200 points is too much.

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#212 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:40

or it can have a low cost, 200 points is too much.

I think it gets higher and higher?
For me its 400 (for both talents and attribute points)


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#213 T1GER69



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:49

lol i cant even reset as i don't have any points left ;)

#214 KeS



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 16:29

I think it gets higher and higher?
For me its 400 (for both talents and attribute points)

Its 400 for both.

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#215 McGregor08



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 17:22

 Why not have it to where you can have more skill bars show so yoy have both ranged and another skill to use at the same time,  one bar for each so you can have more skills for each  

#216 Killen4fun



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 14:40

Page 9 Update.


stand alone version for faster load times


Has been talked about alot, will probably not happen.



One problem with the dungeons I've encountered is that they are simply too easy.  Duo'd the second and third dungeons with appropriate level characters.  Yet, the dungeon finder waits for 5 players before a group is formed.


What Eldevin needs is a Looking For Group or Global chat channel so I can find one or two other players and make my own group and not wait around for 6 hours before 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps are found to complete a dungeon with difficulty tuned for 2 players.


++edit - I see you have included global chat channel in the 2nd post.


Further suggestions:


*Save location of windows - so I don't have to rearrange my inventory, sell, talents, abilities, character, etc. windows each time I log in to play. Added


*Open specific backpacks with a hotkey Added


*Open my inventory and all my backpacks at once (shift-i) without having to go through the frustration of right-clicking each bag and selecting "show".  Unnecessary imo


*Have 'F1-4' target specific party members and 'esc' close all open windows/ deselect (effectively targeting yourself for heal purposes). You can click the players name to target them I believe. Added a deselct request


*The keys 'g, h' are terrible for cycling targets.  This game gives me serious pointer-finger fatigue from spamming 'r' and '3-7'.  Take the hint from every other game in existence and make 'tab' cycle targets so my pointer finger doesn't fall off. Added


++edit 2 


*Picking up an item from inventory and dropping it on one of the four backpacks should place the item inside that backpack.  Currently- have to right-click on backpack > select 'Show' > pick up item from inventory> drop item into backpack > right-click backpack > select 'Hide'. Added


*Shift-clicking should automatically move an item from your inventory into the sell window, and your bank.  This should also work for moving items from your bank into the most recently active backpack or main inventory. Already in the list :)


*The purchase amount should remember the last value instead of resetting to (1) every time you click 'buy'.  Alternatively, allow the players to input values above (99) so the necessity of purchasing the same item multiple times is reduced. I'm fine with it resetting to 1. Added increased max.




(I posted this in the Bag off the edge of the screen thread I started, but here's the official request.)


Might I make another bag-related suggestion?  Allow acquired items (things picked up, bought, crafted, received in trade, etc) to check the players inventory, worn belt, and additional bags to see if the newly acquired item should stack with an existing stack in -any- of the bags (instead of only the main inventory, as it currently does).


For example, if I have 2 copper ore in bag 3, and prospect another copper ore, it should go to that stack in bag 3 before starting a new stack (which would be in the main inventory, for most games).  [If you could make like items fill the same bag as other like items, that would be a cutting edge feature that I've never seen in another online game.  i.e., that 2 ore stack fills to 10, and a new stack begins in bag 3 instead of the main inventory.  Once bag 3 is full, the main inventory begins to fill.]


I think that's more of a bug.



Well technically RS (browser based) has housing, although their version of housing is purely a vehicle for the construction skill and not any kind of housing I enjoyed. However, I agree that more often than not housing falls way short of expectations, but I believe Eldevin is in a unique situation to be able to pull it off.


For example, during the MMORPG.com interview http://www.mmorpg.co...Big-Things.html:


If anyone can pull off quality housing it's the team at HCS. Everything breaks down to how long it will take to implement and how important is it, and I agree, it's not going to be a likely addition any time soon but I think it would be wrong to rule it out completely.


A good game to look at for housing is Conquer Online. That housing system is awesome. Actually come to think of it they can do the same thing, make it so you need to collect a ton of resources, "maybe not quite as many as CO requires alot" but do that and also have it so you can buy a "house permit" from the premium shop. Great money making feature for HCS, and time saver for anyone who doesn't want to spend the time collecting all the required resources. Only make the initial permit buyable, upgrades should still be manually obtained.

#217 Killen4fun



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 14:56

Page 10 Update


Suggestion: No exp cap for skills.

If you haven't reached level 30 in a skill yet then you might not know this but once you hit 30 you stay at 0/0 experience. I would really like to continue gaining experience even after the level cap for a skill is reached. Now, obviously you wouldn't level any more but what I want to happen is, when the level cap is eventually raised, your gained experience will roll-over and you would automatically become your 'true level'. I remember reading something along the lines of the level cap eventually being raised, I assume the comment was mainly referring to combat level but it also inherently applies to skills.

Note: the roll-over is not intended to apply for combat levels.


Time and time again I see the extremely efficient and hardcore players hit the level cap or finish a game long before any major content can be released. When they hit that limit they move on to a new game, they don't continue paying subscription fees or purchasing from the item shop. These are the type of people that will always have an exp boost applied and purchase the biggest bags (aka high spenders). I'm not saying that there is a lack of content in this game, that is clearly not the case. Some people (me) don't enjoy combat, I enjoy skilling but I currently see no reason to continue skilling after I hit 30, if anything it seems like an extremely inefficient use of time. I know most people won't see this as a big issue, because nearly every person I met on RS would almost without fail be extremely confused as to why I was still doing a skill that I am already level 99 in. (Hint: 200,000,000)


  • Less pressure on Devs to raise the cap, so they can take their time and not have to compromise on quality.
  • Alleviates the need to hoard materials. Would also prevent (some) market spikes that occur when a cap increase update is announced.
  • There is not enough inventory/bank space to be able to save up all your materials for every skill to achieve new cap & even if there was, your gathering skills would still be far behind.
  • Would give people a(nother) reason to continue crafting/gathering after level 30.
  • Keep the extreme skillers somewhat interested.
  • (if highscores are ever released) Instead of rank 1 being whoever achieved level 30 first, it would be whoever has gained the most experience after reaching level 30. This creates dynamic competition between players.
  • Would provide dedicated players with a leg up when new content is released without being unfair.


  • If you can think of any let me know.

This could be a subscriber only feature and I would be happy to pay for it. I don't expect this suggestion to gain much support because this is a very niche issue, but to me (and probably other hardcore skillers) it is very important.




Con: Unfair advantage on new content when cap is increased. Now I understand you "earned" that xp manually. But it is still an unfair head start. The idea is not "bad" but it's better for everyone to start @ 30 when the level is increased.



A few other suggestions (or, if they appear elsewhere, take them as endorsements)


* automatic rearrangement of storage space to accept drop/reward if there is enough space but not collected together in the right shape There is a sort button in your inventory screen, top right.


* the algorithm for the  organise storage button should be adjusted to provide compact free space (i.e. shapes that maximise area/circumferance ratios) rather than filling across from top to bottom.  A lot of items need height to store. Unlikely as that would be extremely difficult


* ability (perhaps in full screen mode) to place additional windows (inventory, character, skills, take...) beside the camera-view window rather than on top of it. I've had a number of occasions when critters sneak up and kill me while I'm busy trying to take an object from a drop bag, and I haven't been able to see them to respond properly (e.g. end up killing the wrong critter by using E blindly)


* some way of storing information about what items are needed for which crafting once you have done the crafting once. Its a bit frustrating to have to find a blacksmith to remind yourself which items you should already have acquired in order to craft an item. At the very least, and in-game notebook would be useful. You can check all crafting recipes at anytime. Press X - Click the Anvil tab at the bottom labeled "crafting" - Select your profession - bottom right click view recipes.

#218 Irradiated



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 23:13

I haven't played very long yet, but I already have an initial set of suggestions.  I tried my best to eliminate any ideas that have already been addressed by HCS (based on the first two posts in this thread), and to separate out the suggestions that have already been made.  My apologies in advance for any errors.

1)  Options for modding.  Both user mods, and official HCS mods.
    I understand that there is only so much that can be done in a browser game, while still meeting the minimum requirements.  Some enhancements could be offered as mods, so only those that want them, and have a system that can support the extra load, take them.  Some of the suggestions below are perfect candidates for modding.

2)  Several enhancements to quest log and on screen quest display
a)  I'd like to see the type of quest in the quest log (group/elite/regular/story/side)
b )  Display more then one quest on screen
c)  Click on screen quest display to bring up quest log
d)  Ability to hide quests in the quest log.  Options, besides complete, should include:  Hide quests above level x, below level x, hide currently empty (for quest groups with no current quest), hide specific quest (along with an 'unhide all hidden' checkbox).  Or at least an option for modifying the order of quests.

3)  I enjoy questing.  Can subscribers disable/enable the experience bonus as desired?  Same with other potential exp bonuses.  Turn the bonus on only when I've done all the quests at a particular level.

4)  Reassigning of keys.  In particular, I'd like to switch the A and D keys.

5)  Main map, hide text.  Sometimes hard to see important points when hidden under text.

6)  Better display of object description, particularly on full screen.  Having it in the farthest corner is hard to read.

7)  Will there be multiple characters after the beta?  I love questing and leveling, and hope to do it more then once.  Especially to get all those quests I'm currently skipping.  Maybe you could have 2 or 3, with more purchased in the premium store, or as a subscription bonus.

8)  This seems very expensive for a f2p game.  I'm assuming the 10,000 free points is for the beta only.  I'm hoping it will work out like it did in Sigmastorm, where quite a few crystals could be purchased with in-game gold.  But as it stands, I'm looking at $7.50 a month, plus at least a couple of bags (probably more, I'm a packrat) for both my character and the bank, plus bags for extra characters.  Add in a couple of vanity items, and I could end up, in just a few months, spending more than a year in that really big MMO that has become so boring.  This could be greatly alleviated with bag crafting, or just make the bags cheaper.


If extra characters become premium items, that's even more money.


Another idea just occurred to me.  You could raise the amount of points awarded for the subscription.  At least 1000 to start, 100 extra per month continuous, cap at 2000.

9)  Mini-map arrow direction should be based on position the character is facing, not last moved.

10)  Attribute/talent reset.  As I posted in another thread, I see it being done with in-game gold.  Each successive reset would cost more (exact prices to be determined).  Not resetting for a given period of time (to be determined) would bring the cost back down.  The goal is to make constant respecs possible, but a real sink hole for gold.  While an occasional respec every few months is easily doable, keeping up interest in the game.

Some suggestions already made, that I would like to second

1)  Close all open windows key

2)  Open all bags key

3)  DPS counter.  I actually have mixed feelings on this one.  I've seen support classes abused do to these counters.  For example, if someone buffs the group for +10% damage, that is a major gain.  

But a DPS counter may show them as not keeping up their part.  All the extra DPS from the other players doesn't get transferred.  So it looks like the support class isn't doing his part.

4)  Markers for quest givers in map should use a different color for repeatable quests already done once.

Meleager, ranger

Tuor, templar (Inactive)

Deimos, mage

Thangbrand, warsin (Mostly on vacation)

Bart, ??? (bene trades)

#219 Xanathor


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 06:33

  1. Interface seems outdated and ugly.
  2. Camera angle could really use some work. I would like it to go down some more.
  3. Please, PLEASE never sell in game currency in the cash shops. That destroys the economy of ANY MMO.
  4. DO NOT, make this game pay-to-win. Nobody likes pay to win, and it only will make the game fail.
  5. Have GMs interact with people (if possible). People love to see a dedicated game with dedicated staff.
  6. I noticed the frogs sounded like their rrribits were recorded with a cell phone from the early 2000s, thats kind of lazy really. Animals sounds should be simple enough.
  7. Be dedicated. If you really want this game to be golden, work at it.
  8. The big pop-up windows talking to NPCs is kind of annoying to me. Maybe relocate the dialogue texts.
  9. I feel a slight lack of direction.
  10. The drag and drop thing on certain stuff is kind of annoying.
  11. Please get rid of the repair items system. Thats such a terrible idea.

Thats about all I can think of really. I'd like to see this game get good. I love Runescape style games, but I really don't want to pay a subscriptions, which is where I think Eldevin should take that advantage.


#220 Qudi


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 15:13

Cooldown time shown in the discription of potions .



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