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GvG rework proposal

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#221 BadPenny



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Posted 15 December 2017 - 14:56

I'm 99% sure we have all of the Seasons Code in storage, yeah. It was the intent that we'd retro fit it to be a PvP event, which might be cool. Opt in, of course.

Wish it had been given a fairer shout to be honest.

~ Grim

Seasons had just begun when I took a brief break to help my husband get settled into treatment.  I remember thinking only two things wrong with it, the fact that we were automatically opted in and had to be informed we could opt out, and the random aspects of the bounty system changes.  It was gone before I returned, so I never rang in on the debates about it.  But had I done so, I would have suggested only 2 changes.  Revert the bounty system back to its existing form, and make sure everybody had the choice to opt in before commencement so that the uninterested were not inundated with multiple hits.   Other than that I think it was a fine idea.  The same could apply to GvG as well, without the bounties, of course.  


That said, I too have concerns about waiting for the app for some ideas.  This one, being more a tournament rather than commonplace and day to day, could be workable on a test run as a one off Global event.  Just announce a couple of weeks in advance, give a sign up deadline, and run it just so everyone can see progress is being made.  It would be a nice replacement for stale frag hunts...

Edited by BadPenny, 15 December 2017 - 14:57.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#222 Removed4427



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Posted 07 January 2018 - 02:30

tumblr_mfghz3NVsO1r3gb3zo1_400.gif bumping for relevance

#223 gilby90813



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Posted 07 January 2018 - 03:35

Might sound like a dumb idea but can we make a tweak to gvg for example when initiating attack there has to be a 3hr-24hr period before attacks can begin. Since gvg is mostly done when people are defenseless or in epic gear etc. also add a gvg set option where opponent don't know what we're wearing forcing them to attack and keep adjusting until they're able to get pass defenses

Edited by gilby90813, 07 January 2018 - 03:38.

#224 BadPenny



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Posted 07 January 2018 - 04:38

Might sound like a dumb idea but can we make a tweak to gvg for example when initiating attack there has to be a 3hr-24hr period before attacks can begin. Since gvg is mostly done when people are defenseless or in epic gear etc. also add a gvg set option where opponent don't know what we're wearing forcing them to attack and keep adjusting until they're able to get pass defenses

You know, it's our choice whether to wear epics or hunting gear or a proper offline set.  As a member of the SA GvG team, some of us still wear defensive gear unless topping off for a hunt.  When we initiate, we usually choose another GvG oriented guild, and when I check targets it's about 50/50 epics or a defensive set.  The more experienced gvger, like me, have a proper offline kit except when getting ready to hunt.  This is totally different from hunting rabbits with loads of gold, which is more or less a thing of the past.  For the most part, the GvG community stays prepared.....  


True, there's a few unscrupulous guilds out there that farm the weak, but if I'm not mistaken, this particular event would be opt in, so if you're in, your guildmates should know that they need to be prepared for battle, albeit passive on their end.  So farming, if at all, would be at a minimum.


That said,  the FS enhancement is OP in full epics, so even then one is not 100% defenseless.  I've had more than a few defensive wins while wearing epics to top up stam... And I've lost a few Gvgs to what appeared to be a sitting ducks in theirs...


Others may agree with your proposal.  However, I personally don't agree that a waiting period is a good idea.   And "autocloak" is OP.....  If it were a good thing, we'd have a castable buff for cloak.  That it's a potion only thing should tell you something.....

Just one old lady's opinion




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#225 Chazz224



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Posted 07 January 2018 - 21:19

I believe I have an idea for a GvG update that will encourage more participation, offer recognition for excellence, and level the playing field. I don't think it would be too hard to implement as it would work using the same cool down period, and restrictions of the current GvG system.

Format: In my proposed system GvG would have two successive 5 month ladder periods each ending with a month long tournament called "GvG Seasons", then followed by a reset of the GvG rankings. *Amended*The top 25 guilds from the 5 month GvG period would receive invitations to the GvG Seasons Tournament.*Amended* The top three finishers in the tournament will take home trophies which would appear in guild achievements, and those trophies would carry with them benefits for every member of the guilds earning them. Bronze +1 stam gain per hour, Silver +2 stam gain per hour, Gold +4 stam gain per hour. The trophies, and the benefits from them are temporary and can change hands at the completion of each GvG Seasons Tournament. An additional incentive of being top 25, and qualifying for the GvG Seasons Tournament would be increased RP payout within the tournament -Double RP for outgoing wins, and Triple for successfully defending. GvG for those outside the tournament would remain an option, but no rating awarded for the month, only RP. Guilds inside the tournament would also still be allowed to GvG those outside the tournament, but for standard RP gains, and no rating transfer.

I think this format would encourage participation through potential rewards, and twice a year offer everyone a fresh start through the reset. I also feel the rewards are simple, not over the top game changers, that everyone can get behind.

Recognition: In addition to the trophies above, there would be two new medals associated with GvG. A GvG Seasons qualifying medal for each member of a qualifying guild. This medal would progress from bronze to diamond through repeat qualification at a rate decided upon by the administrators. The second medal would be the GvG dominance medal, awarded for being the number one guild. (GvG dominance medal would parallel PvP dominance in it would require XXX hours or days to achieve, and progress) Note: The medals are pride driven, offering no benefits outside of a duration boost to the "Pride" potion effects

Recognition for effort, and accomplishment in GvG is long overdue in my opinion. These are simple, and sensible additions that again I hope everyone can get behind.

Rewards: Trophies, and potential for greater RP gains for a month are the obvious.

It was important to me not to overdo the rewards end, and try to steer away from the trend many see in FS in overcompensating every game effort made. GvG has always revolved around Pride, and hopefully pride remains the driving force of the venue.

Leveling Playing Field: Resets alone give every guild the same opportunity to make it to the GvG Seasons Tournament, and the tournament itself offers a unique dynamic that could benefit deeper guild ranks, thus potentially limiting smaller GvG prototype guilds within the tournament through viable targets. This may encourage the smaller venue specific guilds to fill their ranks, or participate in the GvG Seasons Tournament potentially handicapped via having less potential guilds to initiate against. Larger guilds who would normally shy from attempting to compete have a set timetable, so jumping into any given reset period to mobilize, organize, and strut their stuff is feasible - can do just enough to get invite to tournament, then really turn it on for a chance at the hardware without having to buff 50+ people 24/7. The time limitations presented inside the month long tournament would require serious strategy; organization, team play, and planning to improve odds of success.

I've put a lot of thought into making GvG better for everyone, and trying to create the most fair system I could think of. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it is a major step in the right direction.

Side Thoughts/ Wish List: It would be cool to see new RP buff packs introduced as well for 1 click cover all buffing. Nothing crazy, just something to benefit the large (lots of members covered), and small (potentially limited human resources) guilds in making for the most possible competitive GvG venue ever. Examples are for 25 RP Invigorate 200, 25 RP KE,Coordinated ATT, Smashing Hammer 175, 25 RP LD,GS,HG,FS 175,....etc..etc. Something like that - I'm just throwing examples, these packs can be subject to community desire, but again it's important that we keep them reasonable - nothing overpowered -

I may add more to this portion. This is second time writing this idea, as first attempt last night was lost unfortunately. So if I forgot anything or think of anything else I'll amend the post. I look forward to feedback, and hope for support from both the community, and the administrators. Thank you ~ Rye

***Amended due to outstanding feedback***Three three month periods each ending with tournament then reset instead of originally proposing two five month version

50% reduced rp gains from guilds who are below the rating baseline of 1k rating. This will encourage a more competitive venue, and strengthen the value of RP. This will reduce farming, and serve a great number in the community who rather not have GvG shoved down their throats. I'm willing to take this concept a step further, and raise RP gains on successfully attacks on the top guilds to further strengthening competition incentives.


**The only way to earn RP in my proposed system would be win initiated conflict (no RP for loss or tie, and to further promote activity initiating guild would lose a small amount of rating on tie) and defensively RP can be earned by win or tie, nothing gained for trying and failing.**

I personally don't feel RP should be awarded for failed efforts on initiated conflicts. Defense efforts should be rewarded with RP, but when initiating losses and ties should get nothing. This will further increase Rp's value, as well as add incentive to defend, and waste the efforts of would be farmers.



Really like Kedyn's idea on an equalizer RP buff exclusive to the venue so guilds can booster defense quickly, furthering the theme of bolstering competition. Would love to iron out the details, and discuss it further.

This is very good Rye..! I hope Grim and Hoof check this out. 

#226 Pythia



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Posted 10 January 2018 - 21:22

Big Grim, Ryebred's idea is very good, but you please find a way to stop  GvG RP farming.  This last one was done before I logged in and it took more than $140k to mend gear.


GvGs should take place when players are on line not off.  


If I had seen the notice of incoming, I could have changed gear and added buffs to make them work harder for their flipping rp. :/   Not pull gold from my bank to mend gear.

#227 BadPenny



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Posted 10 January 2018 - 21:51

Big Grim, Ryebred's idea is very good, but you please find a way to stop  GvG RP farming.  This last one was done before I logged in and it took more than $140k to mend gear.


GvGs should take place when players are on line not off.  


If I had seen the notice of incoming, I could have changed gear and added buffs to make them work harder for their flipping rp. :/   Not pull gold from my bank to mend gear.

A simple solution to prevent the high costs from offline "farming" would be to add an RP pack that contains UB, Deflect, and similar defensive buffs.  Even if GvG is made totally opt-in, it would be impossible to make GvG an online only affair since we all live in scattered timezones and the like.  And anybody in their right mind is going to choose the easy offline target in Epics...


I will suggest again that if you know your guild is a favorite of RP farmers, be prepared.  Deflect and erosion are both long lived and inexpensive, and great deterrents.  Deflect just because it's irritating, erosion because it breaks THEIR gear.  And stop using Epics as an offline kit.   Get a proper offline set and the farmer will move on to easier prey. 


Here's an excellent guide:




 And if somebody still hits, they're a pro, nothing you do will matter.

Edited by BadPenny, 10 January 2018 - 23:19.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#228 BigGrim


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Posted 11 January 2018 - 11:18

GvGs should take place when players are on line not off.

That is not possible. It would completely kill GvG.

If I had seen the notice of incoming, I could have changed gear and added buffs to make them work harder for their flipping rp. :/   Not pull gold from my bank to mend gear.

Once the App is completed, I believe we'll be able to add push notifications to be sent to your phone (i.e. A Guild Conflict has been initiated, that kinda thing.). Don't quote me on that but it would make sense.

A simple solution to prevent the high costs from offline "farming" would be to add an RP pack that contains UB, Deflect, and similar defensive buffs.

I want new RP Buff packs added. Ideas are welcome.

I have had my eye on this thread. I continue to watch.

~ Grim

#229 watagashi



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 01:43

I have had my eye on this thread. I continue to watch.

Don't quote me on that but it would make sense. 

I did anyway. Notifications would ,,, does make a lot of sense in any group warfare scenario you can play on an app.

RP buff packs??

How about coordatk/def or shieldwall/armor boost? Or at a super low cost of (suggested) 1 rp,,, deflect!
other annoying buffs a guild can put on when hit and at least make them work for it,,,
fumble/NMV *evil grin*
Block,,, whatever its going to be the name on AH sounds neat, there are a lot of "names" in AH now
dispel curse, Last ditch/reflection, the "strike" buffs, Fist fight!


Edited by watagashi, 12 January 2018 - 01:45.

#230 EpicPiety



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 01:51

Why not mix and match and all buffs are a set level/cost

#231 Removed4427



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Posted 21 January 2018 - 00:52

I believe we'll be able to add push notifications to be sent to your phone (i.e. A Guild Conflict has been initiated, that kinda thing.). Don't quote me on that but it would make sense.

I want new RP Buff packs added. Ideas are welcome.

I have had my eye on this thread. I continue to watch.

~ Grim


giphy-downsized-large.gif bump

#232 Morgwyn



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Posted 22 January 2018 - 14:46

I believe I have an idea for a GvG update that will encourage more participation, offer recognition for excellence, and level the playing field. I don't think it would be too hard to implement as it would work using the same cool down period, and restrictions of the current GvG system.

Format: In my proposed system GvG would have two successive 5 month ladder periods each ending with a month long tournament called "GvG Seasons", then followed by a reset of the GvG rankings. *Amended*The top 25 guilds from the 5 month GvG period would receive invitations to the GvG Seasons Tournament.


Appearantly I am one of the few that does not like the concept. A 5 month ladder is way to long. I play for relaxation and fun, not to be on my guard for 5 months in a row. 

The current system may have faults, but it does have 1 big plus: Everybody that is interested can participate. And participation can be casual or you can go all out on it. With the suggestion made, it would mean only the latter, and many players will loose intrest after they notice they cannot keep up.


I am all for improving GvG, but I doubt this is the way to go.

#233 BadPenny



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Posted 22 January 2018 - 15:42

Appearantly I am one of the few that does not like the concept. A 5 month ladder is way to long. I play for relaxation and fun, not to be on my guard for 5 months in a row. 

The current system may have faults, but it does have 1 big plus: Everybody that is interested can participate. And participation can be casual or you can go all out on it. With the suggestion made, it would mean only the latter, and many players will loose intrest after they notice they cannot keep up.


I am all for improving GvG, but I doubt this is the way to go.

If you were reading the ENTIRE THREAD, you would see that many suggestions had been made that this would be opt-in, similar to the personal ladder, but that if a guild is to participate, the founder would have to opt in....   


I like this concept.  GvG is stale, and for me, it's not about being on your guard for farmers, never should have been, actually, but rather a way to compete in PvP on a guild to guild basis.  I may be wrong, but I believe that the "seasons" would be an addition to GvG, rather than a replacement.... That would make the most sense..


I still don't know what all the fuss is about "pillow fighting"  The ONLY thing you're subject to lose is repair gold, you lose no XP or held gold, which is why folks don't like NORMAL PvP. 


This has always been a game that HAS PvP, and as far as I know that will not change.  I'm told the sign up page no longer says this, but used to be you were told up front that PvP and GvG confrontations were possible....  Yet constantly there are threads wanting to do away with all forms of PvP, except the arena which is more gambling than PvP, or people that do not participate saying our ideas to make a part of the game that is fun and relaxation for us is wrong....


You speak about having to "be on your guard" for months on end (don't you have to be now, with the farmers and all?), and that the current system with its farmers and sparse competition is fine.... NO, that's not fine, as I said, it's stale, it's ailing and Rye's on the right track here, to give GvG the shot in its arm it's needed for years....



So it's not like you weren't informed.  If you don't want to be "on your guard" for a long period.... just don't participate...  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#234 Morgwyn



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Posted 23 January 2018 - 11:51

If you were reading the ENTIRE THREAD, you would see that many suggestions had been made that this would be opt-in, similar to the personal ladder, but that if a guild is to participate, the founder would have to opt in....   


I like this concept.  GvG is stale, and for me, it's not about being on your guard for farmers, never should have been, actually, but rather a way to compete in PvP on a guild to guild basis.  I may be wrong, but I believe that the "seasons" would be an addition to GvG, rather than a replacement.... That would make the most sense..


I still don't know what all the fuss is about "pillow fighting"  The ONLY thing you're subject to lose is repair gold, you lose no XP or held gold, which is why folks don't like NORMAL PvP. 


This has always been a game that HAS PvP, and as far as I know that will not change.  I'm told the sign up page no longer says this, but used to be you were told up front that PvP and GvG confrontations were possible....  Yet constantly there are threads wanting to do away with all forms of PvP, except the arena which is more gambling than PvP, or people that do not participate saying our ideas to make a part of the game that is fun and relaxation for us is wrong....


You speak about having to "be on your guard" for months on end (don't you have to be now, with the farmers and all?), and that the current system with its farmers and sparse competition is fine.... NO, that's not fine, as I said, it's stale, it's ailing and Rye's on the right track here, to give GvG the shot in its arm it's needed for years....



So it's not like you weren't informed.  If you don't want to be "on your guard" for a long period.... just don't participate...  


If he made changes to his original idea, I would assume he would have edited his first post, hence my reaction to that.


Also I am not against GvG/PvP, and I doubt I said that anywhere. 

I also did not say the current system was perfect, just said I did not like this idea for said reasons.


Perhaps BG has stats, but the way I see/feel it, most players on FS are pretty casual, they like to be able to stay away for a day when needed. With a long term event like suggested, I doubt there will be a large playing field over the whole period.


And wether or not I wish to participate is up to me, though I rather participate in something that appeals to me, and this does not for said reasons. I thought this thread was intended to give feedback.

#235 BadPenny



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Posted 23 January 2018 - 14:19

If he made changes to his original idea, I would assume he would have edited his first post, hence my reaction to that.


Also I am not against GvG/PvP, and I doubt I said that anywhere. 

I also did not say the current system was perfect, just said I did not like this idea for said reasons.


Perhaps BG has stats, but the way I see/feel it, most players on FS are pretty casual, they like to be able to stay away for a day when needed. With a long term event like suggested, I doubt there will be a large playing field over the whole period.


And wether or not I wish to participate is up to me, though I rather participate in something that appeals to me, and this does not for said reasons. I thought this thread was intended to give feedback.

I'm not denying your rightr to feedback, I'm just giving my dissenting opinion.  Whether this idea in its entirety,or part of it are used, I'm sure it will evolve based on the comments and suggestions that all of us, including you, dear friend, have mentioned.  


I think what I object to your original statement most is that you seem to be trying to shoot down the whole concept, as I see it, rather than adding your thoughts on how to inprove this.  


I do know that Hoof and BG are watching this thread closely, so eventually (hopefully BEFORE THE APP) it will be implemented in some form or fashion.....  


I still say this idea has merit and can only be positive for the entire community.  BG has already said that he wants to add RP packs for GvG purposes, and I'm pretty sure that it would be and opt-in deal. how else could it work properly and discourage the "easy pickings" farmers?   


But please, you've voiced your objections, now, I want to hear what you DO want in something like this.  You have to agree that those of us that have been addicted for over 10 years need some spice, even the casual player, no?  And how else will the mighty cow gods know what all of us want, including you if you don't tell them?

Edited by BadPenny, 23 January 2018 - 14:21.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#236 wazzimoto



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Posted 23 January 2018 - 15:35

Level: 923
Guild XP: 7,849,900,844 (6,450,974,301)
GvG Rating: 1,454
GvG Ratio: 472 / 132 (78%)
Active Conflicts: -2
Guild RP: 80
Titan Kill Points: 27,080


WiccaD Guild...#10 on top rated GvG  has -2 Conflicts on them atm! Last active player was 24 days ago?????  

Kind of odd????


Maybe someone left the Guild after they were initiated against??


Edited by wazzimoto, 23 January 2018 - 15:38.

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#237 Morgwyn



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Posted 23 January 2018 - 18:18

I'm not denying your rightr to feedback, I'm just giving my dissenting opinion.  Whether this idea in its entirety,or part of it are used, I'm sure it will evolve based on the comments and suggestions that all of us, including you, dear friend, have mentioned.  


I think what I object to your original statement most is that you seem to be trying to shoot down the whole concept, as I see it, rather than adding your thoughts on how to inprove this.  


I do know that Hoof and BG are watching this thread closely, so eventually (hopefully BEFORE THE APP) it will be implemented in some form or fashion.....  


I still say this idea has merit and can only be positive for the entire community.  BG has already said that he wants to add RP packs for GvG purposes, and I'm pretty sure that it would be and opt-in deal. how else could it work properly and discourage the "easy pickings" farmers?   


But please, you've voiced your objections, now, I want to hear what you DO want in something like this.  You have to agree that those of us that have been addicted for over 10 years need some spice, even the casual player, no?  And how else will the mighty cow gods know what all of us want, including you if you don't tell them?


Not shooting it down, I am stating I do not like it for the main reason a 5 month period is way to long, and in my opinion if done like that it is going to be set up as failure. So turn that around perhaps as an addition to the current gvg, in a much shorter time span it may work. There, instead of taking it just negative, you can also read it in a more positive way. Guess it is what you want to make of it.


As for suggestions, I have made quite many via this forum, so I have told the cow gods quite often what I would like implemented.

#238 BadPenny



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Posted 24 January 2018 - 18:16

If you want to fight Morgwyn, I choose noodles at 50 paces....

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#239 Morgwyn



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Posted 24 January 2018 - 20:44

If you want to fight Morgwyn, I choose noodles at 50 paces....

*slaps Penny with my gloves* Duel accepted!  :P

#240 Ryebred



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Posted 26 January 2018 - 00:48

*slaps Penny with my gloves* Duel accepted!  :P

I'm not savvy with editing and in retrospect wish I made the amendments to the op more clear and pronounced. I made changes based on community feedback at the bottom. One of those amendments was to shorten the cycles from 5 months to 3 months still followed by a month long tournament.

Also wanted to take this opportunity to gloat for my guild. We achieved the rare feat of 2k rating and it's my honor to be amongst the games most coordinated team players hands down. I want to inform all doubters that a single loss would take months to recover and I implore you to make it happen. No worries if you lack the stones to aggress as we'll continue to exert our dominance upon the entire community we can. Thank you

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