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Zombie Yeoman Global Event

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#221 bloody18



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:07


#222 clitsy007


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:09


But you can expect ruby tier chest for completing the gold tier :D

#223 evilbry



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:12

but increasing the qualifying amount would kick low level and low stam bank having players out of the equation......

I never said anything about increasing qualifying amounts :) I'm simply highlighting one of many loopholes in the idea presented.

Edited by evilbry, 01 April 2014 - 09:13.

#224 bloody18



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:16

But you can expect ruby tier chest for completing the gold tier :D

that was a well documented error which  favored  those that qualified individually =) 5k baby -  See the smile on my face ..ear to ear :)

#225 clitsy007


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:22

that was a well documented error which  favored  those that qualified individually =) 5k baby -  See the smile on my face ..ear to ear :)

I just feel for the people who did not complete the tier as the cows did not seem to care in previous events and then "bam" oh we had an "error" and everyone gets ruby.....really? Funny stuff to me.

#226 bloody18



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:26

I just feel for the people who did not complete the tier as the cows did not seem to care in previous events and then "bam" oh we had an "error" and everyone gets ruby.....really? Funny stuff to me.

Not everybody got ruby .. only those that did the 5K :) 

#227 clitsy007


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:29

Not everybody got ruby .. only those that did the 5K :)

yeah you seemed to forget the first part of my rant but not the last, gold medal for you  :rolleyes:

#228 ignotus


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:47


Having said all that, I can't help being reminded of a famous bit of English literature that tells a story of someone hiring workers at three different times during the day and then paying them all the same.



I cant help myself to correct, that this story is a bit older than english literature.


Besides enjoyed the event, thanks for the reward

#229 vikingv



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:15

I laugh at you whiners.

#230 Mister Doom

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:15

I never said anything about increasing qualifying amounts :) I'm simply highlighting one of many loopholes in the idea presented.


Also... There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with brand new and un-upgraded players not having as easy a time in qualifying than long standing better upgraded players.


This is what (in most games) drives us to want to upgrade our characters FFS.


#231 TripplexXx


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:44

I see ppl think I am moaning for only get padded chests?!

Well, that aint it ;) ...but on a general base, I think that everyone making 4k kills have done the job expected..


How long time does it take to make 1000 kills WITHOUT global booster??

Some ppl have more time to play than others, and ofc, the more you play a game the bether you get ;) (thats mostly fair too)

BUT, my point still is:


*What about when ppl are somehow new players with not to much stam?

Not 10 or 20k of stam, but need to be on more than one time to qualify for each of the tiers?


*Time is important, and when ppl still do what they can to help, they aint much selfish in my eyes.

When it comes to me, I have a girlfriend wich are going away for 3-6 months on rehab, for troubles put on her by a teacher when she was 10-12 years old. This made her drink more than she should, and before she met me (3 years ago) it was quite bad really even if she never been away from work one day in last seven years. Then she found out that it is a bether life behind the clouds, and now she wants to stop drinking for ever...

So for me, all time available is spent on her. Still, I get on and try make the game run for my character when I have a moment ;)


*BUT, this dosent make me moan about the chests, it makes me think on all reasons ppl may have, thats not a lazy reason ;)

Take a player started 7 days ago, he/she decide to do the global quest, but wont be able to buy any kind of booster?

Or maybe even been told that its only needed to get enough kills to make the tier comunity manage? 


There may be a lot of reasons, and still, every one can make a mistake ;) At most, the game makers, admins etc does a great job 

But I disagree this time, on a GENERAL base   


I have made my kills on the two other globals, cause I had time then.

But some ppl might do max kills next time, and if top tier aint made?! then guess some ppl will moan then atleast :P

Its a lot of players that dosent contribute to global at all ;) thats why top tier aint made, not cause 1k players dropped 1k kills..

I try see what might happen next time, and what reasons ppl MAY have, and thats for some to understand and some to find stupid... 

Well, those that cant understand, they might be only think: I made it, then everyone else should, no mather what


Have a great day everyone, I do love the game, but I also love to discuss good and bad things 

...and maybe I do shine a light on things not everyone see ;)

So be it, "kill" me if you like :D

#232 rowbeth



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 11:53

I cant help myself to correct, that this story is a bit older than english literature.


Besides enjoyed the event, thanks for the reward


I did follow up by acknowledging the "English" qualifier was too parochial - both in time and geography

#233 Egami



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 17:41

Pardoux's idea is interesting, but as he himself notes, "perhaps" too restricting (splashes some water on P's flame retardant clothing... pulls out stick and bag of marshmallows).


I also don't think it's right to "punish" a player for having more stam. In fact, top 100 on GEs are one of the few reason's I'm still pushing my max stam, when I can.


Of course, Pardoux did make a point about increasing the global boosters. That happens to be something I'm 100% against.


However, like most things in this game, there are positives and negatives to both sides of the story. Personally (definitely arguable), I think the lack of a higher booster is "punishment" enough. I really want to see people making an effort for the community, I want to see time put into the Top 100. Again, that's just me personally.


However, there has been a lot of talk about upping the Global Booster levels. I'm reticent despite the gold sink to introduce them into loyalty.


-See "compromise" below. I've separated so people can like just the idea (if they do) and not my entire previous diatribe-

#234 Egami



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 17:43

Global Booster Compromise (?)...


On the other hand, I was thinking that perhaps making the bigger Global Booster, bound of course, as a prize for the top 100 might be a fair compromise. I still think it unduly affects lower levels, but I'd see it as "more reasonable".


In other words, apart from the chest rewards, and only on some GEs, a global booster X could be what the the top 100 get as their bonus.


I "think" this idea would have the least effect on the game:


It will encourage some participation, precisely because some of the top 100 will want it in order to go all out in the most efficient manner.


It doesn't affect the GEs in general, since those that have already gotten there have proven that they have what it takes to get there again (just going to smirk about the time factor... I know, I know, lol).


These players will then choose to use it at their discretion when they think the prize is really worthwhile.... something they would probably do anyway.... and will help the FS Community to get the top goal.

#235 Tastria



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 18:29

Also... There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with brand new and un-upgraded players not having as easy a time in qualifying than long standing better upgraded players.


This is what (in most games) drives us to want to upgrade our characters FFS.

Have to agree with you.  Also the zombies were rated at level 25, so any one hunting supposedly had been around FS long enough to understand some of the basic mechanics of the game.

     I also want to point out that with guild plus', and guild equipment, brand new players are MUCH better off then someone who is not in a guild.  In fact most of them ARE upgraded gear-wise, but probably not in stam gain and xp gain.


     Also, everyone gets loyalty points for checking in.  How you allocate them is up to you.  I choose to use mine for global event potions and keys. (and the potions can be bought for reasonable amounts of gold.)  How others choose to use them is of course, up to them.  The point is, this FREE resource is there for everyone.


     Now we get to the (apparent) crux of the event, total available stamina.  As a standard, I have around 2200. (Something like that anyway, not including what the guild and my epics give me)  I had NO trouble getting to the 5000 qualifying point.  (that includes using about 100 stam to get to my chosen hunting ground)

     My point is that you don't need 5 or 6 figured stam levels to complete the event, and if you just want to qualify, it's much less.


      (gets out a long set of tongs and puts on heavy leather gloves, then grabs "ruby chest" from his mailbox)  They goofed folks.  Grim says it was a mistake.  He's promised it won't happen again.  These things happen, GET OVER IT :wacko:  

     From my perspective a lot of you are looking a gift cow in the mouth.  You at least got what you thought you'd get, if not a lot more.  I am willing to bet a large pile of cow processed hay that none of the chests given out will be purposefully left to expire in mailboxes, or dropped and destroyed.

      I'm going back now to killing Scarabs, but I'm going to grumble while I do it ;)

#236 sweetlou



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 18:57

I would have preferred a stam refill before a couple more silly uber pots...

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#237 shindrak



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 22:02

lol free OP pots came from no where to players just did 5k kills !

What about other players who didn't qualify for ruby because they didn't expect this bug?


We need max stamina refill by mistake now :rolleyes:

Edited by shindrak, 01 April 2014 - 22:04.

#238 Mister Doom

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 22:26

I would have preferred a stam refill before a couple more silly uber pots...


Looks at stam tank...


Hmm... I agree with Luiss! Make it so!


#239 wil72



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 22:52

Looks at stam tank...


Hmm... I agree with Luiss! Make it so!


Looks at mine and prefers " silly " uber pots.





#240 cyrus7



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 03:01

I was thinking that perhaps making the bigger Global Booster, bound of course, as a prize for the top 100 might be a fair compromise.

If the Top 100 was to receive higher level Global Boosters as a prize, I would think that would only ensure that [mostly] the same players achieve Top 100 the next time, as they can spend less time to use their stamina, and therefore are more inclined to do so, rather than spend hours using their stamina as those with only access to the tiny boosters do.

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