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Stat Changing Skill Levels in Super Pots Are Harmful

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Poll: Super Pots (75 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think Super pots are too powerful?

  1. Yes (44 votes [58.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 58.67%

  2. No (31 votes [41.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.33%


#241 Mister Doom

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Posted 05 August 2016 - 02:26

If this is a serious matter for you, then perhaps you should debate it in such a manner. Instead of playing childish semantic games.


My stance on these overpowered potions has been the same for years now. I wouldn't waste my time debating it with you these days however, for two reasons.

#1 they are never going to be changed.

#2 You 'debate' in an extremely 'trollish' manner and frankly it is more than a little annoying sometimes.


#242 yotwehc



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 02:54

If this is a serious matter for you, then perhaps you should debate it in such a manner. Instead of playing childish semantic games.

My stance on these overpowered potions has been the same for years now. I wouldn't waste my time debating it with you these days however, for two reasons.
#1 they are never going to be changed.
#2 You 'debate' in an extremely 'trollish' manner and frankly it is more than a little annoying sometimes.

Trying to keep the mood light. It's a game after all. So many serious folks here you know ;-p

Yes my natural tendency is trolly. You can just skip my posts. No harm in that. I won't be offended. As others recommended just ignore me. I'm gonna throw my 2 cents out there since many don't think about the other side.

Ultimately it's up to HCS. It's a game.

I change all the time. I wasn't a fan of the buff market. I adjusted. I wasn't a fan of the loss of gold protection. I dealt with it. Some changes I would lose enjoyment of the game and this is one of them. So be it. If they want to go in this direction, I will adjust and go fishing ;-)

#243 Pythia



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 03:41

When I made my post, I worded it very carefully, I had hoped some might take a look at all the posts and see what I saw.


This is a classic case of do what I say not what I do.... Or do what I tell you...


Or maybe that should be don't do, yet really do.


It would seem no one is allowed to play the game the way they want..  Makes me wonder about a lot of things.


I do not ask for anything anymore, I have been told I don't have that right.


As for playing with gear, buffs and an array of potions, I have already done that and seen the results, they are not nearly as bad as they are made out to be.  Perhaps it's at EOC where they are that way.


I do use those potions when I log in to find some RP farmer has cleaned or tried to clean my clock in a GvG. 


Farming sucks except on a farm.   This game is not a farm, and my last three stam spends have been GvG, event, GvG.


Otherwise I use them to help me with the facets of the game I like to play, when I get to play...


Otherwise it's time spent in the other game where I can and do play the way I want.


If those composted potions are capped though, I think it might help some other players out the door.. No one wants to see their hard work down graded by some people saying I know better than you,  what is best for you, now be quiet while do this.


This will indeed be a game changer for more than the posting people here might think.


But whatever....

Edited by Pythia, 05 August 2016 - 03:44.

#244 TxLxS



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 03:43

I want to put my two cents *puts two cents on the table* lol can anyone summarize this up for me I really don't want to read through this many pages lol

#245 BadPenny



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 04:09

I want to put my two cents *puts two cents on the table* lol can anyone summarize this up for me I really don't want to read through this many pages lol

Some people want composed pots like KE, Coor Att and Def, SH, etc changed to lower levels or unavailable for PvP use, others don't, some don't care one way or another. It's an endless debate. I've come up against those same pots in GvG and when bounty hunting, and sometimes I struggle with them, others I don't. Bottom line, not everybody will be happy if changes are made, and others will be unhappy if there are none.

Me, I quit caring long ago as PvP lost its fun for me long ago. I'll stick to pillow fighting for now, and keep leveling since it makes my guild founder happy.

For the record, I use my own stat changing pots for PvE purposes, and I don't think it's a bad thing. Ofc, I'm just a mid-level composer, so they don't really make that much of an impact, except to keep me perpetually low on uniques.....

Just one old lady's opinion




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Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#246 rowbeth



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 06:46

Being opposed for the sake of it is simply annoying. I'm sorry but that is all you ever seem to do. It makes me tend to disregard what you write before I even read it. You know, 'oh there's chewy, trying to annoy people again'.

I'm sure you'd prefer people took you more seriously, but I'm afraid you won't get it unless you change your behaviour.


Oddly enough, Doom, I have exactly the reverse response. Chewy is one of the few people in this thread (at least one of the few repeat posters) for whom my first response in NOT to disregard.


Chewy is just one of the few of that 40+% minority that hasn't been battered into submission by a majority in a small group discussion.


I'm am pretty sure I would never point to this thread as a shining example of how forums can analyse an issue from all angles and thereby bring people to see each other's perspectives.

Edited by rowbeth, 05 August 2016 - 06:51.

#247 Pardoux



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 07:01

I wonder, if the question were changed, whether the voting would still be roughly 60/40 or not ?


At the moment, the question is :-


"Do you think Super pots are too powerful?" Y / N


Perhaps if that were changed (or perhaps another thread started and this one closed) to :-


"EOC Composing Potions" : Are they ?


1. Fine as they are

2. Fine as they are for PvE, should not be usable in any form of PvP

3. Fine as they are for PVE, should be "capped" at Level 200 for any form of PvP

4. Should be nerfed across the board


I wonder if the vote would be similar ?. I think the question as it stands on this thread now has become too divisive and is just bringing out the worst in everyone ...

Edited by Pardoux, 05 August 2016 - 07:02.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#248 sweetlou



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 14:07

I wonder, if the question were changed, whether the voting would still be roughly 60/40 or not ?


At the moment, the question is :-


"Do you think Super pots are too powerful?" Y / N


Perhaps if that were changed (or perhaps another thread started and this one closed) to :-


"EOC Composing Potions" : Are they ?


1. Fine as they are

2. Fine as they are for PvE, should not be usable in any form of PvP

3. Fine as they are for PVE, should be "capped" at Level 200 for any form of PvP

4. Should be nerfed across the board


I wonder if the vote would be similar ?. I think the question as it stands on this thread now has become too divisive and is just bringing out the worst in everyone ...

This thread isn't ONLY regarding Composing pots. If you believe the premise, that overpowered stat changing skill levels are harming the game, than that must include the other Super pots - Ladder and Globals. I purposely omitted adding Donation pots to give HCS a chance to earn some revenue considering the dwindling player base and lack of coding development that has risen from it. I would gladly add another question to the poll but what you proposed needs modification imo.

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#249 Calista



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 16:46

Perhaps I don't have the right gear but I have lost many levels. I have mad respect for those that defeat me without the composed pots and I make it a point to compliment them via PM. As you can imagine it's incredibly frustrating to lose despite having "OP" pots and still get schooled but somehow it still happens (and I cycle through different sets to see if the other various combos may work better. Sometimes yes. Sometimes no).


I received that kind of pm from you, chewy. You commented on how surprised you were that I was using only 175 buffs and managing some wins. At the same time though, you were sending messages asking questions like "What's wrong? You usually wipe the floor with me and you seem to be struggling now'. You commented on how you liked that I kept hitting even though I was pretty much losing non-stop.  Remember any of that?  That was one of the last times I tried anything pvp wise without using the composed pots my guild makes available to me. (except easy epic wearing, low level targets or something)  I'm lucky in that regard. My guild has many composers who are more then happy to feed the pvp players the pots needed to be competitive. But be realistic.... how many guilds can really say they do that? How many of those guilds bother with new players?


You are beat regardless of your stats because you are going after some of the most well known pvp players in the game. Not everyone does that. It is possible to play the pvp side of the game without the agenda of going 'after' people and starting trouble. The average player will never come into contact with the extreme ends of pvp. They just hear the horror stories. And the average player is not going to be able to compete with the kinda stats these pots give. How is that beneficial to the game as a whole?




I'll probably be trolled again for this but such is life.


After being told I did not have enough experience in aspects of the game to be able to post on the forums, I went back to most quite observation.


I have read novels, small posts and so many others and when I got to the bottom line, the one where the buck stops, this is my take on most all of them.


   ..............This prevents me from playing the game the way I want, change it.....


Usually the same fingers typing, patting each other on the back for such great posts, but still the same thing in the end.


Sometimes there is a please, sometimes a demand, sometimes a beg....


But those posts are a lot like the ones I was schooled over whenever I asked for something.


Perhaps you should do what you told me to do......


Play the game or not, it's up to you..


By the way, to the person that told me to go play another game. I did too.   Back to watching and playing the other game.



90% of your posts now days are you crying about how mean everyone has been to you. Welcome to the forums, where you are guaranteed to find someone who disagrees with whatever you say and are more then willing to tell you all about it. If you are going to dish it, you gotta be prepared to take it. 


What was the point of the above post? I really don't see what it has to do with the topic being discussed. I get that you feel picked on and misunderstood. In your next message, you state you put alot of thought into the wording before you posted, so I'm genuinely curious at what you wanted the take away to be from the post. 


#250 Pardoux



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 18:17

This thread isn't ONLY regarding Composing pots. If you believe the premise, that overpowered stat changing skill levels are harming the game, than that must include the other Super pots - Ladder and Globals. I purposely omitted adding Donation pots to give HCS a chance to earn some revenue considering the dwindling player base and lack of coding development that has risen from it. I would gladly add another question to the poll but what you proposed needs modification imo.



That's fine Luis, feel free to amend it to other super pots too then, but increase the question options (or, do multiple threads maybe ? - 1 for Composing pots, 1 for Ladder Pots, 1 for Global Pots) - I think we'd get a much better and accurate viewpoint then.


I just think that this Y or N thread has run its course and become too vitriolic ...

Edited by Pardoux, 05 August 2016 - 19:17.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#251 sweetlou



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Posted 06 August 2016 - 00:03

I just think that this Y or N thread has run its course and become too vitriolic ...

I kind of agree. Without a crucial discussion with Hoof we are simply spinning in circles. Frankly, that's what has become of this forum and game. I know I'm not the only disappointed one.

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#252 Egami



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Posted 06 August 2016 - 00:26

74 votes cast. 


44 in favor and 30 against. 


I kind of wonder what HCS criteria is for bringing this type of stuff to a vote in the actual game. 


No idea. But let's face it, those with time on our hands def don't represent the game opinion. 

#253 Pardoux



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Posted 06 August 2016 - 00:28

74 votes cast. 


44 in favor and 30 against. 


I kind of wonder what HCS criteria is for bringing this type of stuff to a vote in the actual game. 


No idea. But let's face it, those with time on our hands def don't represent the game opinion. 


Regarding the vote, s'why I said the question is too vague now I think and needs widening. 74 votes tho ? - that's pretty much 25% of the remaining active players ;) LOL

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#254 BigGrim


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Posted 08 August 2016 - 11:17

This thread has run it's course and Pardoux has opened new specific threads. 



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