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Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

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#241 Vladimir00



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 03:00

Okay, I'm a bit late to the party, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.


The titan update seems like a good one. I hardly ever titan hunt myself, but anything that would make it harder to cheat gets a thumbs-up from me.


PvP ladder hits being un-bountyable? Okay. I don't think it would really make a huge difference, since few people do this anyway, and the ones who do are typically laughed at and used as hourly chew toys... but it makes sense since the ladder is opt-in, and I suppose there's an off chance that it would encourage more people to participate, which is always a plus. The ladder is dead right now.


Bounties no longer being able to expire? Meh... don't really care either way. It was never something that made any sort of difference for me. I suppose it would prevent high level players who want their bounties to expire from taking clears personally (like some have mentioned). I've never had any problems with this, but if others have, I guess it could use tweaking.


Then there's this...


Furthermore, we are thinking that anyone who takes a bounty cannot be bountied for taking it. This would mean being a Bounty Hunter would no longer be more damaging to the Hunter, making it a viable part of the game again. However, we would like constructive feedback regarding this.
No! Nono! Nnnnnno! Bad Cows! Bad, bad Cows!
There are so many reasons why this would be a terrible idea. It would allow just about anyone to accept a bounty and smash indiscriminately... with no fear of reprisal. Smasher medals would be utterly meaningless since there would be no risk involved in earning them, mercs (people who smash for extra payment) would run rampant... again, with no fear of reprisal. Players would be free to accept a bounty that's already being cleared, and give up whenever they want.
The rampant smashers and mercs would result in more levels lost, further discouraging PvP. Also, counter bounties against random smashers or participants in a guild war comprise a significant number of the bounties on the board. Eliminating these bounties would just kill the BB even deader. Like many have already pointed out, the problem isn't that there aren't enough people willing to take bounties. If anything, it's the exact opposite. There are too many BHers, and not enough bounties to go around.
Not to mention the enormous discrepancy this creates between the risks associated with Bounty Hunting versus normal PvP. In normal PvP, I could theoretically lose 5 levels just for stealing 10% of a level and some gold. Heck, if Deflect kicks in, I could lose 5 for taking absolutely nothing! That almost never happens, but as someone who has chosen to PvP, I accept the possibility that it could happen.
The same goes for bounty hunting. I accept the possibility that I could be counter bountied and smashed... even for a 10 stam clear. Again, this rarely happens, and I wouldn't be very happy if it did (and would probably counter bounty the smashers in that case), but I accept that it could happen.
Why are you proposing to coddle the Bounty Hunters by eliminating risks that a lot of us are perfectly content in taking in the first place?

Edited by Vladimir00, 28 March 2014 - 03:45.

#242 Vladimir00



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 03:25

As an add-on to my last post (apologies for the double, but I didn't want to add to an already massive wall of text),
If you're really serious about breathing some life back into the Ladder and Bounty Board, here are some things you can do that will actually help:
1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!
2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!
Opt-in killed both the BB and the ladder. With fewer people getting hit after resets, a lot of bounties ended up going away... and the ladder became an absolute joke. I tried opting into my band, and have recently been earning tokens for doing absolutely nothing. I can literally leave for days and have a bunch of tokens waiting for me when I come back.
It's just sad... what happened to all the chaos and excitement of the open ladder... when you didn't know who would jump into the fray at the last minute, or whether or not those hits on random players would come back to haunt you in the form of a competitor taking your bounty? Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was so, sooooo much better than the current snore-fest. Come on!
That last one will probably never happen, but hey... a guy can dream, right?

Edited by Vladimir00, 28 March 2014 - 03:47.

#243 sweetlou



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:13

1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!

2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!

Here's a perfect list Grim! Go ahead and do all the other ridiculous changes(I think if it ain't broke, don't fix it but...) but at least throw players who DO play PvP already a friggin bone. Don't make us despise you... Thanks.

[Signature removed]


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#244 yotwehc



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:29

It's so refreshing to see people make great suggestions for the greater good of the entire game an not for just their narrow and selfish reasons. Go community!

#245 BraveKath



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:46


It's ironic... want more people to play the pvp aspect but hate on and beat up on anyone that don't follow the unwritten rules or just look at them funny. I was not kidding when I tried to find bounty hunters from the top list and every single one of them rejected my request because the other person was in a chosen guild. Is that healthy for the game? Does that encourage the masses to play that aspect? I think not.


The other irony is when the BB was semi active when all the EOC'rs were committing harikiri... who complained the most about this? It was active but I guess it didn't feel good killing the willing...




Chewy - I really don't mean to be singling you out - so in advance sorry about that of now having quoted you twice, but you're stating some things that I think many die-hard Levelers (non-PvPers) have misconceptions about, so doing my best as a player who has lived a bit in all the camps and who has many old school PvP'er friends.

"finding Bounty Hunters"
- you were hunting for merc's then?  Top Bounty Hunters don't merc themselves out typically.  A merc tends to be a random person who see a shout or who you know personally and is willing to perform the bounty as you request and many old school PvPers/BH'ers find that sort of reprehensible.  Typically many only 100 stam if it's personal.  So the excuses they gave you were most likely more polite and that they weren't going to clean up a mess that you were in -- not their fight.

"EOC harikari"  
Well it's a little smarmy to see people patting themselves on the back for gaining smasher medals that they earned safely by hitting naked players.  So what you used some stam.  I lost a lot of levels EARNING my smasher medal by taking risks and I'm proud of it.  Since that 1st medal I have done favors and hit a few friends wanting to be deleveled, but if I could turn off the smasher credit for those hits - I would.

What we're basically talking about is old school pvp'ers believe in honor codes and wear their scars proudly.  Yes there are some who have complicated rules about what they find acceptable and what they don't, but that's not my experience with most PvP'ers - in general all very reasonable and if you simply 10-stam, timely and finish (not just leave because you got bored or started loosing and couldn't figure it out*).  Thus don't let a few bad experiences color the whole picture.  Doing that is like saying all people of a certain race are ___ (fill in the blank).

* note on finishing Bounties - I know I'm not the only one - I've taken bounties on players more than twice my level who were fully buffed and on and it wasn't pretty, but I did slog it out and took a lot of losses and it took a lot of hits to finally finish.

I hope this is of some help on perspective.

Edited by BraveKath, 28 March 2014 - 05:04.

#246 Glaucous



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:51

1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!
2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!


 for point 6 this is the best idea ever! get rid of the opt in! leave the brackets. make it so that when you look at the ladder you see "active participants / players in your bracket holding the most pvp rating, but make it so any one in the 400-449 bracket is the target nice and open this will make people who are hit have to choose...get farmed, bounty or retaliate and be placed on that active participants list to be a target along with the rest of us who are willing to get a little blood on our hands. boom 2 birds one stone the bounty board sees a little more activity and the people auto collecting your pvp tokens disappear.

#247 yotwehc



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 05:02

Chewy - I really don't mean to be singling you out - so in advance sorry about that of now having quoted you twice, but you're stating some things that I think many die-hard Levelers (non-PvPers) have misconceptions about, so doing my best as a player who has lived a bit in all the camps and who has many old school PvP'er friends.

"finding Bounty Hunters"
- you were hunting for merc's then?  Top Bounty Hunters don't merc themselves out typically.  A merc tends to be a random person who see a shout or who you know personally and is willing to perform the bounty as you request and many old school PvPers/BH'ers find that sort of reprehensible.  Typically many only 100 stam if it's personal.  So the excuses they gave you were most likely more polite and that they weren't going to clean up a mess that you were in -- not their fight.

"EOC harikari"  
Well it's a little smarmy to see people patting themselves on the back for gaining smasher medals that they earned safely by hitting naked players.  So what you used some stam.  I lost a levels EARNING my smasher medal by taking risks and I'm proud of it.  Since that 1st medal I have done favors and hit a few friends wanting to be deleveled, but if I could turn off the smasher credit for those hits - I would.

What we're basically talking about is old school pvp'ers believe in honor codes and wear their scars proudly.  Yes there are some who have complicated rules about what they find acceptable and what they don't, but that's not my experience with most PvP'ers - in general all very reasonable and if you simply 10-stam, timely and finish (not just leave because you got bored or started loosing and couldn't figure it out*).  Thus don't let a few bad experiences color the whole picture.  Doing that is like saying all people of a certain race are ___ (fill in the blank).

* note on finishing Bounties - I know I'm not the only one - I've taken bounties on players more than twice my level who were fully buffed and on and it wasn't pretty, but I did slog it out and took a lot of losses and it took a lot of hits to finally finish.

I hope this is of some help on perspective.

Thanks Kath,

Really helpful actually. Yes. I was looking for a merc and some of the scolded me. I guess the change would encourage merc's but I do feel that's a very important type of player to have.


With regard to medals, yes, the EOC'rs made a mockery of the medals but what's the difference between an EOC'r doing and a type of player who likes to stay at a certain range having the same done to them? It's also a mockery but doesn't have the glaring spotlight that EOC'rs had... Also, you'll have to admit the new medals released recently are a mockery as well and no one made a big stink about it.


My main issue really is with the power certain player's feel they have over others... they need to teach others a lesson. Who made them the police? Play our way our don't play at all...


IF all pvp'rs were like you, I would have no issues but it's the few rotten tomatoes that give the type of play a bad name. Some of the defenders in this forum don't help the cause either.


I appreciate your very reasonable explanation. I would be curious what your thoughts would be to help with the perceived problems? You seem way more grounded and would probably come up with a better solution.

#248 BraveKath



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 05:21


1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!
2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!
That last one will probably never happen, but hey... a guy can dream, right?



+ 1  Probably the best ideas I've seen in a while.

#249 BraveKath



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 05:42

Thanks Kath,

Really helpful actually. ....


Chewy -- I'll contact you in the game, as not sure it benefits this ever-expanding thread.

As to my ideas - not coming up with anything brilliant -- the one idea I proposed somewhere in here -- no one likes apparently LOL & that's Okay, plus Vladimir's ideas are more developed and better! 

#250 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 06:25

1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!
2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!

+1, but I doubt that will ever happen.


If everybody want to see BB alive it's simple, add things to make PvP interesting and profitable.


#251 Necra



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 07:55


Furthermore, we are thinking that anyone who takes a bounty cannot be bountied for taking it. This would mean being a Bounty Hunter would no longer be more damaging to the Hunter, making it a viable part of the game again. However, we would like constructive feedback regarding this.
~ The Fallen Sword Team




no way. please dont do this and for many reasons.....

#252 RebornJedi



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 08:22

Want to increase open world PvP?.. Put out some buffs that benefit your character if you hold a certain amount of gold in your hand while its activated. Have the gold amount be based off your level, just add some zeros and thats how much gold you need to have on hand *shrugs*


The benefits of the buff could increase your stats, enhancements, XP gain..dare i say stamina gain!


You put gold in the hands of the players and there will be others who'll try to grab it ;)


..it's after 4 A.M. and i just have all these golden ideas brew'n around lol  :wacko: 


#253 killafrog


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 09:13

My choice for the BB is I think a expire date should come along for each bounty.

I dont see the point of a never ending bounty on the BB anyways, if the FS community can't/won't complete it in 14 days who will in the next 7 days?


There should be a form of risk to the BB hunters just like Bounty hunters who gather rewards from wanted posters in real life. 

I have completed a bounty on the BB, I knew my risks.  :ph34r:

I think a risk is needed somewhere to help curb dirty hitters and can be fun to push the envelope.


Like to see a warning on the BB page where the info is listed so new players are warned




A expiring bounty that lasts longer then it is currently does on the BB is a good option dare I say  ;)



Players would be more likely to play dirty with BB if there was no risk in getting bountied back. Don't like that  :( 

Edited by killafrog, 28 March 2014 - 09:37.

#254 Leos3000



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 12:43

This may be crazy...but I thought of any interesting spin to bounties expiring

A bounty will not expire until someone accepts and hits on the bounty.

Now here is my twist the person accepting the bounty has 1 hr (maybe 2) to complete the bounty from the first hit. If they are unsuccessful in completing the bounty the are put on the board in place of the person they were hitting.

*note there should only be a timer next to the bounty once it has been accepted and anyone taking the bounty after are subject to the same above but on the original timers limit.

#255 Leos3000



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 12:54

This may be crazy...but I thought of any interesting spin to bounties expiring
A bounty will not expire until someone accepts and hits on the bounty.
Now here is my twist the person accepting the bounty has 1 hr (maybe 2) to complete the bounty from the first hit. If they are unsuccessful in completing the bounty the are put on the board in place of the person they were hitting.
*note there should only be a timer next to the bounty once it has been accepted and anyone taking the bounty after are subject to the same above but on the original timers limit.

I just realized this could be a system that takes care of counter bounties as well. But that is more debatable. Obviously if there is a successful defense you can't bounty again, but if the person is unable to defend themselves should they be able to post the hitter?

Edited by Leos3000, 28 March 2014 - 13:01.

#256 BigGrim


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 13:10

Well, this thread has run it's course.



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