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It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

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#281 hades8840



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Posted 20 April 2017 - 11:32

Yes, but life goes on. Not whining here, just working through the responses.

It's very easy to say such about something you have no vested interest in. On a hypothetical parallel that may get you going; let's say they made an inventing potion that guaranteed success of duplicating one of your prized tier five hammers ten times over in one shot, thus watering down the market, and crapping all over your investments. But I just told you, ahh, stop your crying, there will be plenty more inventables in the coming years, and fsp...They come, they go, time heals all. I know that is an extreme comparison, but not far from where this limited potion strikes the heart of the GvG community

price did crash it went from 2-3k fsp to 500 or less fsp you adapt like everything else and yes it did crap on my investments seeing i paid the most for baron items . and as far as gvg go say you attacked me and i used the dispel 500 pot your telling me another target cant be found? or if not and you lose that gvg you cant do it again on another day is only so many time i can use that pot

#282 Ryebred



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Posted 20 April 2017 - 11:40

A single loss for us, even against the closest rated competitors takes 30-50 wins against top 5 rated opponents to recover. May be more a problem with venue mechanics then a buff/pot off balancing things. There used to be a cow to-do list thread years ago... GvG was one of the next things on list, but was either passed over, or simply not attended to enough. I'm really not complaining so much as I am trying to support the thoughts of others. I adjust, and play on. In forum playing devil's advocate is very fun for me, and a good way to pass the time :-D

#283 LadyJ



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Posted 20 April 2017 - 12:51

I think LJs point is that there is no ability to compete with such buffs on the field, but also see your point in time being the balance b2L. The mountain she speaks of is unreal; lose 1, and it takes 50 wins to recover what you lost, this problem is not from the player but the devs fault. I've asked for years for them to do regular resets so that those currently active in the venue of GvG are rewarded by seeing progress from their efforts. As it stands, if you are new guild trying to break into top 10 of GvG, you need to surpass dozens who you are not able to compete with due to game mechanics along the way. Reset would reward the active, and make it less discouraging for new blood to give it a go. To the original point Jenks made, a guild like mine could waste a one thousand fsp effort from hers with the drop of one potion in a hypothetical situation, and that can really deflate an effort to enjoy the competition.


Yes, but life goes on. Not whining here, just working through the responses.

It's very easy to say such about something you have no vested interest in. On a hypothetical parallel that may get you going; let's say they made an inventing potion that guaranteed success of duplicating one of your prized tier five hammers ten times over in one shot, thus watering down the market, and crapping all over your investments. But I just told you, ahh, stop your crying, there will be plenty more inventables in the coming years, and fsp...They come, they go, time heals all. I know that is an extreme comparison, but not far from where this limited potion strikes the heart of the GvG community

Both times here, Rye has hit the nail on the head


And with all due respect Hades, you might be seeing using these potions as a waste in GVG, however some people care about GVG more than they do about levelling, and don't see it as a waste at all, as it is their chest and they have the right to do as they please with it, however these chests guarantee a win for the defender using them due to the level of the buffs that are just out of this world, I can relate to Ryes point about the fact that it takes a LOT of conflicts to recover a single loss when you are at his rating, and to answer your question, no, not every guild is overloaded with members like yours, take a look at the top 10 GVG guilds, and notice the amount of members in each guild, most of them only have 1 target at a specific level range, with the exception of a very small number, mine included

#284 sweetlou



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 01:46

It's been there for three years. Nothing has changed.

Since you have already appeared to take sides as a forum moderator, a lot has changed in the game in the last three years. Were you the one who added the skills to these pots? What does the length of time it has been around have to do with how a "luck" buff has a 100% chance of activating, one that profoundly effects the ability to attack and hit a player? How does it change that even if you wait out the duration of the buff, it has an automatic win in aspects of the game that have time limits, such as GvGs(24hrs), Bountys(48hrs), and lastly the Ladder(up to 48 hrs)? Please, if you can answer ONE of those questions I would applaud you.

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#285 Hoofmaster


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Posted 21 April 2017 - 02:48

Since you have already appeared to take sides as a forum moderator, a lot has changed in the game in the last three years. Were you the one who added the skills to these pots? What does the length of time it has been around have to do with how a "luck" buff has a 100% chance of activating, one that profoundly effects the ability to attack and hit a player? How does it change that even if you wait out the duration of the buff, it has an automatic win in aspects of the game that have time limits, such as GvGs(24hrs), Bountys(48hrs), and lastly the Ladder(up to 48 hrs)? Please, if you can answer ONE of those questions I would applaud you.

BigGrim's reply was in response to Corrupted's question in that it wasn't a new buff that's just been added.

I've no idea why you think that reply is 'taking sides', but as I said previously we will review the skills hopefully within the next few weeks, but in the meantime please continue to discuss them on this thread.

#286 Pythia



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 03:22

As far as I can remember, whenever there was an idea Hoof was thinking about, he put up a thread here asking what everyone thought about the idea and what they wanted to see.


After a time, Hoof culled ideas from the thread then he and the crew put those picked,  wants, into his idea and released it into the game.  I too put a few ideas out but got shot down. *shrugs*


With very few exceptions,  those ideas were reversed so fast my  head spun.  These ideas were not the sole province of Hoof and Hoof alone.  He asks, he reads and listens, then delivers.


Perhaps if people thought their ideas through with more thought, they would be happier and my head would not spin like a top.


I've always been told to be careful what I wish for, I just might get it... with a twist..


Thank you Hoof, and crew.

Edited by Pythia, 21 April 2017 - 03:24.

#287 yotwehc



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 06:59

All the talk about the op dc pot yet I still got deleveled whilst using the Easter pot. Props to the hitters. When there is a will, there is a way. I guess some players are a bit more up to the challenge.

#288 Uncle Beg

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 07:45

I'm curious about these over powered potions.

Would someone power up and let me try to hit you?

I'm at EOC and looking for something to entertain myself.

If it's truly make you invincible, then I'll change my name to beg2win :)

#289 Emperor Sidd

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 08:24

Most of the time I simply skip this thread since it seemed a one sided debate but since hoof said its serious (below) so I want to comment my opinion 

I said previously we will review the skills hopefully within the next few weeks


I feel so many people are whining that they can't control pvp as much as possible. I would like to point you to reality, when has life ever been fair, everything is a resources game. These OP potions you talk about must exist in this game, an advantage must exist which in this case is stronger buffs. In other cases, the advantage can be FF items or even equipment. Like there has to be a time where people realized wearing sets was better than random items with high single focus stat. As weird as it may sound, an advantage must exist for this to be a game worth play and ESPECIALLY worth spending on. On the point of spending some of the comments are about people not being able to afford composed buffs which is funny since you are saying - since, I don't have money to play Ladder lets remove everyone else's money. How is that fair to people who go out of their way to seek that advantage, you can only go so far into set ups ( which I feel is not really about the amount of sets in the game but the stats in the game, there have been games where stat like agility ( who attacks first) is a stat rather than the initiator wouldn't that make glass cannon builds more fun), buffs are the next best solution.


The past few points about DC 500 and GVG,


I myself GvG, and I do so with 40+ buffs minimum no matter what because I like to win and more than that I like to earn a reputation of not losing attacks or gets the job done right. Some of you complain that super pots and the egg is an advantage I shouldn't have because I can use it to win gvg? I totally agree that a loss when you are top 3 on the gvg ladder is daunting since it is hard to make up in rating, but that doesn't mean you get the right eliminate my win condition ( im allowed to win right, its fairness you speak of right ??). One of the shallow arguments here that claim the duration is the issue don't understand that the person using them is giving up such a rare item which will not come back for a year but you surely can make up the loss with time and effort. Second part to the argument is that in some guilds, they have a limit number of targets such as RA, do you in the right mind think that a RA player would activate the egg with dc 500 and say "GG EZ". He is more than likely ready to counter your setup and is fully buffed. In gvg' only if you are over confident( me) or foolish would you attack someone fully buffed, high guard, barricade and savagery can blow stats wayyy out of proportion. If you are rank 2 have to defend a hit from RA and and they choose to stay fully buffed 24 hrs, there is a very good chance luck will run you over like a bus in one of 50-100 def hits you make. Also since I have personally noticed, whenever in GVG against a strong gvg guild they blanket their members to gain an advantage where I can either wait and my buffs go wasted or I can risk and you know how that goes in GVG. Which is a good example of the use of resources, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RESOURCES If someone used an egg or 2  ( which by the way every can get atleast 3 for FREE) to stay buffed 24 hr of conflict you MUST match his resources or accept the loss. I mean if you see that opponent in RA is using a egg, turn your egg on so the fight is equal. uncompleted conflicts are a thing and you can make that happen the right way not make things so bland that gvg becomes a chore. 


Also get off your high horse, while you should be blaming the game, in reality top ranks are upset about losing rating as if some else doesn't have right to take a shot at rank 1. While ratings accumulate, even if you are 1 rating above rank 2, you are still rank 1, all the extra rating is a buffer. As in If you have a 100 extra rating you probably have the room to mess up 2-3 times with a conflict before you lose the rank. And I hate to bring it up again but we all know the top 3 are either so small they can afford to be as strong as diamond while the others can afford to buff them selves and a good number of people in their guild, isnt that the short fall about gvg ranking ? Defending is harder with leveler guilds since its too expensive to actually defend people especially in epics.


The pvp ladder is a race itself, there is a reward to be won and I want the reward and I will use and create an advantage to get it. If you dont wanna deal with competition, stick to prestige hunting. Its like some of you have not experienced real life. Composed potions are being spent on to earn a reward. You can't or didn't spend as much so you are not going to get the top reward, how hard is that. You should get the idea by now.


For HCS, you are working here to stay financially stable and have funds to purse other projects even if FS isn't your greatest interest. If you take away strong potions, you take away a good reason for people spend on something. People using Christmas boxes for 200+ fsp to level better and faster is an advantage( saves time to reach eoc) too but the thing is most only need it once or twice a month. PVPers on the other hand go through them exponentially faster which mean they need to spend more or get more chest from the $60 purchases offers.


Yes I am a pvper and yes I have used maxed composed potions buffs 24 hrs and yes I have beaten someone with a this very egg on also 150 levels above me on ladder, so I do have an interest in this very topic and I speak from experience. 

#290 LadyJ



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 09:40

Most of the time I simply skip this thread since it seemed a one sided debate but since hoof said its serious (below) so I want to comment my opinion 


I feel so many people are whining that they can't control pvp as much as possible. I would like to point you to reality, when has life ever been fair, everything is a resources game. These OP potions you talk about must exist in this game, an advantage must exist which in this case is stronger buffs. In other cases, the advantage can be FF items or even equipment. Like there has to be a time where people realized wearing sets was better than random items with high single focus stat. As weird as it may sound, an advantage must exist for this to be a game worth play and ESPECIALLY worth spending on. On the point of spending some of the comments are about people not being able to afford composed buffs which is funny since you are saying - since, I don't have money to play Ladder lets remove everyone else's money. How is that fair to people who go out of their way to seek that advantage, you can only go so far into set ups ( which I feel is not really about the amount of sets in the game but the stats in the game, there have been games where stat like agility ( who attacks first) is a stat rather than the initiator wouldn't that make glass cannon builds more fun), buffs are the next best solution.


The past few points about DC 500 and GVG,


I myself GvG, and I do so with 40+ buffs minimum no matter what because I like to win and more than that I like to earn a reputation of not losing attacks or gets the job done right. Some of you complain that super pots and the egg is an advantage I shouldn't have because I can use it to win gvg? I totally agree that a loss when you are top 3 on the gvg ladder is daunting since it is hard to make up in rating, but that doesn't mean you get the right eliminate my win condition ( im allowed to win right, its fairness you speak of right ??). One of the shallow arguments here that claim the duration is the issue don't understand that the person using them is giving up such a rare item which will not come back for a year but you surely can make up the loss with time and effort. Second part to the argument is that in some guilds, they have a limit number of targets such as RA, do you in the right mind think that a RA player would activate the egg with dc 500 and say "GG EZ". He is more than likely ready to counter your setup and is fully buffed. In gvg' only if you are over confident( me) or foolish would you attack someone fully buffed, high guard, barricade and savagery can blow stats wayyy out of proportion. If you are rank 2 have to defend a hit from RA and and they choose to stay fully buffed 24 hrs, there is a very good chance luck will run you over like a bus in one of 50-100 def hits you make. Also since I have personally noticed, whenever in GVG against a strong gvg guild they blanket their members to gain an advantage where I can either wait and my buffs go wasted or I can risk and you know how that goes in GVG. Which is a good example of the use of resources, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RESOURCES If someone used an egg or 2  ( which by the way every can get atleast 3 for FREE) to stay buffed 24 hr of conflict you MUST match his resources or accept the loss. I mean if you see that opponent in RA is using a egg, turn your egg on so the fight is equal. uncompleted conflicts are a thing and you can make that happen the right way not make things so bland that gvg becomes a chore. 


Also get off your high horse, while you should be blaming the game, in reality top ranks are upset about losing rating as if some else doesn't have right to take a shot at rank 1. While ratings accumulate, even if you are 1 rating above rank 2, you are still rank 1, all the extra rating is a buffer. As in If you have a 100 extra rating you probably have the room to mess up 2-3 times with a conflict before you lose the rank. And I hate to bring it up again but we all know the top 3 are either so small they can afford to be as strong as diamond while the others can afford to buff them selves and a good number of people in their guild, isnt that the short fall about gvg ranking ? Defending is harder with leveler guilds since its too expensive to actually defend people especially in epics.


The pvp ladder is a race itself, there is a reward to be won and I want the reward and I will use and create an advantage to get it. If you dont wanna deal with competition, stick to prestige hunting. Its like some of you have not experienced real life. Composed potions are being spent on to earn a reward. You can't or didn't spend as much so you are not going to get the top reward, how hard is that. You should get the idea by now.


For HCS, you are working here to stay financially stable and have funds to purse other projects even if FS isn't your greatest interest. If you take away strong potions, you take away a good reason for people spend on something. People using Christmas boxes for 200+ fsp to level better and faster is an advantage( saves time to reach eoc) too but the thing is most only need it once or twice a month. PVPers on the other hand go through them exponentially faster which mean they need to spend more or get more chest from the $60 purchases offers.


Yes I am a pvper and yes I have used maxed composed potions buffs 24 hrs and yes I have beaten someone with a this very egg on also 150 levels above me on ladder, so I do have an interest in this very topic and I speak from experience. 


GVG is meant to be a competitive team effort, if people buff up for 24 hours with, as Lou already pointed out, 100% chance of luck buffs activating, that are guaranteed a win on your end, where is the competition? and where is the team effort in someone who just drinks up overpowered chests for 24 hours to not even give the opponent a fighting chance? I agree with your point that everyone deserves a shot at 1st place, but 1st place also deserves a shot at retaining the position theyve worked so hard to achieve, and with those pots there is no chance of winning, causing 1st place to lose 40-50 rating at one go, then once 1st place goes on the offensive side, after engaging on 40 guilds and working hard to win them ALL, all they manage to get is, maybe 10 rating? If theyre lucky that is....

#291 LadyJ



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 09:44

All the talk about the op dc pot yet I still got deleveled whilst using the Easter pot. Props to the hitters. When there is a will, there is a way. I guess some players are a bit more up to the challenge.

Maybe they have got your levels, but im 100% sure they didnt win every single hit they initiated upon you, take that in a GVG perspective, where 1 loss could mean a conflict lost

#292 Emperor Sidd

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 09:55

everyone deserves a shot at 1st place, but 1st place also deserves a shot at retaining the position theyve worked so hard to achieve, and with those pots there is no chance of winning, causing 1st place to lose 40-50 rating at one go, then once 1st place goes on the offensive side, after engaging on 40 guilds and working hard to win them ALL, all they manage to get is, maybe 10 rating? If theyre lucky that is....


 But as I mentioned, there is a third option, if they use an egg, use one as well, so they cant beat you either and an uncompleted conflict means draw. Which I know is such a difficult condition, it is one the opponents present you with to save the rating. While it may not be a valid statement, eventually people who would use the egg in gvgs will run out.

#293 LadyJ



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 11:00

 But as I mentioned, there is a third option, if they use an egg, use one as well, so they cant beat you either and an uncompleted conflict means draw. Which I know is such a difficult condition, it is one the opponents present you with to save the rating. While it may not be a valid statement, eventually people who would use the egg in gvgs will run out.

I would certainly do that if I would be online when they hit me, but due to time zones I'm asleep most of the times I get hit, then log on once the people that hit me have just fell asleep, all potioned up for 10 hours until they come to wake up again, only to use another epic potion once they wake up.





An idea is at least reducing the duration of the chests, because with a Pride and BM 300 buff with a zBrew the duration is way too long

Edited by LadyJ, 21 April 2017 - 11:04.

#294 Emperor Sidd

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 17:47



An idea is at least reducing the duration of the chests, because with a Pride and BM 300 buff with a zBrew the duration is way too long


That certainly is a solution but it is very focused to one part of the game - GVG( more specifically if you only have one target and they used egg or if all target members used egg) so it would affect other aspects of game and affects its value of such a rare potion.


If I could suggest, changed the way DC works to UB. Even when you have 230 UB you will take some damage and I don't have a source but even if you are at 230, it has a hard cap at 94-98% percent.  Now the percentage would have to be discussed or at the discretion of HCS but that way it wouldn't be a guaranteed buff

#295 LadyJ



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 18:11

That certainly is a solution but it is very focused to one part of the game - GVG( more specifically if you only have one target and they used egg or if all target members used egg) so it would affect other aspects of game and affects its value of such a rare potion.


If I could suggest, changed the way DC works to UB. Even when you have 230 UB you will take some damage and I don't have a source but even if you are at 230, it has a hard cap at 94-98% percent.  Now the percentage would have to be discussed or at the discretion of HCS but that way it wouldn't be a guaranteed buff

Maybe reduce the duration on PVP buffs only, or make it UB, that is also good, or, maybe Defensive Aura or Layered Armour? Even Ageless would be good, but such a high level flinch with a 100% chance of dark curse not activating is definately way too overpowered

#296 Ryebred



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 18:52

Most of the time I simply skip this thread since it seemed a one sided debate but since hoof said its serious (below) so I want to comment my opinion 

I feel so many people are whining that they can't control pvp as much as possible. I would like to point you to reality, when has life ever been fair, everything is a resources game. These OP potions you talk about must exist in this game, an advantage must exist which in this case is stronger buffs. In other cases, the advantage can be FF items or even equipment. Like there has to be a time where people realized wearing sets was better than random items with high single focus stat. As weird as it may sound, an advantage must exist for this to be a game worth play and ESPECIALLY worth spending on. On the point of spending some of the comments are about people not being able to afford composed buffs which is funny since you are saying - since, I don't have money to play Ladder lets remove everyone else's money. How is that fair to people who go out of their way to seek that advantage, you can only go so far into set ups ( which I feel is not really about the amount of sets in the game but the stats in the game, there have been games where stat like agility ( who attacks first) is a stat rather than the initiator wouldn't that make glass cannon builds more fun), buffs are the next best solution.
The past few points about DC 500 and GVG,
I myself GvG, and I do so with 40+ buffs minimum no matter what because I like to win and more than that I like to earn a reputation of not losing attacks or gets the job done right. Some of you complain that super pots and the egg is an advantage I shouldn't have because I can use it to win gvg? I totally agree that a loss when you are top 3 on the gvg ladder is daunting since it is hard to make up in rating, but that doesn't mean you get the right eliminate my win condition ( im allowed to win right, its fairness you speak of right ??). One of the shallow arguments here that claim the duration is the issue don't understand that the person using them is giving up such a rare item which will not come back for a year but you surely can make up the loss with time and effort. Second part to the argument is that in some guilds, they have a limit number of targets such as RA, do you in the right mind think that a RA player would activate the egg with dc 500 and say "GG EZ". He is more than likely ready to counter your setup and is fully buffed. In gvg' only if you are over confident( me) or foolish would you attack someone fully buffed, high guard, barricade and savagery can blow stats wayyy out of proportion. If you are rank 2 have to defend a hit from RA and and they choose to stay fully buffed 24 hrs, there is a very good chance luck will run you over like a bus in one of 50-100 def hits you make. Also since I have personally noticed, whenever in GVG against a strong gvg guild they blanket their members to gain an advantage where I can either wait and my buffs go wasted or I can risk and you know how that goes in GVG. Which is a good example of the use of resources, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RESOURCES If someone used an egg or 2  ( which by the way every can get atleast 3 for FREE) to stay buffed 24 hr of conflict you MUST match his resources or accept the loss. I mean if you see that opponent in RA is using a egg, turn your egg on so the fight is equal. uncompleted conflicts are a thing and you can make that happen the right way not make things so bland that gvg becomes a chore. 
Also get off your high horse, while you should be blaming the game, in reality top ranks are upset about losing rating as if some else doesn't have right to take a shot at rank 1. While ratings accumulate, even if you are 1 rating above rank 2, you are still rank 1, all the extra rating is a buffer. As in If you have a 100 extra rating you probably have the room to mess up 2-3 times with a conflict before you lose the rank. And I hate to bring it up again but we all know the top 3 are either so small they can afford to be as strong as diamond while the others can afford to buff them selves and a good number of people in their guild, isnt that the short fall about gvg ranking ? Defending is harder with leveler guilds since its too expensive to actually defend people especially in epics.
The pvp ladder is a race itself, there is a reward to be won and I want the reward and I will use and create an advantage to get it. If you dont wanna deal with competition, stick to prestige hunting. Its like some of you have not experienced real life. Composed potions are being spent on to earn a reward. You can't or didn't spend as much so you are not going to get the top reward, how hard is that. You should get the idea by now.
For HCS, you are working here to stay financially stable and have funds to purse other projects even if FS isn't your greatest interest. If you take away strong potions, you take away a good reason for people spend on something. People using Christmas boxes for 200+ fsp to level better and faster is an advantage( saves time to reach eoc) too but the thing is most only need it once or twice a month. PVPers on the other hand go through them exponentially faster which mean they need to spend more or get more chest from the $60 purchases offers.
Yes I am a pvper and yes I have used maxed composed potions buffs 24 hrs and yes I have beaten someone with a this very egg on also 150 levels above me on ladder, so I do have an interest in this very topic and I speak from experience.

You have a nice bit of stam. I hope to see you level up, and help me off the high horse. I'm all about a quarterly GvG ladder reset getting implemented, so our domination in the venue is all more apparent and clear. I'm also pro composing pots, just think the Easter chest is a bit much.....However I'm certain everyone here will have 3-5, and I look forward to any competition from any source.

#297 Emperor Sidd

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 19:09

You have a nice bit of stam. I hope to see you level up, and help me off the high horse. I'm all about a quarterly GvG ladder reset getting implemented, so our domination in the venue is all more apparent and clear. I'm also pro composing pots, just think the Easter chest is a bit much.....However I'm certain everyone here will have 3-5, and I look forward to any competition from any source.


I wasn't a personal shot when I talked about gvg rankings but i'll meet you up there one day, I agree RA has earned rank 1 in every sense both attacking and defending and I expect to be outclassed by their knowledge and planning if i was against them. It was more a comment about how it really hurts to lose due the accumulation of rating and how its gained and lost. 

#298 yotwehc



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 19:14

Maybe they have got your levels, but im 100% sure they didnt win every single hit they initiated upon you, take that in a GVG perspective, where 1 loss could mean a conflict lost

Some were perfect, some weren't :/

#299 Chooma123



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 20:16

please remain on topic about getting these composed potions changed


GvG is a separate problem that has much more problems beyond potions


one step at a time one thing per a year lets not rush people!

#300 BadPenny



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Posted 22 April 2017 - 00:20

So, what about potions that have ALWAYS been in the game, since their inception.  Like EW 1k, Bez 300 & 350, Wither, etc.   These are common potions bought from the specials section of the AH, or potion Bazaar.  You want to drop these as well?  We might as well go the whole nine yards, roll back everything to the way it was when EOC was barely 200....



Buff are a plus in this game, and so many don't even know how to use them effectively...  How many go hunting using an epic weapon, for example, with coordinated attack and defense running?  That one non set item negated the entire buff, seeing as it requires 9 set pieces to even work, yet I know people use them all the time.  KE and SH are most effective with several 2-3 piece sets.....   


There's lots of you I can't defeat in any way, not because of our buff, but because of where my points lie, or a distinct disparity of levels.   Others are a piece of cake.   This is particularly true when doing a GvG (sorry, Chooma, GvG is still a PvP issue, regardless of the purpose of this thread, and where a lot of the debate is arising here) or clearing a bounty.  As I'm rarely attacked except for the occasional DQ or prestige hitter, I have no current data on that, however, I usually go offline in full epics.... NONE of the uber buffs will help me there....  So for defense, when I have a heavy pocket, I get deflect and erosion just out of spite....   


In the end, buffs and how we use them are OPTIONAL, and we have to remember that you need the correct gear/buff combination regardless of whether they're all 175, or something higher derived from some potion.   



I do want to say here that a DC 500 is a little OP, but it's not PvP specific, and has practical applications for hunting....  but we said the same thing when FI 1k came out, something about balance, I believe....  


If we're going to lose any big buff pots, then ALL should go, up to and including those that have no use for PvP....

Edited by BadPenny, 22 April 2017 - 00:20.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

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