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#321 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 19:02

should we go back to old levels and add in commons because there is randomly HUGE gaps where non are dropped? why should some levels be able to get fragments from their hunts when not everyone can..


give us ALL the common drops!!!



#322 wil72



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 20:07

I responded to your first post which clearly took EOC players to task for not voluntarily using their stam to hunt hundreds of levels below them.


then when you went another way I made it more specific and you didn't addrees my point then either. Unlike doom who seems to see you as an adversary, I will just ignore anything you say since you are clearly incapable of real discussion.


sorry mate


Doom an adversary? Au contraire mon frere.


Then again he might disagree with me. :D


I answered your question, it wasn't to your satisfaction, I gave reason for answering the way I did. Nothing more. If you feel I lack the capability to engage in real discussion that's up to you. And if you wish to ignore me that again is up to you. It is of no consequence to me. You might find Forum Ignore feature useful :)





#323 watagashi



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 20:48

Been keeping up on this and have to ask a couple things.


I see where there are gaps in areas that have no commons,,, what is dropped there? If its all quest items or a something like that then yes a creature that drops it or a common drop needs added there. 

If its a realm full of champions, elite or etc like they did with the spiders then no you are actually lucky to have a realm of champs and can just move a bit lower if you need commons.


the rat thing,,, confused me,, was someone mocked for doing this achievement?  Because we been helping the places we stay at with this while farming items and so (insert quote to brush off haters here,, ours is against ToS to post here XD)

If its a lack of vermin choices,,, yea there are a couple but as with everything else nobody forced anyone to do it. 


Finally if this is a issue of gear and its availablility,,,, well I argued one part of composing I didnt think was a very good idea and because of that extra bit some things had to be changed, some stuff not included in events and other stuff put in thats balancing this,,, if people didnt want to HAVE to hunt rats for items perhaps its time to petition a removal of things that make it too easy and too rewarding to hunt commons at 1500??


I am actually delighted with how its turning out and the balance that shows just how much time and effort they put into this and I think its,,, for the most part since again I am not familiar with the higher places and there could be a few places more items need added to,, its working great!!!

#324 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 21:38

Grendel, Grim removing the commons had nothing to do with your rants.


It was done a LONG time ago, and had nothing to do with composing. It was done because some people actually complained and said they didn't want the creatures to drop anything, as they were pointless and time consuming.


#325 watagashi



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 22:02

Grendel, Grim removing the commons had nothing to do with your rants.


It was done a LONG time ago, and had nothing to do with composing. It was done because some people actually complained and said they didn't want the creatures to drop anything, as they were pointless and time consuming.

LOL well either way it worked and kept things nicely balanced,, at least looks that way but as I mentioned above there could be some areas it was missed in that can be fixed now. 

By accident or design it fell into place pretty well from what I can see,,, you can hunt high level stuff for extra frags but they are fewer and farther between with lower drop rates or go to lvl1 and hunt rats for one frag per drop but they drop way better and are more plentiful. 

#326 DeadParrot



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 22:21

Can we all agree that lower level players play a major role in FS (buying dots, Arena, farming, leveling, pvp, gvg, perpetuating the MP)? 


Can we agree that commons, necessary for composing, are limited at higher levels?


And from the reaction of most posts, can we agree that EOCer's (or at the very least 1600+ers) are enormously peaved at EITHER RELYING ON THE FARMING PRICES OF LOWBIES, or FARMING THEMSELVES?


Seems to me either option is not supported by the aforementioned parties.  So I agree with Grendel, I love this balance.  Nothing wrong with the have-nots, finally being the haves.


Some smoke for your pipe.




p.s., I will be EOC one day, as I'm going to buy my way to the top, and will have the grand scope to recognize that all players need to have a piece of the pie, not just the bourgeoisie.

Swearing, even starred out, is not acceptable on the forums. Cheers!

#327 Pardoux



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 22:34

And from the reaction of most posts, can we agree that EOCer's (or at the very least 1600+ers) are enormously peaved at EITHER RELYING ON THE FARMING PRICES OF LOWBIES, or FARMING THEMSELVES?


Nope - I'm quite happy dropping down to farm fragments if/when necessary :P


The "only" aspect of that I don't like is the long walk back to content. Master Realms to new content should come out at the same time as new content IMO.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#328 DeadParrot



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 22:37

Nope - I'm quite happy dropping down to farm fragments if/when necessary :P


Awesome! Happy to hear someone is grounded.  I'm personally loving the composing.  I'm dropping down and hunting Pirate Bombers who have 6 (?) common drops, since they drop the same number of frags as my current level mobs.


Superb addition to the game!

Swearing, even starred out, is not acceptable on the forums. Cheers!

#329 yotwehc



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 22:52

I'm doing both. Dropping down for commons and spending a small fortune on rares and uniques to the very willing lowbies.

#330 mikkyld



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 00:19

Been keeping up on this and have to ask a couple things.


I see where there are gaps in areas that have no commons,,, what is dropped there? If its all quest items or a something like that then yes a creature that drops it or a common drop needs added there. 

If its a realm full of champions, elite or etc like they did with the spiders then no you are actually lucky to have a realm of champs and can just move a bit lower if you need commons.


the rat thing,,, confused me,, was someone mocked for doing this achievement?  Because we been helping the places we stay at with this while farming items and so (insert quote to brush off haters here,, ours is against ToS to post here XD)

If its a lack of vermin choices,,, yea there are a couple but as with everything else nobody forced anyone to do it. 


Finally if this is a issue of gear and its availablility,,,, well I argued one part of composing I didnt think was a very good idea and because of that extra bit some things had to be changed, some stuff not included in events and other stuff put in thats balancing this,,, if people didnt want to HAVE to hunt rats for items perhaps its time to petition a removal of things that make it too easy and too rewarding to hunt commons at 1500??


I am actually delighted with how its turning out and the balance that shows just how much time and effort they put into this and I think its,,, for the most part since again I am not familiar with the higher places and there could be a few places more items need added to,, its working great!!!

there are 13 total non quest/resource items from 1601 to 1700 per guide and I think only one of those is common.

#331 mikkyld



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 00:25


And from the reaction of most posts, can we agree that 1600+ers) are enormously peaved at EITHER RELYING ON THE FARMING PRICES OF LOWBIES, or FARMING THEMSELVES?




well speaking for this 1600 er I would only be peeved at misspelled words despite the existence of spellcheck


Oh and not having the choice of either hunting items while I level OR paying for them if I would prefer that approach. I don't have the choice that everyone below 1600 has.


Now if Grim got rid of ALL the commons except for, say, level 1-5, then I would not even object, since that would make it equal for nearly everyone.

#332 mikkyld



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 00:27

I'm doing both. Dropping down for commons and spending a small fortune on rares and uniques to the very willing lowbies.

? you don't need to drop down at level 1112, do you?

#333 watagashi



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 00:50

there are 13 total non quest/resource items from 1601 to 1700 per guide and I think only one of those is common.

that might need a bit of a look and assessment of where more could be added.


Also would seem to me to make sense that theres a master realm at least every 50 levels or so

#334 yotwehc



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 01:05

? you don't need to drop down at level 1112, do you?

I drop down to the 900's so I can farm without wearing crystal gears and full buffs. My normal levelling hunts don't produce enough common drops to satisfy my composing thirst. Either that or I'm a horribly inefficient composer.

#335 rowbeth



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 06:43

 Either that or I'm a horribly inefficient composer.


Might be a bit in that. At 6 commons per 20 XP pot, you can do a lot of composing for not much hunting. And the 54/54 level/duration pot only adds 5 minutes to the 108/108 pots, so probably won't affect your daily experience gain

#336 rowbeth



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 06:46

there are 13 total non quest/resource items from 1601 to 1700 per guide and I think only one of those is common.

Actually, there are NO wearable common items between 1601 and 1750 (inclusive), and currently no expectation of any beyond level 1750 when that eventuates.


Within that range, there are 5 levels with rare drops, but all dropped by champions

#337 yotwehc



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 07:14

Might be a bit in that. At 6 commons per 20 XP pot, you can do a lot of composing for not much hunting. And the 54/54 level/duration pot only adds 5 minutes to the 108/108 pots, so probably won't affect your daily experience gain

90% of the pots I compose are of the 54/54 variety :) only time I veer from that is when my instant compose resets. (2 @ 60 xp pots/day) I'm about to run out of commons again. :(

#338 yotwehc



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 07:16

Oh. I guess I make a 3rd 60 xp pot overnight as I'm not willing to wake up every 85 minutes ;)

#339 Doginal


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 14:01

I really like the system that has been implemented. The leveling and the time it takes to level I think is good. This is a game that you need to play for the long run and composing is a feature that you need to work slowly but consistently.


I also dont think you need to be that high of a level before getting useful pots. Remember this is about having use for our waste. Its not long before LF 180. Even before that I like the idea of being able to make my own low level doubler pots. When i finish my hunt i'll go through a doubler 100 or 150 and not I can easily make that. Sure a doubler 100 may be cheaper to buy then make but i'm already making potions for exp so I may as well make something I can use.


I also like the guild only feature.


Regarding the issues about not enough common items. That is a bit of a problem but truthfully i'm okay with the 1600+ people taking a bit of a hit, but i'm sure thats only because i'm not there. I think a solution to getting more fragments without adding a ton of items to the game is to increase the fragments per item based off the rarity of the items in those levels. But then you open it up to people farming items at EOC and creating a ritch get ritcher system.


Another solution is to remember this is a nice guild feature. You are working to make potions for the guild and as such have your guild help each other out. If you dont want to drop down and farm item but are willing to put the time in. See if lower level guild members can send you items if they aren't trying to compose as well.

#340 rowbeth



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 19:49

Oh. I guess I make a 3rd 60 xp pot overnight as I'm not willing to wake up every 85 minutes ;)


Well, that would certainly explain the rapid fragment use :rolleyes:


I guess I've one of those who have stopped feeling the drive to sprint ahead, and so am happily sticking with the cheaper option.

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