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WAR!!!! [Connected to the Great Battle] Season 2

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#21 gothador_wattlebird

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Posted 28 October 2005 - 03:55

[a microphone buzzes; gritty feedback is heard as the airwaves within the realms are suddenly hijacked. mysterious moving pictures are projected on rock walls, on passing creatures, reflected in the waters of Oceanianas -- the noise sounds tinny and far-off, but comes through clear.

An Announcer narrates...
{written by Dafadil}

Have you been looking for a show to watch late at night, but everything is a rerun?

*zombie on a couch drooling, with remote in hand "uuuhhhgggg"*

have you heard about the "it's the Birdie Brain-Eater Variety Show!" but could not get it cause your cable provider does not carry the Nether network?

*zombie on a couch drooling, with remote in hand "uuuhhhgggg" pan to tv showing the Birdie Brain-Eater Variety Show!*

well fret no more!!
now you too can watch the show in Sin-Dication!
coming to a realm near you!


[STATIC... the images shift, going out of focus, and slowly fading back in to a goofy-looking Nether girl with rotting grey skin. Her wild, brittle hair falls out of a loosely-kept bun -- she grins ecstatically]

Announcer: It's the Birdie Brain-Eater Show! Starring your Undead Hostess With the Most-est, Birdie Brain-Eater!


Birdie: Welcome, welcome, so glad to eat you all today! Yum, yum, can't get enough of those brains. OH-kay, got a riddle for you. Why did the Nether go to the hospital?


...Because he wanted to learn some sick jokes!


[Laugh Track]

Ah, ha ha! But seriously, Necros, we've got a great show planned for you tonight. We've got some surprises up our sleeves, and i'm not just talking about the maggots that crawled up there! Great guests, great music, but first, THE DANCING!

*three Jolly skeletons with canes and boater hats tap-dance onstage; Birdie joins in*


We'll be right back after this commercial break!

[Cut to commercial -- static briefly rises, then the picture comes in clear]

{commercial written by Clotho}

*Commercial break*

[Lounge music]

Hi this is Clotho...do you have trouble keeping your limbs on whilst mining at your local mine? Well if so than I have the product for you!

[Picture of undead miner hacking away at mine and limbs falling off]

It is Necro-Stick! The sticky gummy black tar substance that keeps those limbs in place while you are shacking and rattling them bones.

[Picture of undead miner with a thumbs up]

Now for a limited time if you buy 1 you will get a second bottle for half off! Only 3 pp payable to Clotho's Necro-Stick.

(All products are organic and can be found in the Dark Water swamp on a specific night on a specific day. Side effects include rigor mortis spasms and stiff joints. Take only as directed and only if you are undead)


[Audience Applause; Moaning]

Birdie: ...Aaaaannnnd, we're BACK! Wouldn't you know it? I'm fresh out of Necro-Stick -- anybody out there need some Necro-Stick?

[feeble mumbling from the audience]

Who wants the Necro-stick?


Bring out the Necro-stick!

[Necro-Stick sticks rain from the ceiling onto unsuspecting Necros]

[Laugh Track; Applause]

Oh, that's wonderful, that's wonderful -- boy, I tell you. I'm tired, I'm tired. Do you know how I'm tired? Because I'm Dead on my feet!


[Laugh Track]

But seriously, Necros, our first guest is a real humdinger. He's travelled here all the way from the Frozen North. Please welcome, Lord Kordrorog's human servant, Billingsworth!

[Applause; Moaning]

Bill, Bill, so glad you could join us.

Billingsworth: Yeah... "glad" ...yeah.

Birdie: So, Billingsworth -- you work as a servant for the Army of Sin. How do you like it there?

Billingsworth: ...I suppose "work" would denote "getting paid." Next question, please.

Birdie: Oh, that's marvelous, marvelous -- Say, Bill. What are you doing for dinner?

Billingsworth: ...For...dinner? *confused*

Birdie: Yes, DINNER!

[Audience members rise from seats, moaning, flesh dripping in a frenzy as they swarm onstage]

Birdie: You're just in time for the best segment of this show, Bill! It's the part where we eat your BRAINS! weeeee!


Audience: *gobble* *gobble* *munch* *yum!* *burrrrp*

Birdie: Oh, that was *buurrrrrrp* Oh! Excuse me! Well, we're going to take a short commercial break, but stayed tuned! More lovely guests are on the way...

[Applause; Theme Music -- Cut to Commercial]

{commercial written by Clotho}


*Undead pops up from grave*

Hi folks...are you looking to buy or sell your plot? Have you outgrown your burial ground and looking to upgrade? Well my name is Marty Bones, head realtor at No Bones No Homes Realty.

If you are ready to find that dream plot of your own give me a call at 1-800-555-dead Now dont forget the number again is 1-800-555-dead! It will be such a fright! Mwa ha ha ha!

*lightning cracks overhead*

[Fades to black]


Announcer: Stay Tuned for More Birdie Brain-Eater Variety Show, now in Sin-dication on the Nether Network!

#22 Kayla



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Posted 31 October 2005 - 08:00

A slender figure of breath-taking exotic beauty wandered through the starlit gardens, her fingers lightly stroking a perfect red rose that seemed undisturbed by the constant lack of sunshine or rain. A smile came to the plush black lips of the woman as she continued through her garden that was not. Finally, she paused and sat upon a stone, that appeared to be a fallen, carved colomn from a ruin of such and from thin air she took a glittering ivory comb. The comb passed in rhythmic motion through her pure white hair, it’s silky strands flowing down her back, in truth never needing comb or brush to separate them. But it was a habit she had developed whilst watching one of her more errant children…

In her complex mind, she was calculating, planning how best to steer forthcoming events to her own advantage and quell the surge of rebellion against her rule. Her thoughts turned to the Houses. Loc’ress was an arrogant fool, her overconfidence in the plans she had laid down had possibly been what failed her at the end, one simple miscalculation had put pause to all and brought the Houses to war. Still, she followed the ways set down in the past, thus another chance had been offered, though another failure would not be tolerated.

The Qualyn may become a problem later, she thought, for their leader was an old, fat woman who’d born no daughters, thus the Masters of the House were in control. It was never good when a man tasted power, it gave him ideas, the same ideas that had led to the war…. However this war was an opportunity to eliminate the Masters… of course it would cause disarray and possibly even internal bloodshed that could last a generation or so… her smile widened as she shivered in pleasure at the thought.

G’ym was not the only God of Chaos, just the first, the original so to speak. But he was male, after all and thus limited so. She, however, had none of his faults and the chaos she could reign with a simple planned action could ripple over the entire world in a second. That was true power, something her subjects could only dream about….

That brought Etharas back to another problem. But upon seeking a solution, she noted a certain element that she had not noticed before, due to the lack of drow blood, she supposed. His thoughts were difficult to decipher, but one of his intentions came to the forefront of his mind. Etharas smiled, a perfect smile of pure satisfaction. Her path and his path flowed the same way only put pause by one of her own children, but that would not be a problem to overcome, the girl would succomb to her decision this time, even if she had to use the blood tie….

G’ym was also not the only God to have descendants…. She had just ensured hers were mortal, less trouble that way…

#23 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 14:10

I must apologise, for the trmendous delay with the RP.

But We here at the staff of

As Gothador turns, Posted Image


We have had some major changes with the staff of writers.

Vampz is missing.
The writer for Sargtlin.
Has anyone heard from him?
Is he In the affected areas of the US?

If anyone knows please contact me.

Also Kayla while she does still make appearances she is now with child and
while she write, she is still kinda busy at time...lol
told me she looks like a beached whale...sorry kay..hehehehe

And Prince Aero has been on and off lately...
Gonna talk to him and see whats up.

We havent stopped so much are preparing for the new season...... :P

Editor an Chief

so with the changes we are experiencing a slow

#24 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 20 November 2005 - 22:48

It had been one of those unseasonably warm days, humid and unescapable. Even within the depths of the Temple cellars heat lingered in normally cool, dark corners of the windowless corridors.

Feathers ruffled and at various angles to his normally smoothly groomed wings, Seraphim made his way, peevishly, down the stone steps to the lowest cellar. Condensation dripped from the walls even as sweat trickled down the angel's forehead. Seraphim wiped his brow, muttering. What could be so important as to request his presence all the way down here?

A cooling breeze seemed to caress him as he entered the deepest room beneath the Temple. It was almost as if he had entered another world and idily he wondered if a similar enchantment that kept the ice caves filled with snow falling from a roofed sky had been cast here.

"No, no magic," said a bustling, haggard looking man of average proportions, as if reading Seraphim's mind. "Machines," he waved his hand at the fan and vent system he'd had his apprentices install.

"You look worn out, Earnest," Seraphim commented.

"Centuries pass and nothing more interesting than a low flying comet occurs," he replied as way of explaination, "then one deity and one who rejected her manage to involve the entire world in their dispute! I hate wars."

Seraphim frowned. "War? I had heard that the dark elves were involved in skirmish within their borders but..."

Earnest placed his quill upon his desk and pushed the parchment away. "Copying old records is such a tedious task."

"I thought that was why you'd sought out those apprentices of yours."

"I sent them out to observe and record."

There was a pause between the two men, a silence that spoke volumes.

"One thing you must understand about the Gods," Earnest began. "They are answerable to no one. For the most part, this is not a problem, though few are wise in their affairs with mortals, many simply don't bother interfering, prefering their own entertainments. For a few more, we ARE the entertainment."

"I don't understand," Seraphim admitted, for the Knights had a fair and close relationship to their Goddess.

"The Dark Elves enjoy battle it is true and enjoy the struggle of obtaining rank within and around their Houses. However this time, their Goddess is involved, meaning a war unlike any they have fought since the time of Asmodious...you may not be aware of that one, " Earnest shrugged. "Would it be left there, however another Goddess, one whose name should not be spoken less peril occur to mortal mind and body, has become involved and Her undead legions border the dispute like a pack of vultures waiting for sacrifices of deceased to offer their altars, in order to swell their numbers.

"And then if that is not bad enough, Demons seek domination in other lands, likely influenced by other Gods, reawakening the Game, whether these Demon Lords realise it or not. And soon all will be in the grip of war and the lands shallbe stained red before, if ever, it is resolved."

Seraphim shuddered and paled visibly as Earnest finished his tale of woe. "And now you see why I hate wars.... so much paperwork involved."

The angel made to leave, he needed to report this and quickly. Perhaps the Knights might turn this path of destruction aside. However Earnest then told him why he'd requested his presence...

"Keep the Knight Kayla within the grace of Nanaea, if you value her life and sanity. She is more deeply involved in the forthcoming wars than even she would care to realise."

Written bye Kayla....Owww, ow, ow...you can let go of my arm now..lol

#25 Kayla



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Posted 26 November 2005 - 18:23

A steady rain had begun to dampen the lands of and around the Temple of Nanaea, but it did little to lift the rising heat that most would remember that day. A few, however, in vain allowed it to soak them seeking in it even the smallest amount of relief from an otherwise stifling and stale afternoon.

One such person, a woman of dark elven nature, let the waters run through her long white hair as she sat crossed legged in it’s steady fall. Hair forward of her shoulders, raindrops ran down the back of her black neck and down her spine. She was not fond of hot weather at the best of times, but at least the clouded skies offered her lavender eyes solace from the bright sun.

Though the footfall was impossibly light and near ghostly silent, the drow knight came instantly alert and to her feet. Though it was forbidden to carry arms about the grounds with the exception of the training grounds, her favoured sword came instantly to hand as she fell into a defensive stance. Her eyes caught sight of the intruder upon her musings and instantly she recognised him. “Oh it’s you,â€

#26 gothador_aero

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Posted 26 November 2005 - 18:24

Prince Aero sat on his Throne listening to his advisors as they spoke of the final preparations for war.
Weeks had past, over a month of garrisoning troops, supplies and weapons.
And finally the time had come they were prepared. Aero was amazed at the response of the free drow; his armies over the last few weeks had swollen to 16 legions of troops, all eager to fight for their own freedom but the freedom of their relatives still held by the oppressive drow society created by Etharas.

As he continued thinking to himself he actually wasn’t hearing what was being said,
over the last few weeks he had heard it a thousand times; it sounded like “Blah blah, blah blah…. blah blah blah, in his ears.
Until his cousin said something that caught his attention.

“Lord Generalâ€

#27 Kayla



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Posted 27 November 2005 - 09:10

Mamori had set aside his first impressions of the one named Kayla, wondering why he had not done so a long time ago.

He had first encountered her during the War that Never Was, vague though it was in his memory. She had been human, possessed by one of the creatures he sought to destroy… once this quest was complete at least. And then he had seen her outside the Temple of Nanaea, in full possession of her faculties it seemed, battling one who would see her dead and had won, somehow… he wasn’t certain how, so he had kept one eye upon her when time allowed. Then she had represented the Temple at the Queen Shiva’s ball and danced with her enemy, though she had not known it. And she had saved that enemy’s life… it was another hint of the power that lay within her.

And revealed to him was yet another side of her, an… alternative power, so to speak. She commanded the dark elven House he had known she was affiliated too. It had been somewhat of a surprise, though it furthered his own purpose nicely.

He watched her now, no longer the uncertain girl Knight, as if she had shed a layer of skin almost, but a confident dark elven woman in rule. She had disappeared not long after their arrival, leaving him with a distrusting councillor and had reappeared re-garmented and had commanded the councillor gather all her advisors at once. They had updated her upon the situation, which she had been unwilling to accept when it had been him that had spoken of it and now waited her response…

Kayla felt sick to her stomach. Why had no one told her of this, was it too much to ask for a messenger to be dispatched to keep her informed of things such as this? She pushed aside that it was she who had wished to keep the two parts of her life separate from each other all the while trying to merge them into a sort of harmony. War… and to think she had witnessed, even been a part of, the first hints of it… the attempted assassination of Aero. Was Mamori true in his words? If Aero had… if she had not saved him, would this have been prevented? She shook the thought away, it was of no use wallowing in hindsight when nothing could be proven. Especially seeing as this Princess Loc’ress was as little in favour of her advisors as Aero was.

She frowned, reconsidering their words, shifting her thought to the hidden meanings lying so often beneath them. Loc’ress did follow the path of Etharas, they had told her this… so their disfavour of her was not due to religion… such a poor excuse for war. No, there was something more to this than one House’s difference of opinion. What was it that they were not telling her? She would dwell on it later, she decided.

“How do we stand in position of this… war?â€

#28 gothador_balord

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 20:44

After a short while Toby arrived, still dressed from work. The thing worried Balord the most was the look he wore rather than his clothes. As Balord wondered what was up, Toby spotted him and headed for his table.
“Ahh, mister Balord. Good to see you sir. Sorry I’m a little late and not dressed for the occasion either I’m afraid. Something came up at the last moment.â€

#29 gothador_purgatorix

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Posted 09 January 2006 - 22:02

... back to northeastern Gothador...

“So, who do you think she is?â€

#30 gothador_aero

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Posted 10 February 2006 - 18:15

I was told to announce that this RP was still active just on break, due to RL issues with some of the Players.

One such issue is the birth of Kayla's new daughter...

We will be resuming as soon as feasable.

#31 Kayla



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Posted 16 February 2006 - 14:28

Kayla sat in partial daydream upon an uncomfotable, uglyseat that they called a throne in the overly elaborate, yet horribly drafty hall that they called a throne room. She was stirring a cup of tea with a dainty silver spoon, whilst waiting for some... er... Prince Ortus... abassador of the House wun Mith Tonashss.

It had not escaped her notice that all these abassadors of late were male. For a few days Caleb had almost convinced her that this was an open insult for Houses respectful of the 'ways' (aka Etharas' ways), would send females to negotiate with her. But the old drow had suddenly changed his tune. It was then that she had noticed that all these Prince's were handsome, some even charming in a lame sort of way, and not one laid claim to having a bride.... She doubted, for some reason, that these... ambassadors... were the idea of the House rulers who sought alliance with her.

She stirred the tea and gazed unseeing into it's amber depths. Perhaps it was not the impression she ought offer, a princess enjoying such a homely beverage, but she honesty didn't care.

As it turned out, Prince Ortus was handsome, a fine drow son to his Matron and to certain drow maidens, quite a good choice to sire their offspring. However, he was also fairly dull and his speech flat, a memorised passage certainly had spilled from his lips with the additional sentence of how he would be honoured if she sought a more personal tryst with his to discuss whichever details she desired. The slight leer in his eyes did not appeal to her in the slightest.

She thanked him politely, dismissed him then when he was out of hearing range sighed dramtically. "Why me? Couldn't the House have picked someone else?!"

"There was someone else...." a slurring voice chuckled.

Kayla's eyes narrowed. So the wandering cousin had returned. "Oh it's you." She chose not to lower herself and allow the insult stored slip from her tongue.

"Miss me, cousin dear?" The fair elven face she had last seen was now as dark as her own. She wondered if the Goddess had forgiven him, or simply had forgotten the promise she had sworn in the heat of a moment. Likely the Goddess didn't care either way about him.

"But of course," Kayla lied, all the while wondering how easy it would be to convince Mamori that her cousin was the one he wanted, not Prince Aero. But she knew the sharp eyed warrior would never fall for it. "You were saying?"

"Oh, nothing much," he advised her a cruel delight in his tone as he taunted. "Only that you were actually chose to rule as second choice, sort of a fall back plan so to speak. It wasn't exactly easy to find you after all."

"Oh," she replied, feeling the maliousness of drow rise within her, "You mean even after all that, they still overlooked you as a possibility?"

She enjoyed the anger that stirred in his dark pink eyes, even though she knew she would feel shamed by it later. "Males cannot rule a House of Etharas," he grumbled the words they had told him until they had been burned into his ired soul.

"So who was first choice?" Kayla asked after a moments pause. "Why is she not here instead of me?"

"The girl that was meant to rule didn't appreciate the honour of it," he replied, the cruel amusement gone from his voice now. "A bit like you really, but then what can you expect of your sister?"

"Sister? What sister?"

#32 gothador_raelcleap

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 08:07

The echo of steal could be herd ringing through the dark forest and the howls of pain bounced of the trees like sonic waves crashing on the wooden pillers of the thousand year old oak.

RaelCleap stood in the clearing and watched as the elves circled him.More heads for the alter of G'ym he thought,more slaughter then the feast.He could smell war in the air and its scent was sweet like the rotting elf meat back at his dungeon.He flung back the thousands of chains all of differant sizes that hung from his body peirced through most of his dark blue flesh.The elf that was best equiped looked fearfully at him and spoke.

"We come looking for the demon they call RaelCleap!" The slight tremble in his voice gave away his fear but his composure showed he was a skilled warrior,his stance was ridged and poised for Rael to make a move.Battle always stopped the voices in Raels mind with the concentration of the fight that was about to ensue all his personalitys became one.The one gift G'ym had given him in his curse of his split personalitys,a calm and calculated sanity in the act of chaotic carnage.Rael crouched and held his knightmare cleaver up his back in his favored fighting stance.

"You are eather brave or stupid to come this close to me elf!" The disdain echoed in the clearing as Rael snarled the words of contempt. "I will dine on your corpses tonight like the rest of your fallen brothers and sisters here elf."

"We are not here to hurt you,we wish to talk with you a while.We know of your fighting prowess and we have a proposition for you." The elf walked forward,Rael could see the restriction of fear in the muscles as he took two steps forward but he did not loose his fighting composure.As the other seven elves kept circling Rael.

"One more step elf and I kill you where you stand!" But a voice in Raels head spoke out in his mind in a twisted curiosity.See'sss what'sss they want'sss Rael listensss to hissss last wordsss,ssssee what he wantsss yesss. Rael stood his ground and waited."What do you want elf? You must have a good reason to risk your life to aprouch me!"

The elf looked Rael up and down and hesitated,Raels senses told him in a split second the two elves behind him pounced.His cleaver flew through the air impailing the first to one of the mighty oaks as his left hand ripped the seconds head clean off its shoulders.Two more of the elves ran past him slashing his back and chest as he threw the head of the slain elf to the floor.He grabed one of them as he ran past on the second wave of assault and brought his forhead crushing through the elfs face and lept back to his cleaver lodged in the tree.Quickly he drew his mighty artefact and decapitated another as it flew at him then parryed six blows from there leader in a flurry of ringing steal that echoed round the clearing.


They wernt trying to kill him.Why Raelsssss? The voice echoed in his head.With this distraction the elf leader swung his finely crafted sword upwards in an arch and removed Raels left eye in a calculated slash.Rael retaliated with a left upercut with his left fist to the elfs jaw throwing him six foot away with the force.The second attacking elf was not so lucky as Rael spun round taking his leg clean off and befor his screams had ended,his head was removed as his body hit the floor.Raels foot shot up and grabed the third assailant by the kneck hurling him in the air,befor he hit the ground he was cleaved intwain.

An elf soldier took the oppertunity as his master sumasalted back to his feet and removed the demons left leg with a well placed sword stroke on Raels blind side.Rael hurled a chain into the branches of the tree's to keep him upright as his leg started to regenarate.Rael grabbed the next assailant with his bare hands dropping his cleaver and pulled the elfs arms
away from its body in a shower of blood with the ease of a twisted child toying with removing a trapped flys wings and then snaped its kneck in one fluent movement.His new leg gave him back his balance as he charged the elven leader.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He bawled on his battle charge.

"NOOOOOOO WAIT!!!!" The well placed left hook knocked the leader clean out at witch point the last elven warrior turned to flee. Rael hurled his chains at the back off the warriors legs snaring him and dragging the elf back slowly through the dirt.The elves nails snapped and broke away as he clawed frivoulously at the dirt floor of the dark forrest.As Rael laid his hand on him the screams reacoiled in a high pich wail around the clearing and then silence.

Rael lifted the elf leader by his kneck two feet off the floor with his left hand and pinned him to a tree and waited.the leader came round.The fear of the unarmed elf smelt like pure chaotic hell to Rael,he snapped the elfs leg with his clawed foot.

"Leg for a leg an eye for an eye!" Yesssss Rael'sss interogate'sss him,findsss out what he want'sss yesssss.The voice hissed in his mind as he gashed the elfs eye out with his right claw. "Now elf I will make this quick for you if you tell us what it is you wanted,we promise!" Rael waited for the screams to subside.

"Warrr comes." The elf spat out "from the north west,riders,elven riders coming to raid the forrest our home from the braskin plains.We need your help to stop them from detroying all in the dark forrest." The elf composed himself "We came looking for you to show you where these enemys come from,to hire your mercenary ........services!"

"I think we'll eat you alive now elf MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


"We lied,we can smell warrrrr and you are of no used to me cept my meal!"

The screams echoed through the clearing as Rael ripped and chewed the elf alive. "Warrr'ssss comessss Rael we'sss must find'ss an army to join'ss to find the elvessseess to kill."

"Yes an army to hire my services too. In the name of G'ym elf blood will be spilt again!" He picked up his cleaver and marched out the clearing after eating his fill in the direction of the braskin plains.

#33 gothador_braelynd

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 02:01

...in northeast Gothador, at the Temple of the Nanaean Knights...

The morning had been full of minor catastrophes—mostly of Braelynd’s own making. His mood was erratic. At one point, he responded to the Temple Bursar’s insistence that the funds to continue to rebuild farms did not exist by chucking a large mug of dark tea at the man’s head, only to follow the outburst with unexpectedly morose resignation about the whole thing. He ordered the stockman from his presence after a disappointing discussion about replenishing livestock from the Temple herds, but gave a washwoman a handful of coins for careening into her in the corridor. And the news the Kayla was gone both angered and worried him.

He felt like a pendulum, swinging back and forth between two extremes of indignation and remorse, but he assumed that to the rest of the Temple he looked like a petulant child. The poor, young scribe assigned to him to note the morning’s decisions tread uncertainly as he followed him from task to task, attempting to predict and avert the volatile flares in the Captain’s temper. Eventually, Braelynd set the scribe free and banished himself to the garden to spare the Temple’s inhabitants his maddening disposition.

The Captain sat alone on a stone bench, set off to one side of a minor path, and listened to the sounds of life that flourished there. He smiled slightly to himself as his mind wandered down the stone trails, to the places where he had, so long ago it seemed, walked with his Priestess. Even now, he could see her strolling past him, her white robes caressed by the breeze, strands of her black hair dancing. What he wouldn’t give to see her soft smile again, to gather strength from the light in her eyes that reassured him of the worth of the world. But the phantom of memory floating before him penetrated his recent years of chivalry and honor and saw down to his depths, to what he truly was… and she turned away from him with disdain, disappearing with an imagined rustle of leaves. For the first time since her parting, Braelynd was glad for Seven’s absence. How she would loathe him if she had ever learned the truths of his past, and that was something he knew he could not have borne.

It was the second day since Braelynd had left the strangely afflicted girl in the care of Nanaea’s servants and whatever administrations they could give to ease her suffering. He had repeatedly inquired of her state and been told each time that she had not awakened and that her interminable slumber seemed plagued with nightmares, for she often mumbled dark things and cried out in her sleep. It was no wonder, if she had seen the things the Braelynd feared she had. A peculiar cold gripped Braelynd and he crossed his arms over his chest to ward off the unexplainable chill.

During these blessed years he had spent in Nanaea’s service, Braelynd had managed to convince himself that he had indeed been reborn—that the man he was today bore no semblance to the thing he had once been. And yet, how easily that other self had risen to the surface when the girl had spoken of the Immortal Legion. What was most disturbing to him was the voice that had spoken to him that day. He desperately wanted to blame possession or madness for the thoughts and urges that had burrowed through him then—and which still pried at him in his dreams—but he could not lay fault with anything that might relieve him of his guilt, because that voice, as surely as his ragged breath, had been his own.

Braelynd closed his eyes and like the faint, forgotten notes of childhood song, sensations began to return to him. He could feel the cold steel in his hand, the way the ugly and over adorned hilt bit back into his fingers, as though he fought two battles each time he had wielded it. The dry warmth of fires from burning buildings heated his cheeks and, though the garden truly held only the sweet fragrance of blooming hyacinth, Braelynd smelled smoke and death.

Disgusted that he would allow himself even this small retrospective, Braelynd left the eidolons of his past there in the garden and resolutely made his way to the infirmary. He lingered outside the room he sought, pacing back and forth in the narrow hallway, until the door opened and a servant quietly backed out of the room. She gave a small start as she turned around, obviously not expecting to see Braelynd skulking in the hall. He recognized her from the first night when he had brought the girl.

“Is she still sleeping?â€

#34 gothador_raelcleap

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Posted 26 February 2006 - 14:42

RaelCleap marched the Braskin plains in a fury only hell new,his brow furrowed with the storm of a thosand blizards echoing round his head. Kill the elves.Maimsss the elvessseess. Destroy their race!! His own thoughts were not his own. Lost in the chorus of the others,the many,his curse.

There was a small pull on one of his chains and he looked down. There stood his scout,the imp looked into its masters eyes and new fear. "Master there be riders 'eadin' from the norf six miles way! Eighteen in all, arches an' infantry,'eavily armoured and looking for war! Lets go master we can't win. We 'av time they 'as set up camp master!"

The imps body dropped at Raels feet as he put his blade away "coward!" He spat on its body and looked forwards towards the north. He drew his hands back and his hands started to burn with black flame,a low growl lurched from his thoat as the flames grew bigger and darker. "Come to me,I summon you Smorgin the dragon of fairys!" The two balls of dark fire in his hands travelled down his body and formed a large fire infront of him burning twelve feet high and slowly taking form.


"Ahhh Smorgin my old friend we have war to wage!" Rael patted the fairy dragon on the side of its body and then mounted the black and red creature of rippling muscle and power. "We head north for the fray!"

Smorgin moved fast but it was dusk by the time the Ulth'ran camp came into veiw in the fading light.Rael brought Smorgin to a stop. The dragon curled its kneck back, looked at its master in a contemplating manner and awaited its orders.


Rael patted Smorgin on the side of its kneck and the dragon new what was asked of it. The large twelve foot long monster started its battle charge as Rael raised his knightmare cleaver above his head and sceamed his battle cry, a haunting howl from beyond.

The elves in the camp scattered like ants in the distance, the archers readying themselves as the cavlry mounted there steeds and formed into military formation and readyed to charge. The elven leader barked orders to his troops to defend the camp and set up formation in a toungue that Rael hated so much,elf!

The cavlry charged and Smorgin let loose a clowd of gas from its throat, pale green in colure and corrosive as acid. The first row of horses crashed in front of the dragon melting and whinnying in pain as the first elf riders screamed as the vapour ate at their flesh and armour. Raels cleaver swung from left to right finishing the burned and injured as the elf riders pulled back and regained there formation. Smorgin and the elf formation circled to the left of each other. Smorgin made a quick driving burst of speed to the left and plowed straight into the ranks of the cavlry. One of the elven riders caught the dragon square in the chest with his lance. Smorgin swung its right claw to the left dismounting and killing four riders in its death throws and spat acid vapour over the rest. The screams entered a new pitch and chorus of pain as the dragon fell. Rael flung himself from the steed and fishhooked one of the riders to there face with one of his chains. Befor eather landed on the floor his clever made quick work of the screaming elf. He landed and started his battle charge on foot towards the arches.

The Ulth'ran leader walked behind his troops with his leftenant and barked his orders. "Hold your ground, ready, wait for it, FIRE!" The arows flew as the the elf slayer charged in his battle fury. One arrow found its mark through his kneck another through his shoulder and the last in his thigh, making him buckle and fall on his face motionless. The arches cheered.

"Ha hahahahahahaha MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT ELVES,TOOTHPICKS!" Rael pushed him self up with his arms and got to his feet and picked up his weapon.

The elven cheer died as quickly as it had begun as the arches readyed themselves for the next volly. The leader shouted his comand. "FIRE AT WILL!"

"WILL, WILL, I'M RAELCLEAP THE ELF SLAYER FOOLS!!!!" Rael let forth a howl from beyond. The transdimentional abillity echoed through the ranks of arches as they dropped to the floor ears bleeding. As their screams grew louder Rael used his chains to hurl himself fourteen feet into the air and brought his cleaver above his head continuing his howl! He crashed into the ranks and made swift work of the first elf he landed next to. Carving a path through the archers as he walked towards the elven soldiers. Moments later he stood with a mound of dismembered body
parts of the arches that had stood in his way. "Pray to your false god elves tonight you die!"

The first elf soldier charged Rael with his spear. Rael caught the spear with his left hand and pulled the elf close swinging his cleaver from left to right at waist level disembowling the elf, pushing him to the side as the elf scouped at his organs on the floor letting out sighs and gulps of pain. The next came and Rael cleaved the spear in half turning his back on the elf then spinning round took the elf's head clean off in one fluent movement. The other soldiers drew their swords ready for the fury of the demon.

"WAIT!" the elf leader barked "there are 11 of us left demon but i will not risk any more elves in this fight,I will fight you!"

"Who are you to make demands elf! But as you wish,you can die first!" Rael spat in contempt and took his main fighting stance with his cleaver up his back.

"Fall back and retreat elves,get back to the fortress and let them know of this beast. RUN NOW!" The elves did as their leader comanded. "Just you and me now beast."

Rael charged the elf swinging his claver at head height, the elf ducked and slide sweeped the demon bringing him crashing to the ground in one swift elegant manouver and started to circle him. Rael pulls himself to his feet and rushes the elf, in response the elf backflips and caches the demon in the chin with his left foot and the as he lands fires ice shards at the demon from his finger tips as Rael is falling. The ice shards pass through Raels body befor he hits the ground.

removes a flask from his belt and gulps it dry. His muscles ripple as his horns double in size, His claws elongating with long blood red nails. Two tusks sprout forth from his cheaks as his body twists and doubles in size. His eyes turn from red to yellow, two tiny pinpricks of rage singling in on it target. "ROOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!"

The assault starts with rael throwing blow after blow at the elf, each turned aside with delicate precision and ease. The elf snap kicks and catches the demon in the side of the face knocking him to his knee's. Rael dummys a mock hurt on his knee in his frenzy. The elf comes in to finish him off in charging his fists with holy flame. Rael snaps his gaze to meet the elfs gaze and spins the nightmare cleaver from the floor spining up and round carving as he does. Two precise blows, the elf stumbles forward 3 steps befor his head falls from his body, then his torso from his waist.

Rael breaks into a run after the Ulth'ran elves that fled. Yous mustsss findsss and killsss Raelsssss,findssss and killssss themsss allsss,yessssss. So the madness returns as the greater beast vial wears off.

#35 Kayla



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Posted 01 March 2006 - 13:39

As her eyes pierced through the embracing shadows far before torchlight revealed her body as she approached, though he who she spied saw them not. Sleek and dark as a hunting panther, the woman moved with feline grace towards her quarry. Intent was paralleled by determined, sweetened by intrigue with just a hint of anticipated pleasure and beyond all that within her complex mind was an acknowledgement that the man wasn't bad looking... for a kitsune. Ah well, she shrugged, life was not always perfect, her smile widened devishily, buts that was why she intended on changing it.


Mamori, remaining cautiously guised within his mortal form, sank deep into the steaming waters of the natural hot spring. The dark elf's knight's people had long ago discovered this wonder and purposefully had built their village upon it, he had been told. He was in two minds about Kayla, but then, he reasoned, so it appeared was she.

On the one hand, there was the role she had sworn to as Knight and protector to the peoples of Gothador. On the other, she was a ruler of her kind and the known history of the dark-elven people was not warming him to them. It struck discord, these two lives she led, not balance, but thus far the harm seemed only to herself.

He shook these thoughts from his head, the dark elf princess was not his concern, but a means to an end. He must remain focused on that and work upon the stubborn streak that had effectively blocked his path.

In the meantime, he saw no reason not to enjoy this small luxury hidden beneath the village.

A dark elven woman slipped her silken robe from her dark shoulders and eased her skyclad form into the warm pool. Mamori frowned. It was not her nakedness nor her intrusion that bothered him, but something else... something he could not quite put his finger on.

"It's considered unpolite to stare," she purred, peering through her thick white lashes. "But I don't mind. I'd be disappointed it you didn't."

"I am not staring at your body," he denied, but did not turn aside his eyes.

"I'm not attractive to you?" she opened her crimson orbs and looked at him thoughtfully. "Do you not find me beautiful?"

Mamori was uncertain that he did. Admittedly her figure seemed perfect... perhaps too perfect. A suspicion shivered down his spine. "The Cobra is blessed with jewel-like eyes and their swaying dance can hynotise, but their kiss is deadly."

"Oh I am no Cobra," she laughed, the sound as clear as a chiming bell. "I see myself more a kin to a spider. But alas, there is a fly in my web that I seek not to taste and he is ruining it's silvery beauty. But that isn't your concern. Am I right?"

"Yes," Mamori shrugged. "I care nothing for your 'web'."

"I thought not," Etharas mused. "I heard you have your own mission... care to share?"

"No," Mamori told her, "but I suspect that you already know it... am I right?"

Etharas laughed and clapped her slender hands. "Delightful... for a kitsune. Yes I know all the details, but you wont succeed soaking in the waters here." He grumbled beneath his breath. "But what made you think that you needed to ask the Princess Kayla his whereabouts?"

Mamori listened to her words and grinned.

#36 gothador_purgatorix

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Posted 19 July 2006 - 17:46

co-written with Braelynd

The last thing she heard was the swing of a blade cutting through the air…


Tori bolted upright, gasping loudly for air. She was covered in sweat, & her back felt as if it were on fire. She reached her left hand up to her right shoulder, grasping at the top of what she had always called ‘The Mark’.

She had never known how the mark had gotten there. It had been there for as long as she could remember, and whenever she had asked her guardians about it, they had always brushed her questions aside with, “Oh, it’s just a mark. Nothing to worry about.â€

#37 gothador_aero

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Posted 19 November 2006 - 06:35

Prince Aero and his Generals stood looking over a table sized map of the Kingdom of Ulth’ran. As he looked on they pointed out the areas of greatest resistance.

Surprisingly the Larger houses had fallen with relative ease, it was the small to mid-sized households that were putting up the hardest fight. Mistress Skye stood next to Aero on his left quietly watching as battle plans were revised.

General Sargtlin, his cousin stood to his left. Using a long stick he move miniature troops across the board as he spoke. “The Rusvanus, The Yh’hari, and The Qualyn have started working together. Pulling in some of the smaller households to bolster their ranks. A lot of the houses are using this war as a means to elevate their standing or to repay old debts.
Like here on the eastern front, Donmar of the House of U'nef is laying siege to the House Llar Draithen.â€

#38 gothador_aero

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Posted 19 November 2006 - 07:55

Looking at the beaten metal clock on the wall, Prince Aero realized that it was almost half past red. It glowed in the infrared spectrum allowing him to tell time.

More than enough time for the Ilythiir to have reached the outskirts of the lands held by the Llar Draithen thought Aero.

He was almost ready, dressed in his ornate black armor he tightened the Lich-blade Ravage around his waist securely. Drawing his cloak tightly around himself he realized that he was surprisingly excited.

Excited to see Lady Kayla once again.

“So you’re really going?â€

#39 gothador_aero

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:49

Aero looked his surroundings over

A vast wasteland covered in a canopy of black clouds and sulfurous smoke that enveloped all one could see. What could be seen was only possible because of the active volcanoes in the distance, and the streaking balls of fire that periodically illuminate the darkened sky as they exploded. The land was charred and gutted with huge gashes and craters ripped into the ground. The wings of some ancient leathery beast could be heard above him, and the cries of some distant battle and the wails of tormented souls mingled together in a most awful sound. The sickening stench of misery and death was all around threatening to choke him.

A passing troop of neatherworld creatures almost stumbled upon Prince Aero as he stood looking on in near shock. Hiding near a pile of steaming rocks Aero relaxed and tried to will himself home.

The attempted use of magic caused one of the passing creatures to stop. Looking around it tried to sense the direction of what it felt but couldn’t quite get a fix on it. Aero pressed himself against the ground and steadied his breathing as the creature drew close. Bringing his nightmare about the creature scanned the horizon again. He was soo close that he could have reached out and touched Aero had he knew where to look. The cloak it wore was tattered and billowed sofly in the warm breeze, it’s armor was battle scarred and glistened with some foul ichor from a previously fought battle. Baleful eyes peered through the visor and steam rose from a slit in it's helm.

Its nightmare steed pawed the ground in agitation at having to stand and wait. Soon the creature turned and headed back to his troop, ordering them forward in hell speak they moved onward to their destination. The language they spoke Aero understood from his arcane studies and involvement of the netherworld. But he knew for a fact that even with his arsenal of magic he could not defeat an entire dimension of these creatures. Aero activated the eye of Raknoc and suddenly he was able to see through the thick gloom. He followed the band of creature as they move off into the distance before he started breathing again.

Turning his gaze in the other direction Aero looked at the immense keep in the distance, he could see that it was active and guarded. But he was also certain that his only way out was inside the keep. Diabolic lords were notoriously untrusting even of their own, and the idea that anyone could access this realm unhindered would be unacceptable to them. Aero tried to remember the names of the lords of the depths of hell but couldn’t…
And it wouldn’t do him any good he thought to himself as he didn’t know what level he had been sent to. His answers and exit lay in the keep.

Hiding in ditches and craters, and the shadows of low thorny bushes and hillocks Aero moved, stepping over rotting carcasses and underworld larva as he drew closer. A large hill loomed into Aero’s way and as he moved around it he realized that it was the body of some recently defeated creature. Moving cautiously around it he realized it was some type of dragon. No, a wyvern; It measured some 30 ft from tip to tail and as Aero look at it he was glad he didn’t have to deal with it.

Continuing forward Aero crouched low to take advantage of it’s bulk only to realize it was no longer there. The shifting sound he heard chilled his bones…

The Hell Wyvern reared to its full height just as the Prince turned to face it…
wounded and in pain it roared it’s defiance at Aero.

And as he drew his sword, it spit a cloud of death.

#40 gothador_aero

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Posted 08 December 2006 - 03:10

He wasn’t dead.
The heat was stifling but the flames didn’t touch him.
Blue-white energy and hell fire swirled around him scorching the ground as he held Ravage in front of him.
Sorcerous energy pulsed and formed a shield about Aero that kept him from harm.

The Hellfire Wyvern ceased its attack and swung its horned tail at him, striking the ground near him. The lich blade pulsed with the netherworld energy it had drawn from the first attack on Aero.
Drawing on the power drained by the Lichblade Aero flung it back at the Wyvern. Furious it started flapping is wings, Stirring a shower of debris that slightly blinded Aero as the Wyvern took to the air. Circling about it unleashed a torrent of flames at Aero.

But this time he was ready. Raising his sword Aero defected the flames, and drew the energy trough the sword into him.
His eyes glowed white as he channeled the gathered energy into a spell.

Thunder clapped and a bolt of blinding white light struck the Wyvern in the chest. The Chain lightning spell struck its target, then arched and struck the Wyvern again, and again. Expending its energy in multiple hits on the creature.

For a spilt second it resisted the attack, and then, with a loud crash fell to the ground.
The sudden silence made Aero even more cautious. As he approach the fell beast he noticed it was still alive, taking shallow breaths.

The clop of hooves startled Aero and he spun around realizing that his fight had attracted the attention of the nearby denizens of hell.

A familiar figure stood nearby watching. Baleful eyes peered through the visor and steam rose from a slit in it's helm. It just stood there looking back and forth from the demonic wyvern to Aero.

Dark energies swirled about it as it appeared to float from the back of the nightmare it was riding to the side of the wounded beast. Never taking his eyes completely off of Aero.

Binding the wyvern’s head with a chain bridle, its armored hand started glowing. And placing it on the great beast, the wyverns breathing became easier.

Aero grasped the hilt of his sword with both hands, being sure to keep it between him and the being in front of him. Looking around him he noticed that he was surrounded, and there was nowhere to escape too.

The Lichblade throbbed and squirmed in his hands, with a most unholy eagerness for battle that was hard for Aero to control. The hell creature sensed it too and keeping a safe distance spoke.

What he said shocked even Aero.

"Mirshann d’L’ Kult'ressin?"

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