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The vampire of Stratos - the roleplay!

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#21 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 16:16

Suddenly he stood, and withdrew a short sword from beneath his robes.

Small comment: in my mind only the weapons sold in the stratos shop (clubs and daggers) and the terrax sword are available to most villagers. Only the warlord might have something better :twisted:
Of course, a terrax sword is very similar to a short sword :)

However, I am not modding this roleplay, so carry on ;)

#22 gothador_maxie

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 16:56

The crowd were still murmuring over Chaotix's death when Maxie slipped after Tomtom. She followed him to The Watcher, eyes widening in alarm as he drew his sword and she realised his intent. She hurried forward but was too late to stop him, and watched in disbelief as he fell. She watched in horror, her heart thundering in her chest, and as hard as she tried to run forwards to him, her legs would not move. After a couple of minutes that seemed like a lifetime, she sank slowly to her knees and she keened his death, something which even her senses had not perceived in time. A scrap of paper drew her attention as she drew in breath to keen again. Breathing out again, she leaned forward to read the writing on the paper.

Her eyes widened again as she read the contents of the letter. It was a letter from Chaotix to his beloved, telling him of his suspicions regarding another of the townsfolks and of his fears of his demise by their hand. She cursed softly as she realised that the blood had obscured the name beyond her ability to read. She read again the tale of the argument and wondered who had it been with.

Replacing the letter, she realised she should hurry back to the village before the others noticed her absence. She ran back, taking a route that took her out of the view of the other villagers.

Out of breath, she stumbled into her hut and hoped no one had seen her hasty excursion. She decided to keep quiet. If the villager who had argued with Chaotix realised she knew, she could be the next person to die.

#23 gothador_maxie

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Posted 22 October 2005 - 21:44

Maxie stood at the edge of the crowd, shivering in the cold as she watched the villagers advance slowly on Thoth, their clubs raised. She hoped she was right in her accusation. She didn't want another innocent to die, especially not at her hands.

She grimaced as she heard the crack of his bones snapping. She thought about the information she had and fervently hoped it was a vampire being beaten under those clubs.

Thoth twisted away from the villagers and raised his weapon, previously hidden under his clothing. Shocked realization crossed Maxie's face as she realised she had judged Thoth wrongly. Reacting quickly she pointed at a woman and shouted desperately "she told me you were a vampire, Lilith claimed to be the seer!"




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Posted 22 October 2005 - 22:40

Roxatha went with the crow and lynch Thoth....someone casted a vote against her...but wasn't enough to take her to the lynch place....

She hit Thoth hard...many times...but the cry he let out, and his weapon allow to be seing made her realize she made the wrong choise as the others did...

"He was the Warlord, what have we done???" she cry out loud.."We killed the one that is able to fight these creatures..."

Tears came down her cheeks..."Why are we killing the good guys?? WE need to sit down and think all together...*

#25 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 22 October 2005 - 22:42

Hearing Maxie's desperate cry, and instinctively jumping to the side in reaction to Thoth's lunge, Sephidroth crys out as well, "She said the same thing to me! She said she was the seer, and that we needed to lynch Thoth!"

#26 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 22 October 2005 - 23:54

Seraphim ran quickly in front of the crowd....

"Remember i said i want to wait to see how things work themselves out!?!
This is what i was talking about
I distinctly remember Maxie wanting to lynch Thoth.."

and turning to point at Maxie Seraphim Spoke...
"I dont know about Lillith, but you, You and Seph wanted to lynch Maxie.....badly.
As a matter of fact when we all wanted to sit and talk..you two pushed the issue,
and again now you blame someone else?
And now we know the person you wanted to lynch was the Vampire killer!?!
The one person that could have helped?
I believe you two are the vampires...
It fits.. "

#27 gothador_maxie

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:06

Maxie gasped, horrified at Seraphim's accusation. Her mind flashed back to the letter she had read. Could it have been Seraphim's name that had been covered in blood?

"You accuse me of being a vampire? You who killed Ayla, a fellow innocent? I had believed you to be one of us but now it seems you are trying to turn the others against me."

Maxie shook her head, trying to believe that Seraphim wasn't a vampire but his accusations hit home. He was splitting her off from the others and her fears seemed true, that he was a vampire.

"If I had but known that Thoth was the warlord, I would not have called his name out for this cruel deed. I would have stood beside him as we killed the vampires who have invaded our village and drunk together afterwards in celebration"

She turned to the others and softly said, "Believe his accusations as you wish, as you once believed mine. Mine were proven to be false and so will his. I will accept my fate if you choose it to be so but I give you my word that I am not a vampire, nor do I believe Seph to be one with. I ask you this though, if I die and so prove my innocence, look upon Seraphim with suspicion for it is him who sullies my good name"

Maxie stood there, awaiting the judgement of the other villages. She believed in her heart that they would make the right decision and spare her life.

#28 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:18

"Is that also why you secretly accused me of being a Vampire earlier today?
Or have you conveniently forgotten that?

But if you and Seph arent Vamps I'll hang myself..."

#29 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:22

Up untill now i have only went along with the crowd...
even with Thoth, but it just seemed really strange that you wanted him dead soooo badly.
And i still went along just to see if he was, of that i am guilty.
but here you stand again accusing others shifting suspicion away from you, to your benifit...


#30 gothador_butters

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:26

"Enough!" , shouted Butters.

"Letting these random accusations fly will get us nothing but more dead villagers. All of us have been wrong and I refuse to be part in lynching another innocent victim."

"If what Maxie and Seph claim is true than Lillith must die...I find Seraphim's accusations disturbing..it appears it could be anyone."

Adjusting her mayor's cap Butters decided to wait til morning to make a decision..hoping the rest of villagers could calm their bloodlust long enough to follow suit.

#31 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:31

DarkDragon couldn't take it any more. Too many people were screaming out wild accusations, desperately trying to find and kill a vapmire but they were killing innocent people instead. With more couarge that he though he had, he stepped into the centre of the crowd a shouted out as loud as he could.

"Everone listen to butters!! She is right, more than enough people have died through hasty accusations! We shouldn't turn on each other, that is what the vampires would want!"

#32 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 00:39

"Ok i'll be silent for now, but i tell you what....
I wont be unarmed tonight.
And you will know at least one vampire tommorow,
Because they are going to be seriously wounded."

And casting one last hard look at Seph and Maxie,
Seraphim heads over to Tomtoms grave,
and pulls the Terrax sword from his grave marker
and puts it in his waist.

#33 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:10

Dark watched as the crowd spilt up, people heading their separate ways, some casting hateful glares over their shoulders. He then thought about burying the body but the body was gone. Did someone already take it away to be buried? Mabey someone did. After all quite a few people helped out with the first burial but then a fearful though crossed Dark's mind:

Thoth was the Warlord

He must had gotten up despite his fatal wounds and somehow vanished into the crowd while they were arguing. As the Warlord he would refuse to die until he has killed one last person. Death would take another two from this village today. Thoth and his victim.

Dark felt, the all to familiar, panic creep back. Who should he tell? Who could he tell? Everyone was too paranoid to trust anyone else...

Except for Butters. And she was the Mayor as well, everyone would listen to her. Dark ran as fast as he could in the direction Butters had left in, hoping she hadn'y gone too far because he didn't know where she lived.

#34 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:17

Dark watched as the crowd spilt up, people heading their separate ways, some casting hateful glares over their shoulders. He then thought about burying the body but the body was gone. Did someone already take it away to be buried? Mabey someone did. After all quite a few people helped out with the first burial but then a fearful though crossed Dark's mind:

Thoth was the Warlord

He must had gotten up despite his fatal wounds and somehow vanished into the crowd while they were arguing. As the Warlord he would refuse to die until he has killed one last person. Death would take another two from this village today. Thoth and his victim.

Dark felt, the all to familiar, panic creep back. Who should he tell? Who could he tell? Everyone was too paranoid to trust anyone else...

Except for Butters. And she was the Mayor as well, everyone would listen to her. Dark ran as fast as he could in the direction Butters had left in, hoping she hadn'y gone too far because he didn't know where she lived.

OOC can you write for thoth?

#35 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:26

OOC: Well he hasn't posted yet and the 'mob' has broken up, it would seem very strange for the warlord not to have killed someone by then. So decided to give Thoth plenty of time to post on who his victim will be.

#36 gothador_seraphim

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:33

MRPointy gave him 5 seconds to react...

#37 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:34

OOC: Well he hasn't posted yet and the 'mob' has broken up, it would seem very strange for the warlord not to have killed someone by then. So decided to give Thoth plenty of time to post on who his victim will be.

Also OOC - how long does he have? I thought he had to respond immediately ...

#38 gothador_mrpointy

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 05:44

Thoths *in-game* response time is indeed 5 seconds - but I do not know if he can get online during weekends...

#39 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 21:15

Thoths *in-game* response time is indeed 5 seconds - but I do not know if he can get online during weekends...

He was just on the forums, was logged in for about half-an-hour, didn't post :(

#40 gothador_ayla

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Posted 25 October 2005 - 02:02

A voice from beyond the grave offers a recap:

You all thought Thoth died.
"He's the warlord!" Pointy one cried.
"Oh crap!" you all said with a sigh.
"Now it's time for Maxie to Die!" Thoth uttered his last cry.

Thoth has died, Maxie the human has died, and we're all here as ghosts to remind you, the vamps are winning 5-0.

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