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Intensifier Stim

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#21 ss_squoof

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 10:18

I too donate to the game. But i did not waste FC's on energy. There is no point until I can't keep up with the new maps.




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Posted 05 February 2009 - 18:04

I upgraded my energy so that i would have a max capacity of over 24 hours so i wouldnt have to log in to spend everyday.
This was as you say a bad call, but there isnt much I can do about it now... lol
Intensifier, while i know you disagree with it coming in now, would be quite useful in allowing players [ me ;-)] to log in for a half an hour and spend and enjoy that spend...
i know you dont agree but its juust how i feel on the issue

#23 ecolitan



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 19:12

The call for the intensifier stims here has nothing to do with the xp/energy gain from it. The call for intensifier stims here is about the length of time it takes to use energy. I'll repeat. I know several players that will not come back to SS2 until it is introduced. Players that have traditionally been large donators in "that other game". It just plain takes too long to do anything in this game without it.

Call people spoiled by FS with doublers. Fine. The fact that they leave the game isn't fixed by commenting on what caused them to want energy burn to go more quickly.

#24 ss_squoof

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 03:46

No one is asking anyone to burn all the energy one would have. The fact of the matter is that there are no maps to support the skill, potion, or stim. As of right now it is part of the game. As you can see the demand for such things are not that high. There are only what, 10 or 15 posts asking for the skill to be put in the game. I understand people want to be a top player, so do I. Rather than workiong for the top spot, some just want it given to them. And i think this is what all the posts about this skill is about. Top spot with little or no work. Very true, i disagree with the skill in the game now. Why, because it was a wonderful gift that I got on New Years! I am waiting to see if I can get another one for V day. If the skill was an everyday thing, we would all be at the top spot. What fun is that. 200,000 people all going after the same elite. It would take for ever to finish that quest, if killing an elite is a quest.




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Posted 06 February 2009 - 06:27

The call for the intensifier stims here has nothing to do with the xp/energy gain from it. The call for intensifier stims here is about the length of time it takes to use energy. I'll repeat. I know several players that will not come back to SS2 until it is introduced. Players that have traditionally been large donators in "that other game". It just plain takes too long to do anything in this game without it.

Call people spoiled by FS with doublers. Fine. The fact that they leave the game isn't fixed by commenting on what caused them to want energy burn to go more quickly.

No one is asking anyone to burn all the energy one would have. The fact of the matter is that there are no maps to support the skill, potion, or stim. As of right now it is part of the game. As you can see the demand for such things are not that high. There are only what, 10 or 15 posts asking for the skill to be put in the game. I understand people want to be a top player, so do I. Rather than workiong for the top spot, some just want it given to them. And i think this is what all the posts about this skill is about. Top spot with little or no work. Very true, i disagree with the skill in the game now. Why, because it was a wonderful gift that I got on New Years! I am waiting to see if I can get another one for V day. If the skill was an everyday thing, we would all be at the top spot. What fun is that. 200,000 people all going after the same elite. It would take for ever to finish that quest, if killing an elite is a quest.

did you even read ecolitan's post... its not about being in top spot!
its about the amount of time required to spend energy.
the reason there are very litlle posts is because some people have just stopped playing.
most of us would like it if there was an intensifier. it takes me 45 minutes to burn 500 energy right now so even if i hadnt upgraded my energy i still would prefer if i could play for 15-20 min to burn 500 energy rather than 45min, its simply too time consuming
so please stop saying that all we want to do is get to the top spot, its not true in all of our cases and at least read prior posts properly before commenting

#26 ss_squoof

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 14:30

Yes I did read his post

The call for intensifier stims here is about the length of time it takes to use energy.

and I will say it again, no one is asking you to burn all your energy.

If it takes 45 min to burn 500 energy, and you have 1000 energy with a stim, it will still take you 45 min! and if it does take you 45 min to burn 500 energy, and I can do it in 10 or 15 min, you may want to look in a new computer or better internet.

How is this post not about top spot again? At this stage in the game that is all the skill is about. you may think it is about something else but is not. It is about top spot. The skill would get everyone to level faster, great! someones friends would come back to the game! Then we could have even more people on the last map with nothing to hunt because 200,000 people and some friends would all be there complaining about how the skill has destroyed the game because no one can hunt because nothing to kill. There would be 10 to 20 people on every square of the map just waiting for a critter to spawn in the same square. There would be no point in moving because the 10 to 20 people in the the other squares of the map would have all ready killed the respawned critter.

So what do you think would drive more players away, no stim fun or absolutely no fun?

HCS is doing thier best, give them a chance.

#27 ecolitan



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Posted 07 February 2009 - 14:52

You obviously don't understand how intensifier (or instant respawn) works if you think there would be 200,000 players in the last realm with nothing to kill. Would there be a slight increase in the percentage of players that got to content cap? Yes. Unlike FS, SS2 seems to have instant spawns so everyone would find things to kill - not that that matters. But even if you think intensifier increases xp/energy too much, this fixes itself as levels go up as the energy per level is increased quite a bit in the next levels we will see in SS2. Of course - making large maps with long distances to move would use energy in a way intensifier can't offset. So, any dev with a brain could keep in front of intensifier for leveling.

Your insulting lines about how to level and getting new computers also miss the point. There are players that have lives and play FS. For them this is a secondary game. If they can't come in and burn energy efficiently they don't have the will to play. You say ignore these people. Fine, you can have that opinion. But, I don't want to buy stock in your ideas. These people are real customers with jobs and MONEY TO DONATE.

I really don't care if you think intensifier is a good idea or not. The people that want intensifier are those with 1k, 2k, 3k or more max energy and upgraded energy gain. The people who pay to keep the game going. THAT is what it is about. If more of these people get frustrated and leave the game it will fold up. It's these paying customers that let the game happen. My point is, the paying customers really really want instensifier. I also know of a decent number of potential paying customers (who have a track record of paying for games of this type) who won't come over and play here again without it. This is being put out there for HCS to digest, not you.

p.s. - I'd love 500 people hunting in the realm with the TRUE instant spawn of SS2. I'd find a square and just kill them as they showed up and never move. Might not be instant but would be ultra energy efficient. You are thinking of the way FS spawns - there it would be more difficult.




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Posted 07 February 2009 - 15:10

excluding the time it takes to walk to the repair shop i spend about 35 min spending between 500-1000 energy depending on the day.
X2 intensifier would half this time, X3 would divide it by 3. either would be most welcome.

only some people would try to capitalise on the introduction of intensifier, not the mass flock you talk about, but even this "disadvantage" as you call it would be welcomed by some people as the PVP element is a bit dead to the game at the moment. More people would allow more people to enejoy PVP

I have a fast laptop and fasxt net connection, thats not the issue, i play casually. im not in a rush to get to the end, i'll get there when i get there. my interest is in efficient time management.

As ecolatin says, the game will die if we lose too many contributors or dont attract more to the game.

Plus if you read my initial post, i never once said anything against HSC, quite the contrary, i complimented them on a well thought out, well developed game. so i dont know why you think im coming down on them when i havent said anything negative about them

#29 ss_squoof

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 16:43

errrrrrrrr, just because I have 500 energy, I do not donate to the game? In FS, being a guild founder in one of the top 35 guilds, I must not donate to that either? I am one of those who only play this game while I wait for my stam to recharge in FS. I am not asuming i know who you are or what you pay to play. All I know is what you have told me and what it takes for me to do the same thing.

If you don't have the time to play all the energy you have, why did you get so much? there was no skill for you to use before you decided to buy all of it. Did you do it for the gift from New Year? If you did, that is great. You were able to use the gift to the fullest.

The stim, skill, potion, or blah blah blah is going to increase the leveling. Am I not correct? if there are only so many levels, where will these players go? chances are they would go to the last map.

As of right now, my rank is 229, with 500 energy. I can keep up with HCS making new content. if there are 200,000 people in the game, how many are going to take part of the skill? 10, 20, 30%. Lets go with 1%. That is still 2,000 players. Even .5% is too many players in one map. This game is going to grow just like its big brother FS. When SS2 get 1,000 to 3,000 players playing at the same time, how many players are going to be at the last map? A good number of them, i would think.

With that many players in one map, PvP is not going to much fun either in my opinion. Everyone in that map level will have the crystal PvP for all the classes pretty quick. I think the skill would kill PvP, just like it would kill the game. Even if the last map is not PvP, the top players (meaning the players at the end of content) would still come down and PvP the players trying to level, making it harder to level.

With out the skill, it gives HCS a chance to keep the majority happy.

#30 RebornJedi



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Posted 07 February 2009 - 16:48

i only burn a max of 800 energy and its not a fun experience burning that energy to level. a x2 stim would be good enough. i dont think they should go higher. a 1.5x intensifier would be better then nothing ;P i dont want to imagine those who have to burn 1000+ energy.

this reminds me of the early days of FS. no doubler, trying to multiclick *shakes head and shivers* it sucks for those who dont have any addons because we can atleast punch some numbers to kill. the slow burning of energy is probably keeping away some new players and existing players. its all about playability. your experience should be fun. i love where this game is going. i love inventing everything and the quests are fun at times. i just wish i didnt have to spend sooo much time on mindless killing, i dont want it to be like FS where thats basically all there is. a x2 intensifier stim would be a great thing to add to this game *thumbs up


#31 ss_squoof

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 17:01

I play on a lap top with no mouse, just a touch pad. Not being able to use the number keys to kill the critters is sort of a pain, but I only play while I wait for my stam in FS to max out.

#32 RebornJedi



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Posted 07 February 2009 - 17:05

i dont understand your logic squoof. if there was an intensifier stim, there would be less creatures that you need to kill to level. you level, your done, your off. how would an intensifier stim ruin pvp?? it has nothing to do with pvp. it just multiplies the energy used and gold/exp gained from the creature.


#33 ecolitan



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Posted 07 February 2009 - 19:37

He makes these wild assumptions that 1) there are 200k players of the game and 2) they all could magically be to content cap with intensifier. Thus, there would be this big ole logjam of 200k players all twiddling their thumbs sitting in the last realm. These assumptions are illogical to me so I totally discount this wild negative associated with intensifier stims. Leaving me with a credit sink that brings in and retains more players at little or no cost once levels approach 100 and xp/level is fairly high. In fact - you could argue that intensifier brings the latecomer or less efficient player "up toward" me so it's a disadvantage to me. Fine, I'll accept that for the convenience.

I'll do this in short sentences. I use the energy I want. I can manage without intensifier. It would be more PLEASANT with intensifier. I know of OTHER players who have stopped playing without intensifier. I don't care if you are fine without it. My point remains: the number of ACTIVE players in SS2 will increase with intensifier. I didn't say you (or anyone else) doesn't donate. I said players with high max energy are donators. I said players with high max energy are those that want intensifier. Thus, donators (as a rule) want intensifier.




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Posted 07 February 2009 - 19:51

errrrrrrrr, just because I have 500 energy, I do not donate to the game?

I apologise that i didnt make myself clear, that you havent donated to upgrade your energy is what i meant to say but obviously phrased it poorly.

All I know is what you have told me and what it takes for me to do the same thing.

If you don't have the time to play all the energy you have, why did you get so much? there was no skill for you to use before you decided to buy all of it. Did you do it for the gift from New Year? If you did, that is great. You were able to use the gift to the fullest.

Its great that you can spend in a short amount of time what takes me up to 45 min to do, that still doesnt help me, does it? :roll:

I upgraded it when i was a lower level and leveling didnt take quite as long, i didnt anticipate the slow in the rate of time it takes to level to get this slow this quickly, an error in judgement on my behalf
I also upgraded it for convenience so that i wouldnt have to log in every single day: this has now not worked as it would take over 3 hours to do so. your response is that i dont have to. my response is that as a paying customer id like to get some benefit for MY investment. i had already contributed before the first HCS reaction to the intensifier call

The stim, skill, potion, or blah blah blah is going to increase the leveling. Am I not correct? if there are only so many levels, where will these players go? chances are they would go to the last map.

As of right now, my rank is 229, with 500 energy. I can keep up with HCS making new content. if there are 200,000 people in the game, how many are going to take part of the skill? 10, 20, 30%. Lets go with 1%. That is still 2,000 players. Even .5% is too many players in one map. This game is going to grow just like its big brother FS. When SS2 get 1,000 to 3,000 players playing at the same time, how many players are going to be at the last map? A good number of them, i would think.

With that many players in one map, PvP is not going to much fun either in my opinion. Everyone in that map level will have the crystal PvP for all the classes pretty quick. I think the skill would kill PvP, just like it would kill the game. Even if the last map is not PvP, the top players (meaning the players at the end of content) would still come down and PvP the players trying to level, making it harder to level.

With out the skill, it gives HCS a chance to keep the majority happy.

I intend to go hunt HK's, i want my medal

to get to the end of content they would still have to catch up, thats not going to happen instantaneously just cause intensifier was introduced, it would take a while

if you go by the majority on this post, its with the people who want intensifier, only 2 people have posted against.
And going by how many people i know who do want it,i would say the majority still lies with those of us who would like it introduced

#35 ss_myway

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 23:33

Thank you -- RalanBek -- for using LOGIC and not passionate hatred to make... LOGICAL debate/discussion/arguments...

As for you Squoof -- to put some fears/concerns aside

Many folks who reach the end of the current content -- they go Hunter-Killer hunting... so ... guess what -- the only thing your fear would affect -- is that people would reach 'hunter-killer' mode a little bit more EFFICIENTLY.. it wouldn't happen any faster.. except for maybe.. say... 40 minutes faster.. because it is not increasing the XP gain efficiency... per se'... it is merely increasing the speed at which people consume their energy. Therefore, if two people both have 500 energy; and one uses intensifier and the other does not... they both are going to burn that 500 energy (though the one who uses intensifier will likely forget to cancel it and therefore have excess energy). Once that energy is burned -- they will both be at the same point in their XP gain. It's just that it's going to take one person about 20 to 40 minutes LESS time to do it...

#36 ss_squoof

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 03:57

I beg to differ.

The skill would still give a huge advantage to level. 2 times the xp with half the repair cost (credit and energy from running back and forth).

Right now SS2 has 90 players sitting at the end of the content, with 26 players one level away. Tomorrow, there could be 116 players sitting in the last map. with 23 players on deck if everyone levels once in the day. So in two days time we are going to have 140 players at level 70. The skill will flood the last map with players.

#37 RebornJedi



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Posted 08 February 2009 - 14:41

your logic is broken. the skill will make this game better. theres nothing wrong with it. AT ALL. you could cut your bs cake as many times as you want but this would increase the happiness and enjoyment in this game.

who cares if its an 'advantage', a small one of that....its available to EVERYONE!

and how you keep bringing up the end of the content 'idea'. ill bet most of the players at the max content go off to make some FCs from hunting elites or finishing up some quests, saving energay, or subleveling. if they added an intensifier it would help with the traffic at the end of the content. the skill wouldnt flood the end content much less without it. it will just lessen the time it takes to level to get to it. you still have to wait hour by hour for more energy. the stim will only help WITH THE TIME IT ACTUALLY TAKES TO BURN YOUR ENERGY. nothing else. it wont give you super powers to fly to the end content.





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Posted 08 February 2009 - 14:56

The skill would still give a huge advantage to level. 2 times the xp with half the repair cost (credit and energy from running back and forth).

Thats why in my initial post i suggested that whatever stim is introduced have a stipulation that you receive extra damage to weapons...
I dont want to affect the repair part of the game and while receiving extra damage while using an intensifier stim is only a quick fix, it is just a suggestion.

#39 ss_myway

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 17:04

I think the points in this argument have been beaten like Mr. Ed after he sassed Mr. Wilbur one too many times...

Please folks, find some additional points - or let is rest until the Cows that Be can find a way to make it work or disapprove of it altogether.

#40 ss_squoof

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 19:40

Yes I know some people are going to go off and go HK or elite hunting. going to make it harder for lower levels to do the quests. Sure it is not my problem, or yours. but would that drive off players too? What is the point of playing a game that you can't play because so many players are waiting for new content, dropping down to take everyone that is up and coming chances away. Sure you don't have to do quests to get past levels, but getting skill points is a big part of the game. Would you still play the game if you had to buy all your skills everytime you want to play? Maybe your faction is more than happy to buff you everytime, some people make a living off of selling buffs,

As of right now we have we have 102 players waiting for new content, 29 players at 69. tomorrow will be 131 players that are at the end of content. Sure some will not drop down, but some will.

The end of content has a lot to do with this, how some of you can't see it is odd to me. The skill will come but there is no room for it in the game right now.

If the skill was in the game, I would get 3,4,5k energy, and use the skill. making me level a lot faster, because I have more energy to use. I would not be the only one to do this. That would put me in the end of content very quickly. Then I too would go elite hunting or HK hunting. Not only having a chance of driving off lower level players, but also flooding the market with elite and HK parts, and sets, because i have all the blue prints to all the sets. The compitition for the Elite and HK will only cost me more because I will have to spend more FC's than what the part or set is worth buying the location because you and I are not the only players that are going to do this hunt.

I know the skill will be great for you, but not the game, not right now.

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