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Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

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#21 2zina


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Posted 26 July 2019 - 08:40

i remmember when i started to play there was only cca 6medals....guildmates told me not to buy fsp for 30k of gold wait when its 22k, took me about a month to buy 1fsp, then i buyed 100bounty tickets and earn more.....

i remember the pvp back then top rated was for the whole game and medal was for only 1. place, the legends back in the days was delux906, seath and darkpig...delux and seath was cca lvl200 holding best player place and darkpig was best pvper, and richest player was holding 5mil. gold....later i remember super elite creatures show up it was mad times on each map with SE 20ppl searching every full hour heaving a full group to kill malphas hoping to get an item then sold it fast for 300fsps, HAHA......later titans, and pvp arena.....

i keep playing coz the game is not limited whit the gameplay there are so many spectars of the game, and u guys always make something new so there is always something to do.....in less then a month it will be 12years i play this game, i never quit or stop playing im here almost every day and i dont intend to stop :)

#22 zzephyr



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Posted 26 July 2019 - 23:53

it was a dark and stormy night, and papa goose and baby goose sat around the campfire.

"tell us a story, old man!" and this is the story he told.


it was a dark and stormy night, and papa goose and baby goose sat around the campfire.

"tell us a story, old man!" and this is the story he told.


it was a dark and stormy night, and papa goose and jacqueline carey, author of the companion of pain's legacy,

sat around the campfire, which is a mystery, but this is the story she told:


the aunties and the uncles played volleyball while the youngster hunted plants to make purple orbs to feed the baby goose.


it was a dark and stormy night, and sequency and simultaneity argued around the campfire. it gets dark and stormy when you look away from the campfire, but hoop snakes always look toward it again half the time and honey badgers don't care.


sometimes survivors burn on so that their story can be told, so the dreadlord (se) was majorly bummed when a baby goose devoured its undead flesh alone without passing 1000.


the baby goose learned perspective from pablobison, who said, "it's only stam."


the baby goose used to squawk at monsterplayers plucking its feathers, but now it enjoys the tickles even at the loss of shiny exp(atriots).


once baby goose learned that the ghosts aren't real, it started to enjoy the rest of life, too, and became less concerned with fast-forwarding to the ending or going back to the beginning, but living, as we do, in the middle.




(with respect to ursula k. le guin, who wrote, "it was a dark and stormy night; or, why are we huddling about the campfire?" not knowing that baby geese like to steal)

#23 BadPenny



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Posted 27 July 2019 - 01:12

Penny Story time:


A Wizard Escapes



The young wizard was very unhappy.  Things had just seemed wrong all day, and it frustrated him.  He couldn't put his finger on the problem, and it drove him crazy.  


As he trudged down the rutted roadway, he pondered his plight, regretting leaving home to start this journey, but reluctant to return all the same.  Lost in thought, he never noticed the man behind him until it was too late.  All thought faded to black as he fell to the ground.



When he woke up, he was in a dimly lit cell with several other people. It stank of urine and other even less savory things, and the sounds of moaning and weeping were horrendous.


Checking himself over, he was pleased to find that other than a bump on the head, he was uninjured.  He checked his pockets, found that they had left him his wand, and thanked his lucky stars.  Muttering a prayer, the young sorcerer went to a corner as far from the others as possible.  He began to chant softly, so as not to be heard, as he began the door spell.  Soon, the wall before him began to glow, at first very dimly, then brighter and brighter as he continued his incantation.  The other prisoners started to notice him by now and began to surge closer.  


With a loud *POP* a huge doorway appeared in the wall.  The wizard darted through, and narrowly missed being crushed in the stampede of bodies rushing behind him.  


Blindly, he rushed down the streets, looking for a place to hide until night, when he could steal a horse and some supplies.  Soon, he came to a narrow alley, and ducked in.  The alley stank, too, but not nearly as bad as the cell had, and for that he was grateful.  He slowed to a walk, and began trying doors.  On the third or fourth try, he finally found one that was unlocked, and he darted in as quickly as he could.  


It was dark inside, so he cast a simple light spell and began to look around.  As he explored, he listened carefully for the sounds of someone nearby.  


The first room he came to was the kitchen. He pulled the checkered tablecloth off the table and began to fill it with food. 


When he finished with this, he moved to the next room, which held a cot, a chair and a desk, and not much else.  There was a photo of somebody's grandparents on one wall, but other than that, there was no decor.  He searched the desk, but really didn't find much of anything.


Moving along swiftly now, with purpose, he searched the rest of the house.  He managed to scrounge up a tinder box, flint, some rope, a knife, and some string and fish hooks.  Deciding not to press his luck further, he left the dark residence.  


Outside, it was already past dusk, and the young mage scurried along looking for some signs of a stable or somewhere else that he could steal a horse.  Soon, he came to a courtyard with a well and some benches.  Dropping the tablecloth, he sank down on the nearest bench with a sigh of relief.  As he rested, he watched the fireflies around him and started to relax a little bit.  He was exhausted, and in minutes he had fallen fast asleep.  


When he awoke, it was just after dawn, and the birds were starting to sing.  Anxious to be rid of this place.  he decided to forgo the horse, and walked out of the city and disappeared into the countryside.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#24 RebornJedi



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Posted 27 July 2019 - 01:23

yellow called and said no thank you


#25 1daboss



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Posted 27 July 2019 - 17:21

I too was brought into the game by a friend who ended up quitting and leaving me his guild.  I was not a very high level. I was like lvl 60.  I remember buying a King Au set for like 120 fsps and then the game went down for 4 or 5 days and everyone went into withdrawal.  The great rollback it was called cause the game was reset and the sale of the au set was taken back. Whew!  I watched the great wars between the top guilds with awe. Folks lost lots of levels and it was exciting to watch.  Better than tv.  lol



#26 drewdawn


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Posted 28 July 2019 - 09:35

I start play because I moved away from where I grew so one of my friend said we meat here every day to chat  , I never played any game but loved this one , my most favorite was buy my ghostly set an sandtork set both cost like 50fsp each pc I sold gold till I could get them, my first titian kill was sweet an getting 35k max Stam was awesome, best part is the other player jaha kokokoko will72 an my roomy flashfire , I have made this game part of my every day life I will go to free wifi if mines down to log on every day WE COULD USE ALOT MORE LVLS FOR THE 4200 CLUB BE SWEET don't want to lose them 

love the an the players every one have a great day too many good time to write about 

thank you for making the game, iv turn down free w.o.w. to stay here great jod

#27 Elincia


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Posted 28 July 2019 - 23:35

Well I only started playing this game because my ex boyfriend introduce me to the game, I'm still playing now for 13 years, I enjoy the game but their are some things I missed; now able to do all the quests in the game because they are not available  anymore, I really miss those epic quests I think they should have been continued. I remember when epics were really expensive, now the low level epics are cheap, now I have to wait until the higher level epics become affordable. Probably in the next five years that will happened. I don't like the pvp parts of the game; pvp protection should included protection of your gold because some of the new player can't afford to upgrade their bank deposits which would protect their gold.

#28 activeh1



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Posted 29 July 2019 - 07:46

 As i slowly watch the monitors from my underground base ,i rem the days of joy and bliss roaming the realms with a warrior race who had not experienced  the chaos that was about to come.Then tragic struck ,siblings and a parent were taken ,and the game become an after thought

   two years later the troll finds the game again and attacks is it with a vengence quickly gain levels and stamina ,with the help of a bunch of outcasts the troll grows strong ,As he is doing this the so called eternal defender take notice of the young troll moving up in the ranks ,they seek him out and try to silence him ,even after free speech has being removed 

  As this troll is growing another in his same month reaches out and they become friends ,even then this friend knew of the eternals rumblings as they were reading it in guild chat .


 so the troll reached EOC and was just sitting in his underground base looking at the state of the game and he decided that the flag owners of the game had become complacent and greedy ,He sought out others who had the same thoughts 


  With great sadness the troll had to leave the outcasts that had being his family for many realms ,His new home was full with others who had the same ideas about the state of flags in the realm,they formed a compact group and went about claiming flag after flag until the eternals had to react with slander and threats ,but that did not stop this troll it just made him stronger 

  with the flags now being swapped at an hourly rate he moved his thoughts to the bounty board which was in need of some bounties ,he took it on himself with help from others to slowly get the board into action again ,as the level fell he was in despair until a voice from long ago said don't let them win the levels can be regained ,so he kept his promise that was made in the forums and continued to post all except 1 that was hitting him


  Now as he attacks people run and hide cause they know that the troll will stand up to all that try to break his will .People fear being posted ,like the old days ,cause they know that the troll may strike 



    The troll waits silently in the world watching and waiting ,hoping that  the next few years things may change and he may return to the peaceful realms that he once roamed 

Edited by activeh1, 29 July 2019 - 10:40.


#29 Pablobison



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Posted 29 July 2019 - 12:58

I finally came back after several years in November of last year. I came back to find TWP a largely dead guild, which made me very sad. They weren't just my guild, they were my second family.



Life happens!  ;)

#30 johnagod



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Posted 29 July 2019 - 14:07

Have so many great memories of this game, after all I'm still playing after over 11 years.


I remember attacking that damn level 120ish elite (Ethereal Guardian or something) in the realm via Mountain Path and getting deleveled back to 1 - a classic. 


I remember when legendary events were a huge deal. I remember when the Ghostly creature (level 55 LE) was released into the realms and the realm was flooded with players. I remember racing to get kills every ten minutes on xx:x7 because that was when new ones would spawn. I remember selling my 1 or 2 drops for a few fsp and being delighted with myself.


I remember someone buying blood bloom plants for 60k from me when they were first released. I just so happened to be level 30ish at the time and hunted in the realm where the relevant creature spawned.


I remember winning my first arena. Feralnoob who was a top arena player at the time showed me some tips and I became addicted. I remember when arena rewards were valuable (hint hint), racing other players to join the 16-player tourneys for prizes like Boar Tusks, Fire Stone of Bothild and Xind Essence. Those tourneys would fill up in 1-2 minutes. Arenas would refresh every 15 minutes with dozens taking place every hour. It was also a nice way to earn fsps considering it took me a long time to significantly upgrade my character.


I remember when GvG was reworked and it was crazy popular because there were a new string of epics for people to invent. I joined a small guild and we GvGed for a while, earned a nice amount of RP and then the founder bought the RP items, left and we got nothing LOL  :P


I remember when titan hunting first came out, I remember securing our first titan in Legends of Amber. We had multiple hunters and we were one of the top titan hunting guilds for a short time. I remember it taking actual skill (and a fast connection lol) to be good at titan hunting. No teleport, no titan doubler, no flood of epics. I also remember when RP was awarded to the top 5 guilds instead of TKP!


But most of all I do remember the people and the thousands of great players who have come and gone over the past decade. I still search some people's player names in hope to see some of them being active recently. I really do hope that this game will somehow pick up a bit more once this app is done. I feel like it's becoming more and more neglected, which is sad. Not sure if there is a point to this thread or if HCS were just feeling sentimental but it felt nice writing this post. Thanks HCS for giving us a great game!

#31 wblaze


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Posted 30 July 2019 - 09:08

i'm watching some mini clip to get fallensword shard  :D

Edited by wblaze, 30 July 2019 - 09:10.

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