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The Flight of Dragons!

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#21 hades8840



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 19:34

Anybody still seeing the first wave draggies flapping around? 


Just wondering if they were despawned and HCS forgot to give the heads up.

been despawned odd no grim though wonder if its auto-despawned? wasnt at 5.30 so guess someone has done it



nm was on a map that didnt have dragons gonna go look where i was farming


on bumblebee map still spawning

Edited by hades8840, 30 December 2016 - 19:37.

#22 Subject



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 20:05

Would have been nice to get some Gold Foot 400 eggs.. but hopefully BG releases them again w/ the second wave being they never spawned with the first wave

#23 Egami



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 22:38

@hades #26... no worries. I actually asked in Global Chat and was told by chewy that they are indeed still around. Thanks though! (o0


Personally, I'm way too busy... despite the time announcement being debunked, I'm pleased that it's still continuing. 


Really this is only because I'd hardcore (lol) request a home page announcement confirming when they've been despawned.


I do get however that with HCS on vacation, it could be complicated.


Hereby request programming for an auto-despawn coupled with an auto-home page notification that they've been despawned.


In the meantime, and afterwards of course, prosperous smacking FS.


EDIT: Forgot to say "thanks" to hades for input. Added it in. 

Edited by Egami, 30 December 2016 - 22:39.

#24 cucullainn



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 00:19

Nothing new going on this weekend. First wave of the dragons are still there. Although I think somebody said there's a dragon missing...

The Christmas Titans are still out for another 6 days. So I guess there's not much else we should expect. I'm under the impression their offices are closed for a while?

We really shouldn't expect any less after 10 years

#25 hades8840



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 00:50

Nothing new going on this weekend. First wave of the dragons are still there. Although I think somebody said there's a dragon missing...

The Christmas Titans are still out for another 6 days. So I guess there's not much else we should expect. I'm under the impression their offices are closed for a while?

We really shouldn't expect any less after 10 years

There is 27 dragons so my guessing is 3 waves of 9 well another one as a dragon is missing he hasnt spawned once in its level range....

i would of assumed as they should of finished today the next wave to start straight after till monday then the final wave till wednesday..

someone should phone hoof he seems to pop on late whe there is problems

#26 BigGrim


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 03:25

doesnt like grim called into work today

Well, I AM on holiday.

Removed some off topic postings.

Woke up remembering about this just now. In the process of sorting it out.

For some reason, Jagua the Golden didn't spawn right. He's been added to this wave as a result.

~ Grim

#27 BigGrim


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 03:26

Hi all,

The first flight of Dragons has been repulsed, however, a second assault has begun!

Maladore (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Maladore is a filthy snake-like creature who's stench is as dangerous as it's foul rotting toothed bite. Such a horrible beast is shunned by it's own, prouder kind, and in fact Maladore rarely flies upon his ragged wings, preferring to hunt his prey in the dirt and has no breath weapon besides extreme halitosis, which is actually pretty effective at stunning his next victim...

Recommended Level : 115+

Gonji the Ever Ill (Dragon LE)

Few Dragons repulse as much as Gonji the Ever Ill. None really knows what happened to this Dragon but some suspect he may have been cursed. He can barely fly upon his tattered wings now and his pox riddled body is covered in pustules and unhealthy scales. His breath is no longer a roaring flame and now he can only vomit up a foul sickness, so full of illness it is instant painful death to anyone it touches.

Recommended Level : 415+

Von Drakken (Dragon LE)

One of the worlds most feared Dragons, Von Drakken is a terror of the night skies. Von Drakken is said to have been bitten by an ancient and powerful vampire in the dark past. The dark curse of vampirism turned him into nocturnal blood drinking fiend.For such a large Dragon to drink his fill of blood he is said to find other large beasts to feed on, that or entire villages...

Recommended Level : 770+

Styran the Ogomie (Dragon LE)

Styran the Ogomie is of a unique species of Dragon, one that is semi aquatic and rather than breathing fire they breath out a thick bubbly foam. They use this foam to suffocate and drown their victims and also as a deterrent to any trouble making Dragons as the foam is remarkably effective at extinguishing the fire most other Dragons exhale leaving them at the mercy of sharp claws and teeth.

Recommended Level : 1025+

Jagua the Golden (Dragon LE)

Jagua the Golden by his name is a Gold Dragon, and a particularly greedy one even for his kind. Jagua dwells in an ancient and forgotten Dwarf treasure hall, perhaps one of the largest ones in the world, here he guards "his" golden treasure with fierce jealousy. He devours his gold also and if needed he will protect himself by exhaling a fume of molten gold dust, burning any would be treasure hunters to death.

Recommended Level : 1210+

Ooch Mess (Dragon LE)

Ooch Mess is a Seadrake from the Heilan Island. Natives say his home was in the deepest part of the Whisky Sea, something the flame haired locals jokingly say attests to Ooch Mess angry temperament. Ooch Mess is known for his attacks on ships at sea and coastal raids where he doesn't just eat the people he also drinks their taverns and holds dry, before drunkenly swimming off into the depths.

Recommended Level : 1350+

Slibz and Tyronus (Dragon LE)

The great double headed Dragon Slibz and Tyronus draw their powers from the two elements of water and fire. Slibz the water half can blast freezing ice at foes and Tyronus can draw upon the more traditional dragon power of fire. Such a mix of powers shows in their personalities and both halves often bicker and fight, however they are an excellent team when a potential meal presents itself...

Recommended Level : 1800+

Bellathrognis the Deceiver (Dragon LE)

Bellathrognis the Deceiver is a massive dragon but does not destroy through his vast physical power. Far, far too boring! No, Bellathrognis much prefers using the power of his mind to bewitch, confuse and control "lesser creatures". He does this to further his plans and also to keep himself amused, usually at the expense of his poor, squishy victims.

Recommended Level : 2250+

Selachi Waterbourne (Dragon LE)

Selachi Waterbourne is named so for he has adapted to deep water living remarkably! His body is streamlined and the scales of his skin are smaller, rougher and closely resembles sharkskin. His head in particular has a sharks aspect to it, right down to the dead, soulless black eyes! His wings appear to have split and become huge membranous paddles, with which he powers himself though the water and surf.

Recommended Level : 2725+

Valarath the Dead (Dragon LE)

Valarath the Dead is a horrifying sight. A huge undead dragon, he exhales vile, poison laden clouds from his diseased, rotten body. The pall of death surrounding him is palpable! This monster wishes only for all to join him in death!

Recommended Level : 3025+

These creatures shall causing trouble in the Realms until 17:30 hours on the 2nd of January, 2017.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#28 cucullainn



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 03:40

Grim, you the man! 😉

#29 hades8840



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 04:41

Well, I AM on holiday.

Removed some off topic postings.

Woke up remembering about this just now. In the process of sorting it out.

For some reason, Jagua the Golden didn't spawn right. He's been added to this wave as a result.

~ Grim

Thats not true Hoof always said you lived under the stairs like harry potter :)

#30 Filletminion



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 06:17

Well, I AM on holiday.

Removed some off topic postings.

Woke up remembering about this just now. In the process of sorting it out.

For some reason, Jagua the Golden didn't spawn right. He's been added to this wave as a result.

~ Grim

Holiday... you get Holidays? Cheers Grim for the efforts.

#31 Subject



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 10:37

Thanks BG.!!!!

#32 tharzill



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 11:59

Thanks for the dragons BG! And Happy Holidays to you! Even if you do live under the stairs.   :D

#33 BigGrim


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Posted 02 January 2017 - 16:31

S'all good. You have an hour left of these guys!

~ Grim

#34 hades8840



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 17:38

S'all good. You have an hour left of these guys!

~ Grim

you have hoofs cow watch dont ya lol

#35 BigGrim


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Posted 02 January 2017 - 17:41

Hi all,

With the second wave of Dragons defeated and driven off, you'd think you could lower your guard. Not so! A third flight of vindictive, vicious Dragon has taken wing!

Lakota (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Lakota is much sought after by monster and treasure hunters alike, not just in an attempt to kill this legendary drake but to steal the even more legendary gold eggs it lays deep in its lair. Few have ever retrieved one of these eggs from Lakotas nest as survived the dragon's wrath.
Those who have have lived rich lives indeed.

Recommended Level : 225+

Volim the Cuelebre (Dragon LE)

Volim the Cuelebre harks form a magical species of Dragon able to blow out gusts of magic. Volims breath causes those who inhale it to fall in love. She is often sought by the brave(and the lonely) so that they may attempt to capture some of her breath for their own needs. However Volims uses her breath also as a weapon, causing he prey to fall for her and thus it makes them more than an easy meal...

Recommended Level : 535+

Ni Hong (Dragon LE)

Ni Hong is a master of the skies, a magical dragon that flies through the air in a blur of colour and silver scales. Ni Hong is not an evil being and his knowledge in magic is legendary and many seek out his council. However he is very aloof and sees most humans as nothing but stupid ground dwelling animals or snacks so approaching him is always a risk. Best hope he's in the mood for visitors...

Recommended Level : 845+

Old Puntalis (Dragon LE)

Old Puntalis is an ancient Dragon, and possibly one of the first. He became gradually more and more disillusioned with the world around him and retreated into the depths of a dark and forgotten swamp where he remains to this day. Old Puntalis has become one with the swamp over time and it is said that he controls the whole swamp around him. It is dangerous to seek him out, for if his jaws don't get you the trees will...

Recommended Level : 1120+

Pontius the Magic Dragon (Dragon LE)

Pontius was once all powerful wizard and respected for his potions. However an accident occurred with his newest potion. The concoction should have given him the power of a Dragon but was transformed him into one! He retained his magical abilities and personality but also gained the strength, appearance and taste for flesh of a Dragon. Now he searches the world for a cure, and a meal...

Recommended Level : 1500+

The ScissorNose Serpent (Dragon LE)

The ScissorNose Serpent is a large, fire breathing beast with the most peculiar name. The creature's nose flows out from the top of the mouth and bottom of the chin and have been found to be preternaturally sharp! This cruel Dragon is known for capturing knights alive and using his odd nose to snip the unfortunate victim apart!

Recommended Level : 1950+

Ying Rainmaker (Dragon LE)

Ying Rainmaker is a vast serpentine dragon. He claims to have celestial origins though not everyone believes this. He is known to be capricious which is a dangerous quality to have in a being who controls rain! He has been known to fly into the sky and turn sunny days into torrential rainfall but also to stop storms that are causing massive flooding, saving lives. It can be quite a challenge to know how he'll react on any given day!

Recommended Level : 2430+

Antarius the Vital (Dragon LE)

Antarius the Vital is a dragon of nature. Fast, full of life and utterly, utterly lethal. With a hide that looks somewhat like bark and patches of scales that look like leaves, he blends in with the forests he prefers to live in.

Recommended Level : 3175+

This third and final flight of dragons will be causing trouble until 17:30 hours on the 5th of January, 2017.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#36 PointyHair



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 17:49

This third and final flight of dragons will be causing trouble until 17:30 hours on the 5th of January, 2017.


Edited by BigGrim, 02 January 2017 - 17:56.
Dunno what yer talkin' about Guv! :p

#37 BigGrim


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Posted 02 January 2017 - 17:57


Yup! Totally. Didn't edit a thing! tongue.png

#38 RED



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 18:08

dang, Grim we gotta walk 100 levels to get to the new LE????

#39 RED



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 18:27

Where the heck is UBER when you need one???

#40 BigGrim


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Posted 02 January 2017 - 18:31

dang, Grim we gotta walk 100 levels to get to the new LE????

Closer to 50 odd if you watch where you're going and see how other LEs tend to spawn in ranges.

~ Grim

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