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'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

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#21 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:30

I have no issue with this. It's quite similar to Clocks idea which, again, I liked. 

Firstly, it's an instant opt-out button for those levelers who never pvp (or would they still be attackable regardless of having no PVPXP?)

While I have no problem with players choosing not to PvP (that is one of the core issues with this situation.) I do believe that, with XP Loss gone, all players ought to have an amount of PvPXP as standard so that they can be PvPed and PvP in turn.
Question! Would it be easier to tie the starting amount of PvPXP to a players current XP total? Not sure one way or another.

Not to mention the crying that will surely ensue from players being forced to PvP in order to gain the rewards. <~ And that is what seems to be Grim's biggest issue, and why he's thinking of making such a drastic change.

Incorrect. I'm all for players having to partake in differing parts of the game to gain the rewards. Why I'm thinking of the change is because XP Loss is proving to be a huge negative effect on players. Their levels are worth something to them, and having them stripped from them by other players is damaging their game experience.

As I'm firmly against removing the xp loss from pvp, I feel there has to be a less drastic way of dealing with the bullying issues, or just leave everything as is and continue to deal with instances of bullying on a case-by-case basis.

This simply does not work. Far too many people do not come forward about these issues. They just leave. That does not help the game grow.

#22 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:33

I think if you are going to go with the pvpxp idea Grim, you'll really need to start everyone off at 0.

Don't want anyone getting angry that higher levels are starting with an advantage.

I made mention of an early 'static' amount of pvpxp to be gained with a successful attack, to get the pvpxp ball rolling as it were.


#23 RebornJedi



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:38

Seems like a different style of PvP rating... What will PvP rating be worth if XP loss is removed is something I'd like to hear and developed before introducing a new XP system introduced to PvP.. Best to see how PvP works after XP loss is removed before tossing in another system.


#24 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:38

If you start with 0 PvPXP, where are players getting the XP they win? 


I don't think higher levels having PvPXP equal to their XP is an advantage. They earned their place up there already and it makes them juicier targets?

#25 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:45

If you start with 0 PvPXP, where are players getting the XP they win? 


I don't think higher levels having PvPXP equal to their XP is an advantage. They earned their place up there already and it makes them juicier targets?


That was the point of the static amount of pvpxp gained per victory in the beginning?


So, say from level 1 - 10 you'd get a static I don't know, 25xp every time you were victorious in battle against another player.

on top of this amount you'd then get a % of the xp that you stole from the other player, assuming they had some.

This method I believe, would allow true pvp'ers to level up their pvpxp quicker and show how good their pvp skills are.



Having a higher level automatically have a high pvp level doesn't really make much sense honestly Grim?


#26 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:49

Having a higher level automatically have a high pvp level doesn't really make much sense honestly Grim?


Explain please? The XP would essentially be the same as the XP they'd lose from PvP as the system stands now?

#27 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:53

No no, not at all!


Pvpxp as described in my suggestion is a means to 'levelup' ones pvp. IE pvplevels complete with a pvp level indicator in ones profile, pvp level requirements on new buffs etc etc?


Theoretically, the better the pvp'er you are and the more pvp you do, the higher your pvp level would become.

Hence the 'incentives' I added to my proposal near the end part of my initial post.


In my idea regular xp and pvpxp are COMPLETELY divorced.


#28 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:57

Fair enough. I assume we would not be going into negative PvPXP after attacking those players with zero PvPXP? What stops them from being farmed, beyond the fact you wouldn't get much XP? It sounds like players in general would not earn PvPXP in terribly high quantities. Not until they start targeting other players actively PvPing. Though, to be honest, that's no bad think. It really would force PvPers to target fellow PvPers to prove their mettle.

#29 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:01

Exactly, that was kind of the idea behind it.

In truth if someone was to want to 'farm' a non participant for pvpxp they could.

They wouldn't be very competitive while doing it though, which hopefully would mean it wouldn't happen.


#30 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:07

And since it wouldn't negatively impart said players leveling, they won't feel victimised.

#31 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:12



Now there are certain things I'm not really sure on.


For instance how the pvpxp loss and gain system would function for players once they became established, on wins and losses.

Thinking over what I have written for it in the OP, that would end up more of a pvpxp sink. I'm not sure we'd want a little bit of the pvpxp lost on each attack. So perhaps once a specific 'plateau' is reached the losses and gains could become straight up transfers, with modifiers based on a players pvp level? Not sure, that still needs some work.


I don't really like working on an idea all by myself you know, things turn out better usually when the end product is more of a 'team effort'. lol


#32 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:15

Not sure. Something to mull over. I'll bring it to Hoofmaster and Zorg's attention and see what they think when we discuss possible changes either this week or next.

#33 BadPenny



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:23

And since it wouldn't negatively impart said players leveling, they won't feel victimised.

Although you would think it to be so, in my experience this isn't always necessarily true.  I have lost 5 for a 10 stam prestige hit whereas conserve kicked in.  As such, there was no loss for that player, however, angry messages were sent, and I was posted, their guild took 5... An isolated case, to be sure, but it does happen...  Some players are just totally freaked out by the attack itself, and what they perceive to be losses do not exist.  Maybe they just don't read the battle detail, who can say?

Just one old lady's opinion




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#34 clock96



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:28

Isn't this so very close to the thread I started ? Check my thread that Grim locked

Edit: Why did you lock my thread BG ?

Edited by clock96, 23 September 2014 - 13:29.


#35 midgetmanj



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:29

So an idea for the lose and gains... 


Why not make it like gold?  So say 25 % of the current PvPXP is taken and that then is divided up to 75% to the player and 25% as lost exp.


So theres your loss and gain.  Player X wins a attack against Player Y.  X will gain 75% of 25% of Y's PvPXP.  If they Player X loses then he loses as much as he was going to gain.  And so forth. Off course this would need to have a given amount once put into practice.

But thats my piece on this idea.



#36 Davros81



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:30

Isn't this so very close to the thread I started ? Check my thread that Grim locked

Edit: Why did you lock my thread BG ?

Yes it is Clock... :wub:

#37 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:32

Isn't this so very close to the thread I started ? Check my thread that Grim locked

Edit: Why did you lock my thread BG ?

Yes it is. I stated as much earlier in this thread. I explained why I locked your thread when I locked it. It had descended into anarchy.

#38 Removed18058



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 13:34

gain x amount of pvp exp as initiating victor gain 2x amount of pvp exp as defending victor lose 0.5x pvp exp as defending loser lose 0.75x pvp exp as initiating loser start the pvp exp at 0 so that it will become a race between the pvp'ers to get to for example level 100 first? add minor buffs per exp level for example gain x amount of that enhancement etc etc stuff like that things that give you a slight edge but still well worth the time to get it

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#39 Corrupted



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 14:11

What I get from Doom is pretty much the same as if you were a level 1 player and were killing a level 5 creature... You get, let's say, 20 XP per every victorious attack on the creature (not counting any modifiers).

Once you pass level 6, you start gaining less XP from the creature exponentially, say then @ level 6 you gain only 16 XP from that creature, which is not as effective as it once was, hence you move on to a "juicier" target (?)...

If that's how it is, then to me it makes perfect sense to start at level 0. That way everyone starts pretty much on the same curve, then you have to do a bit more of work to move on, just like leveling.

#40 BigGrim


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 14:45



See, I like this as a means for having PvPers show how good they are by fighting those who enjoy PvP instead of simply beating up those who don't wish partake. If you want a high rating, earning you the best stuff, actually FIGHT for it.

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