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Potential issues in Titan Hunting.

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#21 Pythia



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Posted 15 January 2019 - 02:30

I  don't like GvG, I don't like farmers. 


I'm even to the point of frustration with cloud flare. 


Maybe it has something to do with my lack of patience at times.


Oh yeah,  I gave up titan hunting because I could never get there before it moved.  I never used a TP above buff level.

Edited by Pythia, 15 January 2019 - 02:38.

#22 Melons



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Posted 15 January 2019 - 04:36

Then please provide proof. Hearsay is not proof.

~ Grim


What kind of proof would suffice? I don't have access to the code and even if I did I wouldn't know anything about it. If you would be able to give me some examples, then I will gladly provide it the next time I suspect someone of scripting. 


By the way, I'm going off my own experience of titan hunting. I've met some very fast hunters, some of those players I am friends with. The reason I don't think or suspect they are cheating is that they are inconsistent. What do I mean by inconsistent? Well, after the titan spawns on another tile, I notice it takes them a second or two to find the titan. When I hunt against a possible scripter, I notice they blink as soon as the titan respawns, even if it is a huge map. Maybe they are that fast? When it happens 100% of the time though, then something is fishy. Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that these players are consistent with their movement. So consistent that it feels like I'm playing against a robot. 


I could be wrong or right as I have no concrete evidence besides my own experience and gut feeling. I will point out that I've been running across these types of players less often.

Edited by Melons, 15 January 2019 - 17:34.

#23 BigGrim


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Posted 15 January 2019 - 09:50

I'm even to the point of frustration with cloud flare.

Cloud Flare is protection against DDoS, which occurs from time to time.

~ Grim

#24 Pythia



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Posted 15 January 2019 - 20:26

I know that Grim one, but it still does not help my level of frustration right now.


I have been informed that my help with cancer treatment payments is on hold, that has nothing to do with titan hunting unless I view those men in the light of numb nutted potential wanna be wished they were titans, that I could beat with a big stick.  Can't hunt titans in the game and it's illegal to hunt the NNs in the real world. *sighs*


See where my frustration is coming from?   I'll be civil, because that's me and I'll say no more about it lest it show just how vulgar I can really be. 


Plus the last young woman that I tended in after school care, (I followed them into this game),  is thinking about hitting the road to join the ones already gone, she also plays this game on my computer. Those young women kept it from being stolen, best free security in existence.


I'm out.

Edited by Pythia, 15 January 2019 - 20:28.

#25 activeh1



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Posted 16 January 2019 - 00:37

Simple solution.... don't hunt Titans...

wasnt this whole thread answerd by penny in 1st post ?


#26 Josh1404



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Posted 16 January 2019 - 17:59

wasnt this whole thread answerd by penny in 1st post ?

In a way. But not exactly a good solution for the game as a whole. :P

#27 Windbattle



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Posted 19 February 2019 - 04:34

Being a Ruby titan hunter, I was never a fan of teleport even being added to the game. I got at least 1/2 my kills prior to that coming out even. I feel teleport and titan doubler forever changed titan hunting. I think if you remove teleport pot, you might as well make teleport not even work on maps with titans. I would go 1 step further and get rid of titan doubler as well. It used to be a drag out fight among a skilled team of players from guilds going at it to get secures. The drawback of that is that titan hunting takes a lot of time to compete for a secure but it should in my opinion (currently takes 15-20 minutes to secure titans). The results are obvious ... epics get secured at record times and the market gets flooded. Eventually people complain they are not even worth doing anymore. Then the cows make inventable epics using titan drops as a way to slow the depreciation on epics. 


The big fix would be to remove teleport from working on titans, remove titan doubler completely, and go after / suspend / ban scripters and cheaters with titan hunting. 


Or at least on seasonals make it not count / deactivate titan doubler ... might make it more fun for people trying it out for the first time and give them more time to get to spawns.

Edited by Windbattle, 10 June 2020 - 12:03.

#28 Windbattle



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Posted 10 June 2020 - 11:59

So whats the rule on cooldown nowadays? Its not mentioned in scout tower at all.


Found my answer. 


Edited by Windbattle, 10 June 2020 - 12:25.

#29 suderlon



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Posted 18 January 2021 - 21:10

Issue #3 - Scripting farms. Ofcourse your gonna ask for evidence but as a player that plays often it's so easy to see. Ask anyone that follows titans they will say the same.


Then please provide proof. Hearsay is not proof.

~ Grim


I think we all know that you cannot act without any proof; The problem is what kinda proof do you expect us to provide?
I cannot screenshot another players browser add-ons/scripts. Or.. that would require me doing illegal things anyways.

I know that a previously very active player provided videos of how it looks when someone is using a script to hunt titans - as in; He partook in the hunting, and made a video at the same time showing how some players kept being on the titan way b4 he got there. And he was fast, on an even faster connection.
I even think he wrote a script on how to .. well, script lol If he ever showed that to y'all I do not know, and cannot ask, since he got so upset with the game, that he had his account deleted and slammed the door behind him.
Oh, and the players he was filming and reporting are still in game today, titan hunting.

So, I am sorry, but simply sweeping players claims of the table with a "where is the proof" will not suffice.


I sent text - no proof

I sent screen shots - no proof

I sent details with screen shots - not proof

I sent video - not proof


video is highest proof players can give, I show you cheater keep up with me, I use teleport chest with 0 seconds cool down, cheater only use teleport 175


cheater keep up with me when titan jump 5 steps, 10 steps, 15 steps, 20 steps, from top left map corner to bottom right corner



look at the video I sent, in all games I am playing the videos are the highest proof the players can report, normal with a video sent then the cheater is history but here in fallensword it is not proof?


Mr Biggrim, what is proof for you because you never said how players can proof someone is cheating?

if videos are not proof then you are saying for us players it is impossible to proof someone is cheating


look at my video in the ticket

#30 LordOfRuin



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Posted 19 January 2021 - 11:12

Oh there are definitely some questionable hunters out there. I hunted against a few whilst I had instant teleport running that were practically keeping up without the potion. 50 spaces in 2 seconds. We know it's not possible because we titan hunt with and without the potion. But how are we supposed to prove it other than giving an account of what happened?


The fact that some titans die quickly is due to popularity. I don't see that kind of incentive to hunt and subsequent activity as a bad thing. Catch the next spawn. They always come around again. And you say some are not worth hunting but again that comes down to opinion. Some people want their own personal epic and go hunt it. I suspect your opinion is derived from their low value and not considering the time to secure the drop worthwhile. True for some but not for all.


And how do we reduce the number of drops from titan hunting? The removal of the instant potion won't do so. The titans will still be secured the old fashioned way. The market will remain the same.


And whilst I do agree with many of the points made here against the teleport 230. There is one that comes to mind in favour of it. It is a good leveller against the very quickest hunters. The potion allows players that might ordinarily struggle when trying to secure a titan or earn significant TKP towards it to perhaps make better progress. Because let's be honest here. The removal of the potion will just put the majority of the drops into the quickest players hands. The events will remain as monopolised as is. The majority of the game will still struggle to make significant progress. There are players that ordinarily wouldn't be able to compete that are able to do so with the use of one of these potions. Not saying I especially want it to stay or see it go. I am relatively on the fence. Fine with either way. But there is a negative as well.


Also it is a donation potion. Donation potions should provide benefits other potions don't. However I do appreciate that this potion effects titan hunting significantly. And if the future new titan drops continue to be more epics of the same stamina gain value as existing epics soon enough that potion won't be worth using anyway. New epic in it's first event at 390 FSP. I don't remember seeing that before.

+1 to this!!


Suggestion for TP200 - to 'balance' the advantage, how about making the pot cheaper a\nd therefore more easily avaiable to all? I realise this will cause a few moans abuout having paid for TP200m but I wiould sacrifice a few dots for a more level playing field. Let's face it, if you can afford the epic pots with TP200, you can *probably* spare few dots... If it cannot be made fairer I would suggest can TP200 entirely, as it just skews an already unbalanced playing field.


Re TH - I have witnessed people with TP175 appearing to be glued to the titan in question beating playters with TP200 to th respawn - leaving a tile as it dies, always being the first on scene at the next spawn point. I realise that some of this is down to other factors, including player skill, however the metronomic regularity with which it happens does suggest to me a level of automation that would break T's & C's.


Additionally, I have observed one very effective and fast player (at TH) who after ~17 minutes alone with the titan and using TP200 had over 1000 kills.. a lead that a player arriving (on zero, also with TP200, having already secured a contested titan in the ~17 minutes since hourly tick/titan spawn) destoyed and passed in less than 17 minutes. I did not record this, but I suspect ALL the evidence we need will be in HCS activity logs (if such things are kept). However without access to said logs or at least without *someone* doing some digging, no proof is possible. This is a circular problem which only HCS can fix.


So, Grim - if there is a way to provide you proof without someone checking over activity logs and using some maths and common sense - PLEASE tell us what you need - we want cheats out of the game - we just need to know what YOU need. I.E. what would qualify as 'proof' - if that can be defined we can at least move forward.

Edited by LordOfRuin, 19 January 2021 - 11:27.

#31 kitobas



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Posted 06 February 2021 - 11:54

you can forgetting reporting titan cheaters to support, if you sending best profing is video then support not banning player because needing coder and that is what problem is, support will telling you they doing investigating but they need coder for doing it and coder very busy and not having time


I knowing two players who getting reporting from comunity because they doing cheating, they doing teleporting with no instant teleport and comunity sending to support videos of this cheating, very sad this

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