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#21 MVP


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 16:14





Edited by MVP, 16 September 2015 - 16:14.


#22 Will


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 17:54

I can understand that the coding is ancient and something just short of what cavemen would've used at one point. I can almost sympathize with that to a degree as well. But at the same time, I have to ask: how difficult would it be to recode the game so that the coding you have is simpler to work with? I believe it'd also allow for new/different things to be added that you were unable to do before as well. And I'm sure one of the HCS coders would be happy to work on it with you. And you could do it safely as well. Just recode the game elsewhere and when it is stable, have a couple of people as "testers" to ensure that things don't break when moving around. And once it's confirmed to be safe and stable, move everyone over. Which, I am sure in and of itself would be a task. Because the playerbase is coded the same way. So finding a way to convert everyone would be tricky as hell.


But honestly, given the content of Legacy and how the game works, I think it's realistic to state that nobody is looking for you to wave a magic wand and change the look of the game entirely. And as stated before, it's mostly those who have stuck around the longest and the every so often new person who comes along and just likes the game. So really, it's just adding little things here and there to refresh things. Even if it's just a few different NPCs, weapons, armor, or upgrading system. At this point, everyone would be happy with just about anything really. And it doesn't have to be huge. As I stated, it could just be a couple hours here and there to let everyone know what is being worked on, where little projects are at, and potential things that can be expected.


I know you still love Legacy, Zorg. It's your baby. Something you created on a whim and frankly, you created a very unique community because of it. Show your face to it every once in a while would ya? :P

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#23 HappyDays



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Posted 16 September 2015 - 18:30

Have I moved into some alternate reality or imagining things, I am pretty sure at some point wasn't a reason we were not getting updates ........because zorg said he was over hauling code for future updates and did that. Don't we have dev if the sky falls in for certain updates to test before hand. 


Also is the code not ancient as hell on fallen sword, yet you manage just fine working around that ??


It has been to be fair even before hcs, vampire mode, for as long as humanly possible drain the game for money, then when the pressure cooker goes boom, do something or say something and plat sale time etc. I have no idea what happened to getting the scythe upgrades etc out the door, is that reliant on a code upgrade ? There are numerous tiny bits that can be done to polish up legacy.


Also the forums should have looser restrictions and be more free flowing, not lock lock lock. They seem to have had the life drained from them as not much can ever go astray/off topic. Over haul of rules and some mergers maybe to freshen them up. We could do with a staff over haul if some have become inactive and a chamber of elders review. 


I still think if your heart is not in it, let some players while we still have some left try and pool money together and buy you out. Be realistic on the cost. Probs will never happen. 


But I would imagine if a LEGCON ever occurred again and we all had a sit down and hashed out some stuff, if it was truthful and honest and everyone had a say, that your plat sales would go up as I know some players who do not buy anything anymore involving real money because the trust is lost and the promises and stalls that occur through out the years. 


Morale is game with players is low. 


But I still think being walled into this site is a killer also, this is not the paradise that was portrayed when merging with hcs. How many years now have we gone without advertising. Nothing is put back in, the odd bit of code. 


It was even a running joke on the game going around at one point how hcs don't deal with legacy, it is thrown to zorg, then to scott. Is that a good way for the way even if untrue for the players to feel how legacy is viewed by hcs.  


Also I still strongly believe even if a counter was put on legacy saying if we reach certain goals we get certain work done on the game. It would motivate people and give them something to at least view as tangible and work towards. Like once x amount of plat is bought by the player base you get this update AND IF IT WAS NOT A TRICK. I would buy plat to help that goal, at least you know if you chip in you get work on the game done and you help keep it alive. Not plat sales and uncertainty on when the next update comes or how long more we go before the next thread and more life is drained from the game due to never seeing anyone around the game. 

#24 TGame


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 23:45

Not sure why ancient code is the hindrance to allowing other's help update the code. Wouldnt it be reasonable to work on a revamp as a team rather than take it all on yourself?


As well ancient code is a very poor excuse for not updating... it seems as if the lack of ability to make decent updates would inspire an overhaul. That way working on promised changes doesnt feel like pulling teeth.


I think whats the most insulting to our community is knowing HCS has heard complaints and yet they put us on the back burner repeatedly. This habitual negligence will eventually lead to this game's ultimate decay.


After all, if Will cant ask for some attention to be spared for Legacy with that well-delivered, non-presumptuous, collected approach, then chances are, HCS will continue to ignore the community til the engine can no longer run on fumes.


[I dont mind being presumptuous. I figure HCS will most likely equate this forum to the other attempts of inciting Legacy updates and feed us the same nonsense as before]


#25 fishman001


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 02:53

I am also a player that is on his second account. my first account was created in 2007. It got deleted due to inactivity because I was deployed and wasn't able to access the site, it happens and I understand why, back then inactive accounts were deleted to keep an accurate total of people that either cared enough to pay for a permanent account or play enough to keep their account alive. The reason I bring up my past is that Legacy made such an impact on me that when things balanced out a little better for me, I came back to the game. In fact, I even paid rl money to make my current account permanent, until HCS changed it so even the people that play for 5 min and never come back are permanent too. I know I am no longer the most active player, military life will do that, since rl comes first, but I love to come back to legacy after being out for a few months and see how my family in DF has grown or changed. I also hope every time that I see something new with the game, anything new. I would even be excited for a simple logo mod every so often like google does all the time, because at least then I could see that the higher level staff came to visit. I have heard for years that this change or that change is coming and then hear why it has been dropped. I heard a promise that HCS would proudly advertise Legacy and we would see new players join. I have heard many great things....


I love this game. I have played many free, browser based games, but at the end of the day, it's leacy that I compare them to and legacy I come back to... I do know what will make it popular or fancy, I have no clue how to make it over shadow all the rest, but what I do know is that having only the volunteer staff present and the appearance of HCS or other paid staff as frequent a Cain telling DF how great we are doing is not the answer.


The most evident thing I can use to prove my point is this:


Legacy Blog:


The latest game news is displayed below, you can also view this on our homepage.

« First < 89 90 91     > Last »   Game News - Posted by Scott on Thursday, August 27th 2015


that's 20 days ago...


and the last blog from zorg...


Game News - Posted by Zorg on Wednesday, July 1st 2015






#26 Teeg


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 03:27

I'm sorry but you all act like because Steven is gone that there are no Graphic artists. Which is wrong, Faelust makes excellent top notch pixel art and a few others in the community do also based upon previous User Art threads in Legacy Forums. 



And also Zorg isn't the only person who knows how to code. Rod and Rollin340 were instrumental in helping to make the Legacy Enhancement Suite what it is today. 


So why not kick some inactive HCS staffers out of Legacy Staff positions to make room for people like Faelust, Rod, and Rollin340 who can actually help keep the game alive with fresh content.

Edited by Teeg, 17 September 2015 - 03:28.

#27 zerocomman


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 03:56

I just want to thank Zorg for his first honest post in ages. If there's one thing that's bugged me about this game is how we have been strung along for so long with promises of updates without much ever happening.


Now I know this game just is what it is and that's that. For those of you still buying platinum, I suggest you stop spending your hard earned money to help HCS fund their other projects.


It's a shame HCS/Zorg won't sell this game to people who will actually attempt to revitalize it. Indie games are extremely popular now, and Legacy has a good starting framework to actually grow IF someone took the time to think things through (and also ignore some of the older players who want to keep things the way they have always been).

#28 TheInsaneGreek


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 15:26

I'm a bit different player. About three years ago, I just up and quit playing Legacy. I basically stopped playing because it wasn't fun then, I admit. I came back a year ago, and the fun has returned. I officially unretired from the game.


Yes, the coding is ancient. But, we have dev for a reason. Break things there, we don't care... Hell, I fully and honestly expect to be reset to level 1 eventually, but that doesn't mean that I can't have some fun trying to level up again.


All I'm asking for is someone to work on it a little bit, even if its just an hour or two every other week, doing something. Or, if Legacy truly doesn't matter, then please, say so. I'm sure the whole player base would agree that if we could have some word if Legacy is truly dead, and not just on life support, we would be fine with that.


I started playing Legacy almost 8 years ago, during my last year of High School. Played all throughout college until my retirement. The choice to come back was probably the best one I've made in the last two years. Please... give us just a little bit of time, even if it is just to update the code on dev... The last real update we had was back in May, for the Anniversary. 

#29 DarkFlame


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:49

That was a really round about way to ask me to unlock 4 tickets...


Jokes aside, 10 years is a long time. I was a teenager back when I started this journey and we've all changed a lot since then.  The code base at this point is very old and working on it is a laborious task, that anyone who has maintained a project for a long period of time will understand.


​It wouldnt be so laborious if you had stuck to the timelines instead of putting it off all the time. Heck even if things were a little behind it wouldnt be bad. The concepts for this game are great and that is why people keep coming back. That and it has attracted a strong community that has been supporting it despite your lack of follow through.


Major updates and complete system overhauls are just unrealistic at this point, as the large amount of work required is just not worth the poor reception such large changes generally receive.  If I was to take combat and entirely revamp it with new equations, better UI and design, at least 50% of players would hate it and I'd be more likely to kill the game entirely that revitalize it.  As has been shown recently on Fallen Sword with our attempts to revamp PVP Combat to a newer more modern system.  Players think they want updates, but they're also set in their ways and change often just serves to annoy them.


This is what a dev server is useful for. Our current Dev server is a joke because so very little is ever developed on it. Players reach avatar and are given access to it and it would be best to let these players actually help you test ideas. Testing on the Dev server gives you free feedback without breaking the game or making people run for the hills if an idea isnt well received.


As for getting new players in to the game, I'd say that's impossible at this point.  Back when Legacy started free games were few and far between, players sat and gave considerable effort and leeway to the games they tried, but those days are past.  Today's players give 1-2 minutes to a free game before deciding if they like it.  The bar has been significantly raised and the ocean Legacy now lives in has far more fish in it.  When Legacy launched I could count the competition on one hand, I was 1 guy coding in my bedroom and my biggest rival was a few guys coding in theirs, now there are hundreds of thousands of free alternatives made by massive international corporations of thousands of people.


Give us something to work with and new players will stick around. New people are coming all the time. they just arent staying. this is partly because you fail to cater toward new players most of the time. In most of the DTD threads explanations in requests for new player improvements are that Legacy caters to avatars. I will say you did a nice attempts with removing the shops and giving free gear. However I think it had the opposite affect that you wanted. It made the game too easy for them and gave them no variety and cheap mistakes that they could make on their own as they learned by picking weapons that looked great but sucked.


Having said all that, smaller changes to entertain the existing players are completely viable.   I'm not remotely against adding new items Steven makes, whenever he is ready, or making tweaks / changes to existing systems that make them more fun and enjoyable.


New Items are great but tweaks and the ability for staff to take care of the day to day are important. As is continued development. The best thing that can be done is allowing ideas to be tried in the DEV server to see what works and what doesnt.


I know I am not one to shy from saying what I feel and sometimes yea that may piss you off but you gave us all a lot of great entertainment, thank you for that. I just ask that you dont give up on us because we have not given up on you through all these years (even if we may poke fun at your expense ...well mostly westham....omg check his logs lol)

Edited by DarkFlame, 18 September 2015 - 06:50.

#30 DarkFlame


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:59

Oh and I agree with HD. If you are really not in it anymore and HCS will not support Legacy then let us crowdsource and pull resources and buy it out.


This ensures that your baby doesnt just die and you can see it flourish (maybe even join us as a player)

#31 BadPenny



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Posted 18 September 2015 - 14:41

I'm only 10 months old in this game, but already I am as addicted as I if I had been around for years... I would be heartbroken if legacy disappeared, that's for sure. But I've also played FS for years, where updates are consistent, and tickets are usually dealt with next business day.... Hoofmaster has actually logged into the game to send a lost quest item the day after Christmas, when the offices were officially closed...That, my friends, is customer service, and legacy deserves at least this....

Just one old lady's opinion




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#32 Will


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 13:49

This thread has generated enough views to be in the top 10 most viewed threads on the front page alone. And honestly, I refuse to let it die down. Over 800 views later and so far only 1 HCS individual has taken the time to post, and yes, it was the one we wanted to hear from the most. But that doesn't take away from the fact that HCS itself should weigh in on this and be just as, if not more so, honest as Zorg was.


If the intent with HCS is to just let Legacy kind of float around just because Zorg is an employee with HCS, then please tell us so we can all stop hoping for something more to happen. Like I already stated, 4 years later and I had to be informed that HCS staff had left the company for reasons (of which I obviously cannot reveal) and I had to remove them from the Wiki as well as the Staff related systems since they were no longer there. Funny thing about that though: not a single person noticed. Because HCS has never had a true presence.


Someone logging in long enough to say "Hi" and then vanish literally right after that is not having a presence. 4 years I have been a VH and I have seen 2 different HCS members login and it was for all the 30 minutes. If that.


I have officially been a staff member for this game longer than I have been a player. And given the amount of frustration that I have had to put up with, it's honestly a miracle that I'm still around. While I'm not the only member on staff, I'm not going to speak for the others because they can do that for themselves if they so desire. But I have been around since the beginning of the HCS merge and I can honestly say: I am not impressed.


I'm sure you have heard this a few times already, but many promises were made. 80% of which were not adhered to. Myself and a bunch of others have given plenty of suggestions to try and rectify this, but we can't even get more than a few minutes of time in the forums to make that happen. Let alone in the game.


When LegCon (for those who are unaware, this was the equivalent of a small panel sitting down with Zorg to discuss things that the community would like to see done or added) was cancelled this year, I think it's safe to say that there were plenty of people who were shocked, but at the same time not surprised. That alone showed us that Legacy is literally in the background and on the backburner for HCS. And that the game honestly doesn't matter that much.


But there again: so long as there is a community that cares about the game and staff that are willing to help try and keep the game floating, until we are given official word of "Legacy's downfall" and that nothing will be done with it anymore, we aren't going to remain silent on the issue.


So please, anyone, at this point it doesn't matter who from HCS, could you PLEASE give us a no joke "this is what we intend on doing with Legacy" response to this?

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#33 Anialator



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 15:22

Totally agreed. No offense intended to Zorg but I would like to hear a response from Hoofmaster. We've had staff reply to Legacy related threads here in a timely matter about server issues. This is a far more pressing matter than a day of down time.

At the very least if you can't make a proper announcement till you have had a proper discussion with the HCS staff team about this, a post to let us know you will give a full reply later would be appreciated.



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#34 HappyDays



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 16:00

I would not mind seeing an updated response from zorg due to more points of view being expressed in there, or is it a one and done post by him and other hcs staff SHOULD POST.


I also think zorg should come on to the Legacy game and write out a mini to do list on issues legacy players need addressed, from the games views to guard farming to weapon upgrades etc and staff on game to mods to forums etc etc. Whatever the people bring up, he should be there to listen and discuss. 


Also it is laughable to think back and remember in a legcon Hoofmaster sitting there after the merger and agreeing to look into an assistant for zorg to work on legacy. Because of neglect our pop has declined and people don't want to buy plat as you use this game to fund other projects. It is not due to the game slowing down. It is due to broken promises, people moving on after being jerked around and others not putting a penny more into this machine until someone sits down for a genuine conversation. 

#35 Mugen


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 18:40

How does Zorg talk about how anchient the code is when he talked about many updates? Still waiting on those armors and weapon upgrades... xD seriously though, I'm never oposed to new things, just depends if they work or not

#36 TheInsaneGreek


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 20:41

Honestly, there will be people complaining about anything that is done. To do something in hopes that EVERYONE would like it never, ever, EVER works. Look at facebook when changes are made... like, three quarters the posts I saw last time were people whining about how they liked the old way better. There's a dev server for a reason, after all... break it.

#37 Teeg


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 23:11

Honestly, there will be people complaining about anything that is done. To do something in hopes that EVERYONE would like it never, ever, EVER works. Look at facebook when changes are made... like, three quarters the posts I saw last time were people whining about how they liked the old way better. There's a dev server for a reason, after all... break it.

 The thing is nothing new has been done in the past 2 years, absolutely nothing. Which means there are 0 changes happening. Dev server is useless because there is no one to work on the game. Honestly why was Dev even put back up if Zorg just popped a whole bunch of unbalanced items into Reg Leg and didn't even test it on dev first? 


Well mainly because he doesn't care anymore and doesn't have time for the game. I understand that you want to keep it and that it's your baby. But you don't even have time to work on it anymore or pop in to tell us what's going on. Which is why I think it should be run by Players who are active and can code. Not by HCS staffers, because we all know how well that went over.

#38 UnicornBob


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 22:49

If it needs pointing out, the players don't want this game to die
But at this rate it will, it seems to have just been left to fester.

I wont try and pretend I know how hard it is to code a game, especially when HCS has at least 2 big games they like to focus on, but Legacy was taken over years ago and the only major updates that come to mind since have been the inventory (which I believe still has work to be done) and Ventrix/crystals (which could use some extra work to clean up the edges.)


Now with that being said I'd like to ask if things will change etc but I think we're just going to be told what we want to hear, maybe a couple of novelty updates and things will go back... again.


Honestly I'm nearly done with the game, it's hard to enjoy anymore when everyone's so bitter about it not getting attention etc.

#39 MVP


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 19:28

hey @Zorg/HCS





remember this? i bet not cuz you all were obviously high as hell!!


#40 ZachLegacy


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 22:18

This game has become my life, which is hard to believe, with nearly 7 and half years put into this game I have enjoyed every part of it. The community is beyond any game I have played, I hope and wish that you could see the progress it has made. Sure most of the time the community acts like jerks, but when the community has been told one thing and another happens, we start to react differently to what we are told. However this community has reacted better then I have thought on this thread, I was suspecting a whole lot worse then this. This community at a time use to look up to you Zorg, when you logged into the game daily and actually pursued onward, yes I do understand times have changed and it has been ten years, but it takes only one thing to change that, and that is to just login like twice a week and actually communicate with the community again.


So I ask you Zorg/HCS, would you please give this game another chance, before the actual game decline hits. Give us another reason to keep playing until that day comes. 

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