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Increase The PvP Attack Range

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#21 wil72



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 23:05



I want, I want, I want!





Edited by wil72, 23 July 2014 - 23:08.

#22 sweetlou



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 23:55

+5 increments every 200 levels would be excellent to have.. Would rather see 10 stam attacks get 10 prestige.. And 100 stam gets 100 prestige.. Earning prestige based on the amount of stamina would be more enjoyable

I don't know about earning prestige for every PvP ladder attack.. It would help promote activity but seems like an easy way to farm prestige.. But again, might promote more activity.

Aaaand we all know activating prestige needs a desperate overhaul

Whatever the incremental increase in attack range would become doesn't bother me. I agree with you it should be done. The disparity between EOC type players and lower levels is growing. Fewer targets combined with the ease with which it's possible to dump gold makes for less PvP. Less challenge for players doesn't make a healthy game, on the opposite.


So under your proposal five 100 stam attacks would allow a 10% increase for 30 mins. I think it's too easy. Under this circumstance allowing every attack on the Ladder earning Prestige would certainly be abused. However change Prestige earnings to 10 stam = 1 Prestige/100 stam = 10 Prestige and farming wouldn't occur, not on the Ladder or off of it. It would be more like earning Prestige on the BB, where I have yet to hear any gripes.


Your right, Prestige needs an overhaul. I'm not saying we need to return to life without the 3 day cooldown, except on the Ladder and BB where you are expecting to PvP. Another consideration is doing away with the all or none usage of Prestige. I have seen players with tens of thousands of Prestige accrued. It's a matter of pride to them like a badge of honor. Why shouldn't players be able to use Prestige in increments? They have earned it. In fact, give them the right to sell it. Why not, even if limited to guildmates only like composing pots.


The devs need to look at PvP and it's components as a whole instead of as an a la carte menu. I'm tired of seeing clear arguments made in favor of the PvP side of the game only to see them continually ignored. Let's not see another exodus of players before older aspects of the game see some TLC. All this could all be added to "Improve the PvP Ladder (13th September 2014)" and players like myself would be overjoyed.

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#23 BadPenny



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 01:39

Anywho, I still want this...

Just one old lady's opinion




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#24 DeadParrot



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 02:01

You can hit 5 levels below you for every 100 levels you attain, but NO ceiling on who you can hit.


Why can't I hit some level 2000 guy who is wearing his shiny EPICS, would look good on him to get smacked.



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#25 yotekiller



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 02:27

...................Your right, Prestige needs an overhaul. I'm not saying we need to return to life without the 3 day cooldown, except on the Ladder and BB where you are expecting to PvP. Another consideration is doing away with the all or none usage of Prestige. I have seen players with tens of thousands of Prestige accrued. It's a matter of pride to them like a badge of honor. Why shouldn't players be able to use Prestige in increments? They have earned it. In fact, give them the right to sell it. Why not, even if limited to guildmates only like composing pots............

I don't know that we will ever see prestige sold or traded but I do think it should be available for use in increments.  We already have a few buffs that can be adjusted in player preferences.  Using prestige is buffing yourself so just add a box in preferences indicating how much you want to use (even better a box on activation page) and away we go.

Screenshot everything!

#26 Nikita90



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 12:04

I am in full support of this idea. it is soooo hard to find somebody within 10 levels of myself at level 1100 :(

#27 sweetlou



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 13:40

I don't know that we will ever see prestige sold or traded but I do think it should be available for use in increments.  We already have a few buffs that can be adjusted in player preferences.  Using prestige is buffing yourself so just add a box in preferences indicating how much you want to use (even better a box on activation page) and away we go.

I understand your skepticism of the devs willingness, as I have myself. I'm curious if there are any good arguments against allowing Prestige to be traded? Why couldn't trading be done?


Prestige usage in increments, again, has no downside that I'm aware of. It comes down to willingness.


Increasing the attack range at higher levels, I can imagine there are some players that would be unhappy at the potential of more people who can hit you. Again, I'd argue two points. First, it's become much easier to dump gold over the years which is the main attractant for an attacker. Let's also not forget each attack can now be bountied. Secondly, the PvP challenge from others at higher levels has become sparse. That challenge is essential for gamesmanship.

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#28 murabane



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Posted 25 July 2014 - 01:36

I understand your skepticism of the devs willingness, as I have myself. I'm curious if there are any good arguments against allowing Prestige to be traded? Why couldn't trading be done?


Are you talking about actual trading of prestige, cause when i mentioned the buy/sell/trade of prestige, im referring to some players selling prestige hits for 1 fsp or along those lines. Or they swap, you hit me i hit you no consequences.


Really 1 thing i do believe they need to do with prestige in general is to put a slider on prestige so that you can activate what you would like to activate without burning the whole lot of it. I really can't wrap my head around why it has never been done, cause once you have accumulated so much you reach that point where its not even worth ever activating cause you will lose it all.


Im all for increase in gaps, and im primarily a leveler/titan hunter right now. Figured i would put that out there so that everyone doesn't see this as just the players in that aspect of the game wanting it. Also currently i only have 11 players within the current attack range, thats really not much of a selection. And if i went to the ladder i would have 3-7 depending on the time. So really for a pvper in my range it would be a dry run, plus you have to factor in friends and allies which may cut that number drastically. So you may only be able to hit a couple, and really it makes that aspect less enjoyable. Increasing the range increases the amount of targets, and variety of targets(giving you ample targets other than friendlies), especially considering the last 1000 levels of content. I tried to find a base of levels vs the player count, seems maybe from level 1000 on up there are maybe 1400 or so players(just a guess it may be off a bit), and really that doesn't exclude the inactive players in the weeds so that number is actually a lot lower than that. So it just goes to show the players disparity within that large gap of levels.

#29 murabane



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Posted 25 July 2014 - 01:41



I want, I want, I want!





 Im sorry wil but this is just a cat playing rock, paper, scissors... and it looks like the other guy wasn't ready... "Come on what meow? this is the third time already... its 1, 2, 3.. shoot!.. look 1, 2, 3"

#30 sweetlou



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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:01

Are you talking about actual trading of prestige, cause when i mentioned the buy/sell/trade of prestige, im referring to some players selling prestige hits for 1 fsp or along those lines. Or they swap, you hit me i hit you no consequences.


Really 1 thing i do believe they need to do with prestige in general is to put a slider on prestige so that you can activate what you would like to activate without burning the whole lot of it. I really can't wrap my head around why it has never been done, cause once you have accumulated so much you reach that point where its not even worth ever activating cause you will lose it all.


Im all for increase in gaps, and im primarily a leveler/titan hunter right now. Figured i would put that out there so that everyone doesn't see this as just the players in that aspect of the game wanting it. Also currently i only have 11 players within the current attack range, thats really not much of a selection. And if i went to the ladder i would have 3-7 depending on the time. So really for a pvper in my range it would be a dry run, plus you have to factor in friends and allies which may cut that number drastically. So you may only be able to hit a couple, and really it makes that aspect less enjoyable. Increasing the range increases the amount of targets, and variety of targets(giving you ample targets other than friendlies), especially considering the last 1000 levels of content. I tried to find a base of levels vs the player count, seems maybe from level 1000 on up there are maybe 1400 or so players(just a guess it may be off a bit), and really that doesn't exclude the inactive players in the weeds so that number is actually a lot lower than that. So it just goes to show the players disparity within that large gap of levels.

~ I was talking about trading of Prestige like any other buff. Trading hits that you speak of is a degradation to the game. It's why I suggested Prestige gain should be tied to stam used, 10 stam attack = 1 Prestige point and 100 stam = 10 Prestige. It would solve the collusion of "trading" hits. Again, all Ladder attacks should gain Prestige like the current Bounty Board, only using the new 10 stam/ 1 Prestige formula.


~ The other two subjects, attack range increase and Prestige incremental uses, we are pretty much on the same page.


This is pretty simple stuff. It just needs a willingness and an allocation of resources by the devs to address the issue. I'm disappointed that recently the development of Fallensword has taken a back burner to other HCS priorities. More specifically Hoof is not directly involved!

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#31 Gutie



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:02

Or... how about we finally accelerate content under level 941 so people actually stick around in high enough quantity to get to said ranges.... more targets is the issue. This can be done without messing with PvP itself. All this does is enable a bunch at EOC to prestige trade in higher quantities.


I'm 100% against enabling someone to hit in a number further below them than they ever could in a pvp band....


Example being the 950 vs 1200 vs 1310/1425 vs 1550/1600 gap for gear. If both are properly buffed up the higher level can tank up with NMV deactivate NMV hit at will, buff up again, rinse and repeat. No thanks.


The point was to keep it within close range so it actually took doing some math and thinking of "can I beat those stats? what do I need to do so?" to be able to pvp not just sit there with highest defense/armor setup that bottom end can't touch and turtle until you feel like hitting back.


Lets be honest all this does is encourage the circling the wagons for people in certain guilds to gang up on people as they are known to do. Take note the habits of guilds whose members are backing this.


Don't cry about not having targets. They're there, it's just people have run out of targets to milk for prestige without getting slapped on the board. If you want to pvp people so badly pvp the people you have in range.


Lastly, the whole concept should then be to hit up then. If you want to actually do as you're claiming you should be asking to be able to hit up... not widen the range, which specifically proves to me this has nothing to do with improving anything and everything to do with people either


1) Farming Prestige

2) Widening the amount of people they can harass for (typically) no reason someone with any sense would find rational whatsoever. (I'm not referring to anything aside from that some just like to mess with people just because they felt like it, not exclusive to FS this concept, just gaming in general.)

3) People bored because no one wants to do ladder due to no profit aside from padding smasher medals.

4) Certain guilds wanting to have a bigger capacity to act like they're tough slamming people while they're offline in a browser based game for some perceived slight, knowing full well their friends will 10-stam-clear them rather than take equal to what was dished out. (Something that a lot of bunnies cry about, which in the system we have now isn't that big a problem if you stay off the board).

5) Where beforehand people had to go out of their way to massively de-level people, this will enable people to do so on a whim. If cows approve this expect a LOT of people to consider quitting FS.... pvp range of 50 (let alone 100) at any stretch is beyond stupid. We see enough of punitive action at EOC as it is now.



Edit: In short, you will never see me in favor of this. Yes I take note this is 3 days old now and possibly a dead convo.... but I can't see how this is even remotely rational, when we can simply accelerate the early content, which benefits everyone.

Edited by Gutie, 28 July 2014 - 07:04.




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#32 RebornJedi



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:34

...I just want more people to play with


#33 BadPenny



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 15:26

Even I at my relatively low level, have trouble finding enough targets in my range for prestige... I think the range should be increased in increments of 5 or so every 200 levels or so to keep it fair and to encourage better PvP play.

Edited by BadPenny, 28 July 2014 - 15:27.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#34 Gutie



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 16:26

More PvP can be encouraged by scrapping the ladder and bringing back the old pvp rating system from when I started in '09. All this is going to be is people clustered together having free reign to mass delevel people they don't like, and prestige trading and farming with people they do. Anyone who says that won't be going on on a number of occasions if we do this is lying.


The bring back the old rating system and reduce the price of pvp protection in the gold upgrade section, gold sink and widen the pvp game. Increasing the rate at which players can go through content from 1-400 and 422-940 by boosting the xp creatures in those zone give a piece will drastically reduce this issue of "not enough people in range"


As I've said before boosting the benefit of xp gain and the amount of xp/hour that items/gear/epics given in xp gain will also aid this as well as give value to some items typically not deemed worthwhile. (But that's totally off-topic there I admit)




In short if HCS is willing to accelerate advancement through content to mid-level content and retain the long drawn out process for post Karthak, you'll have a lot more people sticking around long enough to engage in other areas of the game, including pvp, making donations as they feel they're actually getting somewhere and thus more targets to pvp with and against each other..... accelerating old content will address a large chunk of issue FS has at this point in time.


We didn't have 2175 levels of content back 3 years ago, so anyone trying to use the "win button" argument that started playing pre 2010 is full of BS as far as I'm concerned.


Play retention will do more than enough good to resolve this for those in the mid-hundreds like you Badpenny. It will also make it less "painful" for bunnies to test out and get their butts kicked by making forays into pvp when it's not 1-2 weeks of work undone for testing out an area of the game they hadn't done before and getting a taste of it. Sure make the level loss more meaningful post Karthak, but really this whole aspect that it takes almost two years for a new player even with heavy donating to get to that point when EOC is now past 2000, is literally killing the game, which cascades into every aspect of it, in particular getting people involved into the game long enough that they WANT to get into pvp/gvg, and might even be willing to LOSE levels to get into a zone they'd like to fight it out in...


Doing so might actually create totally new level zones to become competitive that had never been truly competitive before in FS, which can create a whole separate niche for pvpers to fill for guilds and players as a whole in those areas of the game with the increase in targets reaching that zone.

Edited by Gutie, 28 July 2014 - 16:27.




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#35 RebornJedi



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 19:08

Seems like a big risk and handful of hope..

..rather see me get 10-30 more levels of an attack range. Personally I can 100% guarantee without changing other parts of the game that this will give me more PvP targets


#36 Removed4427



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 19:18

most definitely - encourage, expand, increase, nurture, and fondle more PvP opportunities


...for those who enjoy that niche area of the game

#37 insaner6



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 21:48

From my point of view, an occasionally pvper but mainlg a leveler, reducing pvp prestige gain per attack, or making pvp prestige more difficult to gain, or in any way make it change it, it would only lead in less lvp activity, or none. Unless of course, this is what true pvpers want for making the game better.
Other than that, above lvl 2000, pvp range could be more wide..

Edited by insaner6, 28 July 2014 - 21:50.

#38 Dark Developer

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 14:06

I'd be fine with increasing the attack range if you can only attack players online within the last 10 minutes. 

#39 yodamus



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Posted 29 July 2014 - 16:27

More PvP can be encouraged by scrapping the ladder and bringing back the old pvp rating system from when I started in '09. All this is going to be is people clustered together having free reign to mass delevel people they don't like, and prestige trading and farming with people they do. Anyone who says that won't be going on on a number of occasions if we do this is lying.


The bring back the old rating system and reduce the price of pvp protection in the gold upgrade section, gold sink and widen the pvp game. Increasing the rate at which players can go through content from 1-400 and 422-940 by boosting the xp creatures in those zone give a piece will drastically reduce this issue of "not enough people in range"


As I've said before boosting the benefit of xp gain and the amount of xp/hour that items/gear/epics given in xp gain will also aid this as well as give value to some items typically not deemed worthwhile. (But that's totally off-topic there I admit)




In short if HCS is willing to accelerate advancement through content to mid-level content and retain the long drawn out process for post Karthak, you'll have a lot more people sticking around long enough to engage in other areas of the game, including pvp, making donations as they feel they're actually getting somewhere and thus more targets to pvp with and against each other..... accelerating old content will address a large chunk of issue FS has at this point in time.


We didn't have 2175 levels of content back 3 years ago, so anyone trying to use the "win button" argument that started playing pre 2010 is full of BS as far as I'm concerned.


Play retention will do more than enough good to resolve this for those in the mid-hundreds like you Badpenny. It will also make it less "painful" for bunnies to test out and get their butts kicked by making forays into pvp when it's not 1-2 weeks of work undone for testing out an area of the game they hadn't done before and getting a taste of it. Sure make the level loss more meaningful post Karthak, but really this whole aspect that it takes almost two years for a new player even with heavy donating to get to that point when EOC is now past 2000, is literally killing the game, which cascades into every aspect of it, in particular getting people involved into the game long enough that they WANT to get into pvp/gvg, and might even be willing to LOSE levels to get into a zone they'd like to fight it out in...


Doing so might actually create totally new level zones to become competitive that had never been truly competitive before in FS, which can create a whole separate niche for pvpers to fill for guilds and players as a whole in those areas of the game with the increase in targets reaching that zone.

+1. completly agree...especially with the increase of speed of leveling early in the game..i tried to make a thread about that and got extremly flamed...most saying i was trying to get easy way to eoc...i am level 400...eoc at the rate i am going will happen 2 or 3 lifetimes from now..even speeding it up will not cause players to get to eoc quickly..but more  are need to get at least 1/2 thru the game , which open up more of the game for them, thus retaining more players...win,win for cows.....pvp does need to go back to old system..and make pvp protection slightly cheaper for those that does wish to partake...

#40 pinkdude



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Posted 29 July 2014 - 20:40

More PvP can be encouraged by scrapping the ladder and bringing back the old pvp rating system from when I started in '09. All this is going to be is people clustered together having free reign to mass delevel people they don't like, and prestige trading and farming with people they do. Anyone who says that won't be going on on a number of occasions if we do this is lying.


The bring back the old rating system and reduce the price of pvp protection in the gold upgrade section, gold sink and widen the pvp game. Increasing the rate at which players can go through content from 1-400 and 422-940 by boosting the xp creatures in those zone give a piece will drastically reduce this issue of "not enough people in range"


As I've said before boosting the benefit of xp gain and the amount of xp/hour that items/gear/epics given in xp gain will also aid this as well as give value to some items typically not deemed worthwhile. (But that's totally off-topic there I admit)




In short if HCS is willing to accelerate advancement through content to mid-level content and retain the long drawn out process for post Karthak, you'll have a lot more people sticking around long enough to engage in other areas of the game, including pvp, making donations as they feel they're actually getting somewhere and thus more targets to pvp with and against each other..... accelerating old content will address a large chunk of issue FS has at this point in time.


We didn't have 2175 levels of content back 3 years ago, so anyone trying to use the "win button" argument that started playing pre 2010 is full of BS as far as I'm concerned.


Play retention will do more than enough good to resolve this for those in the mid-hundreds like you Badpenny. It will also make it less "painful" for bunnies to test out and get their butts kicked by making forays into pvp when it's not 1-2 weeks of work undone for testing out an area of the game they hadn't done before and getting a taste of it. Sure make the level loss more meaningful post Karthak, but really this whole aspect that it takes almost two years for a new player even with heavy donating to get to that point when EOC is now past 2000, is literally killing the game, which cascades into every aspect of it, in particular getting people involved into the game long enough that they WANT to get into pvp/gvg, and might even be willing to LOSE levels to get into a zone they'd like to fight it out in...


Doing so might actually create totally new level zones to become competitive that had never been truly competitive before in FS, which can create a whole separate niche for pvpers to fill for guilds and players as a whole in those areas of the game with the increase in targets reaching that zone.

+1 This idea needs a lot more attention. I think its one of the better ones I've heard as of late. The points you have made in this post and others in this thread are extremely valid.

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