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Tales from The Drinking Bear Tavern

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#21 kat25



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Posted 07 January 2006 - 08:13

The old bear mutters something like 'Walk rust damage wall rush... phweee... Hoff in panties... gurrrrr...', and continues with his slumber.


#22 Roussimoff



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Posted 07 January 2006 - 16:23

*Gaspare looks over at kareena and the sleeping bear, gets up and say's I'll be right back to Lunetta.

He pulls off the top of one of his muffins and walks out the door, to the snow pile where the huskies go. Scooping up a generous mittenful of the deadly yellow snow, he pours it into the beheaded muffin. With the newly formed Dog Doo Snowcone in hand he walks back into the bar and over to where the sleeping bear is still slumbering over his beer and fishpie. Leaning over him, Gaspare whispers in his ear
He then takes the dog doo snowcone and, with a mischevios look in his eye, stuffs it into the unsuspecting bears left ear.

Go to Patron Saint of the Mudshark if you want to get it fixed up!

*He shouts, with a huge grin on his face! He then runs back to Lunetta, sits back down, and say's
Sorry about that, there was something I had to do. So, where were we? Would you like to check out my Zircon Encrusted Tweezers?
*He pulls out the tweezers and makes a great show of displaying them to Lunetta and bragging about all of their multitudinous uses as well as how shiny they are, studiously ignoring whatever might be happening over by Polar Bear.*

#23 kat25



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Posted 07 January 2006 - 16:35

PolarBear slowly slumps to the ground and sprawls out over the floor like a rug. It looks like he has succumbed to the one disease all intrepid explorers fear... ...pioneer poisoning :D


#24 gothador_kareena

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Posted 08 January 2006 - 08:23

Kareena watches with astonishment as the muffin man got up and STUFFED a MUFFIN in the ear she'd just whispered into.

"That man has more balls than brains" she thinks.

She can't stand seeing this burly patron sleep any longer though either; and decides to forgo any thought of a tip. Grabbing one of the full beer mugs the bear left untouched, she slowly and deliberatly dumped the beverage out over PolarBear's head. He seems to stir slightly but STILL doesn't waken.

"Alethinos! I need more beer over here!" Kareena yelled.

Grabbing two more mugs of beer; one in each hand, Kareena proceeds to practically try to drown the bear in beer.

"What a way to go though!" she thought briefly. The thought caused her to smile slightly.

Without waiting for a responce, she sat back down and took a sip of her beer calmly. Then looked over at the once again sodden bear to see what would happen next.

#25 kat25



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 09:24

The bear springs back up to his stool as if nothing had happened. The wize old bear thinks to himself, "Works every time." :wink:


#26 gothador_arnvidr

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Posted 09 January 2006 - 08:56

People still haven't catched on to that trick, PB? laughed Arnvidr in PolarBear's ear.
I'm sure you could do it again right now, and it'd still work!


Great seal kareena! My compliments to Galero's kitchen!

#27 kat25



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Posted 09 January 2006 - 10:35

PB whispers back to Arny... "The trick is not to do the same trick twice... well at least twice on the one night".


#28 gothador_lunetta

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 11:02

After watching Gaspere put that snowcone into PB's ear, I am shocked.

:shock: well that wasn't a nice thing to do to my papa bear, maybe you should think about apologising to him.

Noticing Arn has arrived, I decide to go over and join him.

Can I have 2 fresh beers ove here please, and best get another for PB too

#29 kat25



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Posted 10 January 2006 - 11:39

While waiting for his top-up, a young female runs through the tavern flashing her bear arse... old PB chokes on his pie and almost has stroke... but he's not quite quick enough :D


#30 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 02:34

Alethinos walked into the bar and looked around at the drunken customers. It made him happy to see folks drinking their sorrows away. It seemed like a lot of people in Gothador had sorrows... too many to count.

Then again, it seemed that half of the people were plain crazy.

"I like to serve crazy people too," Alethinos thought to himself.

#31 gothador_arnvidr

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 09:22

Why are you looking at me like that, Aleth?

#32 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 17:43

"No reason, Arn." Alethinos said with a grin.

He walked around the bar to get a good look at the patrons. Fat ones. Skinny ones. Loud ones. Melancholy ones. They were all there.

He went to take his position behind the bar. The place seemed a little dead. The food was good... the drinks were good... but everyone was more or less content sitting and consuming. And while business was good... Alethinos was hoping for a bit more for this establishment.

"I know you all must have some great stories to tell. Come on and share your tales and adventures through Gothador with us."

#33 gothador_kareena

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 21:40

Kareena glanced around the bar, she is abit grumpy today and was hoping coming here would cheer her up. She really didn't consider her part-time job here as "work". Most of the patrons seemed happy; abeit abit bored though. They really needed to hire some entertainment.

#34 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 08:08

Alethinos looked at the bar counter as he wiped it down. Kareena was busy cleaning off some of the scraps left by the patrons overnight. It didn't seem like she wanted to speak to Alethinos all that much. He didn't really have a good response to her anyway. The other night, she said that the bar needed some entertainment. And she was right.


After a little more cleaning, the tavern was about as sanitary as it was going to get, given that most of the patrons tend to shed fur all over. Kareena got her belongings and shot out the door, leaving Alethinos to sit in his tavern to think. Galero had gone home long ago... there wasn't much to do in the kitchen when there was no food to prepare.

Alethinos scanned the walls...

"There's a dartboard there... maybe we should stick someone's face on that one."

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"We've got a nice jukebox... maybe we need new tunes."

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"I'm reluctant to hire any adult entertainment... there must be another way to get people interested in this place..."

Alethinos sat for a few hours... and a few hours more. He didn't seem to have the answers. As he sat there at the bar, his head began to sink... slowly it sank as he began to doze off... slowly until *WHAM*. His head hit the bar, he fell over while the bottle of brew he was drinking spilled all over his head.

"That's it!" Alethinos declared. "This place started because of food and beer... A bear has to stick to his plans, doesn't he?"

At this, Alethinos began to make plans for a new beer... a specialty bear that would only be found at his tavern. And after a few weeks of preparation and brewing... the new beer was ready to be unveiled.

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Note: This is entirely in character... and meant as no offense to anyone... And I do mean to make social commentary on the fact that lots of people seem to like a certain someone a target.

#35 kat25



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Posted 20 January 2006 - 08:34

"Dumplings! Beer & dumpling, like Torvel & Dean, Jacko & Bubbles, that's what this bar needs!" says the bear at the bar.


#36 gothador_kareena

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 11:13

"Hey Alethinos! I came in early today to show you this. You've just GOT to use this in your bar!" Kareena gushed.

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"So, what do you think?" Kareena waited expectantly for his answer.

#37 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 20 January 2006 - 16:45

Alethinos came into the bar... looked over at Kareena standing next to a new jukebox.

"That looks great! Much better than the old one. Thanks for finding that." Alethinos smiled then looked over at PolarBear.

"I'll see if Galero can start serving Dumplings."

#38 gothador_alethinos

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 01:18

Alethinos shouted out the window of the tavern...

"Come on in. The Drinking Bear Tavern is now serving Dumpling People!"

PolarBear who's rump was still parked inside asked, "Serving them? or... serving them?"

Alethinos replied as he smiled, "The later"

#39 gothador_caralia

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 05:39

A young woman enters into the tavern. Tall, slender, with curves in all the right places. All eyes fall upon her as she makes her way to the bar.

Ick! Why are eyeballs falling on me? What kind of establishment are you running here???

#40 gothador_arnvidr

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 09:00


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