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Fight the supression!! UNDEAD PRIDE!!!!!!

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#21 gothador_kethol

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 19:36

Unseen, he stands a moment longer before quietly teleporting back to his crypt.

The ghost of a smile, he enjoys watching his bretheren at work, a small laugh eminating from him.

He has seen his enemy, he has taken note of their strengths and weaknesses, the fact that they underestimate us and that is good.

We shall be victorious, as that pride they carry will be their undoing.

#22 erathirea



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 20:11

*a demon wanders into the room, and suspicious at the damage, pulls an axe from his belt.

"Gah, its them pesky undeads."

#23 gothador_toulip

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 20:42

*a demon wanders into the room, and suspicious at the damage, pulls an axe from his belt.

"Gah, its them pesky undeads."

"Demons.... although I have no problem agenst your people as a whole.... there is nothing wrong with killing a few individuals."

Xanthor paused for a moment, considering what action to take. Grining as he makes up his mind he waves his rotted hand through the air. For a few moments there is silence, followed by a smooth rumbleing... growing louder and more violent as the walls shake and portrets fall from there places.

A loud crashing sound courses through the halls as a small meteor crashes through the roof landing right before Erathireas feet with a force strong enough to knock him back into the wall.

Xanthor laughs loudly "I am no joke young demon... now fall back before you are destroyed, I have bigger plans then you..."

#24 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 21:02

*Chaotix wakes to the sounds of birds chirping. Nearby Tiamat is walking around and small squirrel pearch on the dragon's shoulders. Chaotix smiles.*

"Looks like you've made a new friend Tia. Well I think it's time we were off. The undead are rising again. They never seem to learn do they?"

*Chaotix climbs onto Tiamat's back as the squirrel quickly hops off. They ascend into the air and after a few minutes land in an apparently covered area. Chaotix speaks a few words that only drow and elves know and a mystic viel in lifted. Slowly he guides Tiamat into the shimmering portal and it closes behind them.*

#25 erathirea



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 22:13

*a demon wanders into the room, and suspicious at the damage, pulls an axe from his belt.

"Gah, its them pesky undeads."

"Demons.... although I have no problem agenst your people as a whole.... there is nothing wrong with killing a few individuals."

Xanthor paused for a moment, considering what action to take. Grining as he makes up his mind he waves his rotted hand through the air. For a few moments there is silence, followed by a smooth rumbleing... growing louder and more violent as the walls shake and portrets fall from there places.

A loud crashing sound courses through the halls as a small meteor crashes through the roof landing right before Erathireas feet with a force strong enough to knock him back into the wall.

Xanthor laughs loudly "I am no joke young demon... now fall back before you are destroyed, I have bigger plans then you..."


*erathirea steps back a few spaces to survey his options... with a flick of the hand he pulls a rusty dagger from a nearby "victims" cloak and throws it at the undead one, so that it comes to a halt quivering in the table inches from the hand.

"Sometimes my friend, the direct route can be just as simple."

#26 gothador_toulip

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Posted 19 April 2005 - 22:30

"This, my friends... is the kind of pest I was talking about... the liveing ones try to hold us down because they know we are greater then them. We have evolved past their petty needs and desires. We... ARE THE SUPREAM!!!!" Xanthor then takes a moment to calm himself before continueing.

"Now go on brethren... we have more important things to worry about then some insecure demon" With that, Xanthor body begins to decompose...slowly "melthing" to the floor and boiling away into nothing

#27 mamori



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Posted 19 April 2005 - 23:05

mamori laughs, before disappearing into the shadows.

down in the lowest layers of the cells, he pulls the soul stone from an undead yvew. brushing the dust from it which was in it's previous life blood, he held it out above the fallen undead. the soft glow from within the orb gathered in his left hand, before being torn to shreds, leaving the stone empty.
"just a few more of these and the undead will have something to really fear." starring blankly for a moment, he grinned again. “besides the afterlife.â€

#28 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 03:22

*Chaotix emerges from the portal into the shimmering forest. All around him creatures are walking, chatting and laughing. Angels, Transcendants, Elves, Drow, orcs, warlords even Demons and greater Demons. The one thing missing in fact were the Undead the only creatures who did not appreciate the beauty of life in any form. He brings Tiamat to a nearby roost spiraling high into the sky. A massive structure made out of hardened crystal. Circling this fly all sorts of Dragons. For this is the mighty dragon roost.*

*Chaotix walks to the nearest attendant and hands him a satchel of Gold.*

"See that she gets the best care possible. Shine her scales and feed her well."

*He goes over to Tiamat and strokes her neck as she lets out a loud purring growl. She then flies away to earn her well deserved rest.*

*Chaotix with a pop teleports to a bar on the other side of town and enters the doorway.*

Who will he meet here?

#29 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 11:22

DarkDragon88 took another swig of his beer. The day had been just a uneventful for him as yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

DarkDragon88 was ( like quite a few poeple in this land ) missing all but a few memories of his past, he knew he was once an angle, he knew he did something bad enough to be imprisoned in a mortal body and he know his name ( Although it still puzzles him why he had the 88 ). He is 19 years old, about 6 '3" with spiky blond hair, green/blue eyes, light build, wearing black leather boots, trousers and shrit, he has some armour on his chest, arms and legs (enough to protect him from some blows but so not to slow him in battle ).

For the moment DarkDragon88 was killing time and trying to find some work. He drained his beer, payed the bartender and started his main job of income 'helping' people 'lighten' the purses. After picking his 4th pocket he noticed a drow enter the bar, now normaly he wouldn't even think of pushing his luck that far but times were getting desperate and the drow looked like he had plenty gold to spare....

#30 Songwoven



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Posted 20 April 2005 - 15:15

*SongWoven looks up as her mate enters the bar. After leaving the hall, she had wandered here for a drink. As Chaotix enters she notices that he has also caught the attention of the young blond human she had laughingly watched pick pockets throughout the night. She leans near him and murmurs *

"I wouldn't if I were you..."

*As she leans forward, her thin cloak moves to reveal powerful armour and a deadly blade*

"I'd have to do something about you then, and I have so enjoyed your antics... though, I wouldn't have to do much... you'd likely die when his retaliation catches you swiftly..."

#31 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 15:56

Taken of guard by the armour and weapon DarkDragon88 hurries to explain his reason for the pick pockting.

"I-I'm only trying to make a living! N-no one needs to hire mercenaries like me, things have been realy quite now days and the jobs pay too low around here. I don't mean to cause trouble. Y-you know how humans are, most wouldn't lift a finger to help a dying man,woman or child on their door step unless they have some gold to pay for their 'hospitality'."

He waits for the drow to make up her mind on what to with him do while mentaly cursing his luck. The past few days just keeped getting worst, first no one need to hire mercenaries, then he finds that no one will pay him a fair wage and now he gets caught trying to pick this drows pocket. All he needs now is her to say something like "Work for me for free" and he would know the Gods hate him or are toying with him.

#32 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 16:51

*Chaotix smiles down at the thief*

"What have we here Song? A pickpocket I see."

*Brings out his Yvew cleaver*

"Hmmm do you know what we do with pickpockets?"

*Begins to swing his yvew cleaver down on the human and at the last second moves it aside and clips off the pouch off his belt. Looking aside he smiles*

"Traveling a little light I see. Don't go anywhere. Song and I need to talk about what to do with you and perhaps you didn't notice but she happens to be the swiftest drow in all of Gothador."

*Chaotix then turns his back on the human and starts speaking in drow tongue.*

"Well what should we do with the human my love? It's true that I saw him sneaking up but he is rather adept for a young human. Shall we teach him a lesson... Or perhaps we should take him under our wing. I do admire his courage at least."

#33 Songwoven



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Posted 21 April 2005 - 03:57

*With a throaty chuckle she eyes the young human*
--In Drow--
"Aye love, he does have courage. Perhaps we should inquire as to his ambitions... if he is merely a thief he serves little purpose. However, *her delicate nose twitches* he smells of the mines... he is not a thief by trade..."

*She turns to the would-be pickpocket with a fierce smile*
--in human tongue--
"Who are you lad? Not merely your name, but WHO are you? What is your ambition in this Realm? Do not lie, for we can tell..."

#34 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 21 April 2005 - 07:13

DarkDragon88 never liked telling anyone his life story but this time he felt differently, he was unsure if it was because he trusted them or he didn't want to be on the sharp end of one of their weapons.

"I...think... my name is DarkDagon88, it's an odd name even for a human but it's one of the few things I remember. I-I think I was...."

He hesitated before continuing.

"...an... angle, I know it sounds far fetched but I rememeber being banished but nothing else. At the present I'm a mercenary but now days no one needs to hire me so I've been pick pockting and doing odd jobs here and there like looking after some horses in the stables, mining and even a bit of cooking. Also to save money I've been hunting my own food but like I said when you caught me the jobs pay too low so I took my chances with trying to errr... 'borrow' some gold from you. As for my 'ambition in this Realm', I am trying to be worthy of becoming an angle again, find my memories and well..... help people, not just humans but everyone I can."

The Gods must be laughing at him now he thought.

#35 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 17:06

*Chaotix turns to his mate and beings to speak in drow tongue.*

"He certainly seems like an amusing human at least. Perhaps we should allow him to tag along. We'll simply keep our eyes open for any trickery."

*He turns back to the human.*

"An angle you say? Would tha be acute or obtuse? I think what you mean to say is Angel. You're fortunate. Usually with thieves we cut off both their hands, but today, we decided that we're only going to cut one of yours off."

*Chaotix laughs as the human pales*

"Or if you'd rather we have another offer for you. Human hands aren't a very precious commodity. Too common and much too messy. If you pledge an oath of loyalty to myself and Song we might see to let you out of this mess."

#36 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 17:55

The idea of making a run for it flashed briefly in DarkDragon88's mind but he dismissed it, running never solved anything and he preferred to keep his list of enemies small and allies as large as possible.

"Since I prefer to keep my hands attached to my arms, I accept your offer. But before we head out of town to wherever I'll need to stop off at a inn nearby to pick up my stuff."

Which was true as it would be very hard to pick pockets if your weapons were in the way and attracting too much attention. Also DarkDragon88 thought maybe his luck had finaly changed..... hopefully for the better.

OOC: Sorry about the angle/angel mistake, I feel like a fool to make that mistake. :oops:

#37 gothador_toulip

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 19:12

Xanthor reformed in a place that no gothadorian has travled in hundreds of years. Supriseingly close to the wasteland of Mount Braskan was a large jungle about twice the size of gothador. For being so close to gothador and its surrounding teritorys... this place was refreshingly calm and peaceful. The beasts of the old days find shelter here from the demons and orcs that plague the world.

Xanthor walked for what seemed to be hours but the sun, oh yes...the sun stayed it its place high in the sky... as if it were watching over the lands... protecting them. He would come here often when he needed to reflect. But today... he came with a diffrent agenda.

Past the lush forests, there are planes... planes that expand for miles and miles as far as the eye can see. Well, not quite. From here he could see the black clouds blocking off the sun from the old kingdom of... well, gothador now. Xanthor crouched close to the ground, wipeing away the dirt and grass untill a flat rock with old african writeing. Translateing something along the lines of "Curse all those who strive for perfection" Xanthor chuckled.He chants some forgotten words of a lost african language causeing the rock to dissapear, revealing a a lonf dark tunnel going almost strain down. As the ground dissapears under him, Xanthor plunges deep down the tunnel, manically laughing the whole way down...

#38 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 19:48

*Chaotix smiled at the human*

"Alright then, let's get going."

*Seeing the crestfallen look on the humans face he smirked.*

"Surely you didn't think I'd let you go alone?" he says as he turns to Songwoven. "Well my love I'm going to go take our new friend here to go pick up his items. You can finish any business you have here and then we can implement the second part of our plan. Scheduled meeting place?"

*Kissing his love lightly on the lips goodbye Chaotix and the human exit the tavern.*

"So what is your name? I can't continue calling you human."

#39 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 21:14

Taking a right turn outside the tavern DarkDragon88 thought about all the names he used in the past and decided to keep it simple.

"Well, since DarkDragon88 is the only name I remember from my past I guess you can call me.... Dark, just simply Dark."

Reaching the second last building of the street they entered the shabby inn. Inside it didn't look any better, bare walls and little furniture.

"You can wait here I won't be long."

DarkDragon88 quickly walked past the counter, up the staircase and unlocked the first door on the leftside of the corridor. The room was also just as shabby as the rest of the inn if not worst with the smell, not surprising since it was the cheapest room in the inn. Dark picked up the twin daggers off the bed and slipped them into his belt, next he strapped the two long swords, which were handing from the bed post, onto his back and then picked up a small bag from under the mattress. Hiding the bag in his shirt he went back down the stairs, droped the room key onto the counter and turn to the drow, who had been waiting very patiently.

"Thanks for waiting. So where are we going to now Mr...err..? I don't think you've told me your name yet."

#40 Songwoven



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Posted 23 April 2005 - 00:31

*Watching her love leave she smiles softly and then turns to the bar tender for one final drink*
Take care beloved...

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