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Upcoming Creature XP Changes

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#21 Prop



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 21:58

Hitting with a group won't give them the same kind of xp at all. It has to be solo and guess with the composing pots now and big egg pots, chests etc and the imbalance of the SE stats this has come about. I'm not saying I'm against what you do at all, it just all used to be different and I think the stats should be along the lines of the old SE's when released, as in :o in proportion to the buffs and pots available.

#22 basti7


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Posted 03 July 2019 - 22:04

Sure, for EoC player it's not pretty fair

I think you have to replace the SES in new realms or give them better super-stats instead of lower the xp. A bigger XP loss too if you lose! Problem solved, you die - you lose the lvls if the range is too big... Since we have the high lvl buffs it's no problem to beat the SEs and there must be a change now.

So if player beat the "new stat" or "new realm" SEs they deserve the xps...

#23 Bujon



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 22:13

I also had to buy correct pots and gear to ensure I have 110k attack 65k defence. Then mix buffs depending on SE involved, resetting NMV and barricade in order ensure battle last many rounds in order for arterial strike to take effect. There is defo a strategy to it and it actually feels more like a genuine hunt with only limited targets and multple players contesting those targets. SE gear is worthless and I see little point in high level EOC players even bothering with them. Just create more plus level 5000 SE's and let battle commence for those EOC players...simples

#24 Prop



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 22:13

It's got nothing to do with EOC, if EOC hit an SE at the highest level that's available at the moment they won't get a crazy amount of xp.


It's about the higher level SE's in lower level realms where you can gain a good amount of xp against them if you can solo kill them and are lower levels than them as a player. I just want to make it clear that the only bug bear I have, and I've not SE hunted in a long time is that they're not the challenge that they used to be stat wise in relation to what we have now buff wise, just miss the maths and the challenge.

#25 Bujon



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 22:21

Sure, for EoC player it's not pretty fair
I think you have to replace the SES in new realms or give them better super-stats instead of lower the xp. A bigger XP loss too if you lose! Problem solved, you die - you lose the lvls if the range is too big... Since we have the high lvl buffs it's no problem to beat the SEs and there must be a change now.
So if player beat the "new stat" or "new realm" SEs they deserve the xps...

Surely we should be encouraging lower level players to stay in the game though? They will get no benefit once past level 2400 anyhow and that is still a long way off EOC players. I have seen a player bag 1000 levels in 2 months and they have caught me up...I aint fussed about them, just wanting to keep the game interesting. I honestly think if the spawning realms were changed so those upper level SEs couldnt be found by players level 500-600 then that would solve most of the 'loop hole'

Edited by Bujon, 03 July 2019 - 22:27.

#26 Bujon



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 22:31

It's got nothing to do with EOC, if EOC hit an SE at the highest level that's available at the moment they won't get a crazy amount of xp.

It's about the higher level SE's in lower level realms where you can gain a good amount of xp against them if you can solo kill them and are lower levels than them as a player. I just want to make it clear that the only bug bear I have, and I've not SE hunted in a long time is that they're not the challenge that they used to be stat wise in relation to what we have now buff wise, just miss the maths and the challenge.

I certainly spent a long time mapping out my hunt and doing tonnes of maths in spreadsheets working out exactly what I need in terms of potions from arena AH etc, so really enjoyed it for last few hunts. Normal hunting on champs and other critters is mindless and boring.

Edited by Bujon, 03 July 2019 - 22:32.

#27 whydoiplay



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Posted 03 July 2019 - 23:33

Hoofmaster, BigGrim,


Can you guys tell us why this is being changed, I didn't see any harm done by this. So far the only explanation I saw was that they're not "leveling" creatures but that doesn't really cause a big deal to the existing community. 


Also I like to openly tell everyone how and what was exactly going on.


SEs are at the top of the tier for creatures. Common -> Champion -> Elite -> Super Elite.

They give the most exp.


To utilize buffs to kill SEs to maximize experience requires one to be buffed with many many skills and preparing for 20 rounds of combat with the SE.


That is the basic, 20 rounds of combat with arterial strike. All of the SEs have different setups and you require different builds.


For example, a lvl 2000 SE with high defense, you're gonna need high dark curse with the standard super elite slayer.

But you also need to look at that same SE and calculate your damage in a way that you can kill it in 15-20 turns.

Then you also need to have enough buffs to save your hide from 20 rounds of high lvl attack and damage, such as last ditch, shockwave, force shield.


Most people don't know how to SE hunt effectively and I have been quietly making a guide on it. Was hoping to make it into the resources -> guides section. 


Nonetheless, I don't see how this has caused enough of a uproar to create a game changing patch to years of play mech.

This wasn't created just yesterday, people have done this in the past and has thrived to become more involved with skill play.


Kind regards,


#28 TheCount


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Posted 04 July 2019 - 01:41

Technically, you are able to kill Mourarchian as early as level 40 I believe. The resulting xp from that level and honestly until right around the 1400 range can get ridiculous. At 1400+ it's spend a ridiculous amount of FSP or risk losing levels or breaking even. The speed at which it is possible to get above level 1000 is insane. I have exploited this loop hole for a long time now, and I definitely agree that it should be dealt with. I get the feeling that this isn't post was intended more as a statement than an open discussion, but I'll voice my opinion anyway.

I don't think this plan is a good idea, as it has effects on more than just Super Elites and players who hunt them. I think it would be a better idea to boost their stats, and drastically increase the XP loss from being killed by them. Increasing the XP loss would likely make this method obsolete for many as the main method of gaining "obscene amounts of XP" involves a lot of luck with buff activations. Boosting their stats, giving the SEs such as Mourarchian, Soul Thief, and other glass cannon SEs a small amount of defense, maybe 20-40k would also help as players at level 40 could never hope to use Last Ditch/Reflect to kill them, and the same could be said for much higher levels as well. Using Last Ditch and Reflection is a far inferior method of killing these for XP, and making these changes would very likely make SE hunting obsolete while still keeping the systems of leveling and deleveling that have been around for years, in place.

Edited by TheCount, 04 July 2019 - 01:57.

#29 KitiaraLi



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 06:06

This is like watching footie on the telly and everyone is up in the face of the ref, whining and yelling. As if anyone, EVER, made a referee change her/his ruling due to their complaining  :rolleyes: 

Change announced; Move along.

No one can deny that we changed this game and influenced it in such a way that NO ONE could compete with us.. so much so that they changed the rules. ~Abhorrence, chosen founder of Cerulean Sins

#30 Filletminion



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 09:25

Xp was removed from Le around level 1100 naamah after player's abused it, Xp gain from Titans was nerfed after guilds "farmed" Eater of time. It is only natural it would be removed from Se after the recent spate of players farming them.

#31 basti7


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Posted 04 July 2019 - 09:49

But it can not be the right way to lower the xp because it's the easiest way?


The problem are the potions not the XP. Make the Super Elites SUPER again. 

Now all new player get punished because 2 or 3 player hunted with SES. In every game you get more xp for killing a high lvl monster...


I don't care of the XP I hate lvling lol but whydoiplay already said it:

Super Elites must be the strongest monster. So if a Player lvl 40 hit Mouch he deserves the XP. Requirement: The SE must be a challenge and with the new pots it isn't a challenge. Even if you die you lose nearly nothing... 

Give player the possibility to earn the xp. 


Same with the items. SE items aren't good anymore...

(For me as a SE hunter the SEs "died" because of the the new epics and legendaries. Earth Hammer is stronger than the Malphas Set... )


If you rework the whole SE - Theme you will not have that problem anymore and people will think twice if they use XXX Fsps to find a high lvl SE which is now rare or stronger with bigger xp loss... With rarer and better sets it would be worth again to hunt them...


I'm out.   :D

#32 activeh1



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 10:13

hell lets fix the pvp system first ?




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Posted 04 July 2019 - 10:22

Is this just for super elites or will this effect you if you attacking a champion that is more than 5 levels higher than you?

#34 Bujon



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 10:28

Is this just for super elites or will this effect you if you attacking a champion that is more than 5 levels higher than you?

Champs aswell. Removing opportunity to delevel and relevel for extra gxp. The game needs new content or new ways of leveling within current content. I say throw new creatures including SE's into existing realms.



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 10:39

What about normal creatures that are 5 levels above? Or is it purely chalmpions and super elites? What are you meant to do when you reach eoc though?

#36 activeh1



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 11:11

What about normal creatures that are 5 levels above? Or is it purely chalmpions and super elites? What are you meant to do when you reach eoc though?


well if you are at eoc there is no creature 5 levels or above

Edited by activeh1, 04 July 2019 - 11:14.




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Posted 04 July 2019 - 11:13

But say if you got de-levelled 100 levels could you not attack a normal creature which would be 100 levels higher and still gett good do?

#38 sohail94



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 11:13

Note that if you are the same level or no more than 5 levels above the creature then there is no change to the xp gained.


More clarity needed on this extra point.


It could mean:

1) The new change doesn't affect xp gained when levelling above the creature level (player level 4052 hitting a creature level 4050) - since xp already decreases for every level you are above the creature.


2) Or what post#14 is thinking. That the xp gained doesn't change for 5 levels then starts to decrease?

#39 sohail94



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 11:15

But say if you got de-levelled 100 levels could you not attack a normal creature which would be 100 levels higher and still gett good do?

That is what this is changing, if you lost 100s of level you would have to go back to a map that matches your level rather than hanging out where you were before since you will get a lot less xp from the creature that is more than 5 levels above you. Any creature - so normal,champ,SE,titan whatever.



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Posted 04 July 2019 - 11:18

I think this update is so un fair when you should get more if you can kill a creature that is higher level than you but what does my opinion matter

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