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Traps in Trappers Attol

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#21 Doja



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Posted 03 July 2014 - 07:11

First of all, I really like the general concept.  I know this is a long ways off anyhow, but just want to add some comments on specifics.


Visibility:  Most good players know where the nodes are and even an out of place bush might be noticeable.  If I'm being chased, it won't be that difficult for my chaser to simply move slightly diagonal to dodge a suspicious plant or node that I walk over.  Now my one trap has miserably failed and probably wasn't worth the effort.  If the purpose of the trap is to get somebody to run over it, then its probably best if its only visible to the setter and completely invisible to everyone else.


Node Traps:  Ernzor seemed to suggest one type of trap that can take different forms at different levels.  But perhaps there should be different types of traps, period.  As stated in "Visibility," if the purpose is to get someone to walk over it then nodes is suspect.  Players know where the real nodes are and certain nodes may not even work (how do you run over mining nodes?).  I think perhaps a better concept is to place a trap in a real node.  This trap would activate when someone gathers from it.


What would the purpose of such a node trap be though?  A hunter could use it to trap a gatherer, but this would be worthless to weaker players.  I think a node trap should be an instant kill, allowing someone waiting nearby to quickly run and grab the dropped items.  To avoid traps in every node there would have to be a strict limit of one trap per player and traps should deactivate when the setter leaves TA.


Also, a key element of a node trap is that the setter is alerted with a message when it goes off.  That way he can be close by, but off radar, to avoid arousing suspicion.

Edited by Doja, 03 July 2014 - 07:15.

Doja - Level 47

Spellthor - Level 47

Deadeye - Level 36

Deputy_Junior - Level 26

Mike_Rotch - Level 24

#22 EJK



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Posted 05 July 2014 - 14:30

only visible to the setter and completely invisible to everyone else.


to place a trap in a real node.  This trap would activate when someone gathers from it.


a node trap should be an instant kill

The point of trapping is to lure enemies in the traps, if the traps were invisible, you just have to run past your trap and booom, your enemy are in the traps, the enemy didn't even have a chance. If people avoid all nodes, they more likely loose their prey. There might, as you said, be people who know where every node is, but knowledge is power, let them get a edge for their knowledge. 


Good idea.


No, no and no! Having no chance to know if the next node is your death ain't fun, more of frustrating! Rather have a trap that snares or stuns the gatherer or even deals much damage. The traps are not meant to be placed to just wait and see if someone has unluck to gather on just that node. No, rather have some traps, just out of view from your gathering spot. When someone gets affected of the trap, you get a notice and you might run to check your traps and if you find someone trapped, you might attack, depending on your chances to win the fight, with the advantage of having the trapped weakened.


Maybe even traps you just put on the ground that looks like a heap of leaves or a rope, that are harder to notice than a big bush, tree or rock.

Edited by EJK, 05 July 2014 - 14:33.

IGN: Player. I usually think in longevity point of view.


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