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Leveling... long time...

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#21 Morgwyn



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 08:05

I think this should be seen in a wider aspect.

It took me 7 years to get to my current level, and I have not considered myself to be a poor player.

The start for the players indeed is easier, but after say level 100 it is the same, and those first 100 levels always have been the easiest.


The problem is, where will FS be in the next 7 years. Would anybody invest his money to buy fsp knowing it will take 7 years to get around level 1600? A new player may even have thoughts like, will this game even exist by then...

That is a far better issue to start thinking about.

Just my 2 cents.

#22 tharzill



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 11:56

TheD0n, on 14 Sept 2014 - 00:08, said:snapback.png

I really don't want to hate on this game. I've got a couple friends who love this game, but this takes way too long to level up to keep players like me around if we don't have other friends convincing us to try it out again as a friend to them. I go up maybe a couple levels a day if I'm lucky.... add that even 2 per 1 day, that's over 1100 days, basically 3+ years being optomistic and on EVERY DAY.... that's crazy.


I suggest upping your max stam. 1500 stamina even at your current lvl of 136 is not much. And as you level up it takes more and more stam per level. I don't know if you have invested in the stam gain upgrade, but I would suggest that also. And if you can not afford to donate to the game to get the fsp for the basic upgrades there are a lot of ways to earn them in game which has been covered in other topics so I won't go into detail here.



I think this should be seen in a wider aspect.

It took me 7 years to get to my current level, and I have not considered myself to be a poor player.

The start for the players indeed is easier, but after say level 100 it is the same, and those first 100 levels always have been the easiest.


The problem is, where will FS be in the next 7 years. Would anybody invest his money to buy fsp knowing it will take 7 years to get around level 1600? A new player may even have thoughts like, will this game even exist by then...

That is a far better issue to start thinking about.

Just my 2 cents.


It's taken me 6 and 1/2 years to reach EoC. And I have enjoyed every minute of it. I hope FS is around another 7 years, 14 years, or longer. This is not something I think about when I log on though. I think about checking to see if any of my friends are online to talk too, or just check my stam, or whatever. I think if things were too easy players would leave in droves and there would be no FS. When I started playing EoC was around lvl 450 (give or take) I thought then I would never reach EoC. But, here I am six and a half years later. I just kept logging on to play and have fun chatting with friends. We need to start thinking about how WE the current players of FS can make the game more fun for new players. Whether just making friends, or whatever. 


My two cents!  :)

#23 Removed4427



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:11

i give up, so here's a gif of a flatulent iguana



#24 BadPenny



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:21

OK, Sweetie, looky here... I have been here 7 years, and I am still in the mid levels... not because it takes so long to level, but because I *DIDN'T* level that much, preferring to PvP my days away.  Still, even I have been able to level at a decent pace when I do.  There is no easy button for Fallen Sword, nor should there ever be.  Like BG said, the XP formula was already revamped and the change was made retroactive...  And yeah, I play other games, too... none of them have *EVER* compared to Fallen Sword with its  myriad of things to do and its rich diversified community.  The community alone is far more important than levels...   If you want to level faster, there are buffs for that.  I use them just like most everybody else.  If that doesn't make you happy, I can't help that... All I can tell you is maybe FS isn't for you... I hope this is not the case, however... 


Just my 2 Pennys

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#25 Anonemesis



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:30

Additional +1 stam upgrades would be a great FSP sink. There's no need to have a limit if you just have the cost increase with each usage. Example: the first 25 +1 stam gain upgrades cost 25 FSP each just like now, and after that each one costs 5 more FSP than the last, kind of like the way the player reset upgrade costs more every time you use it.


With a 5 FSP increment, 15 additional stam upgrades would cost 975 FSP total, the last costing 100 FSP.


There's really no reason to have a cost increase either, this game is pay to progress as so you gotta spend money to make money and putting no limit on how many times you can upgrade your character is smarter then to say that you only want people to play the game at a set limit and is the closest thing to having no stamina limits as opposed to no stamina system which is what throw most players off because it's essentially a facebook game.  

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#26 BadPenny



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:33

This is in no way or fashion a FaceBook game.  FaceBook games are buggy and filled with unnecessary advertisements.  FS has problems at times, sure, but it is still the most stable game I have played by far in all my 7 years.  



~ Just my 2 Pennys

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#27 Anonemesis



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:54

This is in no way or fashion a FaceBook game.  FaceBook games are buggy and filled with unnecessary advertisements.  FS has problems at times, sure, but it is still the most stable game I have played by far in all my 7 years.  



~ Just my 2 Pennys


Was talking about the energy system that most facebook games have that make them repetitive obviously it's a good marketing strategy especially for mobile devices but for a browser game that has declining numbers it's time to change the formula or at least remove the limits put in place.  

Hate It Or Love It The Underdogs On Top. 

#28 BadPenny



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 15:11

I disagree... having no stam would be like adding an easy button.  This is an open-ended game, and as such, limits must be in place, else everybody would just fly through the game,  get bored,  and quit... Stamina is just a necessary evil ;)

Just one old lady's opinion




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#29 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 15:14

I disagree... having no stam would be like adding an easy button. This is an open-ended game, and as such, limits must be in place, else everybody would just fly through the game, get bored, and quit... Stamina is just a necessary evil ;)

Agree with penny here, it bugs me when I have no stam but if I have a never ending stam, I would get bored, stam is a must

Edited by clock96, 14 September 2014 - 15:14.


#30 Morgwyn



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 19:48

I never stated that I think things should be easier. What I am trying to point out, that for most players getting to say level 1600 is a 5-7 year task. That scares off players that like be high in the rankings.

#31 yotwehc



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 20:14

I never stated that I think things should be easier. What I am trying to point out, that for most players getting to say level 1600 is a 5-7 year task. That scares off players that like be high in the rankings.

5-7 years? I've been playing since 5/2010 according to my profile... I have never donated and I am where I am. I would be a lot higher level (probably near EOC if it were not for composing and titans)... Not sure where you are getting your estimates from.


There are folks that take the scenic route (Like BP) and take their sweet old time and there are folks that blaze through... that's the nice thing about this game, you play the way you want to... If a player's only goal is to get to EOC, they will certainly not enjoy this game... plus EOC is a moving target anyway...

#32 cyrus7



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 23:54

...plus EOC is a moving target anyway...

This is a good thing to remember when talking about a subject like this.


A player might have, in the distant past, been able to reach [the then current] EOC in a year or two. However, as more content is added, the amount of time needed to reach [the new] EOC will increase. That's just the natural progression of things in a game that is still receiving content updates.

#33 Gutie



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 11:54

I never stated that I think things should be easier. What I am trying to point out, that for most players getting to say level 1600 is a 5-7 year task. That scares off players that like be high in the rankings.


The thing is even for me, who has clawed and dropped a LARGE amount of funds (willingly and gladly so, I like this game a lot) I'm still not there yet....


I don't think getting to EOC in 2 years is a "win button" that's got to be the most absurd comment I've read on the forum in amonth or more. I've been calling for just accellerating the early parts of content. 1-400 and 422-940. If we are going to say EOC is a moving target, the player base should be moving with it. Not where people like me and those already at EOC can be there and no one else has a shot at even what is now MIDGAME....


Karthak is not even the halfway of content anymore. I think people should be able to get there in a year tbh with heavy activity.


I've been howling about this for a year almost now, and some people say it's self serving... here's a rare low level on the forums saying what new/low level players want, and all the "veteran" players most not caring about leveling/reaching EOC or already there shooting it down.... I can guarantee if I started in 07-08 I'd have gotten to EOC a lot faster than 3 years with the same donations/effort I put into the game now, and still am not there now.... but am I asking for a handout? Am I saying, well we didn't have x. y, or z? No.


Why are so many of you guys only for things when it benefits you? Sad. This is why people don't stick around as much as they used to. If we're serious about player retention, this is a prime example of why it should be done.

Edited by Gutie, 15 September 2014 - 11:59.




Are you active? Enjoy playing FS for fun and striving for lofty goals? Looking to join a guild that invests in itself and seeks to improve and grow in all aspects of the game?


Secret Alliance can be your home in FS! We are looking for active, motivated and driven players who have a passion and genuine enjoyment of FS to join us as we continue to rise towards the TOP! If interested feel free to send me a PM.


SA is also looking for one or two guild mergers INTO SA. Feel free to ask for details.

#34 Tastria



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 12:55

I'll admit it :o   I'm taking the scenic route (And over there on your left is a (lvl umpty eleven) two headed undead eater.  If you look close you can see he's got a ring of stamina that he may (or may not) drop if you kill him.)  I cannot fathom the reasoning (sorry, but I really can't) of anyone playing the game to complete it as fast as they can.  As for other games of this type lending themselves to fast play, I have no idea what they might be, of course FS is the "only" online game I play, so my knowledge is severely limited.  And yes, I have looked at all the games showing up in the "watch videos for FS shards" section, and they leave me cold. (Of course so do all the other games that HCS offers :D )

     Keep in mind, I'm one of those rabble rousers who complain that the game has gotten too easy. (Just my opinion folks, no need to get real excited over it...)  The one change that I did applaud was for the lower levels getting extra backpack space.  If you weren't there you can't really understand how you could play the game with just 3 slots. But it can be (and was :P ) done.

     Of course, if you want a real challenge, try playing the game with out being in a guild. (Did it from level 1-248)


Anyway, I'm in it for the trip, not the destination.


The BIG question remains though:  Will the ultimate EOC be finding that mysterious Fallen Sword?

#35 pinkdude



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 13:40

The BIG question remains though:  Will the ultimate EOC be finding that mysterious Fallen Sword?

 Off Topic: I thought that was given up on a long time ago? Not trying to offend any of the devs or anything but.. This game has a storyline? Seems to me its just, kill monsters, level up, "hey stranger kill x monsters and I'll give you a weapon".


On Topic: I am all for Gutie's idea. Why is there so much resistance to it? "I did it the hard way so everyone should have to"? If nothing is done soon to increase the playerbase, there will be no game. Then you are just sitting at the top of the leaderboards on a dead game. That sounds like a whole lot of fun :rolleyes: Its not a win button. A win button would be having new players level to lvl 10 (to get a minor understanding of the game) then jumping straight to level 1500.

#36 BadPenny



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 14:36

<3 Tastria

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#37 Removed4427



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 14:54

starter pack.....promo code....epic stam gain quest....and still people not happy


i hope i never reach the end of content, from what i hear there's nothing there but a wall


here's a player rushing to the end of content


Edited by duktayp, 15 September 2014 - 14:55.

#38 Morgwyn



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 21:38


Why are so many of you guys only for things when it benefits you? Sad. This is why people don't stick around as much as they used to. If we're serious about player retention, this is a prime example of why it should be done.


I was not after stuff for my self. I was merely pointing out one of the reasons (besides multis) why so many new players leave FS so soon again. In my opinion the enlarging gap between level 1 and EOC is one.

Next to that is the unbalance in the game (referring to equipment, mainly elite/champion sets which in most cases are useless). Another reason is that the main event of this game was killed, and I am refering to the LE events. Global events cannot even stand in the shadow of the LE events of the first years. GE's are just brainless clickfests if you "think" about it.


Most of the parts that need to be fixed, are waved away as they seem to difficult to be fixed, and with difficult we mean, it will upset the existing high level players to much. However in the end, we all want a bigger more thriving community, perhaps a few painful decisions are necessary to restore balance in this game. *cough* guild *cough* tagging *cough* to name one *cough* should be looked at.

#39 Pardoux



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 22:16

 *cough* guild *cough* tagging *cough* to name one *cough* should be looked at.


I'm all in favour of trying anything to increase player retention and helping the game to thrive / survive, but I really DON'T think that this is one of the problems.


Without guild-tagging, a LOT of players would have quit even sooner.


How often are there shoutbox / fs-box messages saying "looking for guild to supply me with all gear necessary" or similar ?. A lot (by NO means all - and this is not reflecting that) of new players these days expect EVERYTHING doing for them - "free" gear, "free" buffs and "free" potions - and a lot of guilds are happy to provide them with it so it's a win/win for those players / guilds


But if all players had to provide their own gear - or, at a minimum, have sufficient BP to store their own gear - how many new players would stick around ?

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#40 BadPenny



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Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:09



*cough* guild *cough* tagging *cough* to name one *cough* should be looked at.



I'm all in favour of trying anything to increase player retention and helping the game to thrive / survive, but I really DON'T think that this is one of the problems.


Without guild-tagging, a LOT of players would have quit even sooner.


How often are there shoutbox / fs-box messages saying "looking for guild to supply me with all gear necessary" or similar ?. A lot (by NO means all - and this is not reflecting that) of new players these days expect EVERYTHING doing for them - "free" gear, "free" buffs and "free" potions - and a lot of guilds are happy to provide them with it so it's a win/win for those players / guilds


But if all players had to provide their own gear - or, at a minimum, have sufficient BP to store their own gear - how many new players would stick around ?


Exactly... having helped come up with the guild tagging concept, I can say it has done nothing but help Fallen Sword, especially for the player with a very thin wallet, that has to scrape to get by.  These players are the majority by far, and we should keep that in mind... These are the very players we need to keep,and if it means "free" gear and the rest, then we should do so.  I'm not saying we need an easy button, but I know we all use our dishwashers and microwaves, do we not?  It's just FS technology ;)

Edited by BadPenny, 16 September 2014 - 01:11.

Just one old lady's opinion




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