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Official FS Backstory

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#21 fs_crace

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 17:17

The sword remains hidden to this day, leaving the fate of Erildath still undecided.

So, is the point of the game to find the sword or what? If it was, that would explain the name of the game.

But the game isn't called Lost Sword. :lol:

Surely the sword 'falls' every time you die?

#22 DarthViper



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Posted 28 December 2007 - 21:50

The sword remains hidden to this day, leaving the fate of Erildath still undecided.

So, is the point of the game to find the sword or what? If it was, that would explain the name of the game.

But the game isn't called Lost Sword. :lol:

Surely the sword 'falls' every time you die?

True, but answer the question. Is the point of the game to find the sword?

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#23 fs_crace

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 22:00


#24 Thoran



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Posted 12 January 2008 - 23:44

Great history, though I really think someone should make a Map of the entire Fallen Sword world. I know there are pieces of maps here and there in the Fallen Sword Guide, and in the game itself, but it really would be nice for an actual map. If you could get someone to make it into a little interactive flash type thing, like you roll over a continent, it tells you the name and brief description, then you can zoom in in see cities and stuff, that you could then roll over and see information about them and such. but even just a picture of a rolled out globe type map with the names of the continents and major cites/area's would be great. I was tempted to attempt to actualy go make one myself, but I do not know enough about the Fallen Sword World for it to have made any sense. I was just sitting there, working on my charecter history, and I realized, I have no idea where she came from, then I was working on my guild's history (As the previouse poster mentions) and I had no clue of names of cities or well, anything really.

Just a single Page Map would be fine for me. We already have players that have mapped out how all of the worlds connect, sort of, but an actual map would be nice.
Anybody interested in making the thumbnails for it??!



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#25 McGivvern



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Posted 11 March 2008 - 18:05

I've started working on a coherent version of the Background story. I hope to be able to post the first version in about 3 or 4 weeks.

#26 McGivvern



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Posted 13 March 2008 - 18:34

I enjoy the idea of a back story, but in and of itself seems a little pointless. Perhaps there's a way to integrate it into the game and have a main thread of quests that players complete throughout their FS careers that ties into the story.

Another idea- the Fallen Sword should have a counterpart sword that the number 1 player gets to use until he/she is defeated or bested, kind of along the lines of Afro Samurai. Don't know what that has to do with the story but its a fun idea to have the top players duking it out in that unending quest for power.

You know? I like that idea. Maybe it could be the Sword that was Forged as a tryout for Iluthar

#27 fs_leannesara

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Posted 02 July 2008 - 11:06

(My version of the original... I was bored...it happens far too often...)

"Gather round ye adventurers and listen closely as I tell ye a tale of our past. Chafe not at mine words, for the roots of our histroy give life to our present and seed to our future. Know now that once these frosty ruins were part of a thriving town safe within the borders of a land named Eribor.

"Eribor was home to all humans, a green haven of lush fertile fields set apart in a hostile world at war. The people owed their protection to a mighty fortress guarding the lone valley pass connecting Eribor to the other realms. It was here that Iluthar, the Sword of Light resided, keeping safe Eribor from the evil that threatened it.

"East of the fortress lie the lands of Mora, where the Elves and their great forests shared an uneasy peace with Dark Mercenary clans, whom travelled from place to place as if cursed, unable to make settlement for longer than a few nights. And went they wished it, they would raid any human or dwarven outposts they might be passing for fun and profit.

"The Elves were no firends to the humans either, whom in ages past displaced many an elven ancestor from their northern forests before claiming the wood of the trees for their own selfish needs. And with nothing in common with the Dwarves of the West, the Elves had turned their sight from them completely.

"The Western lands named Eagos were barren to untrained eyes. Of mostly rock and mountain, no farmer sought to venture to claim the land. But the Dwarves had no such qualms, carving within the mountains their magnificent Dwarven Citadel Lansil. It was a masterpiece never again to be matched in it's brilliance.

"There was, but one more piece to this continental puzzle, the Withered Lands. South of the others, the very soil was tainted by the darkness that resided there. They called him the Shadow Lord, though whom and what he was in truth remains a mystery. It is written that he had power over all of the Withered Lands. He controlled the demons in the firey depths beneath it and the Dragons whom lorded the skies above it. He demanded total obedience from the Greenskin Warriors whom made up his armies and from the Undead forced to rise from their graves to serve him. And yet still he was not satisfied.

His eyes often lingered northwards where he fancied that Iluthar, the Sword of Light mocked his inability to conqueur all. Enraged by his own fantasy, he decided that he would possess the Sword and lay waste to the lands yet not his. He amassed his armies, filling their ranges with all his fearsome minions and plotted.

Instead of attacking directly the human fortress as was his usual way, his army swept across Mora, forcing the Elves from their leafy homes by force and fire. With little hesitation, the Dark Mercenaries swore allegience to the Shadow Lord as they watch with little feeling the cruel tortures practiced upon captured Elves. In less than a week, Mora was lost. But the bloodshed did not end there.

"Even before the fires had claimed even half of the forest, a legion of Greenskins and Demons had departed for Eagos and the Citadel Lansil. There they lie in ambush awaiting the messenger that would bring the woeful tidings of the East. The Dwarven armies that leapt to meet the enemies stood no chance against the surprise that befell them. Soon more legions came to meet the first and charged through the open gates of the Citadel to annihalate any who remained.

"Few Elves and Dwarves survived to flee to seek aid from the Humans in the North. The Human armies feared the worst, but hope and faith in the Sword, they bravely set forth in defending Eribor. Their skill and trust in their weapons were what aided them to fell great numbers of the monsters that they stood against. But each defeated foe seemed replaced by two and slowly the tide turned against the Forces of Light. Blood flowed in rivers over the cracked earth and the dead piled high, bodies amassing by the thousands. Fire soon sought out the fortress. Deserters and peasents panicked, adding to the chaos, though not for long as the Greenskins were unselective in their kills.

"In admist of the confusion that is war, Iluthar fell and was lost. Thwarted and unable to possess the Sword as he had wished, the Shadow Lord unleashed his dark forces upon the world, uncaring of the destruction that would follow or that his control was no longer absolute. And then he retreated to his dark throne in the south, beginning tirelessly the search for that which he still longs for.

"His legions still linger throughout Erildath, wreaking terror upon its inhabitants, refusing to be defeated by the warriors and heroes, whom seek the return of the peace and prosperity lost to the realms.

"As for the Sword, no one knows the truth of Iluthar. But it is said that when Iluthar returns to the people, the fate of Erildath will finally be decided.

"And that is a tale that I wished ye to hear. And just as I hear the words form upon thine lips; 'and how is it that a blade forged of metal and fire deem mine fate? I ask ye; Open thy mind and see the truth of the Sword and ye shalt know Iluthar.

"I bid ye well adventurers, I bid ye well."

#28 Nabetsu122


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Posted 05 October 2008 - 19:32

I am creating a narrative account as one of the three term projects for my school. maybe i can create a parallel story to help with the production of the story (different names and characters, but following the storyline, in case someone sues me for copyright purposes) and even use some of the characters names from the actual game E.G. SkyWizard-wizard of the sky.

<('.'<) (>'.')> <( '.' )> KIRBY!!!

one too many hope to find salvation and die an unhappy man. follow your heart, and find true salvation within ones self.---Nabetsu122

#29 fs_leannesara

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Posted 03 January 2009 - 10:05

The whole story reminds me of Lord of the the rings like with The sword that was lost and has been reforged.

Whoever claimed that the sword was/would be reforged? (sorry for the belated reply on that one, but I occasionally glance in to see whats happening with the background tale that was never finished).

#30 fs_haeshka

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 20:54

I co-own a company that is called the 'Living Novel LLC' -- and (without need of being paid) -- would love to get involved in crafting the tale around the back-story as well as the moving story (quests/legendary events and such) of this game. -- If the Cows that Be would like any suggestions/input for the storyline -- I would gladly include some script.

#31 LadyMaab


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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:32

I guess this never happened, eh?

#32 doa4life



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Posted 28 June 2009 - 16:58

I thought we had a complete backstory?

#33 kevon218



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Posted 06 July 2009 - 15:51

The sword remains hidden to this day, leaving the fate of Erildath still undecided.

So, is the point of the game to find the sword or what? If it was, that would explain the name of the game.

But the game isn't called Lost Sword. :lol:

Surely the sword 'falls' every time you die?

True, but answer the question. Is the point of the game to find the sword?

no, the game is called fallensword, so the sword has fallen when eribor was killed, are job in this world is to destroy the shadowlord, maybe in the game u will find the sword of light who knows all whats gonna happen

#34 ursoc


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Posted 15 February 2010 - 10:48

How about the story of elites,super elites,legendaries,titans? Like Malphas the Destroyer,the description says it failed his mission and banished,it means he fall in one of the battles? Who ever defeated him? Like Fuvayu and Ogalith,their descriptions say that they are corrupted,who corrupt the titans? Shadow Lord itself? Why the Skaldir the Chill is on rampage? Her target is the Shadow Lord or the Humans? Or the dead of the other titans made her mad? The Legendary Dragons,they are bad or just neutral? They attack us just to protect their treasures or protecting the treasures with power to endanger the Shadow Lord? Cu Sith is a plagued dog? Can it be just a normal dog trying to protect his master from demons before it was plagued by the Shadow Lord? Among the elites,super elites,legendaries,titans,which is working for the Shadow Lord now? I want a COMPLETE and INTERESTING backstory for all of them.

#35 Keysi



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Posted 24 April 2010 - 10:05


#36 rebtex



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Posted 22 July 2010 - 03:12

Nice to see HCS is working so hard on this. :roll: :lol: :cry:


#37 fs_lichblader

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Posted 08 August 2010 - 23:44

HCS do you have any near plans for any story-oriented plots in the game? :(

#38 fs_door23

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 18:04

How about the story of elites,super elites,legendaries,titans? Like Malphas the Destroyer,the description says it failed his mission and banished,it means he fall in one of the battles? Who ever defeated him? Like Fuvayu and Ogalith,their descriptions say that they are corrupted,who corrupt the titans? Shadow Lord itself? Why the Skaldir the Chill is on rampage? Her target is the Shadow Lord or the Humans? Or the dead of the other titans made her mad? The Legendary Dragons,they are bad or just neutral? They attack us just to protect their treasures or protecting the treasures with power to endanger the Shadow Lord? Cu Sith is a plagued dog? Can it be just a normal dog trying to protect his master from demons before it was plagued by the Shadow Lord? Among the elites,super elites,legendaries,titans,which is working for the Shadow Lord now? I want a COMPLETE and INTERESTING backstory for all of them.

*cough* description *cough*

#39 Dulcharn



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Posted 30 December 2010 - 17:41

I'm sure the cows are focused on their new game at the moment. I do still think it's worth crafting a story around the Fallen Sword, one that ties it all together. If it's done well and maybe on a separate site with interactive story-lines, it might become a great way to market FS.

#40 parashuram



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 21:32

Is there anybody working on the FS Lore any more? Or is this project long dead and I'll be screamed at for thread necromancy.

It would be so interesting to have some FS lore. :)

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