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Eldevin- not such a good mmo.

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#21 Shane22


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Posted 20 April 2014 - 20:24

1) criticizing isn't what you do to make anything go in the right direction,constructive criticism is what you do....just saying nothing but negative things is a sorry excuse for anyone to give in a response or general post.
2) you contradicted yourself big time with this little bit 
"They need to have dungeons like in void, places  where you can farm gems like every other mmo has. They need to stop focusing on a lame ass lets run dungeons all day and get gear and rems from here."
stop focusing on dungeons,but add more dungeons like every other game.....?
The way the game is right now on the armor aspects are fine,this is a MMORPG not a single player game,not sure how many times this has to be said before people realize...this is a game where people are supposed to interact with each other and work together to achieve higher goals. 
3) if any dungeon were created to just farm gems  at a fast rate,it would not only continue to ruin the already now low gem economy but it would completely ruin the end game goal of perfect gems or later created tiers.

Bryn,I agree to that man. There needs to be some smaller sets for armors with set bonuses but! not in comparison or equal to the harder achieved sets from dungeons.

I suggested my idea for WB's to drop little weapon attachments,extractions,and vanity scrolls or even fabled weapons that are far rarer then world boss belts=no support from players on that one so people must not want that type of thing as some don't like world bossing (or most don't).

I know way contradicted myself you were just to blind to understand what I am saying. I'm on about farmable dungeons not dungeons as in instances.  Like the cave in the void area where there is giant trolls that have 3 flying monsters near them, they could make them bosses that respawn every hour and drops gems.


I'm talking farmable places that have bosses, e.g. dungeons that are not instances a totally different thing mate. Half the people I have talked to agree that dungeons being only way to get gear and good drops is going know where.

Edited by Shane22, 20 April 2014 - 20:29.

#22 HuMoR



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 21:00

WB's are farmable bosses and not difficult in the least bit. I think the people you are talking to would be the ones who voted yes for solo and duo instances? So I don't take their opinions serious tbh when they barely attempt to even interact with others or try to do some dungeon runs. Everyone agrees the dungeons are a bit long and such,but when you finally get your set it atleast feels like a accomplishment.

and FYI you did shane :D

Edited by HuMoR, 20 April 2014 - 21:05.

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#23 Forekin


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Posted 20 April 2014 - 21:32

You are more than welcome to say things you don't like about this game, but the devs have put in soo much effort to listen and appeal to the players. I'm sure some of them will see this and consider making changes, but Eldevin is no where near as a bad MMO. What Hunted Cow Studios has done for a browser mmo is amazing.

#24 Praetor



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 21:43

WB's are farmable bosses and not difficult in the least bit....

??? I have been on many WB encounters with massive wipeouts. Even without that occurring there are normally many individual character deaths. Those all cost in repairs. So yeah if you only run uber teams but reality is WB hunts is usually a random mix and even top players get skunked. So "not difficult" in the sense that they are defeated regularly. But expensive in terms of aggregate cost much higher than payoffs.

#25 Removed4256



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 22:42


Edited by Removed4256, 09 May 2014 - 18:43.

#26 Telivar



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 01:49

i always understood an RPG to be something like The Elder Scrolls: Morrownid - where you take the role of some prisoner that has something to do in the world, and the whole game revolves around the player trying to complete the story, with all the additional features that he can make use of - crafting, enchanting and collecting


but i think that there is a fine line between grinding and just making use of such features, because, especially on MMOs, the most powerful players are the ones who set the line and everyone else strives to reach it or surpass it, and this is  kind of discouraging for my taste, unless the game offers the player to still enjoy the game without having to be trying to be the best or push himself beyond the point of fun


this is how i feel about asian MMOs and World of Warcraft nowadays - if you want to achieve something in the game, all you have to do is grind to get the best gear possible, until a new update arrives, which makes all your hard work go to waste


before my post goes way off topic, i would like to say one last thing - in most games, especially MMOs, professions dont really serve any other purpose than provide the character with money, materials or gear, which is really wrong in my opinion, because professions should provide such perks, that just focusing on one profession for a player's entire time in the game should be just as meaningful as beating the strongest dungeon in the game, and not only to the player himself, but to everyone else as well

This is not a game like morrowind, where the adventure was the game. The concept is similar, but they edge the player to spend money in disguise with the grind. In some ways a regular rpg is just as bad as this, but the difference is how much fun you're having in the present. You loath having to get to end game and then grind out mindless for gear, when if you were playing d and d you don't have to wait for a party but instead wait for events to unfold. It's a different mindset entirely, but i doubt people would have fun playing a table top version, even though it's the rpg roots.



I think spending to much time in combat realm makes things dull and uninteresting, because isn't that what all video games are now a days? The difference between this and any thing table top related, or strategy for that matter, is the decision making process that effects the outcome for every one. You can't get that with scripted events my friend. More randomness has to happen in order for things to be remotely as interesting as the past. Now i will say this, my knowledge on old school RPG's are very limited, but i feel as if i have the jist of it. But even if you have a new dungeon master, the story could change.


Application of that randomness is difficult to acquire, because it's almost like not having any one make a game, but still have a game already made. Like statistically speaking you could die at any moment, but that's graded on different things that contribute to the end and it's timing.



Bottom line is, people are expecting something that has been redundantly made before. the only sense of adventure any one has is seeing something new, which is very materialistic and holds no longevity. I feel people need to just park their ego at the door and take things at face value, And every thing is not for every one.


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#27 ComradeLewis



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:11

It saddens me that 5-piece dungeon sets are the *only* way to go.  Why are there no 2 and 3 piece sets?  Smaller sets would allow more individual heroic and rare items to see the light of day rather than straight to the Vendors.  It would also give folks more latitude to create unique builds.

Well said. I really don't see why they even have all the junk loot in the game, considering you would be a major idiot not to use a instance set (which are far more easy to obtain than a full set of heroic gear). I feel sorry for their graphic designer. No one will ever wear the vast majority of the items they designed.


I would be all for completely removing set bonuses. That would give players the freedom to actually trade and sell armor in game. It would also give an alternative to those that can't find a dungeon team for their level, or are simply not interested in playing in a team.

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#28 lester



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:24

Okay,people are saying this is pay 2 win, I'm guessing its because of the choice to buy in game cash with reality cash? So I'm guessing ya rather have people in Othalo be like "Selling Eldevin Gold for cheap 9.99$  for 400 GOLD! Come visit us at FreeKeyLogger/Eldevin.com" Yea I think HCS wants the players money and not the players making money off of HCS game.


Limited content nah, I want the full Eldevin Experience for free, give subscription people buffs like plus 50% more relics,valor,prestige bla bla bla ya catch my drift.


Yea, this game has a lot of grind in it, I'm not surprised.To me this is a casual game. I'm more of a Try Hard type. The long dungeons with the 15 min long boss fights is not my thing, more of a guy who believes in "The smarter you are the faster you get shit done" Thats not the case with those bosses you still going to get them 15 min long fights.


I don't play Eldevin much anymore, I am to the point where in order to play it  I need motivation in order to get into it. I am just waiting around until HCS makes PvP a thing , which will probably be a year from now.In that time I would probably find another game like this with pvp already prioritized. :(


Reason I played this was nostalgia from Runescape.I was tired of playing Private servers the admins were power hungry found this game , caught my eye and gave it a try. When I was level 20 i was so hyped to get into my first pvp game in this game with Neon,Blue,Ben and the other first week players.I had a lot of fun , most i did through the whole game.But many people complained about the PvP and many pvpers left and when a big pvp fan like my self has no competition left in pvp whats the point of moving on? 

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#29 Gutie



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:38

Aside from his misinformed notion on point 4, the other aspects I really have no disagreement, and infact pretty much agree with. I played the beta, but not to full completion at the end of it's content.... but to be truthful a lot of key points he raises I see as being fairly legitimate and not a drastic need for a game sweeping overhaul.... save for what are for the most part truly boring quests....


Maybe It's because I'm used to one extreme of the online gaming spectrum or the other in terms of graphics, but one of the big drawbacks is probably the whole graphics thing, as much as I hate the whole flashy fancy graphics games getting a leg up on some games that are flat out better.


I really hope a version 2 of the graphics is being worked on for the client launch. Because for as sluggish as this game is in terms of frame rate as cited.... it's really needing to be upgraded either in frame rate or via grahic quality.... and I don't see using java allowing for too much more enhancement in a short timeframe, unless the 6 year development window was also working on a version 2.0 of the game to simply transfer the data seamlessly into.


Though to be honest, maybe simply having some more background sound beyond the music files (like ambient background sound effects, water fountain in eldevin city plaza, city noise, sounds from players nearby engaging in activity, wilderness sounds, more creature sound effects, possibly even sound effects for footfalls when running, or other areas that can be done) could give a improvement when playing.


To be direct and to the point, Eldevin almost lulls me to sleep when I'm nowhere near fatigue.


Maybe having a Guild to be managing and being a part of is what will keep me on my toes, through user interaction beyond occasional PMs with people in game. I think more flashy intersting equipment can go a LONG way towards helping this game. Looking at effects for gear, and maybe graphical effects when equipped with certain types of gear/sets might be a plus. I know of some MMOs I've played where certain types of gear gave a secondary graphical effect glow/circling orb around character/flashing above/etc.... that kind of thing can be a little thing that seems insignificant that some players will be motivated to work towards acquiring....


As to the Heroic gear.... when a heroic level 25 bow is only a handful damage points better than a regularly acquired one.... heroic gear really needs to get a bump up in stats. As of right now, it's almost as if it's only value is a SLIGHT uptick in stats from well crafted ones and merely how rare said item is.


Also I think when skills are increased on the cap for level, rather than the FS habit of adding an infinite amount of levels, maybe putting a CAP on the amount of skills one can get past 50, to allow for some diversity in characters and give the NEED for players to have to interact with more than a few people to get the kind of goods they need.




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#30 redsmokeboy



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:35

Eldevin is basically just another wow clone that plays in the browser.

RS Neon, Ref to Clone of any game on web say for Clone would be RS.

Back to main post!


P2w no option pay to win buy gold - Gold in it self basicly worthless!

Only option speed of game play with EP - Suppotor

Over Limited bag space 1 aspecte dof pay to win over all game completkly free explore as well to injoy not need buy EP - or support the game.

Edited by redsmokeboy, 21 April 2014 - 03:37.

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Q PvP | No repair fee's | 1% EXP of lvl | Valor | Weekly 10 match | Achvemnt's | So much more Join when log | Click on cross sword via mini map Q solo |


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#31 Lucid



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:45

man i couldnt disagree more with so much of this.
ive played nearly any and every MMORPG u can name and i tell u now there is no element of pay to win here.

instead ppl should be grateful for the whole game experience they get for FREE!

as for you pointing out they sell gold if you havent realised have u seen a gold farmer spamming worl chat no and i tell u why because HCS puts them out of business by proving gold sales which not really anyone uses anyways. -.-

if anything id call this P4C

Pay for convenience

not pay to win :P

Edited by Lucid, 21 April 2014 - 06:23.

#32 Susej



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:30

man i couldnt disagree more with so much of this.
ive played nearly any and every MMORPG u can name and i tell u now there is no element of pay to win here.

instead ppl should be grateful for the whole game experience they get for FREE!

as for you pointing out they sell gold if you havent realised have u seen a gold farmer spamming worl chat no and i tell u why because HCS puts them out of business by proving gold sales which not really anyone uses anyways. -.-

if anything id call this P4C

Pay for convenience

not pay to win :P

Exactly that lucid its a P4C

The new 45 trinket set requires flakes that everyone is selling for 50ep, not 100gold but 50ep

ppl that actually purshase EP have an easy life getting the set when i had a though job of getting artisan points i have the set but it took me longer then ppl that purchase ep.


So for my convinience i could have purchased ep but i did not, i bought a few flakes and farmed the rest, i am bankrupt because i had too trade a lot of gold for ep atm i have 24gold and still a bit of ep...


Still this is a feell of p2w but not exactly it i cant buy a SUPER STAFF THAT GIVES ME +800spell haste as many p2w games do but i can trade flakes for ep and NOT gold since the cap is TOO DAMN LOW and no one wants gold, and get that marvelous trinket set that gave me such a lovely amount of attributes, players that play f2p games often get a bit bugged by this, i "survive" and understand that they need to gain money from somewhere, i still believe ep would need to be bound and gold cap increased,  but if its not i will continue playing cause i really like this game.




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#33 Susej



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:36

It crumbles my heart to see that Eldevin will never be a big mmo. It will always stay a niche and soon or later die due the huge mistakes done.

1) huge grind- very very mindnumbing and boring. It starts from farming mats to lvl your avatar. This game would have been good 2004. 

2) Webclient is a messy pile of shit and runs horrible  with 10-20fps.

3) Pay 2 win. You can buy those 700 attack gems with  real cash

4) stats reset all 60 days is insane. Not even 5% of the coming players stay in this game that long. Do you guys even know many players leave the game after 30 days in tripple A mmos? 

5) Cooldown on queue is nuts. Wait every time 60 seconds to change your queue is stupid. Other mmos can do this without waiter- why not you? Its already hard enough to find a party with 200 players max. devided on 3 servers.

6) Progression: feels to slow and boring- change the elite quests- they should give at least 1 lvl in the lower lvls. 

7) variety- the game has no vaierty in armor and wapons. All wapons have the same stats- why not give a crossbow a magic stat? You advertize with classless play- yet you can go only 1 path. Its sad when you are not free to combine like you want. A Ranger with a crossbow and magic stats would be something like a druid or bard.


i made it to lvl 15 because i really liked the music in the game- remembered me of good old times.



1) Disagree have seen worse games


2) there are complicated days and WB are nuts they really need to fix this lag

3) Check my previous post

4) i would like to see it reduced for 30days so if i get bored of being full healer i can go a bit mage or something for free but 500gold aint much for a respec

5) bah dont mind

6) totally disagree had so much fun quests LMAO with some quest keep playing and you will get entralled by them

7) there are already too many posts on this


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#34 HuMoR



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 12:09

??? I have been on many WB encounters with massive wipeouts. Even without that occurring there are normally many individual character deaths. Those all cost in repairs. So yeah if you only run uber teams but reality is WB hunts is usually a random mix and even top players get skunked. So "not difficult" in the sense that they are defeated regularly. But expensive in terms of aggregate cost much higher than payoffs.

you can still 5-10 man shade,defiler, AND Amun....so I feel it just isn't right to call them challenging as a world boss when ASV is harder then the world bosses themselves. 

WB needs a different rewarding system so smaller groups get better rewards,not based off every single individual but based off a 1-10 or 11+ group identification. If you kill em with a mass group you just get the normal glimmering and usual 47-48 gear drops. If you kill em with 1-10 you should get like 3 defined,3 glimmering 2 rare gear drops a chance at a new piece of a vanity scroll or weapon scroll to make a new fabled or heroic weapon,or even a weapon attachment.

Edited by HuMoR, 21 April 2014 - 12:15.

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Posted 21 April 2014 - 12:42

im loving eldevin.........that is all :)



(sorry for the wall of text and in depth analysis of my opinions xD)

Edited by CORNWALL, 21 April 2014 - 19:21.

Cornish - likes to kill things with pointy sticks shot from a bow in the shadows    :ph34r: 


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#36 DungeonRider



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 13:25



It crumbles my heart to see that Eldevin will never be a big mmo. (...)

It IS a big mmo, with huge, beauty and functionable at every single step world.

The functionality of the world is so dense that sometime its hard to find a non functional space to click at, to move there without triggering something like picking up mushrooms, cuting trees or kiling poor innocent squirel.


(...) It will always stay a niche and soon or later die due the huge mistakes done.

Popularity of something is a matter of management. If you have some awesome ideas on how to improve it, please the players and preserve service constant growth and continuation - we will listen with interest.


1) huge grind- very very mindnumbing and boring. It starts from farming mats to lvl your avatar. This game would have been good 2004. (...)

But ofcourse, like huge shooting in FPS games, huge races in racer games and huge grinding in mmorpg's. It was good 20 years a go, 10 years a go, are now and perhaps will be after next 50 years. Its called a genre. However, unlike many other games which allow only grinding, you are presented here with many other features and functionalities to chose from at any time.


2) Webclient is a messy pile of shit and runs horrible  with 10-20fps.

If you would create 1% of this pile yourself, perhaps you would call it differently, so its a matter of point of view. Even tho the web client is awesome, the developers are working now to improve it above the perfection.


3) Pay 2 win. You can buy those 700 attack gems with  real cash

Honesty is most important part of management. I'll skip the commenting and narrow it to short conclusion "put to the box what you claim on label because players will really unwrap it and his satisfaction will define game popularity"


4) stats reset all 60 days is insane. Not even 5% of the coming players stay in this game that long. 

Making restat common feature (eg. reset for 1gold) could possibly make game more unique but whats more, it would open new horizons where player would be given freedom of testing skills, classes, and creating the ultimate form which suits him most, significantly increasing sattisfaction from game. It also does not necessarily must meant decreasing incomes, or that everyone will switch class each 2 hours, since if someone will chose to often restat "out of class", he will need backpacks to keep armor of every other class. For now, restat is not a feature nor a satisfaction. Its a sad salvation for the ones who broke his build beyound unplayability.


5) Cooldown on queue is nuts.

Finding team for a while is known problem. There will be perhaps some solutions to this in future.


6) Progression: feels to slow and boring- change the elite quests- they should give at least 1 lvl in the lower lvls. 

Hmm... Matter of taste. I seen better and worse in my life, but personaly i quit game if it require months to level up, since its a long enought time without "progress" to ask self "why exacly im doing it"...


7) variety- the game has no vaierty in armor and wapons. All wapons have the same stats- why not give a crossbow a magic stat? You advertize with classless play- yet you can go only 1 path. Its sad when you are not free to combine like you want. A Ranger with a crossbow and magic stats would be something like a druid or bard.

"no variety in armor and weapons" ???

- I drop everyday new gear parts and weapons which i see for first time in my life and i know it will continue.

"why not give a crossbow a magic stat ?"

- its innovative and why not - underwater torch would be cool too, but there must be some limit...

"You advertize with classless play" ???

- Since when they removed cooldown from restat ?


i made it to lvl 15 because i really liked the music in the game

Good job !! *waves to the musician*

Edited by DungeonRider, 21 April 2014 - 13:35.

,      member of Valhalla guild      ,



#37 Shane22


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 14:39

What is this trend with some people jumping down the throats of people posting what they don't like about the game? He's not trolling anyone, he's just stating his opinion. How about trying to be more tolerant of other people's opinions and criticisms rather then just immediately jumping down their throat? I personally like the game. I do think there are some problems which have been addressed by plenty of other players all through the forums.


Be tolerant, don't be a fanboy... ;)


Well said mate

#38 Praetor



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 16:07

Getting flakes is pretty easy: just level your professions up past level 33 to get the big bags of artisan points from dailies. Then just do the regular/large bag quests. You can get all the flakes you need.

#39 Grimwald



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 16:47

The game is still great, especially compared with some other games around. It got a great and good story, with multiple angles, much like some Fallensword.. Unlike Fallensword however, this game is wayy too much groups orientated. Even the easter event is group orientated which drives away a bunch of players (like me).


At this moment however, having the huge inpact from being groups oriented will mean that if the number of players is SMALL, those who don't are online when dungeons are being run, will be left out. I just spotted another player begging other players to help him to run Vault. Sorry guys, but this happens all the time. Completing an dungeon like vault, which is absolutely needed to continue the storyline is not something which you need to beg for.


Bottem line, we need enough players to have severall parties running the dungeons so that people actually have an chance to get a decent teamup  or HCS should create an alternative way of doing those dungeons.


Eldevin is a nice NEW game, which with the curent devteam has a huge potential, but we need to keep the current players happy. We don't have that many players at this moment and the game needs every one. Please remember there are THOUSANDS of MMORPG around and most players will not go back if they leave. The game is running for severall months already and should already have an stable playerbase.. Something is not going as planned....

#40 makii


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 19:20

This mmo has some serious design flaws.

After getting to lvl 16 and making a rough calculation how long it would take me to get somethting to lvl 45- i came to conclusion that it takes way to much time ( 500h) and the low population without a Guild System or a auction house- also so horrible drop rate on gold and other items- were another point im stopping playing this game.


Of course, the devs did a great job to realise something this big in their timeframe- but the journey certainly doesnt end here. 
Ajustments must be made- im expecting at least a big bang update with the steam release.

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