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Game Update v2.047

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#21 3JS



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 00:25

I guess the intent of your post is the discrepancy that is being exploited by players at high levels being able to smash lower levels with almost 99% immunity to gain a smasher medal.
But Is that not a result of there being no players who are willing to accept risk and try and clear those same players

I've tried clearing those guys plenty of times. Sometimes I win, some times I lose. Either way, I'm not scared of them because they're higher than me. Certain guilds are on the board more than others, and I've tried just about all of them at one point or another.

#22 Dulcharn



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 00:26

I guess the intent of your post is the discrepancy that is being exploited by players at high levels being able to smash lower levels with almost 99% immunity to gain a smasher medal.
But Is that not a result of there being no players who are willing to accept risk and try and clear those same players ?

Maybe so, zizzles. But it's certainly an issue that needs to be addressed.

Players need to not be afraid of challenges. Heck, I cleared players double my level when i was a NOOB at pvp. It was a great challenge and learning experience. No one is unclearable. The only issue I see ( and it has been mentioned) is higher bounty rewards.

Sure Mae. Done it myself many times in the past. I guess we'll see what the new changes will bring.
I guess my comment came from the reason why the BB exists. Just like in cow boy movies - where the bounty is placed and the bounty hunted.
Maybe Hoof wants to give the cow boys a chance to 'get-away' ;-)

#23 Maehdros



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 00:31

Sure Mae. Done it myself many times in the past. I guess we'll see what the new changes will bring.
I guess my comment came from the reason why the BB exists. Just like in cow boy movies - where the bounty is placed and the bounty hunted.
Maybe Hoof wants to give the cow boys a chance to 'get-away' ;-)

Deflects, losses, accepts, and wins can be bountied. The thing is, no longer is the punishment to the attacker an instant MIN loss of 20% of a level. Now it can be no punishment if the reward isnt tempting enough, or if the player defends well, basically they can get out of jail.

#24 Bunnybee



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 00:35

"Maybe Hoof wants to give the cow boys a chance to 'get-away.'"

Kinda like a 2%? I mean, sometimes they do get away, right?

#25 Windbattle



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:05


1) Hits that are used to complete a bounty SHOULD be bountyable as well.

2) PvP ladder hits should be excluded from bountyable hits, because rating is farmed off players at too fast a rate with bounties. which happens a lot.


1) Is it still 1 extra bounty ticket for every 5 levels difference between you and your target?

#26 RageAnger



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:08

Please confirm. Can gvg attacks be bountied or not? And if they can be bountied is it each attack that can be bountied or each player attacked that can post 1 bounty per gvg?

#27 Maehdros



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:14


1) Hits that are used to complete a bounty SHOULD be bountyable as well.

2) PvP ladder hits should be excluded from bountyable hits, because rating is farmed off players at too fast a rate with bounties. which happens a lot.

2 bounties against a bounty hunter? one for accepting, and one for clearing? Umm....no

Remove rating transfer from the bounty board, problem solved.

#28 Windbattle



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:18

well until they do that ... make pvp ladder hits not bountyable. you can just hit them in an hour ... don't see the point in having a punishment system for that.

bounty board = punishment system.

makes no sense to have that for pvp ladder since everyone is on board for hitting and being hit back.

As for point 1, mercenaries doing 9 100 stam hits, then 1 10 stamina hit to clear a bounty are going to happen a lot. doesn't seem fair that they are considered bounty clearers. sounds like BS to me .. an easy for abuse.

#29 Grimmhawk



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:20

Please confirm. Can gvg attacks be bountied or not? And if they can be bountied is it each attack that can be bountied or each player attacked that can post 1 bounty per gvg?

No they can't be bountied.

#30 Maehdros



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:27

well until they do that ... make pvp ladder hits not bountyable. you can just hit them in an hour ... don't see the point in having a punishment system for that.

bounty board = punishment system.

makes no sense to have that for pvp ladder since everyone is on board for hitting and being hit back.

As for point 1, mercenaries doing 9 100 stam hits, then 1 10 stamina hit to clear a bounty are going to happen a lot. doesn't seem fair that they are considered bounty clearers. sounds like BS to me .. an easy for abuse.

If someone is hit for rating on the board ( which I havent seen happen in a very long time) they can BOUNTY anyone who attempts it, and delevel them. There's plenty of reasons for punishing someone in a ladder, been mentioned MANY times, such as guild wars, taunting, cheating,( passing points) and so on. While some disagree and say these are not valid reasons, its ultimately up to the player who was hit, to determine that.

As for mercs? Each acceptance = a bounty. No need for the tenth hit to be bountyable,due to the fact that as soon as ANYONE accepts.. they can now be bountied.

#31 shindrak



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:57

[*]Bounties will expire 48 hours after they are placed.

With this some players will avoid the punishment easily... it seems u will do update you wanted without reading players feedback

#32 shindrak



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:59

I guess the intent of your post is the discrepancy that is being exploited by players at high levels being able to smash lower levels with almost 99% immunity to gain a smasher medal.
But Is that not a result of there being no players who are willing to accept risk and try and clear those same players ?

Maybe so, zizzles. But it's certainly an issue that needs to be addressed.

Players need to not be afraid of challenges. Heck, I cleared players double my level when i was a NOOB at pvp. It was a great challenge and learning experience. No one is unclearable. The only issue I see ( and it has been mentioned) is higher bounty rewards.

You are talking about times when we didnt have the powerful buffs :)
and yes no one unclearable but it might take someone more than 1 hour to clear high lvl bounty

#33 DragonLord



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:00

Not sure about bounties expiring .... don't see that being a positive change at all .

#34 RageAnger



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:03

Not sure about bounties expiring .... don't see that being a positive change at all .

If you dont want your bounty to expire throw up a few dots. Intead of minimum. Problem solved.

I don't see how losing to a player in epics with no buffs is any good but that's not a big deal.

#35 RageAnger



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:04

I heard a rumor that on the ladder you will only be able to use your own buffs. Any truth to that or plans on it?

#36 fs_scrogger

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:05

Not sure about bounties expiring .... don't see that being a positive change at all .


I have seen bounties sit 2-3 days, Imagine how the poster will feel once that bounty is removed, All this talk about risk in PvP and this is added removing the risk for high level PvPers. No one is going to take hours and hours on a regular basis to clear them.

I also see the potential bios and threats that will be made now as well, bad all around.

#37 DragonLord



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:06

Not sure about bounties expiring .... don't see that being a positive change at all .

If you dont want your bounty to expire throw up a few dots. Intead of minimum. Problem solved.

I know that making the "reward" bigger encourages a faster clear (and more hitters) but they've never expired before (that I'm aware of) so I see no need for them to do so now ...

#38 fs_scrogger

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:08

Not sure about bounties expiring .... don't see that being a positive change at all .

If you dont want your bounty to expire throw up a few dots. Intead of minimum. Problem solved.

I don't see how losing to a player in epics with no buffs is any good but that's not a big deal.

Not everyone can afford to throw up dots to pay for a bounty, this is supposed to be a free game.

#39 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:12

There's plenty of reasons for punishing someone in a ladder, been mentioned MANY times, such as guild wars, taunting, cheating,( passing points) and so on. While some disagree and say these are not valid reasons, its ultimately up to the player who was hit, to determine that.

punish them yourselves then...don't let others off the ladder punish them. it's a bracket ladder for a reason. if people are 'cheating' or abusing the system, then HCS needs to step in like they did with GvG. Let us report them to have HCS investigate the matter.

if someone is in a guild war, why would they join a ladder with the guild that they are at war with unless they can defend themselves?

leave the ladder for individuals..yes, multiple guild members can join a ladder but maybe HCS should limit the amount of guildies that can join a single ladder bracket like how the Arena works.(not sure if im into this idea myself)

no matter what, the pvp guilds will still dominate and stick their neck out at any chance using the ladders..do you think bounties will deter you from entering and attacking multiple times during a war? or just posting each attack and destroying them five levels each time? lets be honest, some guilds will still use the system to their advantage to push the warring guild down further till they submit(which is the ultimate goal?)..this bounty every attack for the ladder will only give those with the most force and resources the ability to deter the other guild from enjoying certain parts of the game.

what are your thoughts of making pvp ladder attacks like how they were yesterday, where you could only bounty once no matter how many attacks were made?


#40 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:21

it would still be nice to see how ladders work without the ability to bounty attacks...you know whats fun? trying out new things :lol:


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