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#21 EpicPiety



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Posted 29 March 2021 - 17:54

Apologies for missing the bounty board detail. I am on board for keeping that the same or possibly making minor changes to enhance it.

#22 Treelink



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Posted 29 March 2021 - 20:10

Something that's not been mentioned yet is the "new player" experience.


I tried to get my wife to play the game half a year ago. And she did for a while, but also needed help, all the time.


The game is hard to get into. And my biggest wish, after most of the bugs are fixed, is for this game to get more players. Here's a few suggestions based on what we ran into.


1. Consider adding more tutorial to the game. Not many questions are answered when you create a new character. How does all your stats work? How does combat work? How do you know that you'll beat a monster? How does stamina work? What uses stamina and how much? What should you do when your inventory is full? What's the goal of the game? What happens if you're carrying 5.000.000 gold while being almost naked and level 7? Little to none of this is explained to new players. They have to figure it out themselves.


2. Consider hiding/locking a lot more content away for new players. It doesn't take many minutes to hit level 2, 3, 4 and 5. But at these levels you have no idea if you should put your stat points to attack, defense or HP. You have no idea which buffs are good, or if you should save your points for level 25. And you don't have a clue about all the options you have in the menu. Crafting? Hell Forge? Blacksmith? Bounties?  Consider hiding these things until level 10, 20, 30 something. (OK don't lock the blacksmith, explain that one instead!)


3. Grinding is how you play this game. Quests give you XP, which is a bonus. But quests are just that. It's a bonus to your XP, but now how you progress in general. Problem is that you added so much stuff in the low level areas that you removed the need to grind entirely. You can get the first many levels by just doing quests. My wife got good at doing these quests. But all of a sudden there were no quests left, and she had no idea what to do. There was no mission and she was "stuck". Grinding hadn't been introduced to her as a concept. It's understandable that you can't quest your way through almost 5.000 levels of content. But with grinding being an essential part of the game, a tutorial should be given, showing that you can and should in fact just kill things until you ding the next level. The concept should be fed in slowly, so that you have to grind just a little already in the beginning of the game, more and more, until it's a regular part of what the player does in between quests. To that extent I would suggest litterally moving some of the low-level quests to higher level areas, or nerfing the XP rewards. It's ok on the lower levels if quests are 75% of the XP. Just as long as there's a little grind necessary between levels.


4. Speaking of low-level areas, they are the most complex areas in the whole game. Think about it. First real area you encounter is Mountain Path. And there's so many places to go, and so many things on the map. Compare that to a random level 1234 map which has two waypoints and a shop. You're throwing new people out on the deep end first. I would suggest that you move some of the fluff out of Mountain Path (And possibly other low-level areas) and put it elsewhere. Furthermore, consider adding a few more tutorial areas before you introduce Mountain Path. You go from a teeny tiny 6x6 map to a huge 18x18 map, and that's overwhelming. How about a 10x10 in between or something like that.

In essence it's all about making sure that you get to explain important concepts to new players while not overwhelming them. Right now, if you start the game from scratch you're thrown out on the deep end and there's not much to help you. It's pretty much just Kate Winslet being fat on a floating door, and it's impossible for you to get up.

Edited by Treelink, 29 March 2021 - 20:11.

#23 michael65



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Posted 29 March 2021 - 22:31

beware of politicking.

beware of bickering: Levellers vs PvPers, high levels vs low levels, guilds vs other guilds, haves vs have nots

beware of good intentions: many ideas were made in the past, some after being implemented were klunkers

or else?

whine, whine. complain, complain. the more players affected, the more complaints.

please note: complaining is better than leaving

good luck

#24 Grumpy Grey

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Posted 29 March 2021 - 22:35

Bad lag since the update. It needs to be fixed . 
The fact it was left like it before the week end and is still like it is kind of disappointing.

#25 Edith3000



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Posted 30 March 2021 - 04:47

4. Speaking of low-level areas, they are the most complex areas in the whole game. Think about it. First real area you encounter is Mountain Path. And there's so many places to go, and so many things on the map. Compare that to a random level 1234 map which has two waypoints and a shop. You're throwing new people out on the deep end first. I would suggest that you move some of the fluff out of Mountain Path (And possibly other low-level areas) and put it elsewhere. Furthermore, consider adding a few more tutorial areas before you introduce Mountain Path. You go from a teeny tiny 6x6 map to a huge 18x18 map, and that's overwhelming. How about a 10x10 in between or something like that.

Agreed! And the Labyrinth of the Lost. That's one area that should not have been at the lower levels, or there should have been some better way of handling it. It is a stam drain and without guidance it is indeed a labyrinth exclusively for the lost. At higher levels the path is much more linear and less confusing.


#26 Edith3000



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Posted 30 March 2021 - 04:54

Frags and item drops. Those who are not really into fragmenting and composing may not have an issue, but till about level 300 or so you get mostly common item drops. Then for about 150 odd levels you get only rare item drops. I won't even touch how the graphics for certain items kind of repeat in one set of levels, but at least the attributes could be shuffled up just a tiny bit.


Also, chests. Not to make them worthless by making them available at every other step, but there could be a little more chances towards smaller frag chests than the present probabilities.


#27 Skethz


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Posted 31 March 2021 - 20:05

Anyone else having the problem with creatures kiading after clicking to kill them still?

#28 Alisa



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 01:29

Brute Strength: Enchant Weapon, Fury and Berserk buffs are increased by +1 level when cast for every 20 points in this skill


why enchanted weapon? we already have potions for this buff. can it be swapped out with Rage?


#29 mary4ever



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Posted 06 April 2021 - 00:50

1) before anything else please fix any reported bugs !!!


here is a link to some if they have not already been fixed => https://forums.hunte...=3#entry1003213

plus some others:

-) LAG + ERROR messages still happening until this post

-) Invented items are now automatically transferred to BP instead of Mailbox, please change it back to MAILBOX !!! (new players hardly have any BP slots so questing and daily quests like "invent 50+" will be a pain for them !!!

-) When you open a Chest then the potion inside gets transferred to BP instead of Mailbox, please change it back to MAILBOX !!!

-) When empowering a relic it sometimes does not show in guild logs

-) Items from AH take longer than normal (1 minute max after the auction has ended) to get automatically transferred to MAILBOX), at the moment it is random

for Example: I had items that ended at the same time but received them in my MAILBOX at different times, each item after some seconds or even minutes (might be due to LAG)


2Please create a NEW topic for each game style


It is best if an admin creates a NEW topic for each game style (GvG, Arena, PvP, Composing, Rewards, .....) for discussion and posts the LINK here, otherwise posting many topics in only 1 thread will get chaotic, many pages, ...... just a mess




I am talking about GAME - polls, NOT forum - polls so you reach more people since only a few even visit the forum & to know what the community actually wants / prioritizes




Improve socializing "tools" to generate activity !!!

the recent fixed chat, leader chat, news, log - Notifications have led to more activity, we were finally able to see when a chat / leader chat message would pop up

maybe even the "FSP - chest" I have been posting about like in many other games (at the end of this post-link: https://forums.hunte...3#entry1003213)

or a mini game for FS like tetris, ......

IMO anything that generates activity !!!




do NOT simply only listen to players, not to me or anyone, when you do some changes then please OBSERVE !!!

hoof has done some very good changes through observing  :D



:) thanks Arioche for the thread & hope to see good things in the near future  :) 

Edited by mary4ever, 06 April 2021 - 00:58.

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#30 Grumpy Grey

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 04:42

Brute Strength: Enchant Weapon, Fury and Berserk buffs are increased by +1 level when cast for every 20 points in this skill


why enchanted weapon? we already have potions for this buff. can it be swapped out 

Why not keep it as is i find with a  big EW There are a  number of situations where its  handy for buffing people  who are off line  

#31 Undjuvion



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Posted 14 April 2021 - 17:56

Why not keep it as is i find with a  big EW There are a  number of situations where its  handy for buffing people  who are off line  


or add rage and have all 4, atm the buff is lackluster anyway, kinda.

#32 Undjuvion



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Posted 14 April 2021 - 18:00

a medal for placing bounties, call it retribution.

#33 Edith3000



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Posted 17 April 2021 - 17:12

If you already have a buff active, you should not be able to consume a potion of the same level. Instead of resetting the time on the skill, it should give a prompt of no use just like if a buff of higher level is already active.


#34 michael65



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Posted 18 April 2021 - 19:59

If you already have a buff active, you should not be able to consume a potion of the same level. Instead of resetting the time on the skill, it should give a prompt of no use just like if a buff of higher level is already active.

sometimes, to open up storage space, one consumes potions.

consuming potions is better than dropping potions:

1. have buff, perhaps a use for it arises.

2. no accidental droppings

though, some warning would be nice

aside, does # online includes app users?

#35 Toreth



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 04:09

I tend not to post on the forums unless I find something that strikes as “necessary” as evidenced of the Frag Finder “findings.”  That said, I do believe it necessary to bring up the elephant in the room regarding the state of Fallen Sword yet again. Nearly two months ago, you created this thread to ask for general feedback and ideas, however, there has been little to no traction on anything. When asked about specific things in your original post, there was already a previous forum topic posted by my dear friend Tilley10 providing a list of the buffs which could most notably use a rework or fix; what has come of any of that? Naught.


We received the update to cap the buff-able levels of “Unbreakable, Deflect,” and “Fumble,” at 175, and while the overall change to “Deflect” and “Fumble” were met with mixed feelings, the changes to these three buffs have been largely negligible.


Aside from the aforementioned negligible change to these three, the only additional thing that has happened since is the Easter Bunny event (twice), due to the server and lag issues. While I understand that probably detracted from some of the progress in certain areas, we, the players of FS, still haven’t heard from game admins about any other potential change, improvement, or addition to the game we all choose to partake.


Now, as EpicPiety has pointed out, is the time for more transparency from the Hunted Cow Staff. The players understand, to a point, that things happen sometimes, but when you come in to provide an outlet of communication for the players directly to the admin staff only to “pull the rug out from under” the players, it doesn’t help the lens of the vast majority. The “ball” is now and has always been in HCS’s court, so when you decided to reach out to the community, it was a breath of fresh air, so to speak. It’s now gone silent once again, and FS has fallen into a deeper lull as the issues over two months have caused a few of FS’s prominent players to be met with bans. We aren’t asking for you to divulge why they were terminated – we know that won’t happen. Why are we in the dark when it comes to the future of FS, though?


We can’t continue to fall into the vicious cycle of the same events that come and go on the weekend-ly basis. It isn’t necessarily “spicing” the playing aspect of the game up for anyone outside a possible select few who choose to play everything that comes out because “well, there’s nothing better to use my stamina on.” The fact that this is even a thought should be an issue already, but the cycle of “LE event -> Global Event -> Composing Event -> Rinse/Repeat,” is so drilled into the player that it’s nearly expected what’s going to happen. There isn’t a driving force to get excited about coming here outside of seeing any potential new Legendary creatures and the gear they drop. Even still, the rate at which Legendary creatures spawn and gear is dropped is so high, that anyone can farm for their own doing. The incentive is lost.


I believe there is a major component that gets lost when it comes to the producer and consumer relationship; we are here for you just as much as you are here for us – if not more. We all play this game for many different reasons and all have different goals and aspirations moving forward. What are HCS’s goals with FS? There still isn’t any transparency and the players, as they’ve always been, are in the dark. We’re all running on fumes as it is – it’s time for that transparency and change.

#36 michael65



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 05:19

fs is a business. transparency and promises can be dangerous to a business.

if one thinks of espn abc marvel as businesses they become less entertaining. yet, they are businesses with business secrets. same with fs.

looking behind the curtain to find the wizard of oz is just a guy is disappointing.
let the cows have some mystery

#37 Undjuvion



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 08:45

fs is a business. transparency and promises can be dangerous to a business.

if one thinks of espn abc marvel as businesses they become less entertaining. yet, they are businesses with business secrets. same with fs.

looking behind the curtain to find the wizard of oz is just a guy is disappointing.
let the cows have some mystery


i semi agree, i dont mind if cows have secrets up their sleeve, i think if you give them space to breathe, its more likely they can get in a rythym for something nice! so i dont mind if they casually read, without replying, so nothing is confirmed or denied, that said, id like to see more updates, if giving them a cloak does this, fair enough :-)

#38 Arioche



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 12:04

I tend not to post on the forums unless I find something that strikes as “necessary” as evidenced of the Frag Finder “findings.”  That said, I do believe it necessary to bring up the elephant in the room regarding the state of Fallen Sword yet again. Nearly two months ago, you created this thread to ask for general feedback and ideas, however, there has been little to no traction on anything. When asked about specific things in your original post, there was already a previous forum topic posted by my dear friend Tilley10 providing a list of the buffs which could most notably use a rework or fix; what has come of any of that? Naught.


Good afternoon Toreth!


I understand there may be frustration around how long it takes to get through the changes that the Players have asked for. There are indeed a number of buffs that still need to be looked at, but instead of throwing them at you all at once, we wanted to be a bit more cautious and allow Players to try out what we do change and then begin to give us feedback  :) I am very much aware of Tilley10's post. It is a great resource and full of constructive criticism that kickstarted these changes in the first place.


There are a few things we are working on in the background, so this has ultimately affected some other areas. 


What I can say though is that we do plan to bring some updates to the Arena Store, as well as tackle some of the gear issues.


We only ask that you bear with us! The team are also working hard on making the app the best it can be.

#39 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 15:36

Good afternoon Toreth!


I understand there may be frustration around how long it takes to get through the changes that the Players have asked for. There are indeed a number of buffs that still need to be looked at, but instead of throwing them at you all at once, we wanted to be a bit more cautious and allow Players to try out what we do change and then begin to give us feedback  :) I am very much aware of Tilley10's post. It is a great resource and full of constructive criticism that kickstarted these changes in the first place.


There are a few things we are working on in the background, so this has ultimately affected some other areas. 


What I can say though is that we do plan to bring some updates to the Arena Store, as well as tackle some of the gear issues.


We only ask that you bear with us! The team are also working hard on making the app the best it can be.

Thank you for responding, lots of people really eager for updates :). Look forward to arena shop change.

Touching lightly and simply on gear changes. Less Armor Defense and HP sets and more Armor attack :o

Edited by EpicPiety, 20 May 2021 - 15:39.

#40 shindrak



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Posted 20 May 2021 - 16:04

Good afternoon Toreth!


I understand there may be frustration around how long it takes to get through the changes that the Players have asked for. There are indeed a number of buffs that still need to be looked at, but instead of throwing them at you all at once, we wanted to be a bit more cautious and allow Players to try out what we do change and then begin to give us feedback  :) I am very much aware of Tilley10's post. It is a great resource and full of constructive criticism that kickstarted these changes in the first place.


There are a few things we are working on in the background, so this has ultimately affected some other areas. 


What I can say though is that we do plan to bring some updates to the Arena Store, as well as tackle some of the gear issues.


We only ask that you bear with us! The team are also working hard on making the app the best it can be.

Cool,  Arena & PvP ladder store needs some love , add more tourneys to all ranges as i suggested earlier in this topic like 4  tourneys for every 100 level in fair variety .

And regarding of new quest item/sets/pots whatever... you can add them as a reward in some tourneys instead of just having tokens and gold!

you can add same reward to the Arena store for high/reasonable "arena token price"  so it doesn't get devalued quickly since some arena players hoarding lots of tokens already!




Maybe even add "Cooldown"on buying items from Arena store , since some players wont like cooldown ,i have idea...  new mechanic of Cooldown, lets say 2 days cooldown on buying item from store and  when you lose from first round in Arena you will get 10% reduced of cooldown time that mean if someone lose 10 time from first round they will get their cooldown reset on buying items from Arena store!   


Not sure if this additional idea will get some likes  to keep the value of items for long term.

Edited by shindrak, 20 May 2021 - 16:26.

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