I am always telling people to hunt with minimum buffs, because reckoning gives much xp when it is triggering on AL/LIB/CON...In order to make this whole thing worthwhile you need the Reckoning 200.
I get laughed at and called a stupid noob when ppl find out I don't use lightfoot (and basically every other buff). I move from portal to portal, spending 20 movement stam and get my level. While I spend 20 stam to move, as long as I'm using minimum buffs, I am getting MORE xp because reckoning is triggering more often on my big xp buffs instead of uselessly on LF.
Reckoning DOES trigger on UB, you don't want UB.
Lightfoot, epic craft, epic forge - or anything extra beyond achieving 1-hit damg is unnecessary and losing you XP.
Only use AM if you are doing the champs. The ~20 stam spent walking to portals is not a lot. Reckoning on AM will lose you more xp than the 20, 30, 40 stam from walking. You lose xp because you are removing odds of reckoning triggering on buffs that give big XP boost.
Imagine a 40x Doubler with CON500 and reckoning hits. Now, instead of a basic 25% chance of using no stam, the conserve is 50% chance of using no stam. Therefore, each reckoning hit on CON500 is worth 10 stam - 25% better chance of saving 40 stam is 10 stam. You might hit conserve with reckoning 5+ times on every level = saving you 50 stam. It's happening 5+ times on Adept and Lib too! Adding any buff like lightfoot is taking away from these big bonus's.
If you do champs then you can use the AM and get even more XP, but it is difficult to find champs every 2-3 level in my experience. If you do the champs you probably need Death Dealer too.
Depending on the level and amount of your other buffs, stalker is probably not worth using. In my tests a level 300 stalker gave only ~6% more xp. When you have bigger buffs that benefit lots more from a reckoning hit, stalker could be net xp loss since it's soaking (~15% of) reckoning hits.
Players below level 600 can get away without using any damg buffs! All they need is (distilled) 450 wither! They have CON/LIB/AL/Wither - 4 buffs that reckoning can hit, a 75% chance to hit a big xp buff. If you add just one more buff (a 5th target for reckoning), now it's down to a 60% (instead of 75%) chance to hit the big xp buffs. Think about that: 15% LESS chance to hit one of 3 buffs that average 100% more xp = 15% less xp, just by adding one buff! That is why you can't have ANYTHING extra. Anything extra and you ruin the whole idea - the odds of reckoning hitting on your big buffs drop dramatically with every extra buff. A couple extra non-xp buffs like Epic craft / forge, you are failing in any case. A couple extra buffs, and you won't even notice results. The first extra buff is the most harmful to your XP.
For anyone that disbelieves this minimum buff idea. I challenge you to look at it in simple rational: Reckoning is ~45% chance to double a buff. You have a few buffs that give essentially 100% more xp. Why get buffs you don't need? Don't you want high odds of doubling your 100% xp buffs?
It does get a lot more complicated than just what I put above. There is actually a lot of math to look at. The value of reckoning + any single buff is dynamic, changing from net gain/loss based on the level and number your other buffs. 10% of prestige is dang near that threshold with level 500 xp buffs.
This all only works if you are using level 500ish+ AL/LIB/CON. If you do it with low level xp buffs, then OK, Prestige, even stalker becomes worthwhile in relation to the other lower level buffs.
If you can't wrap your head around the math just do a hunt and see the difference plain as day - simple. Reckoning200, Wither450, Adept/Lib/Conserve 500's+, Doubler1000+, Composed SH (for level 600+), SSI Should be all you need. If you still need more damg, maybe charge up Death Dealer or just COA. remember adding just 1-2 more buffs will ruin the whole thing - only hunt with minimum damg buffs necessary for 1-hit in order to have best odds for reckoning on biggest xp buffs.
Overkill: The overblown from arena is only level 400. The 400 isn't enough extra XP to justify adding a single damg buff in order for it to work. There is a level 1000 OK in the ruby chest, it is strong enough to help, but you will need to add damg buff to make it work. Also, the high level sacrifice comes in the chest, it will help especially since you are adding another damg buff to make the OK work. However, you miss out on all your gold, and the extra xp is not a lot actually, nowhere near the ~20% more as you would be lead to believe on the surface.
Edited by JayTo, 31 May 2018 - 03:05.