All the potion ideas are driven toward PvE only. How about some PvP potion content as well?
Such as? Any particular requests?
This is the opportunity to add new potions of Immobilise Titan, Trendy.
Good call. I'll have to test em. Make sure the coding was actually completed.
Light Foot 1500. 60m. Yes, but maybe last longer, similar to global, or 120/180 so it's now as powerful. Most players that hunt chests/SE are on/off throughout the day, so be good to get real value.
Hmm. Don't really wanna step on the toes of the Global Potion.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m. I still think Teleport 200 would be more beneficial, or Titan Immobiliser.
Not a fan of too high a teleport myself. Immobiliser however...
Also think a higher Distil would be good, somewhere between 200-300, and/or a higher level Stalker.
Not sure we really want a higher Distil in the game. Will have a look. Will look into Stalker.
Added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones? Maybe a bit of both, depends on how much you plan on adding to the game?
I want to add a lot of new stuff, whether Frag Stashes, potions or Quest items. May do a mix of the two options.
Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity? One per new Epic?
Probably one of the new item, at least one of the Epic and misc other odds and sods.
Will post more thoughts later. Gonna test Titan Immobiliser and Trendy. Make sure they work and will report back.
*Edit* Yup, those work correctly! Will have a think about levels. Any suggestions? Trendy probably needs to be pretty high, right?
Loyalty Stashes seem like a definite go, though they'll arrive a bit later. I'm pushing for sooner.
~ Grim