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Game Update v2.061

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#21 grimnok



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:51

As others have said, please create some sort of Quick Search feature, as was in FSH.

#22 fs_death6969

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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:53

There Should Be An option in preferences to set AH as it was before or to leave like this IMO

The new AH is finally somewhat workable now but i agree with quorthon13 on this.

#23 RED



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 01:42

i cnanot log anthing in guild chat and everything runs off the board

#24 thisple



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 01:46

If you are showing 20 items per page, if you click on the next arrow at the bottom, when the new content comes up, you have to scroll up to the top of the screen to see what the first items are.

Change is always hard. I still use the classic map to hunt most of the time. The only time I use the new map is when I titan hunt and stop super elites. So, it may just take me a while to get use to the new version.

#25 Mowglik



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 01:54

will be avalaible to create some shortcuts ( templates ? ) for our choices about same items we buy often ? like in FSHelper before...

like if we buy always the same potions for hunting, needing many different potions... no need to always look to find the exactly name of buff, each time, but with some shortcuts ( templates ? ) always in place...
some exemples :
Potion of Black Death (DC225),
Potion of Enchanted Armor (EA200),
Potion of Fury (Berserk 350),
Potion of Truth (EW1000),
Potion of Resilience (Unbr 190),

not only for potions, can be true too for every items in AH...

The first & second are online 24/24 :

1st : ======>>>  http://rfsa.atwebpages.com/ <<<======
2sd :======>>> http://rfsa.eu5.net <<<======
3rd :  ====>>> http://rfsa.000webhostapp.com/FS/ <<<====
so, this last one is free too, BUT every day, around 05:00 A.M., the web site will be in sleep for 1 hour.



#26 Kildek



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 02:04

"Current Bid" does not sort by "Current Bid",
but by minimum bid, which is no longer displayed.

* Make the new AH optional with a settings in preferences,
so ppl still can use the old AH.

* Do not changes the names of the AH parameters,
keep the same names as used in the old AH.

http://www.fallenswo...cm ... ex Stone
http://www.fallenswo...cm ... ex Stone

Changing the parameter "search_text" to "search" broke Wiki.
All item pages of wiki with a "Search Auction House" link would have to be re-done.

* Search parameter features (in links):
Make it again possible to determine sort order, item type,
fsp/gold, and so on, in a link.

* Let the AH remember the choice for the sort order (Current Bid/Buy Now/Time Left)
and number of items for each page.
Those choices should be remembered as default for every newly opened page.
Search preferences set by parameters in a link (old AH style parameters),
should have priority though.

* When creating a a new auction, make every item a real link,
instead of using java script.

* For "Preset Template" use a plain list (FS-Helper style on old AH),
instead of a drop down menu.
The drop down menu gets rather cumbersome to select,
if you have many templates + items to sell.


#27 grante28


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 02:27

[*]Increased the maximum min gold bid to 50 million gold and the maximum min FSP bid to 2,500 FSP.

The maximum min FSP bid is still 2,000 FSPs please take a look into it.

#28 fs_bobdole321

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Posted 11 October 2012 - 02:28

When bidding on an item with a bid already placed it should let you know how much more you need to bid like the old AH used to.. instead of doing nothing like this one does if you don't bid enough.. to open the calculator enter the info then go to bid it could have changed in that time especially with snipers..

Even do it like ebay where it says what the minimum bid is over the bid already placed.

#29 Molehunter



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 02:43

What has happen to the "NEW" Auction House? Bought 4 potions of fury and there is no message indicating they are in my mailbox!

BTW, how does one goes into mailbox manually anyway...

Nevermind.. Please ignore above. It appears there is a time delay now.. Sorry.

#30 SandisMan



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 03:16

The 'my auctions' button should override the 'currency' setting. If I am searching for plants with the currency option set to 'gold only'. if i have auctions set for fsp, when i click 'my auctions' the auctions do not come up. Thanks.

#31 4gottn4ver



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 03:26

why not be able to have the ' option ' of using the new version or the old version of AH? FS players have that with the theme of FS and for the world map set up to use the classic or the new versions. an like others have already said about the quick search for pots made it alot easier and less hassle.

I like the idea of staff trying and a few features of it and I been trying to adjust to it an give it some time since being new feature but I like it less each time I click onto to check out AH for something.

#32 sleepysock



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 03:37

When the time left is less than 1 minute, can it be colored red again?

I know these were mentioned before, but..
Can we get first page and last page buttons for navigating?
Can you add a "cancel all" feature for our auctions?
Can you please have the item durability display so we don't have to roll-over to check?

Good job, and thank you for all of your hard work on this update! :)

#33 fs_misskinn

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Posted 11 October 2012 - 03:54

- Please, update the gold amount shown above, after we bid something (in auction) or when doing scavenging.
- show item level in guild report
- able to sort/ filter items based on level not on who has it (guild report)

#34 shokolo



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 04:03

AH still not working good for me!

Aside from the check box filters not filtering correctly ( can a cow check it please?), i can not bid.

Used " grants buff " set for dark curse , then " currency" set for gold only , but when i place the amount, the BID does nothing.

It took a while for the BID to work on the LIB and BER potions when i used the filters.

Oh, and the link to this thread is not opening in a new tab/window, can you fix please?

Thank you

#35 Lellarell



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 04:14

Thank you men! :twisted:

#36 LordOfRuin



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 04:18

Nice update but as many have said quick search and ordering by min bid and 'buy now' need adding/enabling. I also second the need for 'cancel all' and 'sell/post all @ this price' options as FSH had.

Also can we PLEASE have window/field for bids that is larger than 5 characters? anything over 100000 gold means you can't see the whole figure as you type it in - the first numbers entered wander off to the left of field and can no longer be seen. This could lead to some massive overbids on open ended auctions. *Runs off to add open ended auctions :P*



#37 Necra



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 04:25

i love the new update. and im very eager for the fs helper features linked to the AH are in-sync again :P

#38 Woot



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 05:08

Another minor bug is that links to the AH are not working anymore. Other than that, it's cool :3

#39 auksiukas


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 08:00

would be great, that "Time left" will not sort in reverse, but clicking on it - just show real left time

#40 xvbabyvx


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 08:22

why not be able to have the ' option ' of using the new version or the old version of AH? FS players have that with the theme of FS and for the world map set up to use the classic or the new versions. an like others have already said about the quick search for pots made it alot easier and less hassle.

I like the idea of staff trying and a few features of it and I been trying to adjust to it an give it some time since being new feature but I like it less each time I click onto to check out AH for something.

Or perhaps a Template for Quick Search where we can Enter the items we search alot like potions or resources... That Can Be Saved alot like what the FSHELPER had...
as well as a Bid on All button?
Like when I invent I had a Fshelper template quick search for Every resource I used alot then would search that way select Buy now and the click Bid On All buying Pages of resources at a time to be able to invent successfully...

Really not trying to be a pain but I haven't invented since the new ah and i'm having withdrawls :(

Also another suggestion when we click B for Drop Items FSHelper had a thing where if we would like to view that Item on Ah we could click ah/sell to see the prices/or sell it on ah can you implement somethinf like that as well

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