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New Titans to come. What would you like to see?

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#21 Eru


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 19:24

Question before posting any ideas: can the new titans drop items that are sets?

I would like items that are used for something other then stam gain. Sets make the items useful in all game aspects, if there are no plans for sets I have no unique suggestions.

I personally think this is a good idea.. I mean EPIC items are virtually only used for Stamina gaining.. Why WOULDN'T you attempt to make them halfway useful in other areas other than Stamina Gain?

+1 to the Epic Strategist 8)

#22 Eru


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 19:37


Another quick set of questions..

1. What happens to the players that are NOT in guilds and manage to land a solo secure (if this is even possible in the first place)?

2. Why don't you just release all of these new titans and see how it goes then? I say this thinking that the Titan Hunters will most likely be blowing their stamina like crazy in this case so you would have no need for the 7 day ban if they are sitting at little to no stamina? (assuming there was going to be enough new titans to satisfy this need)

3. Why not make "Special Tiered Titans"? By this I mean have specific NEW titans made specifically for people that only have Bronze Medals, Silver Medals, Gold Medals and so on.. You could make these also be low level and then if someone gets a secure the guild could vote and choose from a possible range of different drops?

Hopefully these are constructive and possible suggestions, feel free for constructive criticism (play nice :wink: )

#23 Nagoyaka



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 19:37

I want to see the stats of a lvl 1500+ titan 8)

#24 DragonLord



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 20:13

All in favour of new titans coming out - maybe every 100 levels ??

Whilst on the subject of titans tho, can I reference you to this post I made ? - should help slot in new titans ;)


But, a big fat NO to epic sets ...

#25 levy1977



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 20:14

I think a few ideas here really can work out good.

Newer players to the game need to get to level 25 before they can PvP? right?

Flood the lower levels with double xp potions that are bound and have a 30min timer on them, block the higher levels from taking part, this will give junior levels a chance to experience that part of the game, learn titan hunting and determine if they are going to make that aspect of the game their primary.

Quest for level 25
The Double XP titan.....spawn rate every 6-12 hours, entire guild earns a double xp pot in their mailbox, but the required/restricted level on it is levels 25-99 (meaning you must be in that level range to be able to activate it)

Ogalith Titan....level 100.. spawns more frequently. This gives all those junior levels who are hitting the quest/double xp titan a chance to power level up to level 100 using that potion, and therefore allowing the junior levels to participate more, prepping them for Titans that we hunt already.

Adding titans throughout the rest of the levels is fine, add 5 or 10 more.

And for my ULTIMATE idea:
Perhaps making the END OF CONTENT level every update, spawn a titan that does not die, make it so that every hour, the total kills on it goes into your TKP totals, allowing the END OF CONTENT players choose to burn their stamina endlessly on that titan, as a reward to them for reaching end of content, and a way they can burn their stamina. Make the titan at the EOC spawn every 3 hours as a new titan, like 3 hours = Ogalith....3 hours = skally...3 hours = fuva....etc.. this gives the End of Content players a chance to titan hunt around the clock, earning TKPs for the guild if they so choose. :lol:

Other Ideas..lol
level 1500 Titan: The BigGrim Reaper :twisted:
Drop: (ring) Ring of Grim +4 stamina gain, +8 xp gain

level 500 Titan: The Bay Harbor Butcher :evil:
Drop: (Boots) Boots of Cleverness +2 stamina gain, +4 xp gain

level 300 Titan: Not So Serious Black :x
Drop: (Armor) Cloak of Darkness +2 stamina gain, +4 xp gain

level 40 Titan: Awww Shucks Norris 8)
Drop: (Boots) The Round House Kickers +1 stamina gain, +2 xp gain :lol:

sorry if I got carried away :shock:

#26 Eru


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 20:22

level 1500 Titan: The BigGrim Reaper :twisted:
Drop: (ring) Ring of Grim +4 stamina gain, +8 xp gain

level 500 Titan: The Bay Harbor Butcher :evil:
Drop: (Boots) Boots of Cleverness +2 stamina gain, +4 xp gain

level 300 Titan: Not So Serious Black :x
Drop: (Armor) Cloak of Darkness +2 stamina gain, +4 xp gain

level 40 Titan: Awww Shucks Norris 8)
Drop: (Boots) The Round House Kickers +1 stamina gain, +2 xp gain :lol:

LMAO at level 40 titan.. Although I think that it should be a level 2000 Titan :twisted: (just kidding btw for you all that can't take a joke :) )

#27 Maehdros



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 20:24

But, a big fat NO to epic sets ...

+1 Was mentioned before and shot down. Stick to your guns hcs. Nice update:)

#28 PreyDragon



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 21:49

As for new titan ideas, Could you make us a Shadow Titan from the shadow lord himself - this titan could require the reveal skill in order to see and attack it as it hides amongst the shadows of darkness. Why not even spawn it in dark realms where vision comes into effect and make more use of that buff aswell.

We really do need an epic ring dropped from a new titan.
Ring of Shadowy Darkness sounds nice :P

#29 fs_kaykayy

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Posted 07 November 2012 - 22:27

Maybe a lvl 200 titan dropping rune recipe , that need Ogalith/Kraken/Skaldir as components
which might increase the prices of those mentioned epics.

#30 goolsby7



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 22:31

before i get into my idea, i just wana point a few things out o3o

there are some pretty cool ideas out there ill agree, but we need to also pay attention to what type of epics we need.

so far we have:

4 amulets:
deepwater choker (60), Amulet of the Seraphim (300), Choker of Viridian Light (300), Gnarled Scarab Amulet (800)

8 shields, and only 3 if you count each elemental into a single titan drop:
Writhing Ward (100), Shield of Demonic Visage (500), Razored Azure Shield (500), Elemental Shield Blank (900), Elemental Blazing Shield (900), Elemental Shimmering Shield (900), Elemental Terra Shield (900), Elemental Zephyr Shield (900)

4 gloves:
Ogaliths Fiery Grasp (100), Mashing Mallow Mitts (300), Bladed War Gauntlets (600), Vine Tendril Gauntlets (1200)

3 runes:
Fuvayus Vortex Stone (400), Eye of Ouroboros (1000), Roach Rune of Epidemicus (1200)

9 weapons:
Reborn Elemental Air Javelin (100), Inferno Hammer (200), Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer (300), Blue Man of War Sword (400), Reborn Elemental Trident of Water (500), Gnarled Scarab Spike (650), Reborn Elemental Blade of Fire (700), Mace of the Colossus (700), Flail of the Colossus (700)

3 helmets:
Krimson Kardic Helm (100), Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm (550), Helm of the Flaming Mind (900)

5 armors:
Wickermans Burning Breastplate (180), Steamwork Cuirass (300), Ridged Legion Breastplate (700), Breastplate of Obsidian Ribs (700), Dragon Draped Breastplate (1101)

3 rings:
Signet of Spiral Light (200), Ring of Red Death (200), Gnarled Scarab Ring (700)

3 boots:
Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps (260), Fel Lightning Treads (800), Dragon Draped Sabatons (1101)

my point here is that we need to also focus on making the epics that these "new" titans drop not only fill in the level range, but also the item types.

now to my idea XD

a new rune that may be exponentially lower in level, but would be a challenge and add a new element to titans.

Wickermans Glowing Ember (EPIC)
HP:-20 (your holding a burning ember nitwit XD)
XP Gain:2
Stamina Gain:2
Gold Gain:20

more or less a modified armor, but you get the idea :o

now the new aspect to titans would be that you can not get the rune through TKP or %kills.
you would have to get a resource or quest item to invent it. the thing is that its an epic one. so instead of getting an epic gear item, youd get a chance drop while hunting the Wickerman to get a piece of it (in game expanation). now since it would be a PAIN to get a drop like that (if something like this was implemented) there would be a new titan rewards page, were you could spend TKP on the resource/quest item needed to make said epic.


forgot this part XDD

keep in mind this is just an idea :o

as for new titans, there might be something else to look into.

these next 3 titans DO NOT have a secure drop or kill amount :o for every 10k kills your guild gets on the titan, you get 1 TKP. the items need (in this order) 2500 TKP, 5000 TKP, and 10000 TKP.

the titans:

Ah Puch, the Horder
LV 150
titan HP 10,000
{random stats here}
once a minor god, he now roams about the world hoarding anything he finds valuable. {yada yada background here}

~TKP buys Bobanarts Crystal Skull (Epic)~

Ceto, the ugly
LV 350
titan HP 25,000
{random stats here}
once a beutiful woman, she was cursed by one of the gods for an unknown reason. now she weeps of her fate {yada yada background here}

~Bottle of Gorgon Tears (Epic)~

LV 600
titan HP 55,000
{random stats here}
Feilong's hated father, Meng Zhang sleeps deep within the earth. sometimes he awakens, and when he does he leave a path of death and destruction in his wake. {yada yada background here}

~Fang of Meng Zhang (Epic)~

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#31 Bleltch



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 22:59

I'd like to see a titan system that doesn't rely on competition against other players. Make a guild get organized and work for a reward at there own pace.

#32 Blenny


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 23:14

Maybe a lvl 200 titan dropping rune recipe , that need Ogalith/Kraken/Skaldir as components
which might increase the prices of those mentioned epics.

I was thinking something similar. An example have the Wickermans and Steamwork as items required to make a new lvl 360 Epic armor and maybe make that a set and have the Deepwater Choker along with one of those lvl 300 amulets to make an lvl 360 amulet to go along with the armor. Of course it doesn't have to be this exactly but something similar :P

#33 Filletminion



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 23:18

I'd like to see titans every 100 levels as has been said offering random drops so that each of the new ones has 2 or 3 possible drops for a guild securing.
And guilds going via the TKP route can choose the item they want for their tkp.

And a definite NO ! to epic sets .

#34 thisple



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 23:42

Question before posting any ideas: can the new titans drop items that are sets?

I would like items that are used for something other then stam gain. Sets make the items useful in all game aspects, if there are no plans for sets I have no unique suggestions.

Can I get a H A L L E L U J U H from the congregation!!! :mrgreen:

#35 thisple



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 23:46

As for new levels, I believe previous posters have already provided an accurate lay of the land.

I also like the idea that a titan can drop more than one item. Like a Super Elite.

Another suggestion along the lines of the inventing thread a few folks have talked about... I would like to see some of the items that we get out of chests actually have some value, so maybe we can use some of those currently useless baubles to make some shiny new ones :-D

#36 Leos3000



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 00:06

But, a big fat NO to epic sets ...

The argument used to be that they would be too powerful, but no set or item could be nearly as powerful as the recent pot's that have come into the game with KE 525, SH 525 and so on. So I really am curious as to what the opposition to epics sets would be now, other then you do not want the items to be useful?

I would be fine if the set bonus was small, and you just had the majority of stat points in Epics. sets and items in sets are what the game revolves around now so if it takes someone hours to get a single item shouldn't it be used for more then regaining the stam they just spent to get it back?

Epic sets would hardly be overpowered anymore, they would just be USEFUL!

#37 Maehdros



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 00:36

But, a big fat NO to epic sets ...

The argument used to be that they would be too powerful, but no set or item could be nearly as powerful as the recent pot's that have come into the game with KE 525, SH 525 and so on. So I really am curious as to what the opposition to epics sets would be now, other then you do not want the items to be useful?

I would be fine if the set bonus was small, and you just had the majority of stat points in Epics. sets and items in sets are what the game revolves around now so if it takes someone hours to get a single item shouldn't it be used for more then regaining the stam they just spent to get it back?

Epic sets would hardly be overpowered anymore, they would just be USEFUL!

If epics weren't useful now, they wouldn't be selling for a few hundred fsp or even a thousand fsp :)

I do get your point about sets, and so many buffs being based on sets, trust me, however, A possible buff ( 1600? ) that enables epics to be counted as a set item ( for coord attack, coord defense) would probably be suitable? ( off topic i know but had to get it in there).

#38 hbklives



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:24

I'd like to see a titan system that doesn't rely on competition against other players. Make a guild get organized and work for a reward at there own pace.

I actually kinda like this. Maybe make their rewards bound to the guild or player.. I dunno.


#39 slingerett



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:30

I would like to see a GUILD BOUND epic titan drop. A new titan that the drop is guild bound, perhaps with an option of 3 or 4 different items...level 100 or 200 for the new or lower level players in guilds across the game.

#40 bigchaos



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 06:45

Not sure what level you make this titan but I like to see twin titans on same battle grid you need both kills to make a complete titan item. Make one titan part a and the other part b so there is a challenge and merge or invent both pieces for final epic. I think it would make a challenge to all guild levels and the rotation of guild time out factor would play here to help. Though chasing two twisted titans in same frame would be a challenge and fun in my opinion. :mrgreen:

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