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TA Idea

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#21 ultramus



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Posted 19 February 2015 - 23:39

A massive sign should be posted in the trappers village saying "All Resources on this isle are property of his Royal Highness. Theft will not be tolerated and a portion of any returned goods will be awarded to any who stop the thieves"

#22 Fizban



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 01:07

Here is what I insta think will happen. Guy pops potion, heads in. Has some guy eagerly waiting to kill him. He insta dies. wasted ep or whatever on said potion. Needs to buy again....... the trolling would be so off the scale. Eventually you would end up in a situation of nobody would use the potion from trolling, because some will just love people wasting ep gold or whatever on protection.  If anything this will perk the interest of hunters to kill gatherers even more for fun and you said they get a boost token drop also.


Gathering was brought to trappers to try and save the dead pvp area. It created more probs than it ever solved. I think we need to stop building on top of the shaky foundations hcs built.  The gatherers are like sacrificial lambs to please the few pvp players that actually go there.  Then they get upset and quit or whatever, because they just wanted to do something faster than spending ages gathering crappy mats outside ta.


Simply put, grinding skills is boring, of course gatherers will go to ta to pick up mats in TA as it has extra mats and is faster. I laugh so much every time someone acts smug and says well they should go somewhere else and gather. You would be alone by yourself more than likely if mats were not in there. Also it is crushing for them even if they know there is a chance they will loose stuff. Espec if it was a lot and people will get upset. I remember in there I lost a lot months ago, more than 50%, more like 90%, unless it was broken for me or changed since then.


But fair play for trying to think of an idea. But any idea is putting a tiny plaster on a gaping wound which is TA. HCS never had a clue what they were doing with that place and like most things. They plaster over the cracks and move on to not revisit because they are so heavily burdened with the next things they need to move on to.


Edited : for a spelling and to clear up a point.

i laugh at you laughing at peeps that say gather elsewhere, note, TA was introduced for the Pvpers in this game (of which i am not one) there's a warning upon entering that it is a PvP area, yet players still go there and moan about getting killed, what? can't they read? or maybe they think they're immune or someone special, laugh at this 'DON'T WANNA BE KILLED, DON'T GO TO TA'' it aint hard to understand that, is it? yes, get rid of gathering nodes in TA, make people work for rewards, TA makes it far too easy for gatherers/crafters, make players have to reach a certain level to gather at areas where mobs are at the resource level, then lets see what the moaners have to say :P

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#23 itsme0


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 05:07

Or the gatherers could gather outside of TA :)

Apparently you missed my point so let me repeat it and then expand on it.


The open level pvp sin't a good system. If a level 15 and a level 45 want to duke it out, go right ahead. However what if you want to try to pvp around level 30? I'd say good luck to finding a fair fight.


If TA was pretty much only for pvp then there would be no reason for lower level people to go there. I mean I doubt any level 15s are going to be killing the level 45s. The ONLY reason that lower levels got here IS for the resources.


If there was a level restrictin or some type of different areas where you could fight fairly (level 15-20 zone, 20-25 zone etc) then it could be more focused for pvp without making it someone where non end game toons shouldn't go.


Personally, I don't gather at TA except for the daily and that's only sometimes. It's either too easy to gather mass amounts, or you get killed. I don't think there should be resources there, but if they are taken away without something else added in there's going to be no reason for lower levels to even attempt taking part in TA.


This may only be my own opinion, but I don't think there should be an area of the game that low levels can access that gives them no benefit.

#24 Blissy



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 05:33

i laugh at you laughing at peeps that say gather elsewhere, note, TA was introduced for the Pvpers in this game (of which i am not one) there's a warning upon entering that it is a PvP area, yet players still go there and moan about getting killed, what? can't they read? or maybe they think they're immune or someone special, laugh at this 'DON'T WANNA BE KILLED, DON'T GO TO TA'' it aint hard to understand that, is it? yes, get rid of gathering nodes in TA, make people work for rewards, TA makes it far too easy for gatherers/crafters, make players have to reach a certain level to gather at areas where mobs are at the resource level, then lets see what the moaners have to say :P


oh nooooo don't take smuggled away cuz then be more players gathering at my gathering spots ( which are everywhere), lol jk jk ;) :P

Slow but steady wins the race or something like that.

I'm just taking it slow, not sure about the steady.

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#25 Blissy



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 05:43

"The open level pvp sin't a good system. If a level 15 and a level 45 want to duke it out, go right ahead. However what if you

If there was a level restrictin or some type of different areas where you could fight fairly (level 15-20 zone, 20-25 zone etc) then it could be more focused for pvp without making it someone where non end game toons shouldn't go."



I do kind of agree with this idea too.  it's another alternative way to go.   since they are considering another pvp map maybe they should just revamp it some and make maps for differen't levels to venture too.  it could solve some of the players complaints about it and get more of those of all levels who do enjoy some pvp in action because they will venture to the maps made for their levels.  you could have it so you can't enter the other maps unless you within those levels.


the maps I mentioned were also level restricted but would be like a map where you couldn't enter till you were for example lvl 30 +, a map where you could enter at 20+ and so on.   of course those maps meant you had to reach those levels to enter.


your suggestion places a bit more restriction and a sort of map arena without the open ended any level above the entry level can enter which may be a fair solution and not that hard to implement if they have more then one pvp map in game.


with just the one map so far I think it's  not doable because then where does the entry start and cap at?


I think at the very least everyone has given HC some food for thought about pvp areas and room to change the mechanics of what currently exsists if it's feasible in the future. 

  I also think players would have to be very patient about changes that possibly could come from player suggestions.  


HC does listen but may have limits in what they can work on at a time and currently they gave us a post with in coming updates that hopefully are the next to come such as guilds and raising the cap level.


so it's also a matter of patience on the players part to continue the suggestions and debates about this and more :)


Edited by Blissy, 20 February 2015 - 05:44.

Slow but steady wins the race or something like that.

I'm just taking it slow, not sure about the steady.

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#26 Falbal



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 18:28

Let me just take this time to say I can't stand the people who PK in TA and go after the gathers!


Excuse me, but isn' that the whole point of a PVP area? It is so typical for people that they want the benefits of being in a dangerous area without wanting to face the risks. There is a reason for TA being the best place to gather stuff, because it is dangerous, because you risk being killed. Take that away and you might as well remove TA completely from the game. Everyone should be free to kill anyone in a PVP area, and no one should complain about it.

#27 redsmokeboy



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 18:46

Issue is in blance of 15 - 45 in same map - area one's who have no chance what so every start with or being gange killed.


Sys in place alll risk to gather with limited gain , Gain x999 stacking Gold tooken's = valor


Pker All gain no lose, Kill gather gain every thing ather work for with no risk to my self other then potional lose of material just stoll start with. No Risk as PKer.


All risk for gather no risk to player killer.

Frog - Archer - lvl 49

Kazzarat - Templar lvl 49 Skiller

Redsmokegirl - War/sin lvl 49


Q PvP | No repair fee's | 1% EXP of lvl | Valor | Weekly 10 match | Achvemnt's | So much more Join when log | Click on cross sword via mini map Q solo |


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#28 Blissy



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 04:34

Excuse me, but isn' that the whole point of a PVP area? It is so typical for people that they want the benefits of being in a dangerous area without wanting to face the risks. There is a reason for TA being the best place to gather stuff, because it is dangerous, because you risk being killed. Take that away and you might as well remove TA completely from the game. Everyone should be free to kill anyone in a PVP area, and no one should complain about it.


actually Falbal, 3Kings is being sarcastic in his posts LOL, he's well known to be quite the pvp/pk'r. he's kind of making a point that it is indeed a pvp area and all that. js :P

Slow but steady wins the race or something like that.

I'm just taking it slow, not sure about the steady.

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