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VOS II- The Roleplay

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#21 gothador_kareena

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 21:25

To her suprise the shadowy figure didn't say a word to her and ran off into the woods; a brown cloak billowing around them.

Chuckling to herself, Kareena wondered if her frying pan had scared them off. "Well I'd best look around town for others, though not for long with this chill weather" Kareena mused.

Kareena paused to listen; thinking she had heard a human voice- though she couldn't make out what was said. She did however spy a very hairy, though handsome man knocking on a door a few houses down the block. He seemed vaguely familiar to her, and yet was still a stranger. Despite the uneasy feeling Kareena had; her innate friendliness took hold and she jogged over to the house she had seen the man disappear into.

Shivering abit; Kareena rapped on the door, and stood there waiting to see who would answer.

#22 gothador_jimmymac

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 21:30

Jimmy opned an eye and looked up, seeing the sun in the sky and feeling the ground hard beneath his back. He groaned and tried to sit up, one hand going to his head.

Ahh man, i drank toooo much last night.

He blinked twice and looked round, seeing people gathering in the street. He stood slowly and walked out of the alleyway he woken up in using the wall to keep himself upright.

He nodded slowly to the people he saw, not recognising them but knowing that he should. He made his way to a bench and sat down. He looked up and down the street, wondering which house he lived in, he shook his head, trying to clear it and muttered to himself.

I really gotta quit the drink.

#23 gothador_wolfjack

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 21:52

WolfJack stepped inside, looking at the girl and another man, his fingers still playing with the pipe in his hand.

"Hello. My name is WolfJack and, unfortunately, I don't have any answer beyond that.....I was hoping I could find some here."

He looked around, the small cottage was much like the one he had just left. He walked over to the fire and knelt, grabbing another piece of tinder, and rose back to his feet along with a puff of smoke.

"Let me guess, both of you can remember everything fine since the time you woke up but have no rememberances from before...."

WolfJack paused in mid-word as another loud rapping sounded upon the door.




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Posted 29 November 2005 - 21:55

Shivering abit; Kareena rapped on the door, and stood there waiting to see who would answer.

After the other man enter and said his name, she closed the door, but then again another knock has hear...

"Damm...I should put a sign.."Come in...in you have anything to answer or questioning" she said laughing and smiling to the men...

She opened the door, and find infront of it a woman this time, she smiled...

"Looks like I won't have this 2 for me only, please come in...if you are friendly...My name is Roxatha, this is my house, I'm sorry I don't remember your name, the one over there is Nuke, and this one is WolfJack..."

#25 gothador_ayla

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 22:10

From the chair in the parlour, Ayla can see out her window to the house across the street. One by one, she sees people filter in through the doorway. Silently she wonders is there really safety in numbers, or are they all just eggs in a basket?

Ayla can feel each minute pass by. She knows that something is wrong and not everything is as it seems.

Somebody is misrepresenting themselves. Who though? Someone in the house across the way? Or maybe even somebody next door to me?

She sits back thinking for a moment or two. In the back of her mind she can hear a wise old voice telling her "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Ah, but that is the question. Who is friend and who is foe?

Silently she watches the traffic as it goes by. Ayla feels another minute tick past and knows, all of this has happened before. When, or how, she can't quite put her finger on.

She can't help but wonder if maybe her dream was more of a premonition. A bad omen of things to come. She rises from her chair and with a deliberate march, she walks across the street and knocks on the door.

Ayla has a message to deliver. She must do it quickly, and get back to her residence before the sun goes down.




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Posted 29 November 2005 - 22:16

She was closing the door *again* when another knock was hear..."Damn!! I feel like the "Botones" from a hotel"

"Who is it?" she asked..."Give me a reason to open my door to you.."

#27 gothador_ayla

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 22:22

"Who is it? Why should I open my door from you?"

Such impertinance from this strange woman! Ayla feels the hairs upon her neck stand straight at attention.

Obvously, I am nobody you wish you hear from apparently. I'll be on my way.

Ayla turns to walk away. She feels there is something odd about a woman that has been opening her door all night to strangers, and yet, shows such rudeness to one that lives across the street.

Definately eggs in a basket, she thinks to herself. I'm glad to not be one of them.

Ayla walks back to the safety of her own door.

I trust no one here, but I trust her even less now. And she's given me good reason to.

#28 nukleardog



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Posted 29 November 2005 - 22:24

"Let me guess, both of you can remember everything fine since the time you woke up but have no rememberances from before...."

WolfJack paused in mid-word as another loud rapping sounded upon the door.

"You too? I wonder why this is happening. Although I get the impression that this is not limited to just us three. Could we all be suffering from some sickness?"




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Posted 29 November 2005 - 22:39

Obvously, I am nobody you wish you hear from apparently. I'll be on my way.

I trust no one here, but I trust her even less now. And she's given me good reason to.

She open the door and saw the other person leaving..."Hey hold there...I was asking who you were....HEY HEY!!!" she called hoping the person hears her...

"If you decide to come again!!! Just tell your name!!!"" she screamed loud so the other person can hear her...

She closed the door again " that was wierd...I was trying to get the name before I opened...but I think he-her got me wrong...Any ways...Yes...Happend to me too...I don't remember much"

#30 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 23:52

With a moan DarkDragon88 dragged himself out of his bed.

"Urgh... what time is it?"

Dragging his feet in a zombie like motion he made way to the curtians and drew them back. Then shut them quickly. The sun was too bright, he realised he should have waited for his eyes to adjust first but at least he now knew it was well past sunrise. He then proceeded to get dressed using the clothes that were on the end of the bed which was a black open necked shirt, some black trousers and a pair of well worn black boots.

I need a wider selection of clothes

He then made a quick snack of bread and some, stone cold, leftover soup from the pot over the fireplace before picking up a shovel from next to the door and headed outside.

Ok, I've had a slow start today but I have to make up for it. Now I have to work extra hard....

It was then and only just then he was struck by the fact he had no idea what it was he was going to do. Everything up to that point had been automatic like old habits, you do certain things without noticing you are even doing it.

"Ooooookkkkk..... errr.......think.....think... What am I suppose to be doing right about now? Wait a sec, what was I doing yesterday?? Or the day before that??"

After several minutes of confusion he then realised that he couldn't remember where he was, the names of friends or if he actually had any friends. Some time later and a lot of pacing back and farwards he had finally come to the following conclusion:

"My name is DarkDragon88"

Not exactly much to go on....

Who am I kidding? Honestly, it's not any use at all unless someone else knows me.

And with those thoughts he then proceeed to make his way through the village looking for someone who maybe... just maybe had the answers he was looking for.

#31 gothador_kareena

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 01:06

After the other man enter and said his name, she closed the door, but then again another knock has hear...

"Damm...I should put a sign.."Come in...in you have anything to answer or questioning" she said laughing and smiling to the men...

She opened the door, and find infront of it a woman this time, she smiled...

"Looks like I won't have this 2 for me only, please come in...if you are friendly...My name is Roxatha, this is my house, I'm sorry I don't remember your name, the one over there is Nuke, and this one is WolfJack..."

Smiling uncertainly Kareena stepped through the doorway; there was a slight click as Roxatha shut the door behind her.

"Hello, my name is Kareena" she said as she made a small curtesy in greeting to each of the men. Turning to Roxatha, Kareena said "Thank you for letting me into your home; I'm afraid I've lost my..."

Kareena paused as a loud rap on the door sounded behind her.

Roxatha spoke to the unknown visitor "Who is it?" she asked..."Give me a reason to open my door to you.."

Kareena heard the voice, of a woman she thought, say "Obvously, I am nobody you wish you hear from apparently. I'll be on my way. "

As Roxatha shouted after the unknown person; Kareena looked at the others in the room. "At least there is safety in numbers right?" she said with a hopeful smile. "What shall we do now?"

#32 gothador_ayla

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 02:29

Ayla hears a voice calling out to her from the very house she just visited. She starts to walk back over when she notices....

The sun is setting.

suddenly, an irrational fear crosses her mind that she must get inside quickly. She waves politely to the onlookers at Roxatha's place before rushing back through her door.

Taking a quick glance up and down the street, she notices someone else wandering around aimlessly it seems. The man wore black from head to toe. He looked to be just a bit lost.

Hey, you! Ayla calls out to the wandering man. You'd best be getting back inside your home quickly now. Troubles brewing fast.

Ayla heads back inside, but leaves a candle in the window. In the kitchen, she makes herself some dinner, only to realize she isn't very hungry anymore. The knot of fear and bewilderment has overtaken any space in her stomach. She sits back down in her chair, blanket wrapped around her and looks out the window for signs of danger.

Dreams are not reality, she tells herself. Dreams only have the meaning that you attach to them.

#33 gothador_purgatorix

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 04:30

Tori sat in a chair she had pulled up to her window, watching as the the strangers moved through the village. Each had the same look of confusion, the same desperate sense of dread written all over their faces.

What's happening here? she thought, wrapping her arms around herself to keep from shaking. Who are these people? Why... why do I feel like I should know them?

She watched, almost holding her breath, as a few ventured towards others cottages. A strange fear grasped at her heart; part of her longed to reach out, to try & find someone who might recognize her & yet, another part of her screamed to stay put, stay hidden... stay safe.

'Safe from what?' she wondered aloud. She glanced up at the quickly darkening sky, wishing she could see through the dark clouds that seemed to hang so low... too low...

A sudden movement in the street startled her, & reflexively she jumped, knocking her chair backwards with a loud clatter. She clasped her hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp as she realized it was just another stranger, a man clad all in... black.

Stop it, Tori, she chastised herself. You're jumping at everything! Got to calm down... She righted her overturned chair, then crossed to her small stove & set a kettle on to boil. She then paced a bit while trying to collect her thoughts.

'Well, at least I remember how to make tea,' she chuckled, a wry smile on her lips. It quickly vanished as her eyes fell upon the spot of light from her window cast on the opposite wall. It was growing very dim, & that same, irrational fear threatened to seize her, to fix her to that spot, unmoving forever.

The kettle's whistle snapped her out of her trance, & she rushed to remove it from the stove. As her tea steeped, she grabbed a few candles to light the growing darkness of her home.

'Just... just try to make it through the night...' she whispered to herself, trying to find reassurance in the candle's faint glow. 'Once the sun rises... once it's light out, I'll try to find something... someone... that I can remember...'

#34 gothador_kareena

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 04:38

Looking at the light growing dim, Kareena realized she didn't want to go back outside. Looking hopefully at Roxatha, she said "May I stay here for the night? I really don't want to be outside; not even for the few mins it would take to get to my house".

Making herself comfortable in a nearby chair; Kareena prepared to wait out the long night with the others. Hopefully it would be a quiet night.

#35 gothador_aero

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 05:06

Aero Stood by some bushes walking slowly...

As he walked he tried to remember anything about yesterday, even the date,
But he couldn't remember a thing...nothing but his name, Prince Mirshann Del Aero lil kult'ressin.
Looking at his clothing, they were a rich dark maroon in color,
trimmed in silver with gold and ruby fittings and clasps.

He was royalty...
Also he had the feeling he was doing something very important yesterday but for the life of him he couldnt remember what it was he was doing.

It was getting dark and he decided to find someplace to sleep..
So looking around at the town Aero realized he didnt know where he was either.

With a heavy sigh he headed towards what appeared to be the town inn.

#36 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 05:26

Chaotix whistled as he sat on the roof of his house. He loved watching the sun come up, especially this time of year. This morning, however, there was a definite chill in the air. The hair on the back of his neck tingled. Something was afoot here, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

Shrugging he smiled and raised his panpipes to his mouth. Playing a merry tune he laid on his back enjoying the sun's glow. He had taken a break from his line of work to come on vacation to Stratos and he wasn't going to let it worry him right now.

#37 Kayla



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Posted 30 November 2005 - 09:11

The sun was setting...

The night before had offered little but some sort of curse it seemed, Kayla noted as she wondered at a certain empty space inside and the wanderings of people, who seemed as lost as her, confused and uncertain.

Shivering, she gazed briefly at the sun as it made it's definate descent.

Vaguely she wondered what tonight would offer, before she wandered into the home she had awoken in.

#38 gothador_ayla

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 13:32

Ayla watched ass the streets began to clear. Odd, she thought. It seems everyone else has the same feeling of foreboding as I do. She could see people peering out of their windows as though they were looking out for the very same thing she was. Nothing at all, but maybe something that means them harm.

Bored even in her own fear, Ayla gets up to reaquaint herself with her home.

I've lived here all of my life, or so it seems, and yet, I remember nothing of this place that I call home.

She first goes to look at her bookshelves. Apparently, she likes good horror stories and mysteries as those types of books are scattered everywhere. She notes the absence of the typical female type romance novels. Looking around the room again, she realized it is just her in this small cottage. She shares it with no one.

Ayla heads off to her bedroom to look through her closet. She notices that her cothing, while classy, is not overly revealing. A glance through her make up supplies reveals that she goes more for an understated look and nothing flamboyant. Apparently, she, unlike many other women, is not on the prowl.

Looking arouond, Ayla finds an old diary. Thirsty for knowledge of her life, she takes it back to her chair and begins to read.

Mother stopped by again today. She insists that I need to have a man in my life. She brought more of her loose outfits for me which promptly went into the rubbish. I know that she means well, but she needs to realize one thing. If there is ever to be anyone by my side, he will have to accept me for me.

Before Ayla turns the page, she notices that the date for the entry is missing. The next page appears to be blank except at the bottom.

While rumored to be a good thing, garlic is actually quite ineffective.

Puzzled, Ayla turns the next page, and the next and the next until she finally finds an entry. Before she even begins to read, she realizes, entire entries into her journal are missing. Not just blacked out, but totally missing.

How the hell has this happened? Why? This is my life, and somebody thinks they have the right to take it from me?

Angered now, Ayla grabs her diary and marches through her home and out the door.

Who did this? Who is responsible for defacing my property? For going through my things and ruining what memories of my life I've left for myself? Answer me now! Ayla yells so loud that her throat aches a bit. She wants answers, she wants them now and she doesn't seem to care that the sun is now totally gone.

#39 Truffle



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Posted 30 November 2005 - 15:18

Truffle awoke, stretched and arose, walking into her kitchen to fix a pot of coffee, she took down a cup, set it on the counter and impatiently waited for her fresh brew that got her going in the morning.

She heard voices outside and walk to the window to see what it was, as she watch, various people, walking around town, almost lost, passed by. She watched them disappear into a neighoring house. She thought nothing of it and went back to her waiting.

After the coffee finished brewing, she poured a cup, sat down at the table and began to think about her day. A baffled look crossed her face as she thought to herself, "What do I usually do everyday?".

Fear came across her face when she realized she was in a home that seemed familiar but yet not as cozy as home as she didn't remember or recall anything at all.

She walked to the window again watching people go by, two ladies seemed to have had a slight argument.

Truffle spent the rest of her day inside her house, peering out her window between the curtains, afraid to exit as to what lie out there. She wasn't sure what it was but it scared her more than anything.

After a long day, she slept through the night soundly hoping that in the morning, she would remember everything and her day could continue on like normal.

"What is normal?", She thought to herself.
Dark night took her to slumber once again.

#40 gothador_balord

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 15:18

Hearing someone shouting in the street stirs balord from some sort of wild thought he was in the middle of...for a moment it seemed he had a visitor but he now realized that no one was here! He felt strange because only a moment ago it seemed it was daylight and now it was dark again. He went to window to see a woman standing there waiving her arms about and shouting something that he could not make out. She held a book which she shifted from one hand to the other. "Maybe I should investigate." Balord said to no one in particular, and head down the stair and out to the street.

When he got down to the street Balord noticed that the woman was quite angry about something but had become quiet now...for the moment.

"Is there a problem madam?" Out side of the fact that he could remember very little of anything, Balord felt that he should or could somehow offer help to the woman. "My name is Balord, perhaps I can assist you somehow." Balord noticed that she was dressed in plane yet fery fine clothing.

"Did YOU take the pages from my diary? I can't remember anything other than this day and the only link I had to my memories has been stolden from me!" Waiving the book in Balords face in a threating manor she adds, "Did you do it?!"

"Hold on there!" Balord replied. "Im not even sure I KNOW you! Even if I did I can think of no reason I would deface your personal property. I would however be glad to help you look fro the missing peaces of your book...strange though, you said that you can't remember anything much, the same thing seems to have happened to me too. I don't even know the name of thsi village. I was just passing through on my way to...DAMN I don't even know where I was going to! I think maybe we should go inside now however it is very dark out here and something feels off if you know what I mean."

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