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I got attacked!

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#21 fs_treeline

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 20:28

I will do one better, i will talk to hoof and get him banned from the game and the forums.

WTG delux906, your my hero, thats how cool people do it.

1) Awesome, that idiot is gone, WTG delux!
2) I guess getting people banned is the cool thing to do now, eh? Haha!

1) Yes, it is awesome! Thanks the real delux!

2) Getting people claiming to be a clone of a well known player banned is and always was the cool thing to do.

#22 fs_treeline

  • Guests

Posted 25 September 2007 - 09:54

Awesome, I'm getting on the good side of people ^^

I'm not people

I'm treeline :P

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