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Night Of the RedMoon

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#21 fs_titsue

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 13:51

OOC: that's ok, welcome back ace XD, Spenser you gonna post?

Night of the RedMoon

Titsue was slightly shocked, just seeing a dragon appearing out of nowhere and eating those Trupracobla's, he looked around at the ring barrier type of thing they had been in and blinked, but thinking to himself ~Some one had to summon that thing~ he began to look around.

The elder was grinning and jumping up and down in the ring where they had been "Woo Hoo fight! knock them down!!! the elder yelled with joy, he was just glad he didn't get eaten by them creatures but instead they had got eaten there selves.

The Trupracobla's where attacked by the dragon while they where trying to attack others "ah! retreat! retreat!!" yelled one Trupracobla, all of the Trupracobla's began to run besides three. The king looked at the dragon creature and narrowed his eyes "Don't run you idiotic fools! attack!!!" The Trupracobla's turned back around "For food! YEAH!" said all of them, they all attacked the dragon jumping on it's back so they wouldn't be eaten by jumping straight towards it, and biting on it's back.
The King of the Trupracobla's laughed "I will not loose this time, and who summoned that one? well who ever did, that was a pretty good trick, but we Trupracobla's NEVER loose" He began to laugh while running back into the Forest, deeper this time thinking to himself ~they'll all die, but I have more soldiers at our hide out another Trupracobla followed the king running as fast as he can.

#22 fs_spenser

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 14:05

OOC: Sorry I'm late, busy, can't use the internet.

Raven moved slowly back, he checked himself and was ready to attack when suddenly a dragon appeared out of nowhere, and started eating the Trupracobla's.

"Don't worry, I've got your back" said Yuki.

He nodded and moved forward, hacking at those that got in his way.

Someone must've summon that thing, but who?

As Raven looked around he saw a figure running away from the battlefield, and a tinier figure following it.

The King..

He nudged Yuki and the cat named Meow,
"Hey, I'm going to end this once and for all.. so, would you like to come with me? Bring that rude young man too, okay?"

Then Raven turned and sped off towards the King of the Trupracobla's.

OOC: Let's spice this thing up! It's getting combat-y! XD

#23 fs_titsue

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 14:23

Night of the RedMoon

The elder smiled watches the Trupracobla's run off, but then noticing raven run off towards the King "BOY! your crazy to follow them!! would if they lead you to a trap like that young ladies cat said!" the elder was stunned, he didn't want to see a friend of Titsue's die, at least that's what he thought.

Titsue noticed Raven running through the woods ~what is he doing?! following the king? he's dumber then I though~ he thought to himself, Titsue ran ahead following Raven thinking to himself once more ~Your going to get your self killed I might as well just help~

The Trupracobla that followed the king looked back, his eyes widening "gah!! there following us!!" The king looked back still running and grinned evilly "good, let them" he said calmer then the other Trupracobla. The king looked forward sniffing and smiled "hey hey, there's a little lady in the big dark woods in a distance, lets get some lunch" The Trupracobla that followed him blinked twice then nodded "and with that our Trap is ahead right King" The king one smirked "exactly" He said before laughing evilly.

#24 fs_phantomtre

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 22:13

OOC:(I wish to join as bad guy. May I? My profile should be the last post in the stickied topic.)

(I'm tired of waiting, so I'll just post an intro for my guy.)

I, PhantomTre, laughed. "This might not be such a dull day, after all. Let it rain blood..."

I lept out of my hiding place and hacked through three straggling Trupracobla. Only to go to another hiding place, ready to strike again.

"These toys scream to much... They got boring quickly..." He looked around looking for a more quiet target. And, of course, he found one he liked. He waited for the person to get into range.

#25 fs_spenser

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Posted 14 October 2007 - 12:55

OOC: My apologies once again.

Raven blinked, listening as the cat-human suddenly jumped infront of him and start chattering away about the Trupracobla's having an army waiting.

Sheesh, what an annoying cat, Raven thought.

He pushed her aside, despite the old man's and Meow's warnings, and walked into the forest.

"Can't they see? If the Trupracobla's king get away, more will be born, and then this place would be even troubled." said Raven to himself.

Suddenly, Raven noticed something out of the corner of his eye, it looked.. human.. human! Now all he could think of was this,

Why are there so many people here? What do they want? What are they after? I can understand that Titsue guy there, but what do the others want? Is there something in this forest? thought Raven.

"Ah well, all will be answered in good time anyways" said Raven to himself.

And then he sped off towards the King, lest it got out of his sight.[/i]

#26 fs_titsue

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 13:00

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: o_O Erase Garnet's post like it wasn't even there, she said she's going to post a way head of time later and I accept your apology Spenser.

Some of the Trupracobla's dieing, being straggled from this new character, this Phantomtre guy, just when A Trupracobla was about to be straggled this character just got bored "oh I can help you look for better targets" said the Trupracobla with an evil grin "OH and even much funner that is" The Trupracobla laughed evilly.

Titsue noticed that Yuki had tried to stop him and the elder had warned him, but all Raven had done was ignored pushed Yuki out the way and ignored the Elder, he didn't know what was going on, but he knew Raven was stupid enough to go into the woods, as if he was just asking for his death. Titsue looked around before jumping into a tree that had been right beside him, he just watched Raven as Raven kept on following the Trupracobla's ~where could they had been going?~ Titsue thought about the Trupracobla's ~They seems smarted then how they acted~ Titsue glared at a distance, his Rajinn eyes made him see further then natrual, further away he seen a whole heck of a lot of Trupracobla's just waiting for something to eat, but then looking back he noticed the dragon was trying to give the elder and Yuki a lift "eh..." Titsue didn't say much, but what Raven was about to get into he was a little pissed.

The elder looked up at the Dragon, his eyes widen as he ran around in circles, but then looking back he noticed this dragon was friendly "heheheh hey there fella that's all he could say, knowing that the creature had scared him almost half to death, he didn't even notice what the dragon had said to him.

The Trupracobla's King still began to walk forward and straight ahead seeing what he thought he had seen that was a human girl, it disappeared like it had been imaginary "eh what is this?" said the King with disappointment, the other Trupracobla that followed their leader shrugged "I'm not sure boss" "You, hide I got this" he said with a grin, the Trupracobla nodded to it's king before running off into the bushes somewhere. The King stopped walking, it's ears stood straight up, he just waited for Raven to come and jump into his tricks, for this, He was ready to battle.

OOC: hey guys, join this forum of mine, it's called
http://www.createfor... ... arandpeace
it's pretty cool xD

#27 fs_spenser

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 08:56

Night Of The RedMoon

OOC: Isn't Yuki gonna post?

Raven continued dashing through the forest, he found a few Trupracobla's along the way but they were nothing compared to the determination in his heart. He cackled to himself and shouted out loud,


He laughed again and continued towards the Trupracobla King, he was just about to enter a clearing when his sharp ears heard some voices,

"Psst.. here he comes, quick, get ready everyone."

He snorted, these things were not masters of stealth, he would show them how stealth usually works. Raven slowly walked through the bushes, taking care not to make a sound and he watched where he stepped. There, infront of him, there were at least three Trupracobla's. Raven took out his knife and slowly crept up behind the Trupracobla's, in one quick motion, all three of them dropped dead. He grinned, while thinking to himself,

This will make things much easier..

He rushed out into the clearing, making as much noise as he could and sheathed his knife and pulled out his sword.

"I know you're hiding, come on out." said Raven.

#28 fs_titsue

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 17:15

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: Just in time Yuki, I was about to ask about you.

The Elder was shooked about what was going on, but looking back and Yuki and Meow he seen them walking the other dirrection The elder grabbed his crystal ball and sat it down on the ground and pulled out his Wizzard staff, circling his staff around the crystal ball in a slow movement the elder quickly let the crystal ball glow quickly, it glowed and made a dempt but bright shine "Gods! I ask of you! what should these three be doing! should one of them leave! or shall thei be allies!" asked the elder. The Crystal ball glew and showed the elder a glimspe of what the three chould do, work together as allies, and more of the team would come shore enough,the crystal ball floated off the ground slowly, The elder's eyes widen as he jumped up and caught the crystal ball, looking back at Yuki and her cat, then forward towards where Raven and Titsue went " No no no! your not going to leave them are you? I know what you should do, all of you...you should work together with the other two boys" said the elder to Yuki, he knew if they worked together the world wouldn't be in danger by all the horriable things that might be coming later on. The elder didn't want Yuki to refuse what he had said, and hoped the half cat female would listen to what he is saying, he didn't want the future to be corrupted in the longest but most terrifying battle ever.

Titsue was still on top of a tree, he was looking down towards Raven still watching him as he slained the three Trupracobla's that had been there. He glared around the area seeing if there would be a trap that would occure later on, but if so he didn't want Raven to be killed, Titsue seen to much in his days of people getting slained, and he didn't want to see anymore of that happening once again. Titsue arched his left eye brow befor noticing what Raven had yelled, he snorted and mumbled under his breath "Show off" Titsue didn't seem to get why he didn't really trust Raven, but then remembering that Raven stole his berries he paused for a mineut, Snapping out of that memory he decided to glare around the area once more.

The King Trupracobla was shocked, he didn't know Raven could do so much damage, and he didn't think his creatures that worked for him would be so dumb to not hear that sense their ears had been 6 inches long. The king sighed before looking at the one Trupracobla that had followed him "You I want you to attack him", The Trupracobla paused and blinked twice "sir, but did you see what he didn to our fellow allies?!" asked the one. The king was out of patiance and he didn't feel like waiting at this time. "If not you, then I will" The king walked away from the Trupracobla and jumped out into the open plains, so that Raven could see him "heheheh Come on now Raven, I'm waiting to fight you!" Yelled the Trupracobla king. The aura on this Creature seemed more evil, The Trupracobla fell to the ground and bones was heard cracking, his eye's got even bigger as it transformed into a large Creature, it looked like a bigger version of them, but this one was crawling, with it's back legs bigger then the other and his front nails longer then the back. His tail got longer and slid into two, and his fangs got even bigger with blood dripping from it because of the teeth getting longer. The Trupracobla king Rarwed and looked straight towards Raven behind the bush with it's sharp Black eyes with a golden yellow/brown pupil. The Trupracobla laughed.

OOC: looks like a Battle Spenser XD

#29 fs_spenser

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Posted 22 October 2007 - 09:30

Night Of The RedMoon
OOC: Nice one Yuki..

"Hehe, come on Raven!" a voice said.

Raven spun around and looked where the voice had come from, before focusing on that "thing", whatever it was, he slew the last of the Trupracobla's.

"Hmmph, another stupid thing the Trupracobla King sent?" said Raven

"I AM THE TRUPRACOBLA KING YOU IDIOT!" the Trupracobla King said,
he held his head back and cackled.

Transformation? Crap, I SO,SO did not expect this.. Raven thought.

Raven took a step back, he pointed his sword at the Trupracobla King that had turned into a monster.

"Bring it you punk, I'll destroy you once and for all.." said Raven.

When Raven said those words he quickly moved behind the Trupracobla King, and jumped to strike it from behind. Clang!! His sword broke in half.

What the heck is this thing? he thought.

The Trupracobla King cackled again and said,"My turn!" and he swatted at Raven with his claws.

"Ooof!" Raven said as he hit the tree.

"Is that the best you can do?" The Trupracobla King said with confidence.

Oh crap, he's gonna eat me alive, someone save meeeee~ he thought ironically

#30 fs_titsue

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Posted 22 October 2007 - 15:50

Night of the RedMoon

Titsue wasn't paying no attention at all, but then noticing that Raven got his right into a tree he blinked twice, looking towards the Trupracobla monster that had been the king he was slightly confused "Some one help meeee" is what he heard, looking around then looking down at Ravenn then at the Trupracobla getting closer to Raven he seen that he had been in danger. Titsue laughed "all that showing off gone to waste!" he said at Raven while jumping off the tree and landing in front of him. Drawing his sword he stood in a fighting stance and looked straight at the Trupracobla in it's eyes. "Let's go Yelled Titsue.

The Trupracobla looked at Titsue and was slightly confused "I don't want to fight you, you fool!" Yelled the Trupracobla telepathic to Titsue "This fight is between ME and RAVEN" The Trupracobla rared loudly at Titsue while Titsue stood there his hair blowing. The Trupracobla grinned "But if your willing to give your life away I don't mind having two snacks"

Titsue narrowed his eyes slightly while watching the creature slob with discuss he noticed what the creature had in his mouth was not slobber but asset. Throwing Raven on his shoulder Titsue ran from in front of the creatures and the creature through up asset from it's mouth. "Darn you!" Yelled the creature as it missed

The elder looked from a distance an seen what had been going on,. he didn't know if he should just stand there or help, looking back at Yuki he knew that he had to do what ever it takes for the crew to go back together and work as a team.

#31 fs_spenser

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 09:16

OOC: Yuki should put first.. I think.

#32 fs_titsue

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 17:38

OOC: yes, lets wait for her

#33 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 00:09

shes sitting around a fire with a bunch of her family her long hair accenting her gold and red dress her brown eyes glistening. her staff rests on her shoulder. If you havent guessed already shes a mage her powers unlike anyone else's she gets up and wonders in the forest for a night walk when she sees a large figure in the distance.

It appears to be eating something but it appears to be some sort of humanoid .

It turns to meet5 her gaze and attacks. she has never met in close combat for her powers were just recently obtained. she flinches... her eyes shut waiting for something to happen

#34 fs_spenser

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 13:40

Tyruru get that picture smaller or something! It's too big!

#35 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 16:58

ooc: ok i will lol but thats what my person looks like in my brain. so i just wanted people to know ill see if it comes smaller

#36 fs_titsue

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 00:43

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: hmm I see someone new and Yuki finally posted =/ lol

The elder watched Yuki and Meow as they talked, but then seeing Yuki running back and meow following her, he smiled proud of them both "Thanks heaven and earth" the elder said to himself, as he watched the fight, seeing another women fighting the Trupracobla along with Yuki, The elder thought to himself ~They let women do the job? these guys need some training

Titsue sat down Raven and looked at Yuki, noticing what she had said he grinned slightly before looking back at Raven "Hey, lets help fight...not unless you want to leave it to these girls?" Titsue asked, he laughed for the moment "I don't think girls would be able to even defeat this creature" He said with a smirk. Titsue looked back at the Trupracobla king and seen that the two girls where kicking A$$, Mostly Yuki. His mouth dropping slowly as he watched Yuki's attitude surprised a little but shocked at the same time.

The Trupracobla Growled as the Katana went into it's leg " eh...I should pull back..." Growled the Trupracobla king, the Trupracobla stepped back and looked at the other girl who had attacked it, then at Yuki, "We WILL meet again" Growled the Trupracobla as it jumped over all of them and ran off, as it ran off deeper into the forest, The Trupracobla began to turn small so they wouldn't spot him.

#37 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 13:15

my person looks exactly like her =>> http://images.quizil... ... olgirl.JPG

#38 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 13:21

she wonders ,dazed, to a three way dirt road intersection. she stumbles upon
a tavern which she enters and looks around for the chance of finding any familiar faces. the only people that she really notices is one mysterious man in the corner of the tavern and a group of men eying her up and down and snickering. she trys to ignore them and sits and orders a water on the other side of the tavern.

#39 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 13:23

her eyes gaze around the room. she removes her yellow ribbon from her hair. she waves her head and then reties the ribbon. her water arrives and she sips it slowly. the ice is chilling as she sips it from the clay mug.
she notices a strange person at the end of the tavern. all dressed in black.
leaning up against the wall. she then also notices those men giving her those dirty looks before were coming near. she stared blankly back at them. wondering what was going to happen.

she stands up and finds a person to talk to. as to avoid the encounter with the strange men. she wanders over to the strongest man in the bar which just so happens to be that mysterious man at the end of the tavern.

she dosnt know any thing about this man,were he came from or who he is, but she walks up with a slightly larger then normal fake smile spreading across her face.

the men chasing her have found something else that seemed interesting to seem like they were not chasing her.

#40 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:04

OOC: Tyruru is going off topic!!! Yuki, what took you so long?

"Hey, lets help fight...not unless you want to leave it to these girls?" Titsue said.

"Of course I'm gonna help them, I'm quite the gentlemen you know" Raven said with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like that Raven boy got what he deserved; a good ol' fashion butt whoopen." Yuki said, and gave a snicker.

"On the other hand, maybe I won't lend them a hand." Raven said.

"We will meet again," the Trupracobla growled.

Raven looked at Meow and Yuki and gave a sigh, he was still confused about what was happening.

Okay, first things first, let's go through this, first, the cat and the girl and the hu-man were screaming at each other for no apparent reason, then a dragon appeared and a oldman as well, now a girl just appeared.

What the heck was going on around here?
he thought. He gave a bewildered look and asked Titsue a question.

"Dude, I'm gonna have to ask you why you all are here, of all places." said Raven.


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