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Legacy - Outcasted by HCS.

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#21 44trev


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 03:54

Nothing big has been done to this game in years. It's lost momentum and Zorg was hired by Hunted Cow to help on other projects, all the while neglecting giving a semi-original idea the time of day.


Working on outfits was fun. I enjoyed doing it. Art is always a thing for me. Giving people other options, helping behind the scenes. Awesome.


However, when the player base has turned into just troll after troll because the game's been disappointing for so long... it's no longer enjoyable. No one's satisfied, it's complaint after complaint and then people ask you... why are you helping someone/some company who clearly doesn't give a ****?



it's turned into a ****show with unfufilled promises. And it's dead.


At this point it's either revive it with a force or lay it to rest.

Edited by Scott, 11 September 2013 - 10:42.

#22 Subzero


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 13:46

As much as I hate these kind-of threads *smacks Steven*, In Zorg's defence he has been busy.. Maybe Legacy has been left on the back burner to stew and I think you've all collectively got your point across. Hoof will no doubt set some time aside for Legacy. This doesn't mean they're going to hire anyone as a Second DEV.. simply because the best person to code Legacy is Zorg (No Offence, Hoof). 


He deals with this community site and runs the ticket system as well as dealing with requests thrown in by other Staff (Albeit HCS or from me), Eldevin will not take much of his time because its nearly done with its current phase. 


Its nice to see the community spirit, just don't cross the line and make it a mob eh?




You have no power here! As we have been silenced within the game for our plea's for updates. I understand zorg may have other things to do but also everyone in HCS that promised us updates. I also understand hey hes busy for a few months with etc etc etc. But not a few years come on get it together.


#23 Steven


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 22:27

This is not a shot at Zorg by any means. Because the fact he is the only dev, and what he has to work on is not his choice. It's all HCS's choice, they have the power to make or break any of their games.


Legacy needs this plan set out:


A monthly plat store update, (And proper subscriber packs introduced for people to buy or sign up to, I've bugged Zorg about these many times Legacy & HCS bank account is losing out big time) people with more access to the plat store maybe?

The 5 big updates (Abilities is done) So 4 more.... 1 big update every 2 or 3 months would keep everyone happy, even fresh map designs... new NPC's like what fallen sword gets. Just fresh content, I have millions of content designed and ready to go, and Zorg knows I'll help out on any project with him. But it is hard to keep Design system and plat store updated when there is nothing to show for it. It makes me not want to do work for the game a lot of the time.

#24 Teeg


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 03:54

By the way what's what's this % damage BS you either hit or you don't , it's that simple. It is pretty frustrating when you get killed by some one with 600 hp, and you have a better hit chance by over 50%, oh but then they have a +2% chance damage over yours, and then they end up winning the fight. This stats system needs a definite re-work. Although so do most things on Legacy. I do realize that Zorg is busy on HCS crap. but it's not like HCS couldn't have hired more people, or have The HSC staff update the site, I haven't seen/ or heard that any HCS had staff log on more than once. Which is crap, since why should they be staff if they don't even bother to log in, not trying to be offensive but if you're staff you should at least login to post Legacy news, give us some updates or help work on Legacy. The only reason Legacy isn't making as much money as it should is because of the lack of updates, especially with platinum. How about some WL achievements, or new weps, armors, and miscs. I do realize that most money comes from FS and that is the cash cow of HCS but how about putting some of that money into other games that you have bought off ( Legacy , in particular ) or else it'll turn into another Sigmastorm. And been a waste to buy in the first place since people don't want to play it or play to play it, and then the player base goes to crap. Point being there shouldn't really need to be a road map or any of that crap, just tell Legacy players weather you're going to save this game or just let it fall to pieces. Because I don't want to be told an update is coming soon, and then have it be like 3 months later with no updates.. and then like 2 years later there is some small bug fix or some crap. 1st on the list for updates should have been level 90 NPC's, then the new attack system, Wl achievements and such..... that's how this supposed "road map" was supposed to have been going. Tired of HSC beating around the bush, and telling us Zorg has been to busy to update Legacy. If he has then how about you hire more people to work on your games.

#25 Skorne


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 04:31

By the way what's what's this % damage BS you either hit or you don't , it's that simple. It is pretty frustrating when you get killed by some one with 600 hp, and you have a better hit chance by over 50%, oh but then they have a +2% chance damage over yours, and then they end up winning the fight. This stats system needs a definite re-work. Although so do most things on Legacy. I do realize that Zorg is busy on HCS crap. but it's not like HCS couldn't have hired more people, or have The HSC staff update the site, I haven't seen/ or heard that any HCS had staff log on more than once. Which is crap, since why should they be staff if they don't even bother to log in, not trying to be offensive but if you're staff you should at least login to post Legacy news, give us some updates or help work on Legacy. The only reason Legacy isn't making as much money as it should is because of the lack of updates, especially with platinum. How about some WL achievements, or new weps, armors, and miscs. I do realize that most money comes from FS and that is the cash cow of HCS but how about putting some of that money into other games that you have bought off ( Legacy , in particular ) or else it'll turn into another Sigmastorm. And been a waste to buy in the first place since people don't want to play it or play to play it, and then the player base goes to crap. Point being there shouldn't really need to be a road map or any of that crap, just tell Legacy players weather you're going to save this game or just let it fall to pieces. Because I don't want to be told an update is coming soon, and then have it be like 3 months later with no updates.. and then like 2 years later there is some small bug fix or some crap. 1st on the list for updates should have been level 90 NPC's, then the new attack system, Wl achievements and such..... that's how this supposed "road map" was supposed to have been going. Tired of HSC beating around the bush, and telling us Zorg has been to busy to update Legacy. If he has then how about you hire more people to work on your games.


A wall of text is definitely the best way to get your point across...



Honestly, I'd love to see Legacy rise from the ashes, but it's hard to imagine it actually happening nowadays. I've been here 8 years 106 days, moderated for most of that time and have had a great time getting to know a lot of you (some I even now know IRL) but unless the game's going to be taken seriously by HCS it should just be laid to rest.



Steven has designed a LOT of artwork for the game that hasn't been used - new NPCs, new weapons, armour, etc. Even just a literal copy&paste of the current NPCs/items and a quick fiddle with their stats & images, and the entire community would breathe a huge sigh of relief.


I'd imagine something like that could be done in a day or two tbh.

#26 Scott



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Posted 13 September 2013 - 13:39

tghowcroft, the VH's still run Legacy on behalf of HCS Staff, we sometimes run events too. The HCS Staff that are on the staff list are either managers of the company or are artists. They aren't there to post updates and post blogs - That is Still Zorg - Your generic rant is flawed. :(



Edit: Also the point of this thread is wearing very thin - Stevens original point is to make HCS Aware and plea for activity. Hoofmaster has answered that. This thread is slowly turning into a complain about Zorg/HCS. I should also point out


"If he has then how about you hire more people to work on your games - tghowcroft."


Zorg was the one hired to do all the web side of Hunted Cow, why should they hire more when he does his job the same? Maybe you don't notice the FS rants when he works on Legacy a bit. Also maybe the community is partly to blame. Whenever an update is done, or a bug fix SC is filled with "Wrong One/Zorg is alive/Still not what we wanted/Useless update". Maybe if the players for once gave constructive feedback instead of moaning about even getting an update then the willpower to update the Game would remain high.


The small updates you wish turned into huge updates so you vent frustration is annoying to see. I get it you haven't had an update - You want to show frustration. My point is you've done it but there are ways to do such a thing instead of using a thread to post your attacks. Would also point out that Zorg has always been this way for the past 3/4 years, why are you expecting him to do updates daily/weekly? The updates that Legacy want are going to take time. 


I do agree Legacy is underpinned and has the prospect of becoming one of the best games HCS own. 

#27 Zorg


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 14:21

Still really busy with the upcoming Eldevin website at the moment. I did the new Abilities under 2 months ago then and re-opened the Development server, was that the wrong update? :/


If you had to prioritize one update what would it be? (No more walls of text please)

~ Chief Technical Officer
Wayne 'Zorg' Robinson

#28 HappyDays



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Posted 13 September 2013 - 14:33

If we have to have one update, I would want to an update that acts as a money revenue for the game to generate funds and in turn generate more updates and to be able to reinvest in upping HCS activity on the site. When you sit down with hoofmaster for the road plan, I guess you guys can figure out what that is. Something that adds benefit to the players while also adding revenue to HCS, surely that is not a bad compromise. You are a company with a team of people. Brainstorm.


Maybe truly getting the auction system 100% working and do some decent unique item sales that are worthwhile for the player. I don't want an update that leaves us high and dry for years after it. I want one that leads to getting the game off its knees and puts in systems that increases its value to HCS, so they spend more time on it. That is just me though, I prefer to think long term rather then instant gratification. The game needs some love and attention and you will win back good will from some people possibly who in turn, buy platinum.


That would be the logical approach. Or as I stated just say the game is done and no major updates are in the future. It would clear so much up for so many people. Honest and straight forward answer from HCS.

#29 ItsMe


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 15:25

Here's my opinion about the game and the studios as a player and as a game developer. 


This game has lack of ambition , for a game like Legacy to succeed the developers should be more involved in the process , listen to people's opinion and take it seriously , making a game just for sake of money is evil and will blow up eventually , 

I wanted to buy more platinum but I saw a big lack of updates (6 years now?), so.. why should I pay a game which will blow up soon anyway?
If not for the great community, I would have left long time ago.


I think the studio has a lot more to do with legacy and making it a better game will make you a better company.  However if you want to keep Iphone apps going on, just do it.. (But hey that's just my opinion here).


tl;dr , putting more efforts in the game will result positively. however, putting a lot of plat items just for the sake of money is evil and will blow up in your face eventually. (Not evil if you do it in right balance).  

#30 uglymug


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 01:39

Attack system (it's far too random to even feel like you're fighting someone)

Change the 6 seconds movement limit back to 5. (Please wait 0 seconds looks so stupid)

Some more things to do when you reach avatar instead of just wait around for 90 days for an ability to train lol....

More items for avatars since everyone right now is pretty much identical.

#31 Bongo


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 15:11

I'm with uglymug. Revamped combat system to add more depth to stat allocation. There are a lot of possibilities, bringing back damage & armour stats like in the old system, making speed play more of a role in combat, change the way weapon skill works, add a critical hit system, where you can increase crit rate based on a stat and proper weapon setup, rather than double hits that are entirely luck based. Just things that give your character more of an identity rather than being another level 80 avatar with the same % of hit and damage against every other player.

#32 Teeg


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 19:19

tghowcroft, the VH's still run Legacy on behalf of HCS Staff, we sometimes run events too. The HCS Staff that are on the staff list are either managers of the company or are artists. They aren't there to post updates and post blogs - That is Still Zorg - Your generic rant is flawed. :(



Edit: Also the point of this thread is wearing very thin - Stevens original point is to make HCS Aware and plea for activity. Hoofmaster has answered that. This thread is slowly turning into a complain about Zorg/HCS. I should also point out


"If he has then how about you hire more people to work on your games - tghowcroft."


Zorg was the one hired to do all the web side of Hunted Cow, why should they hire more when he does his job the same? Maybe you don't notice the FS rants when he works on Legacy a bit. Also maybe the community is partly to blame. Whenever an update is done, or a bug fix SC is filled with "Wrong One/Zorg is alive/Still not what we wanted/Useless update". Maybe if the players for once gave constructive feedback instead of moaning about even getting an update then the willpower to update the Game would remain high.


The small updates you wish turned into huge updates so you vent frustration is annoying to see. I get it you haven't had an update - You want to show frustration. My point is you've done it but there are ways to do such a thing instead of using a thread to post your attacks. Would also point out that Zorg has always been this way for the past 3/4 years, why are you expecting him to do updates daily/weekly? The updates that Legacy want are going to take time. 


I do agree Legacy is underpinned and has the prospect of becoming one of the best games HCS own. 



I'm with uglymug. Revamped combat system to add more depth to stat allocation. There are a lot of possibilities, bringing back damage & armour stats like in the old system, making speed play more of a role in combat, change the way weapon skill works, add a critical hit system, where you can increase crit rate based on a stat and proper weapon setup, rather than double hits that are entirely luck based. Just things that give your character more of an identity rather than being another level 80 avatar with the same % of hit and damage against every other player.

@ Scott Why should artists be staff? You don't see people who actually make art for legacy such as Fae or Steven as staff right now? I could under stand managers being staff, but it seriously couldn't hurt to log in at least once a day for like 5 - 10 minutes. Don't get me wrong VH has done a great job, but I feel that they should be put above HSC staff since VH staff actually bother to log in and run events and such.  How about Hiring more web developers to work on Legacy then if Zorg can't bother to work on it, If they did the game would be making more or a profit then it is now even.


@ Zorg The abilities update was a nice change, but opening Dev isn't much of an update if there are hardly any updates coming out. That and also tha abilities update isn't what most people wanted, which is why most people complain. Because we need a new/ better  attack system. But also there was like a 2 year gap when practically no updates came out, not counting bux fixes since those aren't really updates.


@Bongo I gotta agree. Don't really see how there is a % damage chance, when you either hit or don't hit your opponent. It just doesn't make sense. This attack system is poop.

#33 Scott



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Posted 14 September 2013 - 21:36

tg, DEV  was a task because it was badly broken, we have no need for GFX staff as they can do it from a player level :) 

#34 Teeg


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Posted 15 September 2013 - 04:57

tg, DEV  was a task because it was badly broken, we have no need for GFX staff as they can do it from a player level :)

Then why bring it back if nothing is going to happen with it then? And also why are HCS artists staff too? Plus many Player Artists can't upload they're stuff without Zorg adding it in. Because It's been told that Steven has had some gfx stuff ready for the plat market for awhile now, but nothing new has come up in the past month. When some one says soon, most people expect it to be actually soon, as in less than a month. That or just tell us the truth and actually tell us when something is going to come out, so that we don't get our expectations to high.

#35 Scott



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Posted 15 September 2013 - 10:44

Then why bring it back if nothing is going to happen with it then? And also why are HCS artists staff too? Plus many Player Artists can't upload they're stuff without Zorg adding it in. Because It's been told that Steven has had some gfx stuff ready for the plat market for awhile now, but nothing new has come up in the past month. When some one says soon, most people expect it to be actually soon, as in less than a month. That or just tell us the truth and actually tell us when something is going to come out, so that we don't get our expectations to high.




Because Avatars wanted it back, it was something else they could mess around with. HCS Artists are staff because like Zorg they work across the board and make GFX for anything and everything, they don't specialise in pixel art. The reason they are under the staff list is because they are staff. Player Artists, you might as well call Steven at this point de to the inactivity of the others are players with access to GFX Control. Having said that you're complaining about the plat store, they can upload things and make them available already. Play Store requires Zorg adding it to i) Check copyright and ii) make sure its acceptable. 


Which by the way copyright is the reason a lot of stuff hasn't been released. Plus it doesn't matter who has staff powers or not :/ 

#36 Steven


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 20:42

Still really busy with the upcoming Eldevin website at the moment. I did the new Abilities under 2 months ago then and re-opened the Development server, was that the wrong update? :/


If you had to prioritize one update what would it be? (No more walls of text please)

I thought abilities was going to be the most useless as I stated in the big 5 update, as I finished them within 30 seconds.


Main update to focus on? I'm with HD. Anything that brings in revenue for the game for HCS to notice it a bit more. Hit the plat store hard! Do not do a new attack system, if plat store is a no go, then Avatar stuff for sure. But yeah, focus on money making.


**** load of special items, special packs, subscriber boxes, more boosts unlocks specials etc.

#37 HappyDays



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Posted 20 September 2013 - 17:08

Any update on this road map "discussed" between hoof and zorg and what they decided to do or not do, whichever was the case.


quote by zorg


"I did the new Abilities under 2 months ago then and re-opened the Development server, was that the wrong update?"


I do not even count that as an update nor do I think others did as well, I would be really interested in hearing the point of view from anyone who would count that as an update.

#38 Bongo


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 20:04

Any update on this road map "discussed" between hoof and zorg and what they decided to do or not do, whichever was the case.


quote by zorg


"I did the new Abilities under 2 months ago then and re-opened the Development server, was that the wrong update?"


I do not even count that as an update nor do I think others did as well, I would be really interested in hearing the point of view from anyone who would count that as an update.

The ability system is flawed in itself. I've never heard of a game that rewards complete inactivity for months at a time. Only players with backlog were able to learn the new abilities right away, and that's a miniscule percentage of our player base. It was an update to a flawed system that does Legacy more harm than good.


We need updates that tailor to new avatars and new players. The combat system does suck right now, and you can deny it all you want. I'd say it's a prime reason of why so many lowbies quit early. There is no variation at all with stat allocation.


Plat store updates are obviously a must. The mentality of refraining from "pay to win" rewards is only hurting Legacy's longetivity. Allow abilities to be learnt with plat up to 50% of the way or something. Anything that is guaranteed to bring in revenue is fine; I'm sure only a small subset of broke teenagers will be bothered by this. Anyone else who has been playing Legacy for years should be able to justify spending some money on the game - but we need to know it has a future first!

#39 uglymug


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 09:26

Can we get a response on what's happening in regards to Legacy?


If you seriously have no intention of helping the game, just say so.

#40 Hoofmaster


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 15:19

Can we get a response on what's happening in regards to Legacy?


If you seriously have no intention of helping the game, just say so.


We'll take a look through the feedback towards the end of next week in regards to putting together a roadmap for Legacy. See Zorg's post above about what you'd like us to be the first priority :)

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