what about gvg? playing devils advocate a bit, : P. Why does everyone feel "WRONGED" if they get hit in pvp. hit back, bounty, or shut up. 3 good options in my honest opinion.
Why do PvPers feel WRONGED when they can't take a few months' worth of other player's XP and all of their gold in one hit? Go bother people who like losing all that instead, definitely a good option in my opinion. :roll: And why do some PvPers feel wronged when they get bountied? Don't want a bounty on ya? Then don't attack other players. Pretty simple.
Personally, I don't care so much about the gold. I just hate losing levels because a player I've never interacted with felt like he/she had to thump their tiny chest to prove how *1337* they are. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few PvPers I get along with just fine in the game. Then again, there's a very active minority who use PvP as nothing but a way to annoy other players. I know I'm not overly impressed with a player's ability to spam their attack button, and I'm not about to fall down and worship at their feet either, much to the upset of those particular PvP-types.
Personally, I'd be happy if the cost of protection came down to the point where I could actually afford it and in return, only protected XP (initial AND gained during the time that the protection was on) and not gold.