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Universe Meta-Mort-Phosis

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#21 Kayla



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Posted 24 September 2006 - 15:46

To say that Krum and Karamazov were taken aback by their first viewing of the Manila Falcon was a slight understatement and that had little to do with its recent paint job.

The knight had long since gained the impression that there were no warp gates in this parallel universe and had been interested in seeing the docks. He had wondered briefly over the fact that Mamori had called them the Sandswept Origami Docking Ports, but had concluded; what’s in a name?

A lot apparently.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!â€

#22 Kayla



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Posted 26 September 2006 - 18:03

Pilot, co-pilot and passengers relaxed in a lounge area, which had not been spared by the revamp Polar ear was ultimately responsible for. Bean bags, lava lamps and a throw rug that clashed with the carpet was the least of it's problems, but no one complained about the 19 inch flat crystal plate fixed upon the wall. Not only was it useful for inter-void communications, visual and audio entertainment, it doubled up as a stylish mirror.

Braelynd, Mamori, Krum and Karamazov made themselves comfortable, each with a beer in hand. Polar Bear had challenged Iaganatzi to a game of chess, figuring he couldn't possibly lose against this one! Mojawk had retired for the evening.

"Where do you wish to begin?" Mamori asked.

Tactful Krum attempted to look for a way to summarise. Karamazov said; "What is with the gnomes?? Oh and why doesn't elemental magic work anymore?" he added as afterthought.

Mamori looked at both knight and mage. Braelynd shrugged and took a swig of his beer. "The g-nomes are now what gives a mage his power. They are connected to the energy fields created by all living things. Their aura's surround us and penetrate us. They bind the void together. Without them, the chaos that reigned after the Distortion would still do so." He sighed, recalling the distruction and... Vala...

Karamazov waved his hand in front of Mamori's spaced out face, then shook his head at Krum. Braelynd belched. "Good man!" the mage cheered. Braelynd rolled his eyes upward.

"Whatever," he replied. "Anyway what this old fox is getting at is Blat end of the world as we know it. Gods left us high and dry, so no more magic, no more evolutions. Several realms went kablooey with any and all inhabitants. Dammit! I need to get drunk!" Braelynd wandered off to fulfill his wish.

"S*** so do I!" Karamazov exclaimed. This had knocked him speechless! Well almost... "No more spell casting?! How am I gonna challenge Andor for the that shiny No1 trophy now? He paused. "Wait how comes I can still teleport?"

Mamori came out of his mourning trance. "Huh? Teleport? Ah that is the way of the g-nome. Tele-portation, the ability to move from one place to another within a globe. Not however within the void. Then there is tele-pathy, the ability to communicate with another and tele-kinesis, the ability to move an item from one place to another. Allow me to teach you."

"Yes!" Karamazov was happy.

"There is one condition. You must show respect from student to teacher. You must refer to me as Master."

Wha?" Karamazov was not happy. "But I....?"

"Respect or no lessons."

"Waaaa! Okay, okay!" he huffed a bit, preparing himself. "M-m-ma I can do this, I can do this! M-m-ma-mas- cough Ma-Master."

"See, not so hard," smiled Krum. In response he received one middle blue finger in his vision.

#23 Kayla



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Posted 30 September 2006 - 17:01

The journey was inevitably taking longer than in his world, Krum sighed. Karamazov was advancing with his lessons and still occasionally tripping over the word ‘Master’. Mamori really shouldn’t have left that there. Polar Bear was losing yet another game of chess to Iaganatzi, which was weird considering the Omnilord barely seemed to move, with one exception. That had been when Mojawk had returned from his nap.

“I see you are playing chess,â€

#24 Kayla



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Posted 03 October 2006 - 19:02

ooc Shall I post once or twice tonight ;) Thank you for your patience, I've started back at work hence sudden drop in roleplay posts.

Two women glanced down into the hanger bay at the Origami vessel the Manila Falcon. The first, a pale brunette, stared at it neither caring nor interested in it’s presence. The second, one with raven hair, seemed torn between curiousity and the state of her painted nails.

“I wonder what he wants with it,â€

#25 Kayla



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Posted 03 October 2006 - 20:00

ooc twenty7raven: yes, but my favorite part of the sotry is the ooc Shall I post once or twice tonight
twenty7raven: oh wait - is that "I shall" or "shall i?"
twenty7raven: the answer should be YES

The pair of puppet troopers marched in perfect formation through the central corridor of the Manila Falcon. As their footsteps faded in the distance, a scuffling came from the floor. A panel moved and the heads of a transcendant elf and Polar bear appeared out of the floor.

“Seal meat?!â€

#26 Kayla



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Posted 08 October 2006 - 15:01

Braelynd, Karamazov and Krum descended upon the floating platform into the belly of the space orb. They were headed for the dungeons, disguised as two troopers and one prisoner. Polar Bear had been the original choice for the prisoner part, but he had objected vehemently. Ripping arms off had been threatened.

The platform paused. The three would be rescuers entered the guard room. A handful of troopers were guarding the hallway to the cells. One was sitting at a desk of orbs, seeming to be observing what they revealed, it was hard to tell through the helmet. It looked up at the disguised elves and their prisoner.

“Wark, swak, quark, skwark,â€

#27 Kayla



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Posted 12 October 2006 - 13:40

"The garbage shoot?!" said Karamazov, trying in vain to quit breathing.

Krum shrugged. "It was a way out."

"Some way out," Braelynd drawled.

"Well I'm not staying here!" declared the blue elf. He concerntrated, nothing happened. He tried again, his face screwing up with determination. He farted.

"Well that helped," Seven's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I can't 'port!" Karamazov complained.

"They must have an anti-teleportation field raised in this section," Seven concluded.

"So I'm stuck here?! In this stinking hole?!" The panic was rising. Not that he panicked, of course, Karamazov did not do panicking... he was just mildly concerned that was all...

Seven looked at the locked door. "I suppose it could be worse."

Braelynd shot at the waist high, putrid water they were currently wading in. "Somebody had to go say it!" he accused. Seven shot him a nasty look, but cautiously edged backwards.

"Don't worry, fair Lady," Karamazov attempted to deepen his tone 'heroically.' "I'll protect you!" It was an interesting contrast to the high-pitched screech that followed.

Seven gazed at the ceiling where the blue mage now dangled from a hanging beam. "My hero." She threw a shard of pottery at ripples approaching her. Krum sighed, braced himself, then dived into the water. What followed was a lot of thrashing and splashing, Krum gulping in air as he broke the surface before he seemed to be pulled under once more! Then, it went quiet for a time. "Did he...?"

Braelynd could only shrug. Karamazov leapt down. "Krum, buddy?" he called out, attempting to see through the opaque green-brown liquid.

Something shot upwards and out of the water. A wet and green transcendant smiled beneath his long black hair that currently trailed over his eyes. An azure blue eel like cretin draped around his shoulders purred, rubbing it's cheek against Krum's face. "Cute," he mentioned, scratching it behind the fins.

"What is that?!" Karamazov demanded.

"It's a dratini, they don't normally live in garbage disposal units," Seven replied, looking amused. It didn't appear to enlighten the blue mage. "Haven't you even seen a pokemon before?"

"How'd it get here, then?" he asked, still a bit wary of the cretin.

"Sewer system," Krum replied, shortly. He did not want to go into details. He had been trying hard enough not to think about it as it was.

"You mean?" Karamazov stuttered, looking greener than Krum all of a sudden. Krum nodded. The now green mage sped to the door and began banging on it. "Let me out! Let me out!"

#28 Kayla



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Posted 13 October 2006 - 20:46

"We should split up!" Seven suggested as they dodged arrows in the corridors. They had left the garbage disposal unit far behind them mostly physically, though they were all trying to leave behind the memories of it as well. It had mysteriously unlocked, though they didn't know and didn't care how. "We'll try meet back at your ship!"

She sped down the pathway she had chosen until through a door she came to a sudden halt. Her eyes glanced downward where the floor came to an ubrupt end. Karamazov appeared behind her. "Long way down," he noted. She rolled her eyes heavenward, why'd she get stuck with him??

"No way back either," she noted the door was now shut between them and the troopers chasing them. "Look, we need to find the rune that extends the bridge."

Karamazov groaned slightly, eyeing the runic panel now with a crossbolt embedded in it. "Can't you fly us across?"

Seven attempted to stretch her wings. "It's no good, the feathers are all stuck together because of that s**t..."

"Please, don't remind me," Karamazov groaned, trying hard not to hurl. Suddenly, bolts and arrows were raining down on them. They pressed themselves against the wall, which offered little protection from the assault coming from the right. The blue mage shot off a bolt or two, but didn't hit anyone.

"Look!" Seven warned. The door behind them jolted forward as if something heavy had hit it from the otherside, which was in truth what had happened. There were battering rams located around the station with fire extinguishing buckets and axes at several key sections.

Both looked around, trying to think, trying not to get shot. Finally Karamazov handed Seven the crossbow, which was fortunate as she was a far better shot and took out five troopers consecutively. In the meantime, Karamazov had leapt to a conveniently placed metal pipe and soon was dangling from it via his blue tail. He held out his arms as far as he could to Seven, who looked suspicious and wary.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"No!" she answered. He batted his eyelashes. She sighed and shot one more trooper for good luck. Then placing the bow in her belt, she leapt out towards the blue elf. He caught her easily, then swung her to the other side of the chasm, before somersaulting down and landing next to her. Impulsively she offered him a peck on the cheek. He grinned, stupidly.

Elsewhere, the large transcendant avec dratini, now named Duncan, and the elf Captain were fleeing from another group of troopers.

Braelynd shot a couple down as they ran. There were shouts from the troopers. "Swark, squar, kak swar!" Or for those who don't speak penguin, "Raise the barriers!"

Krum just made it through, as did Braelynd, who was behind him, but is shorter and slimmer thus needing less space to squeeze through. "Skwar, squar, kak swar! Skwar, squar, kak swar!" Yelled the penguins from behind the barriers, who now wanted them lowered for good reasons.

The error gave Braelynd and Krum enough time to get back to the docking bay to see a sparring begin...

#29 gothador_grandmaster

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 21:56

:shock: You made me Darth Vader!!


#30 gothador_paxedes

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 22:46

:shock: You made me Darth Vader!!


*dun-dun-dun-DUN-dun-dun, dun-DUN-dun...*

#31 gothador_grandmaster

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Posted 24 October 2006 - 02:31

I am your father, Karamazov. 8)

#32 Kayla



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 07:10

:shock: You made me Darth Vader!!


Well sort of.... :?
Could I claim half of?

#33 Kayla



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 07:48

"He is my foe," hissed the grey cloaked one, "I shall fight him..."

"No," boomed the armoured one, a strange cancer symbol at abnormal ninety degree angle upon his breastplate. "He is my enemy, you would never defeat one with g-nome as strong as this one!"

Mamori leant against the pillar, his glowing green sword falling to his side as he watched the two Master minions of the Dark Emperor spar.

"I am the Puppet Master!" the cloaked one reminded him. "I reign over our forces and we have been seeking to arrest Mamori for ages, thus I claim him!"

"Nuh-huh!" denied the armoured one, "I am a G-nome Master. It has been foretold that I shall be the one to deal with Mamori!"

"You couldn't deal with a female already in custody!"

"You failed to notice two imposters in your army!"

"Walking tin-can!"

"G-nome-less one!"

The bitter words soon turned to bitter hand slaps. Mamori thought it was time for intervention.

"Guys!" he called out. "You can both fight me. Come on, I can take you!"

"Foolish fox!" laughed the armoured Mideon69.

"You cannot defeat both of us!" agreed the cloaked GrandMasterC.

"You may strike me down," announced Mamori, noticing a growing audience, "but I will become stronger than you can ever imagine!"

A series of taught ropes rose from the floor, en-squaring the three combatants. From the centre of the ring rose an odd bald little man in a black and white suit and holding a gnome with an afro instead of a pointy hat. He tapped the afro, the amplified noise of his tapping finger echoed from all around the station. The 'Eye of the Tiger' followed.

"In the green corner!" the odd man began in his amplified voice, "Master of the Light-side, G-nome Master and old Fox, Mamori!"

"Squall!" the gathered penguins jeered, even as the odd non-trooper booed.

"And facing him in the red corner! Masters of the Dark-side, Puppet and G-nome Masters respectively, GrandmasterC and Mideon69!"

"Squee!" the troopers cheered.

"Thats not fair!" yelled Karamazov, who promptly found a hand clapped over his mouth. He and Seven had been watching from behind several conveniently stacked barrels in one corner.

"Don't you see," Seven whispered, "he's drawing the enemy away from the ship!" Karamazov quietened down, after all he had her arm around his neck... that was good enough for him!

"Fight!" the bald man said.

Two swords that glowed red swung around in unison only to be blocked by the sword that glowed green. The battle had begun. Seven noticed the others slipping on board ship. She could help but admire their bravery, just think, they had actually traversed the Void in that thing! She began to drag Karamazov toward the ship when disaster appeared to strike!

"NO!" yelled Karamazov, as he watched the scissor slice of two blades pass through the clothing of his Master, funny that he'd finally got used to saying that and now he didn't have too...

"Squew!" the troopers yelled and began firing projected missiles at the pair of escapees. Seven shot back before running into the ship, dragging the blue mage by his tail.

The two dark Masters watched as the Manila Falcon made it's escape. "Beer?" Mideon offered, "my shout."

"Yeah why not," GMC replied.

#34 Kayla



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Posted 27 October 2006 - 22:21

The Manila Falcon sped out of sight of the massive void-station, heading towards it's previous destination. Krum and Karamazov watched it fade into the distance, becoming just another silver speck in view even as Isisxotic and GrandMasterC observed the fading wake of the Falcon. Two conversations began;

The Manila Falcon;

"See, no sweat, I told you I'd get us out of there," Braelynd cracked his knuckles.

"What are you talking about?" Seven demanded. "They let us leave. I expect they put a bug on your ship while we were still in the cells."

The Void-Station;

Isisxotic glanced over the long list of suggested names for the station. The Dark Emperor had suggested making the naming a competition, a sort of moral thing for the crew and staff. Personally, Isisxotic cared nothing for moral. She drew a line through the name 'Death Ball.'

"Did you have your minions place the bug?" Isisxotic asked.

"Yes, My Lady," GrandMasterC replied.

The Manila Falcon;

A small ant with a weird looking flashing gem stuck to it's back crawled down the corridor.

"Roar!" Polar Bear sniffed, dismissing Seven's worries with a flick of his massive paw.

"Yeah," Braelynd agreed. "We do have an anti-bug system in place!"

The small ant with the weired looking flashing gem stuck to it's back paused and looked up into the face of a great big and very hungry anteater.

The Void-Station;

Isisxotic crossed off 'Death Pom-pom', 'Death Faberge Egg', and 'Slightly Dangerous Star.'

"And the anti-anti-bug system?" she asked.

"But of course, my Lady," GrandMasterC replied.

She put down her pen. "What do you think of 'Death Orange'?"


The Manila Falcon;

The small ant with the weird looking flashing gem stuck to it's back fled back down the corridor while being chased by the great big and hungry anteater, which suddenly paused.

"I hope your right," Seven replied.

"What was so important about this mission anyway?" Karamazov asked.

"Iaganatzi is carrying the plans to that Void Station," Seven advised him. "I just hope we can find a flaw in time."

"In time for what?" he asked, cluelessly.

"In time to prevent it destroying us all!" Seven sighed, then viewed the Giant gnome carrying a globe in a wheelbarrow as it came in sight. "We are here!"

The small ant with a weird looking flashing gem stuck to it's back paused and looked back at the great big and hungry anteater, who was now making gooey eyes at a not-quite anteater female, which was in fact a penguin trooper cunningly transformed into an anteater by Mideon69 so it would distract the anti-bug system without actually eating the bug. The small ant crawled away satisfied that it wasn't about to be eaten when SPLAT! a large foot squished it into the floor.

Iaganatzi sat back in his chair. "I don't like ants," he said and floated away.

The Death Orange;

A weedy looking officer scuffled up to Isisxotic, who was gazing out into the void wondering where her Insatiable was at this moment. She might be dead, but she still noticed prolonged absenses without leave.

"My Lady," he bowed, several times due to nerves. "We have lost the signal." She said nothing. In fact her lack of interest made him more nervous. "But we did manage to track them enough. We believe they are in Gothador." He bowed again, just to be on the safe side.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked. "Plot the co-ordinates." He bowed and scuffled away.




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Posted 28 October 2006 - 01:19

so far...so damm good!!!

*me wants more so I poke Kayla for moreeee*

#36 Kayla



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Posted 31 October 2006 - 21:15

The sound of rattling mixed with groans had haunted them for too long. It had echoed down passageways, into hearing, seeming to come from everywhere and yet from nowhere. Slowly, they eased their way down the corridors, locating the source of the disturbance. Once aware they congregated, encircling above it, swooping down upon the panel that shielded their eyes from it, and then….


#37 Kayla



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Posted 31 October 2006 - 22:30

Because I'm feeling the halloween spirit, I decided to post again...

Elsewhere within the realms, in an unfolding scene totally unrelated to anything that has been occurring…

The long lithe kindred elf adjusted the fabric of her tight-fitting cow-print cat-suit. She wasn’t sure how two animals had come to create the outfit, but it had the word ‘cow’ in it thus surely it was acceptable for the occasion. There was a scratching and whining that would ordinarily be assumed to come from an injured creature of the canine variety coming from the door. Problem was, in here, no pets were allowed.
Lucky it was, perhaps, that Metalhead was a little more than just a pet.

The werewolf appeared to have a mass of tangled and wet hair upon his back. He gazed up through large brown eyes seeking the elf’s approval. “And just what are you supposed to be?â€

#38 Kayla



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Posted 04 November 2006 - 09:55

The celestial gazed upwards at the night sky. It took a keen eye to spot the new star, but it didn't take a keen mind to realise what this meant. Her fears were coming true. Two figures approach her and scanned the skies with her. "What now?" the large transcendant asked.

She had once thought him counted amongst the dead of the Distortion or it's aftermath, now she was dying to know where he'd been all this time, but there wasn't the time for that. "Now," she finally replied. "Now we speak to S."

"S?" the blue elf asked. "What kind of a name is S?"

S aka Skallagrim, the rebels trusted mad inventor, who'd shortened his name as it sounded cool, was welding and tinkering in the large metal container he called home. It was a convenient crate. The rebels moved around a lot and simply picked it up and moved it along with them. He didn't even need leave it.

"Did you take a look at the plans S?" Seven asked.

"Oh yeah," Skallagrim replied, removing the large eyeshield over his face, his own design, looked like a cross between a party mask and knight's full helm. "There's a flaw alright." He took them over to a board with the plans on it. There were numerous additions to the plans of red arrows and labels. Labels such as "Chasm of sure annialation" and "Someones bound to die here". He pointed to the arrow that said; "Tiny, minute flaw, could cause large boom."

"That? Karamazov squinted. "The tiny little spot at the end of the 'Chasm of sure annialation?!'"

"Yeah, that be the one," Skallagrim agreed. "If you can get a Dragon Wing to survive the chasm and shoot off one blast of Firebreath precisely down the centre of this hole, then it should set off a chain reaction that destroys the whole station."

"That's impossible!" Karamazov explained. "It's suicide! It's madness! It's.."

"Our only option," Seven finished with a sigh.

"Yeah, that," Karamazov was quick to agree. He couldn't help but recall that swift kiss he'd received from her back on the station and was still hoping for a repeat or more.

"Is there anything you have that can give us an edge?" Seven asked Skallagrim.

The infernal offered a grin and led them to the corner of his home that contained some of his best inventions. It was almost like entering a museum, dust and all. Two pickaxes were mounted side by side upon the wall, a rusty, well used one and a shiny one with wires and huge handle attached. It didn't appear to ever have seen a mine. Upon nearby table a mass of blank scrolls plus a piece of parchement with the title 'Petition for Miner's restroom.' It contained one signature that looked suspiciously like an 'S'. There was also a very mesmerising orb with a tiny infernal at it's heart. Seven picked up a scroll and looked at it.

"Self Healing scroll?" She queried, looking at the unwritten parchment. "S, it isn't ever going to happen."

"We'll see," Skallagrim said stubbornly, sure he'd figure it out one day. He took the cloth off of the hidden weapon he stood next to. "What about this, I got the idea years ago when overhearing some interesting dealing in the Dark Forest." It looked like some sort of cannon, one that wouldn't look out of place in a sandy ring underneath a huge striped tent.

"What is it?" Seven asked.

"The Newbie beam!" Skallagrim said, proudly. "What you do is put in a sack of gold, shove in the said Newbie..."

"It wont hurt will it?" asked the conveniently placed monk sitting next to it, he'd been under the cloth just in case needed for demonstration purposes.

"Na," Skallagrim lied assuredly. Seven sighed dramatically, removed the sack of gold and gave it to the monk with the suggestion that he should go away. Skallagrim gave her a withered look to no avail, but was quickly distracted. "Don't touch that!" Karamazov offered innocence, even though his guilty fingers were still reaching for the orb. Skallagrim swiftly moved it out of reach.

"What is it?" Karamazov asked.

"I call it the Erathirea Virus," Skallagrim replied. "It infects any runic systems and floods them with so many posts that eventually it seize up."

"Can't we use it?" asked Seven eagerly.

"No, it's not ready. There's a problem with rebound."

"Doesn't sound serious," Seven replied. She really wanted to use that virus on the station.

"Not unless you consider it rebounds back onto it's source and infects that as well!"

"Oh," Seven replied, disappointed. "Well there has to be something!"

"Well," Skallagrim sounded reluctant. "It is just a prototype...." Seven offered a winning smile. Karamazov wished she would smile at him like that...

#39 Kayla



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Posted 07 November 2006 - 16:37

Captain Braelynd of the Void Ship Manila Falcon was working on getting out while he still could. He had a plan, well sort of, it included not getting on Topanga's less pleasant side and copious amounts of alchohol and not getting killed. Seven was not impressed. Neither was Karamazov, but Braelynd reckoned he could live with that. Krum wasn't really bothered seeing as this was not the Braelynd he knew and fought beside, this being a parallel universe and all that. And besides, Braelynd was a grown elf, who was he to argue.

"So you're leaving, just like that?" Seven demanded of him.

"Yeah, problem with that?" Braelynd asked.

"Oh no," Seven retorted. "I just thought for a moment that you had come to your senses and was ready to fight for our freedom. But I was wrong, you drowned your senses in ale years ago."

"Look, Seven," Braelynd didn't really feel like offering an explanation, but knew she wasn't going to drop this too soon without one, "I have problems of my own, places to go, people to see. And a suicide mission isn't on my agenda today. Personally, I think you are all crazy."

"It's crazy to fight for what you believe now is it? You never used to think like that."

"I never used to think that the half of the universe would be swallowed up without explanation either. I never used to think that the Gods would abandon us all after the Distortion."

"There's no proof that the Gods have abandoned us!"

"There's no proof that they haven't either. Face it Seven, no one's heard from them in years, not even those of us who were closest to them at some point or other in our lives. They are gone and not coming back. We're on our own and it's every man for himself."

"I'm disappointed in you," Seven sighed, though this was not true for the rest of the rebels milling about the docks. This was better than a soap-opera, there was popcorn!

"Let me ask you," Braelynd said, "Why are you doing this, seriously. Is it really for the freedom of the masses, some of which were thieves, assassins and murderers before they joined the rebellion or went into hiding, or is it for Lunitarian?" Seven went white. "Revenge isn't going to bring him back, or any of the others lost in and since the Distortion."

"Don't you dare say such things Braelynd Coradin!" The celestial warned. "Just go, go far away Braelynd, see how far it gets you if we fail." With that she stormed through the gathered crowd, who suspiciously began whistling as one and pretending that they were really really busy, honest.

"Damn her," Braelynd muttered and looked at Polar Bear, who in turn was staring at him. "What are you looking at?"

"Roar!" the white one answered. Rough translation; There's no need to take it out on me, you know, I don't really want to stay around here either you know! In fact let's go before I rip someones arms off!

#40 Kayla



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 10:42

With the departure of the Manila Falcon, the docks became the preperation grounds of just the rebels. They gathered in three teams, the Dragon Wings, the Magic Carpet Fighters and team K&K or Krum and Karamazov.

For reasons unknown to the large transcendant, Karamazov seemed a little surprised that the Dragon Wings were actually real dragons, saddled and reigned and that the Magic Carpet Fighters really were floating rugs with mini cannon attachements.

One of the pilots wandered over to Krum and Karamazov to wish them good luck. "Hi there," he said, looking very relaxed with his helm resting underneath his arm. "I'm Tomtom and that lovely lady over there is Truffle." The eyes of team K & K widened in surprise.

"You mean the... er... red dragon over there?" Karamazov asked.

"Yep!" Tomtom looked over at the dragon with loving eyes. "Beautiful isn't she! Just keep on her good side, she has a mean temper." He returned to her side to brush down her scales. In return she nuzzled the infernal, almost knocking him over.

"That's freaky!" Karamazov whispered to Krum.

"No not really," Seven murmured from behind him. He turned and opened his mouth to start agreeing with her. Seven shook her head. "The distortian meant everyone became stuck in whatever form that they had happened to be in, monks could no longer evolve into angels, necromancers could no longer rise to be spirits, dragons could no longer change back..."

"You mean...?" Krum quickly understood, the blue mage took a few minutes longer.

"Yes, Truffle wasn't always a dragon," Seven sighed. It had become an epic love story, one that mothers and daughters wept in their coffee cups over. It still brought a lump to Seven's throat.

Karamazov shuffled about, thinking ewww, what is wrong with the bloke? He coughed and changed the subject. "So... er... what are the little cannons for?"

The glazed look lifted. "Oh, well we also have a number of crystalline members. They shed like crazy! Believe me! We had to find something to do with all the crystal shards they left about the place or they would pile up and act like a huge sign to the empire when the sun hit them! You know, here lies a rebel base! Any way, S decided to recycle them as ammo. A little crude, but beggars can't be choosers." She looked around for team K&K's mode of transport. "Are you guys ready?"

Inwardly, both shook their heads vigorously. Outwardly they nodded.

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