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How to easily increase PvP activity..

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#21 hittokiri



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:35

everytime you posting things about PVP you wanting pillow fight, pvp with no xp loss


I will tell you same thing like 100 other player posts in this forum:

if you want playing pvp with no xp loss then you can bro, nobody stopping you, play ARENA or GVG

there you having no xp loss like you wanting but I hearing from friends activity low there


if you still not understanding why your idea very bad then read other pvp forums

for prestige idea this is better (90% say yes) and accepted by you rebornjedi too: https://forums.hunte...ol-my-prestige/


you can find in other pvp forums answers why your idea very bad and I not going keep repeating things many times or this topic will end like other pvp forums, I want enjoying my weekened with my family instead of arguing with players who only have final goal of removing xp loss for having their pillow fight


ps: HCS saying they removing PVP LADDER and giving us PVP TOURNAMENT



I like the idea, however I think that XP loss should be re-instituted  on the Bounty Board for BOTH the Bounty Hunter and the Hunted.  The only true PvP in the game was when the Hunted had an incentive to defend a bounty by causing XP loss to the Hunter on a loss.  I would like to see the "art of dancing" brought back to the game. It was enormous fun to be continually switching my combat sets to effect a loss on a "dancing" Hunter or Hunted.  That was the best part of the game and a part where good friends were made during the conflict. That was true PvP, not the mindless hitting of an unprepared target.

I miss this, was one of the best things in pvp, I would switch setups, use potions and buffs to take the bounty hunters with me

I remember this was removed around the time the pvp restrictions started, from then on there was less pvp activity and the number of pvpers started decrasing

#22 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:35

a 10 stam or a 100 stam pvp prestige hit is still pvp and needs to carry the risks of pvp....you wish to hit people to be able to gain an extra 10% xp through their losses and you should still be subject to bountying or being hit back at their discretion

#23 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:35

PvP doesn't have a lot of worth in the game anymore.. Stealing gold isn't worth the penalty a bounty could bring.. the ladder isn't updated enough with changes and prizes.. bounty hunting has got to be only fun during wars that end quickly due to the negativity involved with them (mainly XP loss)


what would get you to PvP more? or even at all?


#24 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:35

edit:sorry for double post....agreed to the old school dancing on the boards, that was really the best part of pvping to me was being able to defend myself on the boards

Edited by moonfrost, 13 February 2015 - 02:37.

#25 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:39

a 10 stam or a 100 stam pvp prestige hit is still pvp and needs to carry the risks of pvp....you wish to hit people to be able to gain an extra 10% xp through their losses and you should still be subject to bountying or being hit back at their discretion

lots of questions on why one would bounty an attack if no XP is lost.. and i think this relates to that issue.. the risk.. the reward... there does need a balance


adding a revenge attack to take back and do some more damage would entice players to attack back after being hit..


why should we only be able to bounty to do the most damage? we should be encouraged to fight our own battels, and rewarded for doing so!!!


#26 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:43

overall.. i don't think 5 levels of risk for one PvP attack is good for the game.. not for the health in rebuilding it or for the basic enjoyment factor..


should XP loss go all together.. or should it remain at the same severity? should it be reduced overall? removed from certain aspects of PvP and remain in others?


#27 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:44

alot of different circumstances play a part in decisions made in regards to retaliation for prestige hits..maybe that player kept hitting every 3 days for months at a time and player b finally gets sick of it and says fine, ill take it to the boards and make you lose all that xp you gained from hitting me...maybe player a left a guld on bad terms and decided to farm prestige from all the players in that guild and has to face the music...maybe player b has friends that just thirst for blood like a bunch of evil dead, oh wait, that happens now....

#28 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:45

agreed to the old school dancing on the boards, that was really the best part of pvping to me was being able to defend myself on the boards

the hype of adreniline that one got from dancing was great.. it personally was beyond the level of landing on a super elite or the release of a legendary event back in the day.. just the burst of excitement trying to gear/buff up after you logged in at the right time for your posted bounty.


#29 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:45

overall.. i don't think 5 levels of risk for one PvP attack is good for the game.. not for the health in rebuilding it or for the basic enjoyment factor..


should XP loss go all together.. or should it remain at the same severity? should it be reduced overall? removed from certain aspects of PvP and remain in others?

5 levels of loss has always been the way of the game, nothing has changed except the landscape of players mentality towards it...i recall a time where there was no cap on how much you could lose on the boards

#30 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:00

5 levels of loss has always been the way of the game, nothing has changed except the landscape of players mentality towards it...i recall a time where there was no cap on how much you could lose on the boards

a LOT has changed.. which has a lot to do with the players' mentality on the issue..


why risk around 15k+/- stamina worth of levels for one attack.. with a game that is based around Stamina, thats just a brutal and unnecessary risk that most don't get involved with...


PvP has always been one factor that has kept me playing a game.. if a MMO doesn't have a good PvP system then it is very rare ill stay..


PvP needs to be competitive.. active.. and gratifying.. i see no benefit from attacking the players around my level.. and thats too bad


#31 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:07

why risk? pvp is all about risk...whats changed now about it that wasnt there before? all the gear and buffs have leveled the playing field between levels greatly...there was a time when being high level meant something when it came to defending due to fact that your stats were actually that much higher...not so anymore, not that it stopped any of us from trying to take down the big boys on the boards though either

#32 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:09

risk is subjective..


#33 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:14

so is opinion

#34 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:16

The easiest things to get on this game is XP, you just need few buffs and go to the Realms and kills few easy mobs to raise up your level, why put so much value to it? Why you can't lose some XP to try PvP? You don't even need to learn how defend yourself, you just put an SSI up and go on, with the same gear for like 50 levels, same buffs as always, same results as always.

PvP is the only thing on the game where you really use your Enhancements and need to know mostly all the buffs on the game, change setups to defend, be online to swing on the Bounty Board, learn how to avoid losing on a hit against NMV+Attack setups, how to survive for LD, FS, GS, Dispell Curse and other buffs.

Why we would care to learn all those things if there is no risk involved? 
Keep the XP Loss on the game, that's fair, that raise the knowledge level of the game and activity, but bring more prizes, so more people will want to try it.

Edited by yghorbeviahn, 13 February 2015 - 03:18.

#35 moonfrost



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:20

the dancing days of the boards actually promoted some intelligence in using math skills to determine the outcome of a battle based on buffs vs players stats...nowadays its almost all blind swinging to some degree, still same risk though

#36 Rocknoor



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:27

overall.. i don't think 5 levels of risk for one PvP attack is good for the game.. not for the health in rebuilding it or for the basic enjoyment factor..


should XP loss go all together.. or should it remain at the same severity? should it be reduced overall? removed from certain aspects of PvP and remain in others?

The loss of 5 levels now does not hold the same severity it did as little as 2 years ago.  If you're PvP'ing you know that there will be retaliation, most PvP'ers run with unassigned level-up points, me I run with 50 unassigned.  When you're ready to PvP park on a Champion mob, you lose 5 levels both VL and Level, pop a Global Pot with AM500 and a high Conserve or one of the high composed potions you or a guild mate make,  and because you are now over-hunting your level those lost 5 levels come back in a flash.


#37 Calista



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:32

I'm not sure why we keep coming back to removing xp loss from PvP.  It's not going to happen without completely killing what is left of it. If you guys think pvp players are meanies now, take away the risk of xp loss and see what happens. The removal of xp loss is just a way to make it easier for the prestige hitters who think they deserve to hit risk free. This is not how pvp works. That is not what PvP prestige should be about. There must be realistic consequences for the actions people choose to take. Otherwise we're going to be overrun by trash talking idiots who know nothing can be done to them.

Edited by BigGrim, 16 February 2015 - 12:59.
No swearing, thanks.


#38 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 04:40

PvP Prestige is earned with EVERY win on a player who has been active in the past 24 hours.. it is also updated to allow a certain amount of prestige to be used with each activation (not a spend all to use any, deal).. introduction of other benefits from PvP Prestige that involve all other aspects of the game..

i think reducing the attack time between prestige gain and who you actually gain prestige from would help keep PvP between the active players and would allow for more prestige gain for those in higher level ranges who dont have many targets..


with the current rules, i would just go on attack sprees with those in my level range every three days...  usually less because many just ignored or placed a bounty.. which i would lose around 20% of my level for just using 10 stamina and taking 1% of their level and maybe a handful of gold coins.. i would PvP less due to this risk/reward situation...


what i give up is missing out on the chance of interacting with another player in my level range.. PvP brings players together.. with the current XP loss, mostly negativity.. but there are chances where you meet a great friend..


the restrictions and penalties that are in effect, reduce this interaction.. which is a sad thing to realize..


it's time to open up PvP... why wait for another system to be put into place during these tough development eras... remove XP loss and release PvP


#39 RebornJedi



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 04:59

I'm not sure why we keep coming back to removing xp loss from PvP.  It's not going to happen without completely killing what is left of it.

left of it? left of what?


If you guys think pvp players are pricks now, take away the risk of xp loss and see what happens.

i hope thats a threat of activity :) but please explain further.. the full potential of a PvP system with no XP loss needs to be thought of so any downfalls, please do elaborate..

The removal of xp loss is just a way to make it easier for the prestige hitters who think they deserve to hit risk free. This is not how pvp works. That is not what PvP prestige should be about.

what should PvP prestige be about? what should this ability of being able to cast 10% XP gain with enough prestige for an hour or beyond be the great honor of?


we earn the same amount of prestige that it takes to do a 10 stamina attack or 100 stamina attack on a player who was active in the last SEVEN! days or completing one bounty (or trying to complete multiple bountys)....


do those all hold up to the honor of what PvP prestige should mean? does the stamina, effort, and time equal the same?


There must be realistic consequences for the actions people choose to take. Otherwise we're going to be overrun by trash talking idiots who know nothing can be done to them.

there are lots of consequences you can personally or as a collective deal... creativity is key..


you talked about pvpers stepping up their loathed game if XP loss was removed.. lets see if they can step up to stand above trash talkers.... because in the end, how useful is trash??


#40 Ikkaru



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Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:22

I am not going to qoute everything because I don't care enough to do so but a few thoughts on things I saw.


Gold hitting is stealing. Stealing is bad. You go to jail in real life for doing such a thing. In other time periods they cut off an arm. Gold stealing carrying a 5 lvl punishment is just. 


PvP prestige hits should come with a penalty. You are attacking others to try and benefit yourself. If you remove XP loss, the 10% gain should just be permantly added to everyone. No reason to hit people if neither players are losing and only gaining.


There is already a PvP system in this game in which no xp loss occurs, the arena. If you want a no xp loss pvp system, suggest ways to improve the arena.


XP loss is not the reason the game is inactive. XP loss is not why people do not join the ladder. All the issues with inactivity in the game rest solely on the developmental staff. No one plays the ladder because the rewards are the same worthless crap for years. It has mostly all been replaced with all these other OP sets they have released since. Why risk the chance of being set back in the game when the prize isn't worth the BP slots it fills? If they put real effort into anything besides EOC content, all other areas of the game would increase in activity.

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