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What FS/HCS WAS doing before & WELL! (Raise activity!)

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Poll: Do you support HCS Bringing back the Banner ADs for FS? (37 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you support HCS Bringing back the Banner ADs for FS?

  1. Voted YES! This is a great Idea. Can't join if you don't know it exists!/What Wait What? HCS used to Advertise FS? That sounds awesome! (18 votes [48.65%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.65%

  2. Voted Same as First. YES. I even found FS because of them! (8 votes [21.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.62%

  3. Voted Sure. Not like it will hurt any I guess... (5 votes [13.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.51%

  4. Voted Can you elaborate more? I don't know about these banner ads. (1 votes [2.70%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.70%

  5. Voted No. Sounds like a waste of time. (5 votes [13.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.51%

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#21 RebornJedi



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 19:53

What do you feel could be improved at the start of the game to help encourage players to stay and try out the game properly?

[*:29fp5bz1]10 Backpack slots
[*:29fp5bz1]Max Stamina pool = to 24 hours worth of stamina gain (excludes Guild stamina structures bonuses)
[*:29fp5bz1]Some type of set needs to be gained during the tutorial.. Item sets are a HUGE part of the game and something that should be shown at the very start..
[*:29fp5bz1]Potions - one invented for a quest during the tutorial ..something beneficial like Adept Learner or Librarian. particuraly one that can be invented again and again..
[*:29fp5bz1]Bound FSP used for character upgrades only.. i don't care if its just for the first 10, 25, etc levels or for every level. some type of information and addiction :twisted: of the game's currency needs to be introduced early on.. encourage level gains..
just some ones off the top of my head so far..


#22 Maury Bund

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 20:19

In regards to the original post. I too joined via a banner I saw on another gaming site and wished I had clicked it sooner. As this is one of the only on-line games I play, I cannot say whether there is enough advertizing coverage being done.

Reborn, when I started out, we only had 3 bp spaces, the 500 base stamina, no extra starting stamina, no gold/PvP protection and LE/SE sets were unaffordable by all but THE BIGGEST guilds. And I was not lucky to join a guild until long into my playing days. Since then, the cows have added that starting protection and bumped the base bp up and I thought it was to at least 9, but maybe someone who is really new can clarify how much space they get at start.

Zizz, some of your comments fall in line with why I asked that the PvP ladder be based on personal skills and drinkable potions, because I was not/am not a fan of 1 player vs a guild, especially when you are talking about some really low levels getting into a larger guild and having access to buffs (and sometimes around the clock) that a new or small guild player can't have, unless they are willing to pay out BIG money to play a "free" game. BG was actually considering it, until too many (mostly from PvP oriented guilds) said it was a bad idea. Still think it has some merit.

#23 Werd64



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 20:49

also new players coming into the game should be shown how this is a player based game and their ideas and inputs on how to further improve the game are welcome here on the forums!

I always see the same players on the forums, we need new blood on here, perhaps with some fresh, new ideas. I also often see players trying to open a topic of discussion for a new idea and all they get is a simple no, I don't have a specific example right now, but why wouldn't that idea work? is there another way it could work? Every idea is possible, we just have to figure out how. Magic is just science we don't understand!

as for the original topic, a buddy of mine actually got me into FS, and at one point we were all in the same guild. but they stopped playing years ago, I myself have been on ever since! but it's true, once I actually knew what this game was, I started seeing banners for it everywhere!


#24 wil72



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 21:20

What i find more disturbing is that new players dont get time to get the hang of the game. There is a lvl 25 minimum level for pvp, but that doesnt include gvg. That has bothered me for a long time. A lvl 1 guy can get farmed by a lvl 25 guy.

Whenever i try to recruit gvg'ers, most of them are between lvl 25 and lvl 50. Not that i mind, its the easiest level to gvg at. But in fact, all those gvg'ers are farming the crap out of fresh starters who havent even explored the game yet.

Gvg is pretty harmless you say. i know that, but those fresh starters dont know that yet. On top of that: the guilds who actively recruit fresh starting players, end up on the hit list of those gvg'ers. Resulting in less and less guilds accepting fresh blood, they all want to recruit guys who are allready out of the danger zone.

Those early levels is the moment when a new guy decides if he will keep playing or not. So we should let them explore and learn the game, everybody does that in their own pace. Give them some time.

From a marketing point of view it also makes sense to have a level limit on gvg. While we are talking about advertisements, we all know there is a cost involved to that. Lets say it costs HCS 0.10$ for each click on their advertisement. Lets assume that 1 out of 10 clickers actually makes an acount. So the cost per new acount would be 1$. Now if we would have 100 fresh starters that would cost HCS 100$. Out of those 100 starters alot of guys will decide that this game doesnt suit them, for whatever reason, not only gvg. I would guess around 10% of them keeps playing. Those 10 guys now have cost HCS 100$. That is 10$ per player. If they would be able to keep 20 players out of 100, that means that the cost per new players is cut in half, only 5$ per player.

I am not saying that those numbers would apply if there was a limit to gvg. But it sure would help. New starters must be spoiled, to get hooked to the game. Once they are hooked, we can farm the crap out of them. If they are not hooked yet, they will just quit if we farm them too much.

Just a thing that has been bothering me for a while.

Completely agree. I would put a guild level restriction and a minimum level restriction on gvging. probably level 100+ would be fair game to do gvging at and guild level 300+. I know this will be wildly unpopular with the current status quo but if we are focusing on retaining new people than it needs to be done.

Is it really skill to smash a new player without gear or who doesn't even understand pvp mechanics yet? no, it isn't. I don't even call that pvp, its just farming.

Sorry mate, I disagree. Level 300 Guild minimum to GvG is big no no from me I'm afraid. Serious revamp of the top 250 GvG Ladder and top 250 Guild ladder would need to occur for this to happen. An active and well structured level 100 guild could easily beat a few Guilds within the top 250 of each Ladders. So why should they be excluded from GvG. Also the notion of farming RP from a level 1 player I find quite strange. When a player joins do they not have the stamina to achieve level 25. If they do not do this I would assume they are not really interested in the game. So why cap GvG?



#25 RebornJedi



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 21:21

[*:3a4ii44k]Some type of set needs to be gained during the tutorial.. Item sets are a HUGE part of the game and something that should be shown at the very start..
[*:3a4ii44k]Potions - one invented for a quest during the tutorial ..something beneficial like Adept Learner or Librarian. particuraly one that can be invented again and again..

had an idea of a starting quest where you invent your own Find Item potion and are asked to farm a 2-3+ piece from an Elite(one that can be killed without being in a guild or without much gear).. this would introduce new players to the potion crafting aspect and item farming aspect of the game.. at the end of the quest, lets say the quest giver buffs up the items a bit and gives them to you to test out. the Elite Hunter enhancement importance is pointed out somewhere during this quest..


#26 Werd64



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 23:22

I would advertise this game all over my facebook but it would only bring in a very fluent french speaking community and not many english!


#27 Belaric



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 23:39

French Guild is GO!!!

HCS has said before they have looked at advertising cost benefit. They do not advertise as heavily as we would like because their business model has indicated it does not bring in enough new business. (Judging by previous posts on this subject by Hoof etc.)

So what can we do as a community? Yes - updating reviews of FS on game sites would be good, but the new map system does not really represent a revolutionary change in the game, and HCS does not control review sites. Hell, if we want to influence new gamers we should go out there and review FS again as a new game and say why it is great, and for what market. Create fan sites and find a a celebrity to a) endorse it B)... well B I will leave to you.

Can 3D games be played satisfactorily over a satellite link? I ask this out of curiosity, not assumed knowledge - because large swaths of this planet have primitive internet, and many will only have radio or satellite links. FS and HCS should concentrate on these emerging markets. And oh yeah, English is not a first language there either. But if somali waifs are playing WoW.. fugggedabouddit. There goes that idea of mine. If they are not... this game should and could thrive in a low tech environment. How about looking at that idea? Why not push this game there? (And in servers and systems that service low access areas of the world?) Crap idea? Ok.

#28 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 00:14

Yeah I'm doing 2 posts in a row.

This one is about the start of the game to make it better.

I am with rebornjedi about the epic quests at the start, but I want to take it further.

I think HCS should gut the 1st 50 levels, make the epic quest get to level 50 and leave new players feeling powerful and ready to face the much more chaotic lands beyond level 50.

Specifically - kill ALL content not involved in the epic quests or in subsequent epic quests, streamline the early messiness that was created when HCS had no idea what FS would turn into. Back then HCS was trying to invent spaces for players to explore and find cool.... that is not needed now, now we need new players to get hooked. New players do not need to get stuck in Narrow Paths of waste of stam on the way to nowhere interesting that makes them stop playing instantly. Kill that crap. Kill those useless early quests too.

Push all new players into the Shadowlord/quest for the Fallen Sword story arc. Use the first 50 levels to get them hooked on this idea, and in the process give them 25 BP slots, 70 stam/hour, 1680 max stam. 5000 + bonus one time stam so they can make lots of mistakes and still stay on track. I liked that when I went back to do the epic quests - but for new players it means they can screw up and get back on track without getting frustrated and giving up. Eventually they will have to learn to manage stam, doing it from day one is alien to most players. Let it become an attraction, a difference, a challenge to players - that way this game could become intriguing!! We cannot easily re-engineer level structures beyond the first 50 because of the titans at 60. They have to be accounted for - though I think Lestus is a fabulous first awesome enemy and powerful agent of the Shadowlord that new players need to test themselves against. The Kraken... well it works on its own, just change the root entries into its realms.

Yes there are going to be exceptions - what about the Inferno Hammer origin etc. well, those could be included in the epic cycle - 30-50. I just think a lot of that content could be wiped out and made simpler and linear for new players. Older players can weep into their beards about the lost realms cut... guess what - they can become an event/seasonal/legendary/global activated realm - Mists of Avalon, with their own new challenges, nothing created need ever be lost.

Make the experience for new players much more direct 1-50, give them a plot to follow and get into. Beef them up regularly,let them see how upgrades work, and give them an incentive to work to upgrade themselves further. Use the epic quests to introduce them to elites, SE, inventing, PvP. Stop GvG and PvP below level 50. I see the introduction to PvP as a knight's quest, or assassins test - go and kill your mark/face your enemy in battle. To finish the epic quest cycle PvP must be played, but only against players who have never gotten beyond level 50 before - no-one can delevel back to this. Therefore everyone who learns to PvP does so against others who are only doing it for the first time also. Guilds, and GvG battles, that can be for 50+ when the bigger world gets entered.

Another short post from yours truly.

#29 DragonLord



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 00:24

What do you feel could be improved at the start of the game to help encourage players to stay and try out the game properly?

[*:1nkdsiid]10 Backpack slots
[*:1nkdsiid]Max Stamina pool = to 24 hours worth of stamina gain (excludes Guild stamina structures bonuses)
[*:1nkdsiid]Some type of set needs to be gained during the tutorial.. Item sets are a HUGE part of the game and something that should be shown at the very start..
[*:1nkdsiid]Potions - one invented for a quest during the tutorial ..something beneficial like Adept Learner or Librarian. particuraly one that can be invented again and again..
[*:1nkdsiid]Bound FSP used for character upgrades only.. i don't care if its just for the first 10, 25, etc levels or for every level. some type of information and addiction :twisted: of the game's currency needs to be introduced early on.. encourage level gains..
just some ones off the top of my head so far..

I'd not argue with any of those options. GvG farming has to be stopped at the VERY low level. Players need time to get some knowledge of the game before being battered every which way. I'd agree that players should reach L50 or so before they are eligible to be hit in GvG (but, with a warning, say at Level 45, that a new aspect of the game is about to open up for them).

Actually, thinking about it - extend that even further ... Players have to advance in order to participate in new events. Say ... for instance ...

Level 1 - Can hunt ..

Level 25 - Can PvP, but only against players of their current level but then, as they level up, the window expands to +/- 5 when they hit Level 30 and then normal progression bands therein after

Level 50 - Can participate in GvG conflicts, but, again, only against +25 levels higher, the +/- 25 coming into effect once they reach Level 75

etc etc.

I sometimes wonder that new players, with pretty much access to everything from day 1 (I know that's not literally the case) feel overwhelmed. Staggering it may be an easier progression for them to adapt to.

#30 gomezkilla



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 00:42

I sometimes wonder that new players, with pretty much access to everything from day 1 (I know that's not literally the case) feel overwhelmed. Staggering it may be an easier progression for them to adapt to.


The mentors was a good start to what needs to be done, just need to take another step in that direction. Ease the new players into each aspect of the game and have the mentors on the side for any help that they may need along the way.

#31 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 00:49

I sometimes wonder that new players, with pretty much access to everything from day 1 (I know that's not literally the case) feel overwhelmed. Staggering it may be an easier progression for them to adapt to.


The mentors was a good start to what needs to be done, just need to take another step in that direction. Ease the new players into each aspect of the game and have the mentors on the side for any help that they may need along the way.

Erm.. look up at my post above about streamlining early content into the epic quests and introducing game elements that way. Having a mentoring system is nice and warmfuzzy - but it does not replace someone WANTING to play. It only helps them that want to play. The game has to catch them before they are interested enough to want a mentor.

#32 wil72



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:24

What do you feel could be improved at the start of the game to help encourage players to stay and try out the game properly?

[*:bgbjq8bu]10 Backpack slots
[*:bgbjq8bu]Max Stamina pool = to 24 hours worth of stamina gain (excludes Guild stamina structures bonuses)
[*:bgbjq8bu]Some type of set needs to be gained during the tutorial.. Item sets are a HUGE part of the game and something that should be shown at the very start..
[*:bgbjq8bu]Potions - one invented for a quest during the tutorial ..something beneficial like Adept Learner or Librarian. particuraly one that can be invented again and again..
[*:bgbjq8bu]Bound FSP used for character upgrades only.. i don't care if its just for the first 10, 25, etc levels or for every level. some type of information and addiction :twisted: of the game's currency needs to be introduced early on.. encourage level gains..
just some ones off the top of my head so far..

I'd not argue with any of those options. GvG farming has to be stopped at the VERY low level. Players need time to get some knowledge of the game before being battered every which way. I'd agree that players should reach L50 or so before they are eligible to be hit in GvG (but, with a warning, say at Level 45, that a new aspect of the game is about to open up for them).

Actually, thinking about it - extend that even further ... Players have to advance in order to participate in new events. Say ... for instance ...

Level 1 - Can hunt ..

Level 25 - Can PvP, but only against players of their current level but then, as they level up, the window expands to +/- 5 when they hit Level 30 and then normal progression bands therein after

Level 50 - Can participate in GvG conflicts, but, again, only against +25 levels higher, the +/- 25 coming into effect once they reach Level 75

etc etc.

I sometimes wonder that new players, with pretty much access to everything from day 1 (I know that's not literally the case) feel overwhelmed. Staggering it may be an easier progression for them to adapt to.

GvG at level 50 and above only? Then only hit levels +25 above you? No way mate. Big NO, huge NO, humongous NO. GvG only affects a players gear. No xp is lost. If the Guild is not prepared to help with repair costs that member has an option. Join another Guild that will! I really don't see how being hit in a GvG conflict would turn players away from the game. In fact the opposite may be true. Player is in a Guild, has been hit in GvG, no to happy about it, wants to hit back. Has a partner in Guild, they also want to hit back. Guild supports their conflict.They hit back, they win. Players are happy, players stay with Fallen Sword. Guild gets RP, nice :)



#33 uhsword



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:34

Uhh wil read his post again it says etc etc and gvging can also affect (on or offline) players buffs if the gvger is equipped with the proper buffs that is and agree gvging shouldn't make players complain and leave because they couldn't have full advantage over it when on the defending side


#34 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:38


This is not about GvG... and frankly why do you want to defend one 25 level area of activity? Is 25-50 so profitable? Why is 50 as a start off so bad? Do you not think it would be better to get people playing and into the game more before deciding on guilds and GvG? And why do you imagine a log of 25+ hits would not be dispiriting to a new player? That is what GvG is - and 25+ invasions into your log is not harmless to a newbie. If the game is properly redesigned from 1-50 then the newbies will be ready for GvG, PvP and the rest. As it stands, new players and new guilds are just meat for the grinder, and are ground to dust never to return.

We are currently eating our own young.

#35 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 02:06

i still think the starting of this game needs more work.. new players should have their hands held a little tighter and their upgrades should be a little fuller. we need to keep the new blood around long enough for them to start getting hooked.

What do you feel could be improved at the start of the game to help encourage players to stay and try out the game properly?

This one is about the start of the game to make it better.

I am with rebornjedi about the epic quests at the start, but I want to take it further.

I think HCS should gut the 1st 50 levels, make the epic quest get to level 50 and leave new players feeling powerful and ready to face the much more chaotic lands beyond level 50.

Specifically - kill ALL content not involved in the epic quests or in subsequent epic quests, streamline the early messiness that was created when HCS had no idea what FS would turn into. Back then HCS was trying to invent spaces for players to explore and find cool.... that is not needed now, now we need new players to get hooked. New players do not need to get stuck in Narrow Paths of waste of stam on the way to nowhere interesting that makes them stop playing instantly. Kill that crap. Kill those useless early quests too.

Push all new players into the Shadowlord/quest for the Fallen Sword story arc. Use the first 50 levels to get them hooked on this idea, and in the process give them 25 BP slots, 70 stam/hour, 1680 max stam. 5000 + bonus one time stam so they can make lots of mistakes and still stay on track. I liked that when I went back to do the epic quests - but for new players it means they can screw up and get back on track without getting frustrated and giving up. Eventually they will have to learn to manage stam, doing it from day one is alien to most players. Let it become an attraction, a difference, a challenge to players - that way this game could become intriguing!! We cannot easily re-engineer level structures beyond the first 50 because of the titans at 60. They have to be accounted for - though I think Lestus is a fabulous first awesome enemy and powerful agent of the Shadowlord that new players need to test themselves against. The Kraken... well it works on its own, just change the root entries into its realms.

Yes there are going to be exceptions - what about the Inferno Hammer origin etc. well, those could be included in the epic cycle - 30-50. I just think a lot of that content could be wiped out and made simpler and linear for new players. Older players can weep into their beards about the lost realms cut... guess what - they can become an event/seasonal/legendary/global activated realm - Mists of Avalon, with their own new challenges, nothing created need ever be lost.

Make the experience for new players much more direct 1-50, give them a plot to follow and get into. Beef them up regularly,let them see how upgrades work, and give them an incentive to work to upgrade themselves further. Use the epic quests to introduce them to elites, SE, inventing, PvP. Stop GvG and PvP below level 50. I see the introduction to PvP as a knight's quest, or assassins test - go and kill your mark/face your enemy in battle. To finish the epic quest cycle PvP must be played, but only against players who have never gotten beyond level 50 before - no-one can delevel back to this. Therefore everyone who learns to PvP does so against others who are only doing it for the first time also. Guilds, and GvG battles, that can be for 50+ when the bigger world gets entered.

And yes - this is a repeat from earlier... because I am trying to answer the question of raising activity. Look back at satellite access post I made as well and answer that. This game has horizons in other languages. Maybe.

#36 wil72



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 02:09


This is not about GvG... and frankly why do you want to defend one 25 level area of activity? Is 25-50 so profitable? Why is 50 as a start off so bad? Do you not think it would be better to get people playing and into the game more before deciding on guilds and GvG? And why do you imagine a log of 25+ hits would not be dispiriting to a new player? That is what GvG is - and 25+ invasions into your log is not harmless to a newbie. If the game is properly redesigned from 1-50 then the newbies will be ready for GvG, PvP and the rest. As it stands, new players and new guilds are just meat for the grinder, and are ground to dust never to return.

We are currently eating our own young.

Hello Belaric. I was only answering the comments made about GvG and there supposed effect on " new player " exodus. Personally I don't think GvG has a massive impact on new players leaving the game. I'm not defending a level 25-50 activity. Well, actually I am. Making GvG only from level 50 and above is removing that part of the game from many players and many Guilds. HCS has provided good GVG gear below level 50. Is it a players fault to take advantage of this. If a player is a member of a Guild ,and they have to be to be hit in GvG, is not up to the Guild to help them and try to....lets say....defend their honour? To be honest Korova is a new Guild, don't think we are meat to the grinder. In fact many within the top 250 Guilds would be better described as such.



#37 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 02:44


This is not about GvG... and frankly why do you want to defend one 25 level area of activity? Is 25-50 so profitable? Why is 50 as a start off so bad? Do you not think it would be better to get people playing and into the game more before deciding on guilds and GvG? And why do you imagine a log of 25+ hits would not be dispiriting to a new player? That is what GvG is - and 25+ invasions into your log is not harmless to a newbie. If the game is properly redesigned from 1-50 then the newbies will be ready for GvG, PvP and the rest. As it stands, new players and new guilds are just meat for the grinder, and are ground to dust never to return.

We are currently eating our own young.

Hello Belaric. I was only answering the comments made about GvG and there supposed effect on " new player " exodus. Personally I don't think GvG has a massive impact on new players leaving the game. I'm not defending a level 25-50 activity. Well, actually I am. Making GvG only from level 50 and above is removing that part of the game from many players and many Guilds. HCS has provided good GVG gear below level 50. Is it a players fault to take advantage of this. If a player is a member of a Guild ,and they have to be to be hit in GvG, is not up to the Guild to help them and try to....lets say....defend their honour? To be honest Korova is a new Guild, don't think we are meat to the grinder. In fact many within the top 250 Guilds would be better described as such.



Hi wil72,

You ARE defending 25-50 activity. You recognise that those with the right gear can cream the others. I do not care about the gear offered by HCS - it is in the past, just as I wish for HCS to destroy huge areas of the 1-50 realms in order to make the new experience more streamlined. It makes sense to follow the epic quest line and forget the extraneous crap made when the needs of the game and the designers were different. Those levels can be resurrected in special realms, or seasonal events, it matters not, what was once created need never be lost, it can be repurposed and sold again as new! Ditto that early gear - it is still awesome in the arena, great to hunt with, probably viable to PvP and GvG in to 75+, changing the entry requirements does not stop that gear being useful. And, if HCS gives advance warning of a change - you will have the chance to offload such items as those you think will no longer serve a purpose.

You try to say that GvG hits do not drive folk away. How brave of you. How brave to assume that someone who has joined a guild at a low level who finds themselves hammered X number of times (depending upon GvG duration chosen) will not stop playing because of that. How brave to think that being hit over and over is not a negative, when they are just trying to get to grips with PvE. How brave to deflect blame for the loss of that player to the GUILD that took the new player on and did not DEFEND them properly. Yes - it is the guild's fault that the new player left. Brave move. Korova is no longer a new guild. I have been aware of you for over a year. Time to stop playing that card.

This thread is about trying to build up numbers. I was talking about redesigning the lower levels to make it a more immersive experience for new players, and so gain new and more players. You may have to reuse some low level gear. Every significant guild has had to go through that process. Don't use fear of having outmoded old gear stop you from embracing the new. If you are really still a new guild be part of the vanguard of change.

#38 wil72



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:08


This is not about GvG... and frankly why do you want to defend one 25 level area of activity? Is 25-50 so profitable? Why is 50 as a start off so bad? Do you not think it would be better to get people playing and into the game more before deciding on guilds and GvG? And why do you imagine a log of 25+ hits would not be dispiriting to a new player? That is what GvG is - and 25+ invasions into your log is not harmless to a newbie. If the game is properly redesigned from 1-50 then the newbies will be ready for GvG, PvP and the rest. As it stands, new players and new guilds are just meat for the grinder, and are ground to dust never to return.

We are currently eating our own young.

Hello Belaric. I was only answering the comments made about GvG and there supposed effect on " new player " exodus. Personally I don't think GvG has a massive impact on new players leaving the game. I'm not defending a level 25-50 activity. Well, actually I am. Making GvG only from level 50 and above is removing that part of the game from many players and many Guilds. HCS has provided good GVG gear below level 50. Is it a players fault to take advantage of this. If a player is a member of a Guild ,and they have to be to be hit in GvG, is not up to the Guild to help them and try to....lets say....defend their honour? To be honest Korova is a new Guild, don't think we are meat to the grinder. In fact many within the top 250 Guilds would be better described as such.



Hi wil72,

You ARE defending 25-50 activity. You recognise that those with the right gear can cream the others. I do not care about the gear offered by HCS - it is in the past, just as I wish for HCS to destroy huge areas of the 1-50 realms in order to make the new experience more streamlined. It makes sense to follow the epic quest line and forget the extraneous crap made when the needs of the game and the designers were different. Those levels can be resurrected in special realms, or seasonal events, it matters not, what was once created need never be lost, it can be repurposed and sold again as new! Ditto that early gear - it is still awesome in the arena, great to hunt with, probably viable to PvP and GvG in to 75+, changing the entry requirements does not stop that gear being useful. And, if HCS gives advance warning of a change - you will have the chance to offload such items as those you think will no longer serve a purpose.

You try to say that GvG hits do not drive folk away. How brave of you. How brave to assume that someone who has joined a guild at a low level who finds themselves hammered X number of times (depending upon GvG duration chosen) will not stop playing because of that. How brave to think that being hit over and over is not a negative, when they are just trying to get to grips with PvE. How brave to deflect blame for the loss of that player to the GUILD that took the new player on and did not DEFEND them properly. Yes - it is the guild's fault that the new player left. Brave move. Korova is no longer a new guild. I have been aware of you for over a year. Time to stop playing that card.

This thread is about trying to build up numbers. I was talking about redesigning the lower levels to make it a more immersive experience for new players, and so gain new and more players. You may have to reuse some low level gear. Every significant guild has had to go through that process. Don't use fear of having outmoded old gear stop you from embracing the new. If you are really still a new guild be part of the vanguard of change.

Well met again Belaric.

I will play the new Guild " card " for as long as I want with Korova. As we are a NEW Guild, not inherited, not bought, not a reincarnation. Appears to me that many within the top 250 Guilds are these type of Guilds. But that's a different matter.

I know I'm defending the level 25 to 50 GvG activity, I said so in my last post. :wink:

Also, I never said it wasn't a negative to be hit in GvG, wrong of you to assume so.

All I suggested was there might be a positive in being hit. The attacked may want to be the attacker. They want to level to gain good GvG gear. They want to help the Guild earn RP. They want to earn fsp for themselves.



#39 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:29


That is a different matter indeed. I have no idea what you are talking about with regard to guild types. You can no longer be new if you originated in 2011. It is 2013. New is over for you. Keep trying to play that card. It will continue to be false.

I would like you to let go of 25-50 guild activity - in my fantasy land of new FS experience - of which this is a talking shop, nothing more, that should end. In real FS land - you can keep reaping reward for your 'new' guild for as long as you want. Keep going. You are not doing anything wrong. You are not demoralising new players and breaking newer guilds than your own. There is nothing negative in choosing a winning strategy. Kudos

Blah to assumptions, we can assume til the cows go home, or come back from factories loaded with ball bearings and random attitude.

The positive in being hit is minimal when you are not ready. I did not see the positive in your previous post, to be honest. I do not see how you pointed out how you helped anyone.

#40 Belaric



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:35

And here we are sidetracked again from talking about how we as a community can try to increase game activity.

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