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Separating PvP and Leveling via 2 servers

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#21 yotekiller



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:36

I'm concerned about other players like me if this were to happen. I've always played around with pvp, and had fun doing so, but until recently I was primarily a leveler. Now I have totally changed my game play to be full time pvp because I enjoy that part of the game so much more than the leveling part. If we were locked into separate worlds many levelers would never even get the opportunity to try their hand at pvp to decide whether or not they like it. A lot of new players would take the "safe" option of learning the game and never know the joys of the pvp, whether full time, part time or just for the occasional kick. I think all players having at least the opportunity to experiment and enjoy all aspects of the game outweighs any benefits of splitting the game, and therefore the player base for each, in two.

Screenshot everything!

#22 Belaric



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:36

I am vehemently against this idea. As a leveller and a non-PvP participant. (well once - but it was an accident!! LOL!)

I have said this before. Perhaps it needs reiterating.

Our game is an ocean, one in which we all swim, live and breathe. Our ecosystem needs sharks, needs eels, needs Orca. We need predators. It makes us appreciate what we have. We have lost perspective. We want the nasty things to be away - to be over there, to be contained and restrained and defanged. Balls to that.

Our game is dying - our numbers are dwindling - we need EVERYONE in the same pool - not two smaller pools - that is self defeating- as well the OP knows.

I have now seen hundreds of threads about PvP. I think that needs to stop. I have seen many threads about saving the game. They can continue - IF they include PvP.

I don't like being hit - I don't like losing XP and levels -but I am a fat whale sounding the deeps of the game - sooner or later a shark will want to take a bite out of me - I accept that. I have never used PvP protection - I had one unique circumstance in which I would consider using it - I now decide that would be crap. We can XP lock. Why is that not enough?

There was a recent poll - the numbers were large enough to represent the game as a whole (given our frankly crappy online numbers) - PvP protection stays. I accept that. I'm not going to use it - but I accept it. Maybe it is time for the losers of that poll to accept it too, and not agitate for a separate game. You want a separate game - play SS2. It needs some new blood.

I love this game. I have put a large amount of time and energy into it. If it goes away - guess what - I probably will have an extra novel in me. But I love this game - sharks and all - and I want us to find ways to respect each other.

Discussions have become polarised, and degenerate into technicalities quickly. Which takes us away from the fact that we all -who care to comment on this board - actually give a crap. Please recall the devs also give a crap, and not just about money - it must be hard for them to see their flagship sinking. That is why they are trying new things like the achievements. Hopefully it wil help attract and retain new players.

I don't have anything else to say but this: we live and die together in the same ocean - let it not become a mudpool. Please work together. Division equals failure at this time.

#23 kevon218



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:39

so basically the PVP server is just a normal server(like it is now) and the non-pvp server just takes all aspects of pvp outta the game?

#24 abhorrence



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:52

Arena would be playable on both servers, however players cannot combat against one another across opposite servers. Ie: pvp side has their own arena, leveling has their own.

NO arena on a non pvp server.

Arena is people fighting people. You wanna do arena come over to the server where you can fight people. You don't wanna fight people fight only creatures.

That being said, I do not like the idea of splitting servers at all.

#25 Wesleysdf



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:01

I dislike this idea as I like both sides of the game

#26 Maehdros



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:10

I dislike this idea as I like both sides of the game

You can still level on the pvp server.

#27 hbklives



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:10

Want a sure-fire way to kill any game?

Split the interests.

If they were to EVER split the servers in two, it would be horrible for the players.

What happens to the new players who don't understand this concept? What if they join the leveling and decide to quit due to nothing else to do? If they join the PvP side and hate to get smashed?

The mixing pot is what keeps the interest in the game alive. Many players switch back and forth through PvP & leveling throughout their FS career, there is no need to end that.

If you alienate any player by their playing style, the game will get stale and bland. I enjoy leveling, but I love doing bounties. I like seeing my levels go up just as much as I enjoy seeing the XP loss on a 100 stamina hit.

I am opposed to this idea greatly.

Moving to a Non- pvp server would strip all pvp medals

This would be a bad idea as well. Players would feel cheated out of their time, per say.

If you spent over two weeks getting my Dominance, you should be able to keep it.
If spent 10,000 stamina on getting your Smasher along with the probable levels lost, you should be able to keep it.
Same goes for Bounty Hunting and other related aspects.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we are all so intertwined amongst each other splitting the game up would in fact kill it immediately.

Well said.


#28 Necra



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:14

now would be a time to make a poll lol separate pvp from the non pvp or remove pvp protection lol

#29 4gottn4ver



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 06:43

not sure if it has been mentioned but if something like that were to go on the pvp side would and could be dropped down in lvl's they NEVER could gain back due to they couldn't lvl up only be de-lvl'ed. the bands would be even more out of balance an players would get dropped down to like lvl 1 an not gain any higher then would be no point of playing.

then comes the hunting/ lvl'ing side would have even more of a problem they would be NOT allowed to use or have ANY gear/ pots/ buffs that can and are used in pvp based that are used in hunting normally due to they have pvp use to also. nothing to boost their attack or damage as in skills/ buffs/ potions due to it has a pvp aspect to it.

would be a major nail in the coffin for FS all together faster then it already is going. :?

#30 Arnagast



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 10:43

Personally I think this idea should of been done a long time ago. As mentioned there is huge gap between the two side - even more so now than I ever remember. Of course it will be hard as people will have to leave friends and guilds behind but arn't we human - dont we adapt. Who knows, maybe new guilds and new friendships will form and it will work out just fine for both sides.

Playing other RPG's online, they all have different servers for different play styles and that has worked fine for many years - i'm not going to give away how long I personally have played MMORPGs for but its long enough. I'm on a leveling side or as its more known (RP server) and there is no pvp there (edit: well, there is pvp but its kept well away from the main game), it works and most of all - no arguing over pvp vs leveling.... thats got to be worth it.

I'm all for it if this is even possable to do on FS.

#31 Maehdros



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:54

not sure if it has been mentioned but if something like that were to go on the pvp side would and could be dropped down in lvl's they NEVER could gain back due to they couldn't lvl up only be de-lvl'ed. the bands would be even more out of balance an players would get dropped down to like lvl 1 an not gain any higher then would be no point of playing.

then comes the hunting/ lvl'ing side would have even more of a problem they would be NOT allowed to use or have ANY gear/ pots/ buffs that can and are used in pvp based that are used in hunting normally due to they have pvp use to also. nothing to boost their attack or damage as in skills/ buffs/ potions due to it has a pvp aspect to it.

would be a major nail in the coffin for FS all together faster then it already is going. :?

1: you would be able to level on either server. 1 of them however would be purely leveling with no pvp, gvg interaction.

2: Potion ( ew, bers, etc are leveling ptions just as much as pvp.) There would be a need for them on either server

3: Buffs would work as per the norm. MANY current buffs benefit both leveling AND pvp. Heck, with 1600 content looming, hcs could maybe revamp the skill tree and introduce new skills for PvP server only, or Leveling server only. LOTS of possibilities here.

#32 MummRa



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 13:03

2 questions:

1) Other than being able specialize the servers what is the difference between this and just having 1 server with an option to opt-out

2) If this were to come to pass I think that (as long as they are completely seperate and there can be no interaction between servers) you should 1 character per server.

#33 grimnok



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 13:47

So basically, allow one set of people to play the game pvp free, another set of people pvp included?

Seem's like an awful lot of hassle when you could simply offer an 'opt-out'. (with the opted out unable to partake in a few areas of the game)

Would essentially be the same thing.

This. And for extra fun, if you opt-out, you can be prohibited from equipping pvp-reward items. This reads like "A Modest Proposal." It would obviously be a complete disaster. How would guilds transfer? Are they cloned? Is it a majority vote/founder decree to switch servers? In addition to splitting the player base, you also split guilds.

#34 Maehdros



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 14:16

2 questions:

1) Other than being able specialize the servers what is the difference between this and just having 1 server with an option to opt-out

2) If this were to come to pass I think that (as long as they are completely seperate and there can be no interaction between servers) you should 1 character per server.

1: It completely separates the those who have enjoy pvp, from those who want nothing to do with it.Each has their own world to do as they wish, and interact with others who play and feel the same way. It also removes any need for pvp protection or an opt out.

With 0 interaction between both sides, there would be less tension in game and on the forums, as for the last year, and more, we have all witnessed the decline in the game and the negativity soar on the forums. Arguing, bickering, players trying to compromise , while some won't budge an inch.

2: You mean making a second account to play on each server? If that's the case, Nope. If someone wants to enjoy or participate in pvp, then they make the choice of which server to be moved on. NO bouncing back and forth and no Second accounts to go crazy with while having a main account pvp free in the leveling world. You;d see players make accounts just to start wars and so on, while having their main account risk free ;)

Player chooses a server and moves there. Possibly have a ONE TIME option to move back if they make a mistake in choosing a server or if they have jumped in too deep into the pool.

#35 sandra1988



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 14:40

Splitting the community apart isn't the way to fix anything. With only a limited amount of active players online at peak times this idea would totally destroy the game.

Not to sound snide in my comments, but it would be a pretty lonely server over there with just the mighty pvp guilds.. Wouldn't be much fun for anyone other than them.

There is no pvp in this game anymore and i'll tell you why :) Nobody can be bothered fighting 7 pvp guilds at the same time. Why would moving people to a pvp server change this ?

The attitude is what needs to be changed in pvp and the bullying needs to stop, picking everyone up and moving them to a pvp server wont solve that problem.

#36 wil72



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 14:46

So really the crux of it is...if a player wishes to enjoy ALL aspects of FS they will have to choose the PvP server. Which in essence is Fallen Sword.

Are there not going to be arguments in the *PvP* server also? I doubt very much that arguments will automatically vanish just because this new world is a *PvP* environment. Ill feeling that already exists among players would only migrate to the PvP server in my opinion as its not just ill feeling between Levelers and Pvpers but PvPers and Pvpers that exists.

With this in mind i doubt splitting the game is a sound solution.

#37 Maehdros



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 14:56

Not to sound snide in my comments, but it would be a pretty lonely server over there with just the mighty pvp guilds.. Wouldn't be much fun for anyone other than them.

There'd be more then just the few pvp guilds. Those who wanted to ladder, or bounty hunt, or dabble in pvp would have to be on that server. Then there's Guild conflicts/ GvG, which would be a major draw to the server. I highly doubt it would be lonely :wink:

Splitting the community apart isn't the way to fix anything. With only a limited amount of active players online at peak times this idea would totally destroy the game..

The community is already split, Seen the attention and feedback on the recent protection thread? PvP'rs want pvp to stay the same or go back to how it used to be ( no protection) , while the leveling side want to remain protected, xp and gold included.

Who knows, Maybe more come back to the game when they know they won;t be hit in pvp, maybe more return to game when they see pvp go back to being more risk and more fun. As it is now, all I've seen lately is pvp nerfed further and further while the leveling aspect becomes easier and easier.

#38 sandra1988



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 15:22

Yeah the pvp protection thread was just a total waste of coffee and crumpets.

There is seriously too much crying in this game about what should and shouldn't be changed, everyone is trying to change the game to suit their game play and its causing really stupid game changes.

But the true problem in pvp is the attitude and the silly alliances that are formed. PvP would become more interesting if it was on a level playing field, these days its all about who has the most allies to aid them. Anyone who does pvp knows who they can and cannot hit without it causing some serious drama. that's the problem with pvp these days.

#39 JBKing89



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 15:49

I don't think this is a good idea. Think about how this would affect other areas of play, other than just the pvpers / levelers. Potion makers - which server do they go to? The marketplace would have few participants one each server, rather than the combined total. How long would it take for a sale to go through if we are split? Same with the Auction House. The arena? how long would we wait for a tourney to fill up? Unless there was a common AH / Marketplace / Arena for both servers, we would be putting another nail in the FS coffin.

Also - buffs? hard enough to find buffs sometimes as it is. If we are 2 totally different severs, lower levels will have an even harder time finding someone willing to buff them.

I'm all for a solution to the PvP / Levelers dilemma though. Just don't think this is it.

#40 MummRa



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 15:59

Yeah the pvp protection thread was just a total waste of coffee and crumpets.

There is seriously too much crying in this game about what should and shouldn't be changed, everyone is trying to change the game to suit their game play and its causing really stupid game changes.

But the true problem in pvp is the attitude and the silly alliances that are formed. PvP would become more interesting if it was on a level playing field, these days its all about who has the most allies to aid them. Anyone who does pvp knows who they can and cannot hit without it causing some serious drama. that's the problem with pvp these days.

Recently gave a go at PvP I did find it more fun than leveling on a number of levels.

Primarily it was much more social

Though one observation there were a lot of other pvp'ers who were helpful and offered advice... There was also others.

The best analogy I can come up with is that there seems to be a group of pvpers who treat pvp like its the cool kids table and everyone else isn't invited. I never really considered pvp bullying but there was no other way to describe this.

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