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#21 awollsd



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Posted 22 July 2013 - 23:44

there is lots of posts here and i have to admit i dont have the time now to read them and make sure im not repeating things (actualy i know i am as i posted this myself already but... yeah)


for me personaly everything was fine i was able to understand everything easily. the only issue i had was finding quest givers....  i realy think the quest window needs an "all available" tab and each of the available quests be able to be selected as the tracked quest to help guide us to the quest giver.


there is ample information thew out the game people shouldnt realy have a problem figuring anything out except it seems i and MANY others have a hell of a time finding quest givers.

no longer playing so feel free to ignore more (if i even post) just do still follow forums so MAY comment from time to time. 

#22 crow88


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 01:07

I have just started to play, but I can't seem to rotate the camera using wasd. I'm using a mac. It also has problems with zooming in and out. Other than that, it's a great game

#23 SomeGamez


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 14:14


  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this

Both my sister didn't find it hard to pick up.

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

My sister got stuck after the guide was killed by the tentacle monster. She ended up running back to where you fight those crab things. She suggested maybe the message from the guide before he dies could make it more clear where to run next.

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

Fine for both of us, though my sister need a few prompts. She also couldn't figure out how to eat the bread, I think she didn't get that you needed to open the inventory first. Maybe add another reminder in the tooltip that the inventory needs to be opened to get to the bread?

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

The tutorials are useful in picking up the additional skills in the game, the writing makes it easy to find things and the purple arrow mechanism in the quest book is really helpful if you get stuck.

  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

Very clear, the writing is short and concise and the use of pictures makes things easy to follow.


I've had about 8 years of experience of playing MMO's. My sister just started smile.png

#24 Larcen


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 16:40

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this?
  • The controls were a bit hard to pick up for me because I'm used to WASD being used to controls the player, not the camera angle. Maybe an option to change controls?
  • Did you get stuck anywhere?
  • No, not really. Unless you count in the Basic Magic quest, where I couldn't enter the portal to go and meet Mage Litha in the Void. The portal glitched out and teleported me outside the Arcane Tower.
  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • It was good. Enough to get me started, but should have been more explanatory for first time 3-D RPG players.
  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
  • They are nice, but could use a better storyline and more explanatory quest markers. EDIT: I just found out that hovering over a quest marker gives a tool tip  <_< .
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?
  • Yes, but a better controls tutorials should have been given because of the complexity of the menus.

Overall It was a really good experience! Just a few tweaks and it'd be perfect!  :wub:



#25 EJK



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Posted 06 August 2013 - 15:41

I had no big problems with any things in the game.  :)


I have played RuneScape for like 5 years so i was very familiar with MMORPGs. Only thing I didn't like was that the minimap didn't rotate (found later you could change that in the settings). The "hotkeys page" under the game helped me to learn the hotkeys. Someone came to me and asked how to pin quests, please tell how to do it in the tutorial. 


Nice storylines! The tutorial storyline was the best of those that I've seen.


Keep up the good work! 


BTW, my brother plays usually on this account. I play on a account named "sky" on huntedcows website and "player" on Eldevin. But this is our main. (we took the Debug item on this... :( ). And I don't like the Pay2Win literally :unsure:  

IGN: Player. I usually think in longevity point of view.


#26 redsmokeboy



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Posted 14 August 2013 - 22:29

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this

Not ahrd pick up easy understand most part!

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

So far have not got stuck per say on any Quest, Other then try find party using Quere sys for First Dungean not find party! Asking around Zone chat for help!

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

Pointless, over all not help full! Over all seing guy get killed was perty nice!

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

Over all, very usefull - easy to folow!

  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

For most part tool tip's helpfull, One need's soem reword was when poped up sayed repair find npc , need ask zone for help - Go to any Forge npc get gear fixed!


  • Mail - Did not see in game

Is there mail sys in game if so could use more info if not yet , Some thing to add is CoD Function Cash on Deivlery , Sell stuff via mail.


  • Auction sys - Unaviable yet - Option

Auction sys or grande Exhcnage sys like in RS very usefull some thing most game need keep going!


  1. Posible option player shop's AI - Player Controlled! Mean Loged in Sell, AI Buy shop Sell good's no need be online! Simlure to ah less usefull then AH!

Over all so afr form time i have spent in game, lvling skill - lvling in genral over all very pleased with what have here so far!

Frog - Archer - lvl 49

Kazzarat - Templar lvl 49 Skiller

Redsmokegirl - War/sin lvl 49


Q PvP | No repair fee's | 1% EXP of lvl | Valor | Weekly 10 match | Achvemnt's | So much more Join when log | Click on cross sword via mini map Q solo |


Looking for group's RG/BT/ASV/ARG/ICC/CC Boss Killing/Arena 30+/ToC/ Need DPS willing come usly asking in world chat.

#27 xtimesbetaplay


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 22:51

hmm, well..

Tutorial was ok - around average. Would have expected more story, but that guy (with no name to remember) had to die 3 steps ahead. The Fight already shows you that there is no Autoattack in this game ;(

Also stupid that you hit these smallfries with 2 hits till they die, but the other guy makes some 9999dmg  onehit-Finisher O_o

Short luck, now he gets eaten..lol. The atmosphere here is very good, since you don´t know if you can pass.


Now you enter the World of Eldevin and are kicked into the unknown..

First orientation with the UI..adjusting Gfx.. watching into skills and skilltrees.

After some playtime and 2 chars it´s easy run. But the first time I found myself somewhat stuck here and there with the quests.

Also took time till I found my way to Camping-Trainer... or understood Why I couldn´t enter the City before cleaning Murky Depths with Lvl 4 "My Future" quest.


Many players overlook, that we all have this BETA buff (+25%exp,profession exp and gold buff) always on.

Especially in this light:

..selling loot is not much to earn money

..looted gold is not enough

..crafting is actually not worth it - you burn money!! That said you can use all that crafting time to grind mobs and better get your Gear on the way or Grind for it at Endgame. This Game is too consuming regarding gathered materials. And you need at least 2 Gathering professions and 1 Crafting Profession.. additionally you need to buy crafting components.. and blue(rare) stuff needs special materials which has a 1% droprate...eg: even If you mine and produce ingots to craft them into a weapon then, u pay DOUBLE of what you get selling it. Most stupid thing I´ve seen in the past years.

..not enough quest-exp without much extra grind.. even IF you do EVERY quest

..the whole combat system is .. from unpolished to tricky

..the big feature "Classless System" is more a 6 classes + some viable Hybrids....very disappointing!



..Cut/Missing-Features..not planned,not possible (programming whise), whatever:

-no Mail-system to send something between your chars

-no Auction house.. but at least in Cashshop there is an Item to set Private Store imediately. But like remote stash to access bank - it´s one time.

-no housing system.. and ofc no customized player housing ;(


So Overall, it´s nice grafix for Browsergame.. but thats really it. Just missing too much stuff that makes a game interesting, enjoying in the longrun.. the average player tests a game 20-60min.. if that is not smooth, he´s gone.

To sum it up.. this game wants the freedom of UltimaOnline and Runescape with fast-paced Combat á la Diablo. Atm it hasn´t reached the Level of 4Story.. a lot of work left.

Release in November?? NEVER ^_^

Official-Feedback-Thread on the Beta: http://forums.hunted...ic=56517&page=2



#28 Shady



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Posted 20 September 2013 - 11:17

i got stuck in the guardhouse ( :huh:stuck in the wall :huh:) when i was lvl-3 in that prisoner quest :P

#29 ComradeLewis



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Posted 22 September 2013 - 20:12


People struggle to find shops/repair/selling

That's exactly where I had trouble. I had ask people in global chat how to sell an item after spending about 30 minutes going from 1 NPC to the next, trying to find one that had a sell tab when I double-clicked them. I had no idea that there was a right click box. You might want to add a selling tab next to the buying tab. I immediately thought that selling was simply not possible on that NPC because it had a purchase tab but no selling tab.


Or, I suppose you can take the easy option and have left click open the right click drop down box. I just think it would look more professional and less confusing if there were a tab.



for me personaly everything was fine i was able to understand everything easily. the only issue i had was finding quest givers....  i realy think the quest window needs an "all available" tab and each of the available quests be able to be selected as the tracked quest to help guide us to the quest giver.

I do quite often get frustrated with this same issue. Available quests should be visible on the map, not due to proximity, but simply visible as an option throughout the entire map. I have no intention to walk through the entire map every time I level just to see if there is a quest I have missed.

11/29/13 - 4/29/14 | 4/25/15 - 5/25/15

#30 Ayo


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Posted 07 October 2013 - 18:50

Just started it ;)

First thing what I notice what was a bit uncomfortable was camera look! I can't look straight forward in directin where im going, thats kinda enoying! looking in 45% 

#31 Ayo


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 09:00

limited crafting :/

max items i can set to craft atm is 99! hmm

shouldnt it be unlimited, lets say a have full pack with ores (250) i set 250 ores to smelt, i can go have my dinner, workout etc. come back and its done! 

#32 Kara



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 00:11

limited crafting :/

max items i can set to craft atm is 99! hmm

shouldnt it be unlimited, lets say a have full pack with ores (250) i set 250 ores to smelt, i can go have my dinner, workout etc. come back and its done! 

i totally agree with you


#33 Spirit



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Posted 03 December 2013 - 07:50

I find that locations for relics are a bit confusing. Had to ask players where Artisan Reward relics are.. since there were no explanation on what or where they are used for at first.

And also I also remembering stumbling upon the Othalo Relic vendor but with no idea what relics were or how they are obtained.

So maybe a Relic quest tutorial of some sort could be useful like a NPC could explain briefly what relics are for, how they could be obtained and then quest complete. Maybe start off quest introduction by saying "Have you heard about all the kind of relics you could obtain in Eldevin?" And player could respond "No... Please tell me more... (accept quest) or "sorry maybe another time".

9izzGSr.png Feb. 27th 2015 - First level 45 :)




#34 Draqone


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 00:33

I agree with a relic tutorial, but generally every question has been answered patiently by the community. And I do ask a lot of questions. Zook probably figured by now  :rolleyes:


What annoys me as a new player is the fact i need to drag'n'drop items and that I can't autoloot. 

I have not found a way to quickly bank/sell (Shift + Click for example instead of dragging) and quickly loot (Shift + Click instead of confirmation).

Edited by Draqone, 08 December 2013 - 00:33.

#35 CoD


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Posted 09 December 2013 - 19:03

Could you implement a better Graphics system? I do not own a very good computer and would appreciate it if you could implement it. On my computer it lags from time to time.

#36 BBR


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Posted 25 December 2013 - 07:57

Hi all,


I've noticed some feedback about some people getting stuck in places and wonder how many of you have experienced bits where you either got stuck or struggled.


Examples from the top of my head:

  • 1 People getting stuck at the basic magic tutorial, learning spells
  • 2 People struggle to find shops/repair/selling
  • 3 Dragging and dropping (have improved this based on feedback for phase 2 of the beta)


Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:

  • 4 What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this
  • 5 Did you get stuck anywhere?
  • 6 How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • 7 What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
  • 8 How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


Things we are not able to do much about currently:

  • 9 Viewing angle, the game was never designed to support first person view and we are unlikely to implement it or give you more camera control until we implement hardware acceleration (Graphics Card).
  • 10 Right click menus, the game was implemented from the ground up to use them. We can potentially let you use a modifier + left click to execute the default options (i.e.: Drink/Eat/Use/Equip/Sell).


Please keep feature suggestions to a minimum, rather focus on problems related to usability.


If possible state how much experience you have with similar games/other Massive Multiplayer Games.


1: no issues here

2: this is correct,. all shops share the same "anvil" icon on the map - if shops had a more distinct icon i feel this will be less of an issue. Also, the minimap should allow zooming in more than it can currently due to shops being quite close to each other.

3: Ctrl+click from inventory to bank still does not work however. Very annoying.

4: No, though it quickly became apparent that being able to track only a single quest at a time is a major flaw / limitation. Up to 5: would be much more convenient. Or, 1 main line to track using a purple arrow, and up to 5 "near" quests which automatically track would certainly help.

6: Short and boring. Too much of a hassle to go "into the tower" "up 1 floor" "talk to the mage to open the door" "go down a floor" AND then finally "click door to exit tower" - just,. too much hassle to even get to the realm, only to be sent out again after 1-2 minor steps. Either make a long quest in there, or make it easier to access the plane.

7: Helpful, but rather spread out. It didn't really feel like it was part of the tutorial anymore because you could pick up so many quests in between that you lose track of what you were doing. Also, see #5 Due to quests always "accept and set as active", it is very distracting.

8: What tooltips? There are a few quest descriptions that could be better,. but on overall they're fairly ok so far.

9: The viewing angle IS annoying though. Rather than make it go first person (which is too much i agree), it'd be nice if we could at least pan the camera to look farther ahead. The camera should also "snap back" after it automatically adjusts, be able to zoom out farther, and above and beyond ALL other suggestions, the keyboard A and D buttons need to be inverted !!! Not sure which crackhead decided they should be like this, but it's very unintuitive. Which is always bad form in a game.

10: This took some getting used to, tbh, and a few quests were very confusing at the start due to this (e.g. opening the safe). I feel they should be better explained in the tutorial.


On top of that,

11: inventory space rather lacking. We need more space, more readily available without having to resort to the shop. (look at path of exile for example). My point being, inventory space wouldn't be lacking if crafting items could stack higher. 10 per stack is really really really low and frustrating. If items could stack up to 20, and 50. that'd save a lot of space already.  Also, wood stacks up to 5 when processed, and takes up 2 slots - that drives me crazy. A lesser alternative would be to have vendors give a more fair price for materials,.. ~1 copper per basic item is pathetic.

I realize this is a f2p game, and pay2win at that,. but going the pay2win road is not a good way to earn lots of customer loyalty. The more you limit the game for non paying customers the more you make it harder for them to like and advertise the game. (again, look at Path of Exile they've done it SO very well)

12: Chat is rather limited,. we don't have a wts/wtb channel, and the forum is only "trade here", no separate areas for wts or wtb, so it gets messy rather quick. An ingame auction house might prove useful as well.

13: Due to #5 and #7, a lot of quests seem like you get sent halfway across the country, while you could be doing quests nearer to you. This makes it feel like the game is deliberately "keeping you busy" by having you do poitless walking. Once you get into that mindset, boredom and frustration set in real quickly.

14: In regards to resources, you need 2 wood + 1 wood sap to make a board. However, when chopping trees you get on average 10 wood and 3-4 wood sap. This is unbalanced, and leather as well as crystal has the same issue. This needs to be addressed.

15: leatherworking should have craftable bags. Smaller than are available in the "shop" i suppose, but at least it would offer an alternative to getting more inventory space. (inventory space is a big issue to me, can you tell?)

#37 zirxa



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Posted 29 December 2013 - 23:32

few suggetions or more like ideas hope this is the right place for it if not forgiv eme im dumb :)






     for the pet (like the ice dragon i was going to buy) i was told all it dos is follow you, be cool in furture to have them give a little stat boost ( could do quest to earn this???)


 be able to buy a potion from shop that allows the pet to auto pick up the loot drop for you, makes it easy  and can focus more on grinding


 the option to ride a pet to make you move faster would be very handy and cool,




 buying weapon, shield, etc,etc that gives stat bonus with out disturbing the gear you have on, so vanity items would give boost??? like extra  att,def,etc,etc,



 few ideas i had more but i forgot lol if i remember i will add 



CHARACTERS:  ZIRXA = LVL  49RANGER(back to daily's :( :angry:

                                                          life saver = LVL 9 healer


( why are there some folks that gang up on me? no need to be scared or jealous we gamers)

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#38 a101011


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 00:30

What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this


No it was really easy to pick up because the game made it very clear what to do.


Did you get stuck anywhere?


No not really until you got to the professions where I kinda slowed so I could understand them all.


How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?


It was great. Good content and it helped me understand the gameplay.


What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)


Quite useful as you got how the gameplay worked and understood how are some basic professions.


How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


Yup I found the tooltips quite good. They helped me understand what to do.


My Experience


From playing other similar MMORPG's like Runescape and others I have found it to be fairly positive as the gameplay is fun and nice. Only problem is things like mining and gathering you have to repeatedly click everytime your done mining. I think you should implement a better way to just click once and mine/gather all at a time.

#39 Geoh


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Posted 29 January 2014 - 03:43

What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this.
Overall the intro was good, getting acclimated to the different weapon styles, class archetypes and crafting, being curious and searching out quests is fun. So -- couple things I found difficult:
Quest Journal - didn't know the difference between the quest library, the quest book and actual quests. I spent quite a bit of time hunting for quests at my level and then trying to remember which book it came from so I could reflect on the lore of the quest up to the point I left off. I'd like to see a little more visual clarity connecting the library -> quest journal -> quest and maybe a "lore" page for the quest journal that builds as you complete quests within the journal that can be read top-to-bottom. Just so as I'm jumping around quests I can catch up and reflect on prior accomplishments. So much time was spent creating these quests (and playing/making decisions through them). I'd love near end-game to go back through and read all my trials and tribulations. I'd be happy with a tab similar to the Achievements trophy tab for each book.
Player titles? It was always a quick way for me to gauge other players without inspecting each one.
Creature level... Couple times I tried to take the short route and didn't realize at first I had to look at their level to judge the danger level. Heroic's especially -- the Miner handed me my buttocks! Until I noticed the little heroic icon... =).
Weapon/armor comparison... I think the green/red numbers next to a highlighted unequipped weapon shows it's net effect when wielded. Nitpicky, but I think arrows up/down with a small note "compared to <weapon you are wielding>" would go a long way.
Base attribute identification... The green/red next to attributes makes sense. I just wish I didn't have to calculate my base attribute in my head when considering assigning attribute points. I found out quick there was no way to back-out a change. That might help... or a brief note that I can visit so-and-so to reset them.
Also, I'd love to have a view that shows my equipment listed and it's modifier breakdown in mini-bar/number form to see which items are contributing what to my modifiers.
Currency... Had no clue about Relic and Prestige until another player showed me.
Did you get stuck anywhere?
Nope! Had no issues with stuck-age so far. I'd like to see a first-person "street view" as an option and a camera that follows me if I want it to. Like click mouse wheel to do a quick first-person, auto camera look around and right click movement to have the camera follow.
How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
Excellent! Great way to start the game -- good focus on story leading into the first few levels of story quests.
What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?
Tooltips and tutorial is thorough (minus currency). Also, I'm level 13 so far and I don't see too much in-game focus on distinguishing the different class archetypes yet (Prophet, Ranger, etc...). Maybe I'm not there but class quests would be cool!
Playing MMOs for -- uh -- while. EQ1&2, WoW, UO, AoC, Neverwinter, Guild Wars, Tera, D1,D2,D3, Runescape, DDO, LOTRO. Love games like Guardian of Light, Champions of Norrath, Baldurs Gate, Dungeon Siege. Beta tested a handful of games + was very active in OnLive beta. Frig I'm getting old... But thoroughly enjoying Eldevin so far!!

Edited by Geoh, 29 January 2014 - 03:44.

#40 Gernuss


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Posted 02 February 2014 - 19:17

One simple thing: Open up more char slots.


- 2 slots for free players.

- 4 slots for subs (supporters)

- Rest, everyone has to pay.


As it is, I'm about to order my bank to pull back the money I paid for the sub just a few minutes ago. Extra exp and drops don't entice me to pay a sub, sorry.


And in fact, it may be that I pull away from the game completely over this ridiculous "here, get a sub and still pay for more character slots because we're a greedy mob. And while we're at it, we'll give you 350 and charge 400 for the slot so you have to pay extra for it".


I don't support greedy mobs that on top of an overpriced shop, think it's funny to not even open up a couple more slots for "supporters".

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