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Planned GvG Updates

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#21 TheCount


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 01:09

Everything looks good, if not nearly enough to revive GvG without the overhaul of the RP shop being substantial.


Really like the idea of a short window of prep time before the start of a conflict, most of us don't sit at our computers and wait all day and in my experience most players will defend themselves if given the opportunity. Waiting for the most opportune time to strike is a valid strategy in any combat. Thankfully, this is a game and I think giving the time to prepare and organize to defenders would be for the better enjoyment of the casual playerbase even if it is not in my best interest.


2 days or 7 days offline doesn't really make a difference to me, level ranges being expanded would help negate some of the drop off in active targets. Guild level and age requirement looks fair as well.


On a different note, I'd like to see an opt-in version of GvGs. Keeping the current system in place but adding a parallel system for guilds that wish to compete for higher rewards, with more risk. Like XP loss, increased gear damage, etc. Just a pipe dream considering few guilds would partake, but I figured I'd post it here anyway since navigating to the Forums was such a pain in the ass now.

#22 Leos3000



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 03:32

Hello everyone!
Some time back, this forum thread gave us some ideas about what we could do to revitalize GvG. We decided to take some of these on board, and we are thinking about running a trial to see how it goes.
Below are some of the things we will be aiming to implement:

  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.

  • Reducing the offline time for AFK targets

The current activity timer is 7 days. We are open to reducing this to 48hrs during the trial period.

  • Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a GvG
  • Expand Level Ranges

Mostly to boost activity in the middle-late ranges. Currently, the plan is to expand these ranges after the trial period.

  • Update RP Packs

Long overdue for some sort of update. We will post again with the proposed change to allow some time for feedback!


As these proposed changes will affect many of you, we urge everyone to give us their thoughts and opinions! 
Thank you!  :)
~ Fallen Sword Team

I like that there is some initial notification.

If your looking to do a trial with something new and new ranges can I make a suggestion on something to try?

1. Elimante ranges all together for gvg hits.
2. The guilds have the option to select who they want to battle in the gvg's
A. Attacking guild gets to set the amount of participants (4 to what ever max is) and choose its attackers
B. Defending guild has the 1 hr before attack starts to choose its defenders (number of defenders is based on number of attackers)
C. If no defenders are choosen targets are generated at random.

Rest of proposal and gvg structure could stay in tact.

#23 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 03:37

For those saying that the notification system won't matter, if your guild doesn't take GvG seriously, then yeah, it won't matter, but for those who care, it'll help A LOT.

I remember back in the day when I had to revive my Twitter account just to get notifications from combats, I was more focused on GvG back in the day.

And of course, Guilds who want to farm RP will still be able to do it, but for guilds that care about there rating will have to have a combat of Guild Vs Guild, instead of Guild Vs Offline Players.


I honestly think the GvG Update should be more about how to make GvG matter again, instead of little tweaks here and there, but it need to be reasonably fixed before creating a huge incentive to do it I guess.

#24 Skiiiiia


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 04:47

Terrible , don’t like the 1 hour window to prepare , don’t like thr 48 hours activity

#25 paingwin



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:42

The one thing I see with the reason why GvG isn't popular anymore, or at least is mostly ignored by many, is the ROI. The RP packs are in fact rather pointless these days, (my guild normally only ever uses them during 2x events), and the rp items you can currently obtain, have drastically fallen in tradability and value due to over saturation and power creep. To many, its just not worth the effort of dumping that much stamina, over that long a period(honestly get rid of the standard 2 minute wait between hits, im grown, I got stuff to do), for rp that isnt really going to be used. 



#26 Maehdros



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 13:02

Make it worthwhile to gvg. Rp items, potions, etc. Maybe even stronger guild bound items possibly?

Would rp pack buffs be breakable or unbreakable?

Rp items still the standard maximum of +7 stam gain? Or will we finally break that mold and add a +8. Here's your chance to drastically increase gvg activity.

Add medals. Bragging rights as one might say.

Gvg Dominance ( with weekly/ bi weekly resets. With staggered medals, 1-2 weeks, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, etc etc.)

A gvg medal for wins? Successful defends?

Also wanted to ask, thoughts on unresolved combats no longer counting as a loss? Make gvg a straight win/loss ratio with * unresolved * having no impact whatsoever.



#27 Leos3000



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 13:08

  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.


~ Fallen Sword Team



1 other thing to expand on this as there seems to be disparity on the notification and possibly slowing down how people currently GVG.


-Add a New guild Structure (Lookout Tower)


-If the guild does not have this structure they still get the notification, but can be attacked immediately.


-Level 1 gives the guild 30 mins to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 1,000 gold per hr)


-Level 2 gives the guild 1 Hr to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 2,500 gold per hr)


-Level 3 gives the guild 2 hrs to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 5,000 gold per hr)


I dont think any higher levels are needed (maybe not even level 3, but gives some options)


Competitive guilds will use this and guilds that dont care about GVG are ultimately unaffected by the changes.

#28 Morgwyn



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 13:59

1 other thing to expand on this as there seems to be disparity on the notification and possibly slowing down how people currently GVG.


-Add a New guild Structure (Lookout Tower)


-If the guild does not have this structure they still get the notification, but can be attacked immediately.


-Level 1 gives the guild 30 mins to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 1,000 gold per hr)


-Level 2 gives the guild 1 Hr to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 2,500 gold per hr)


-Level 3 gives the guild 2 hrs to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 5,000 gold per hr)


I dont think any higher levels are needed (maybe not even level 3, but gives some options)


Competitive guilds will use this and guilds that dont care about GVG are ultimately unaffected by the changes.

I do not think this is the way to go. Slowing down the process will not really help making GvG interesting.

Also, there are guilds that do not care, but many - if not most - just do not like GvG. They will just put up and level up those buildings to slow it down, as they are a less attractive target then.


And even then, I doubt that many will act on a notification. And the ones that do not, will automatically be the targets.

When you get hit in GvG as of current, you also get a notification via the app, I have not seen many players come online during the hits, it really is a minority.


And it solves nothing. You should not want to add another annoyance in the proces, it is far more important to get the guilds/players that are currently not interested in GvG, interested again. The solution lies in there.

#29 Tastria



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 15:34

Coming from a guild that gets hit fairly often, and  usually doesn't hit back, I would like to say this about that:


    I personally don't think that notifying will do anything for GvG.  In order for that to be effective you have to have guild members that are on almost constantly, and are high enough level to buff efficiently 

    RP items....I've never been in a guild that even used any of their points, so I'm reticent on this.


   But levels... The problem seems to be here that most of the attacks, and I say most, not all, go onto lower level, say below level 600, players.  As mid level player, I cannot recall when the last time was that I became a target.  And, if I want to participate, I ether have no targets or one, maybe two.  You can do the math, I just don't have the hours to put into GvG at this rate  BUT if the upper level  attacking restriction was removed, for the defending guild, there would be the potential for multiple targets, and a reasonable time span for any players.  It would also raise the stakes for the attaching guild, as they would have the possibility for their upper level (and previously safe)  un-buffed players  getting hit.  

   It's just a thought folks, but I know I'd participate a lot more if I had targets that I could hit most of the time.  

#30 StarCraft



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 17:00

While some of these sound good on paper, they won't do anything to revive GvG. GvG needs to be worth it to make other guilds participate. Increasing the ranges is one step towards that. We need better rewards to use the RP on + making improvements to the GvG system that others suggested (like # of attacks from your guild).


Notification System for the upcoming conflict


A notification system wouldn't help, considering you already get notified when a guild initiates a conflict with you (and when your guild does). Since GvG is centered around PvP, would you consider when players attack others to be notified? No right? The same applies here.


Reducing the offline time for AFK targets

This will essentially reduce the already low available targets. It might be okay if you increase the ranges more to compensate.


Expand Level Ranges

Excellent step in the right direction


Update RP Packs

This is what ultimately will drive engagement and participation.


Others have made additional suggestions, like medals for GvGs or opt-in with higher-tier rewards. Overall I don't think these changes will do much without the right incentives (RP, Medals, Etc.)


#31 missshiv


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 17:06

First of all, thank you for taking the time to consider breathing new life into gvg's.  This has been long overdue, and overall, these changes are a good start.  


  • The 1 hour notification is a great idea.  It'll allow for prep and participation, while still taking into account some quality of life for everyone involved, especially defending guilds. 
  • The tiered Guild Structure upgrade for gvg notifications is a fantastic idea.  Not only would  it be a gold sink, but it would allow the guild to choose if gvg's are a priority or not.  While maybe the guild never actually intends to hit back, the hour or two delay in getting hit may be enough of a deterrent for attacking guilds who just want to farm RP quickly. Maybe the only way to see if they chose this upgrade would be to check their guild upgrades before the gvg was initiated.  My only input would be to greatly raise the cost of this structure, as 1k gold/etc is very inexpensive.
  • The RP rewards need to be reworked in order to get more guilds interested in participating, but that's already been addressed.  
  • The 48 hour window is fine, 3 days is better, but increasing the level range is a much  bigger improvement overall.
  • Please consider a gvg ladder system, with a random reset, like the pvp ladder, with some sort of reward for the top participants.  Maybe a visible guild achievement for X amount of hours in first place and/or overall wins/etc.   This would be just as optional as completing any other guild achievement, but would be a nice source of pride for those that actually compete.

#32 Spider0007



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 21:42


Hello everyone!
Some time back, this forum thread gave us some ideas about what we could do to revitalize GvG. We decided to take some of these on board, and we are thinking about running a trial to see how it goes.
Below are some of the things we will be aiming to implement:
  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.


Notifications would be great but even better is to have preparation time when incoming conflicts occur! 1 hour is fine, I would be more open to more like a 12 hour delay because of inactivity, time zones, ect... It would certainly require planning on guilds wanting to initiate but it levels the playing field for those who want to defend. I'm sure all of us who care are tired of longing in and seeing 50/50 before we ever even knew there was a conflict afoot. 
  • Reducing the offline time for AFK targets

The current activity timer is 7 days. We are open to reducing this to 48hrs during the trial period.

In my opinion, this is not a good idea. GvG targets are already hard to find depending on level range but reducing activity down to 2 days is going to DRASTICALLY reduce the amount of targets a player can hit and also its going to promote inactivity as an advantage to not play FS to avoid conflicts.

  • Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a GvG
  • This is a great idea also due to some players, who will remain nameless, starting a guild for the sole purpose of stealing rating.  Close this loop hole!  In addition, I would like for a player to have be in a guild long enough to earn their bronze loyalty medal before they can be a participant.  I would also like to see that same requirement for a player to tag composed potions but that's another topic.
  • Expand Level Ranges

Mostly to boost activity in the middle-late ranges. Currently, the plan is to expand these ranges after the trial period.

Yes, this needs to be done. Long overdue. With players spanning over 6k levels, its time to increase ranges.

  • Update RP Packs

Long overdue for some sort of update. We will post again with the proposed change to allow some time for feedback!

Ok great! Any incentive to build activity and participation is a good thing!


As these proposed changes will affect many of you, we urge everyone to give us their thoughts and opinions! 


Thank you!  :)

Any changes to the cooldown period between conflicts? 7 days before you can initiate again?

Any thoughts about GvG ladder resets? Or are we just battling back to top 100 again?



~ Fallen Sword Team



#33 EpicPiety



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Posted 15 March 2023 - 22:35

30 days before you can participate in something is a BIT MUCH if you ask me

#34 CoffeeArt


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Posted 15 March 2023 - 23:43

Defending guilds should only have a minute cooldown on attacking in a conflict. Attacking guilds should still have two minute cooldown attacks. 

Edited by CoffeeArt, 15 March 2023 - 23:47.

#35 WandKing



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Posted 16 March 2023 - 02:34

Awesome post HCS. Thanks for looking into updating GvG  :)


Notification system. See my Update RP Packs thoughts below


Reducing the offline time for AFK targets. Best to keep at 7 days or increase to 14 days.


Expand Level Ranges. Yes! Double the existing ranges and add a new range at lvl 4000 = +/- 500.


Update RP Packs. Upgrading existing Packs will be great and as some have suggested, new RP stuff would be a bonus.


If there is to be a notification system, it would make sense to have an inexpensive RP Pack that has unbreakable and deflect buffs in it/them.
Say Protect Pack A = 175 UB and 175 Deflect and Protect Pack B = 175 UB and 200 Deflect.



In my opinion, an attacking guild will always have the advantage (even with notification).


1) Their GvGers are buffed up and have initiated conflicts with many guilds (up to 20 conflicts) while the defending guild GvGers must buff up against the single attacking guild.


2) The attacking guild GvGers have plenty of targets to finish quickly while the defending guild GvGers may not.
Nothing takes the wind out of my sails more than attacking 1 target for 100 attacks
100 x 2 = 200 minutes attacking a heavily buffed player...more time if they have deflect.
Impossible to get a win or a tie.


3) GvG guilds have players that like to GvG while their target guilds care not about GvG.
Guild PvP Ladder should reflect that.
If defending guild does not return hits or tries and loses, then they should not be docked any rating points.
The attacking guild already earns many points for win.
If attacking guild loses then they should be docked rating points.

#36 TheCount


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 03:23

3) GvG guilds have players that like to GvG while their target guilds care not about GvG.
Guild PvP Ladder should reflect that.
If defending guild does not return hits or tries and loses, then they should not be docked any rating points.
The attacking guild already earns many points for win.
If attacking guild loses then they should be docked rating points.

I'm assuming you're talking about Reputation Points (RP)


But in case you weren't, that is an awful idea. Using that would mean a guild could rush to #1 GvG and then never try to defend, keeping their Rating.


If my assumption was correct, there is a system in place for that. Although with the new changes I'd like to see Defending GvG Wins be rewarded significantly more RP than they currently are.

#37 darkspark


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Posted 16 March 2023 - 03:28

Protect Pack B = 175 UB and 200 Deflect.


Please no  :(

#38 Morgwyn



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Posted 16 March 2023 - 11:45

If you add deflect 200, then GvG will be dead for sure, what a drag it will be to complete all attacks. With deflect 175 it can be a pain already.  It really won't do GvG any good to add that.

#39 vastilos



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Posted 16 March 2023 - 15:51

I like the idea of being able to use RP points to get guild bound items and equipment/sets.

#40 Tilley10



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Posted 16 March 2023 - 19:47


Hello everyone!
Some time back, this forum thread gave us some ideas about what we could do to revitalize GvG. We decided to take some of these on board, and we are thinking about running a trial to see how it goes.
Below are some of the things we will be aiming to implement:
  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.

  • Reducing the offline time for AFK targets

The current activity timer is 7 days. We are open to reducing this to 48hrs during the trial period.

  • Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a GvG
  • Expand Level Ranges

Mostly to boost activity in the middle-late ranges. Currently, the plan is to expand these ranges after the trial period.

  • Update RP Packs

Long overdue for some sort of update. We will post again with the proposed change to allow some time for feedback!


As these proposed changes will affect many of you, we urge everyone to give us their thoughts and opinions! 


Thank you!  :)


~ Fallen Sword Team


This is mostly great and should have been implemented many years ago. None of the proposed changes would "revitalize" GvG. The changes listed are only Quality of Life. GvG needs an entire revamp to be relevant - it will continue to be irrelevant even with the proposed changes.


It is unfortunate that half of the original post was ignored as it is the best part of the original post by Toreth.



"In addition to the minor quality of life type changes mentioned above, another change mentioned would be the resetting of the GvG rating every three months or so akin to the PvP ladder with the reward being a simple guild achievement displaying “1st Place in a GvG Season” with the reward potentially being an additional relic slot, or base stamina gain so as to incentivize actively pursuing 1st place repeatedly to keep others from achieving the same.

The ability to provide individuals a competitive aspect to partake in while being rewarded for doing well, coupled with multiple opportunities, over time, to climb and attempt to make the most of a “fresh start” at the start of the three months will also help inject that liveliness into an otherwise humdrum aspect. We already have the resetting of rating present in the game, as mentioned, so transitioning that into the GvG area seems like a relatively easy and feasible way to go about helping bolster individuals’ pride in their ability to conduct themselves at the pinnacle of guild activities."

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