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What's really important in Fallen Sword

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#21 bloody18



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 06:01


I'll answer them for you. :)


What Penny said. 














thanks Cyrus for answering my ??? and thanks for your efforts =)

#22 onray24



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 06:22

it would be nice to add a quest in the beginning to use chat as maybe the first quest so they won't feel so left out

#23 Crzy



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 06:38

The thing that always kept me coming back early on was trying to grow so I could unlock new buffs and better gear. At the time Doubler was new so that was the goal and 200 levels was reachable, even though the last 50 levels were challenging if you couldn't afford Cu Sith(150 fsp for a set back then was quite a bit). Then came Shield Imp and the very challenging Xindy...both were awesome changes because Xind had huge maps with little to no mobs. Most stam was spent just walking trying to find some mobs and that made it challenging so when you finally got out you felt a good accomplishment and relief haha.


Doing those while trying to grow a small and new guild was very fun for me. The friends I made had me coming back daily, even if stam wasn't maxed.


Nowadays we have 2000+ levels and no new buffs after 1600...If I were new and barely starting, I would see that and think to myself "why should I bother?". Now we can just go to the buff market at level 1 and buy anything we need so there's no reason to strive to get better. Need gear? Well join an established guild and they will most likely have everything crafted and forged so that leveling is a breeze. I've had new players join our guild and after chatting with them they told me the game was boring early on because Emissaries and other lvl25 gear made them overpowered. It got to a point where they said they would level without tagged gear and only go in with common gear they find on hunts to make it more challenging.


Ultimately I think those are the major factors for why new players quit early on. No real motivation to keep going and gear/buffs making the game way too easy. Xind isn't even much of a challenge because of high AM and LF pots.


^^Sig by the awesome ArtistGorn!^^^

#24 cyrus7



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 06:44

it would be nice to add a quest in the beginning to use chat as maybe the first quest so they won't feel so left out

The chat shows up on the world screen by default, so as soon as they click World, chat can be seen. I've seen many players post in the chat before even taking a single step on the map, others wait to post until they have a question, and then there's likely many who don't post at all. It probably really depends on the individual as to if they feel social enough to jump right into talking to strangers right away. I can't see how forcing someone to socialize by using the chat would be a good thing though; some people are shy, and it might make them uncomfortable, especially when they're brand new and don't know anyone yet.


However, it might be a good thing though to display a notice regarding guilds, once they complete the tutorial quests. Something along the lines of "Now that you've completed your training, you might want to join a guild. Guilds are comprised of other players, can assist you in many ways. Look for a guild that suits you by clicking the 'Guild' menu on the left side."

#25 BigGrim


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 10:27

But helping new players, this really is a must and those that have "responsibility" within GC should be  pushing this at every opportunity.


Please do not imply that it is a Mods job to help new players. Most of them do but is their job to ensure chat stays clean. All players are more than capable of helping new players. Not just a select few.


Mods do a pretty thankless job, trying to ensure everything stays clean, while dealing with players who try to challenge what they say despite the rules telling them not too. And the rules are pretty bloomin' clear.

#26 Removed18058



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 10:41

there's gonna be a lot of bashing here soon :P


please prove me wrong guys <3

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#27 wil72



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 11:43

Please do not imply that it is a Mods job to help new players. Most of them do but is their job to ensure chat stays clean. All players are more than capable of helping new players. Not just a select few.


Mods do a pretty thankless job, trying to ensure everything stays clean, while dealing with players who try to challenge what they say despite the rules telling them not too. And the rules are pretty bloomin' clear.


That's a bit unfair mate as I didn't, I merely implied that those with "reponsibility" in GC should help encourage the ethos that GC is primarily a tool to help new players. And made suggestion on how they can do that which I thought had relevance to the original post. It's is entirely up to them, as it is with anyone else, whether they help a new player or not.





#28 BigGrim


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 12:21

That's a bit unfair mate as I didn't, I merely implied that those with "reponsibility" in GC should help encourage the ethos that GC is primarily a tool to help new players.


And who would they be?

#29 wil72



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 12:47

And who would they be?


I'm not sure if you are trying to get a response from me that, in your view, could be deemed punishable by asking that question :P And I think you are getting the wrong end of the stick here. Your posts would suggest that I am "having a go" at a certain group of players related to GC, I'm not. I merely came up with an idea where these players could encourage others that visit GC to help new players. I never said this should be the law. But I do think it is important that players remember why GC was introduced. Why wouldn't this be a helpful initiative?





Edited by wil72, 05 November 2014 - 12:50.

#30 BigGrim


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 13:12

I'm trying to get an honest answer because your posts do look like you're trying to take a sly swipe.


At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of ALL of us to use GC to it's greatest potential. We can all help new players, and old ones with information. It's not for any one group to do. I often help out players in GC with info and general help. So do our Mods. I've seen plenty of players do this too. Annoyingly, I've seen players simply give new players a hard time or treat the chat as their own personal advertising board or fiefdom. That's really not on.


The GC is there for two reasons. 1. To chat (it's in the name!) and talk about stuff! Game stuff and other stuff. Just follow the rules. 2. The help new players. Point them in the right direction and give em a hand. 

#31 wil72



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 14:25

I'm trying to get an honest answer because your posts do look like you're trying to take a sly swipe.


At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of ALL of us to use GC to it's greatest potential. We can all help new players, and old ones with information. It's not for any one group to do. I often help out players in GC with info and general help. So do our Mods. I've seen plenty of players do this too. Annoyingly, I've seen players simply give new players a hard time or treat the chat as their own personal advertising board or fiefdom. That's really not on.


The GC is there for two reasons. 1. To chat (it's in the name!) and talk about stuff! Game stuff and other stuff. Just follow the rules. 2. The help new players. Point them in the right direction and give em a hand. 


I can understand you thinking that mate, due to other things, but I really wasn't. And I agree with you completely that it is up to everyone to be accommodating and encourage new and old players with info, advice and buffs (if able too). I too did this on a regular basis when i was in GC. And yes, I have also witnessed the less savoury aspects of GC with regard to new players, was vocal when I saw it, maybe too vocal sad.png


But back to the point in hand. Not all players that use GC are aware of its great potential to help, and more importantly, retain new players. A wee reminder could be put out there by, ok, I'm going to say it, the mods as many listen to what they say. I'm not suggesting that they should be required to help new players personally, unless they want to, but instead post things like "Anyone help a new player today?" or " Lots of new players joined today did anyone see any in GC?". Posting comments like these could start positive conversation about the importance of new players and how best to retain them. It may also encourage those that wouldn't normally help a new player to do so. No reponsibility placed on anyone just an idea to help promote new/old player help and retention. smile.png





#32 bigchaos



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 16:21

Before I state my post I wanted to asked if we will get more moderators to monitor global chat.  ;)


I did not want anybody think I am flaming either just being inquisitive on asking because I think more moderators would give more random times to give extra greetings or help. I am not saying they have too but many moderators in global chat I see help players a lot and see them faster then other community members.  I know when I am on I greet help and even buff a few if I see they are still on playing. I try offer them help in finding a guild or just in general show them the forum.  I have also seen players ignore them and pretend they did not post as well.  :angry:


I figure if we all pool together and give warm greetings and some guidance it might just help with keeping new players playing.  :D

#33 BadPenny



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 16:50

I didn't start this thread to cause an uproar or a big debate.  I just wanted to point out that keeping players interested, both new and old, is the responsibility of all, not just the Devs, or the chat mods (how that got here, I can't know) or any one group of players, but all of us.  And I don't mean just in GC, that is still just one avenue for us.  


Although mentoring has never been fully implemented, I do know that those of us that opted to be mentors show up on a list.  I get new players asking me for mentoring all the time.  I do my best to help them as much as I can, by sharing links and general knowledge, telling them what guilds might be accepting new players, reminding them to equip and repair gear, even telling them where to put those LUP.   


Mentoring also gives us a new players list to check.  I check it occasionally, probably less than I should, and I will reach out to new players that appear to be sticking around... I hope others do so as well.


 I don't do this for any reward, I actually feel that a reward is unnecessary.  I do it because I love this game, and without other players, I have no game to play.  

Edited by BadPenny, 05 November 2014 - 17:32.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#34 avvakum



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 22:16

there's gonna be a lot of bashing here soon :P

It's the full moon after all, and it's hard to control themselves near so many people who could be dinner.  ;)

#35 Removed18058



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Posted 05 November 2014 - 22:41

It's the full moon after all, and it's hard to control themselves near so many people who could be dinner.  ;)



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#36 BadPenny



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 00:35

Please guys, go play that game in another thread (maybe your own)?  I would appreciate a modicum of respect.


Thanks so very much :)

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#37 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:20

BG, we want to help the game stay alive, and for that we need new players joining and donating, and the best way to do this is by two major points:

1 - Make the low level maps easier to walk by.
I believe they need something like the high level maps, 1 level per area, once you leveled you can travel to the next map. It's REALLY impossible to walk by the maps without Mowglik's maps or Wiki open.

1.1 - Create a new icon below the World area called "Realms".
Clicking there another tab will open, showing all the realm with areas and minnimun level to enter.

2 - Giving tools to more experienced players help low level players.
Some ideas:
2.1 - Abillity to cast X buffs per day on players who joined in less than a month. (Without stamina use)
2.2 - Mentoring list like I said in the first post.
2.3 - Create 5 phantom spaces on each guild, where we can accept only players who joined in the last 60 days, after that the player will be kicked, or transfered to the normal players list on the guild.

I believe those things needs HCS attention ASAP, more than anything else on the game, because without keeping new players the game will die. After all that implemented I believe you guys can start to promote the game again.

#38 Pardoux



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:59

What's really important in FS ??


1. A mutual respect between the players and cows - we both need each other. Without players, they'd have no jobs and without them, we'd have no game.


2. Visible interaction between players and development staff.


RE point 2. BG is excellent in this regard - he is always active on the forums and, love him or loath him (or alternate back and forth, depending on what he says LOL) he does his job. Others, unfortunately, not so much so. Hoof handed over the development roadmap to Zorg and, as far as I can see, that seems to have completely stalled, with no interaction from him in eons.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#39 BadPenny



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 04:34

Actually, for those that missed it,  Zorg, and others, can be reached during business hours at the Hunted Cow IRC.  Details can be found here: https://forums.hunte...cow-irc/?hl=irc


Also, I have seen Zorg, Iago and Radneto in Global Chat on different occasions.  I have also seen Hoof Prints in this very forum.  The bovines are still watching, granted, not as much as they  could, but still, they are there.  

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#40 Removed18058



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 08:27

zorg has a lot of stuff to do you know


legacy is screaming for updates non stop

fallen sword is screaming for updates non stop

eldevin just had his steam release if i'm not mistaken


so there's non stop big stuff coming out of zorg and hcs overall


grim indeed does one heck of a good job


imagine the hundreds of tickets he gets daily :P


i'd go nuts ! :D



the cows have lots of games and lots of players they all want attention! we're currently a little bit out of the spotlight regarding the development roadmap but then i go on the irc and i hear that they are discussing guild warfare and i go like oooooo!!!! :D 




if you look at league of legends last time they said that on the champion azir they were working on for 6 months! and that's with a team of 40+ people!



the good stuff takes time ^^

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