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Guild store Item Repair Button

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#21 Gutie



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Posted 30 January 2017 - 19:11

That's too far TBH. If they're not here to play, nobody else should be playing for them.


There is already too much inventive to keep inactives around for their backpack space.

THIS Is my main gripe in particular. If they aren't logging in, you shouldn't be able to repair gear they are freaking wearing for them. You may as well freaking log in on their accounts at that point if we're talking GvGs. What is next, we can change equipment for them. Yes the slippery slope argument applies here. Also, IF this needless update is wasted time on....NO banked gold guild or personal banked for repairs. Personal ON HAND only.


This basically rewards lazy guild leaders with a one click fix to busted gear. We have thousands of pieces of gear and can stay solidly on top of it, no excuse for anyone else not to.


I can think of numerous things we could put the time to developing this towards, continuing the epic questline, accelerating low level content, removing the sub 500 xp gain nerf, adding a new upgrade package, new guild structures, different varieties of relics, mercenaries, achievements (guild and personal), creature type based buffs & enhancements, new content ideas (the gladiator arena i pitched a couple years back as one), not to mention the distraction this diverts from working on the mobile app....


Imo all non core work done on the game should be going towards the mobile app. The mobile app and FS being able to be run on tablets or mobile can genuinely be a solution to the smaller player base and a revenue boost to HCS enabling them to hire more staff to be able to have the manpower to devote to fringe updates like this. 


Lastly, if people aren't even having the courtesy to repair gear, you should really reconsider their being in your guild roster. This only encourages selfishness. Keep on top of your gear issues if you're a founder/leader. 




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#22 matt2269f



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Posted 06 February 2017 - 07:15

i see this in a totally different way especially when it come to gear being damaged by gvgs ..... most gvgs tend to target players offline - sometimes where they have been off for a day or 2


 my point has 2 issues to point out ---- players gear gets busted up by no choice of their own ----- so should the players have to pay for it to be repaired ? //// its not like the guild could recall all their gear and repair it (leaving them naked ((( hmm no easy target there =P)


#2 its the guild gear so it should be an option if the guild decides to cover it ------- i do believe though that the ability should only apply to the store and to players that are in the 7 day active time frame (maybe even limiting the ability to repair gear only 1ce in a 24 hr period )

#23 Backdraft1


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 08:06

Certainly something I can mention to Hoofmaster, sure.


~ Grim

any reply to the "repair all" button i mentioned in this forum to Hoofmaster?

#24 BigGrim


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 10:30


Nothing beyond a "Maybe" thus far. We'll bear it in mind though.

~ Grim

#25 EpicPiety



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Posted 22 November 2017 - 22:33

Sounds like a FSH option to me. Would have to A. take the items into your inventory B. repair them C. redeposit

#26 goolsby7



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Posted 23 November 2017 - 18:43

I'd be against the money coming from the GB, unless it was permission based. 


That said, why not code it so any Guildie can repair all items in GS? Hard to see abuse there with a player using their personal gold.


For the record, against any suggestion for repairing all Guild tagged items... ie, those worn by Guildies or in their backpacks. All of those can be recalled to the GS for this to be done.


While i don't particularly think making it a guild bank centered is a good thing, i find the personal gold/bank a much better option IF this was put into motion.


To be fair, there is already a guild structure designed to make things a bit easier on repairing gear. As for people forgetting to repair gear, thats something thats always confused me. Im constantly repairing while i hunt/pvp so as to not risk a failed attempt in combat.


On that note, how about a setting in preference to "auto-repair" equipped while active? limit it to a 5 minute window.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#27 BadPenny



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Posted 23 November 2017 - 19:45

While i don't particularly think making it a guild bank centered is a good thing, i find the personal gold/bank a much better option IF this was put into motion.

To be fair, there is already a guild structure designed to make things a bit easier on repairing gear. As for people forgetting to repair gear, thats something thats always confused me. Im constantly repairing while i hunt/pvp so as to not risk a failed attempt in combat.

On that note, how about a setting in preference to "auto-repair" equipped while active? limit it to a 5 minute window.

I don't think they're talking about gear that is used while hunting. I believe their concern is about gear that is damaged when an offline player is hit during a GvG, which can be costly, I assure you. Last GvG we defended, I was only hit 6 times, my repair bill was close to 50k. Small potatoes, I know up here at 1k+, but daunting to a lower level player. Now I don't usually wear guild gear for offline use, as I prefer to use my own, but occasionally I do have to use guild gear, particularly if a certain set is hard to find or too expensive to be buying for only a few levels.

It would be nice if a guildie could repair my stuff while I'm gone, but not necessary. And I can see where this could become an economic nightmare to smaller guilds with limited revenues. And although I know BG said he would suggest this to Hoof, I have misgivings about it being a good idea in the long run. Somebody somewhere would find a way to abuse it. Just not good for the game as a whole.

I'm just a silly old woman, but I believe that a better solution would be a defensive RP pack with deflect, unbreakable and ew/ea at lvl 200. Nothing overpowered, but a way to minimize repair costs and provide blanket defenses for guilds that commonly get farmed.... Anybody see flaws in this?

Edited by BadPenny, 23 November 2017 - 19:45.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#28 goolsby7



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Posted 23 November 2017 - 20:10

I'm just a silly old woman, but I believe that a better solution would be a defensive RP pack with deflect, unbreakable and ew/ea at lvl 200. Nothing overpowered, but a way to minimize repair costs and provide blanket defenses for guilds that commonly get farmed.... Anybody see flaws in this?




i agree with this :o

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#29 EpicPiety



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Posted 23 November 2017 - 21:32

If you want to see this i can bring it up with pointy.

#30 watagashi



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 02:18

That's too far TBH. If they're not here to play, nobody else should be playing for them.


There is already too much inventive to keep inactives around for their backpack space.



#31 activeh1



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 05:01

back to topic ,isnt it out of respect for your guildmates that you repair it before you put it away ?


or has lazyness crept into game as well as pillow fights ?


#32 EpicPiety



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 06:45

It's for convenience if you read the thread.

#33 PointyHair



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 08:17

It is quite an annoying chore. I'll put in on the enhancements list for FSH.

#34 BadPenny



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 08:35

It's for convenience if you read the thread.

Exactly what would PH be adding to FSH? The ability to "Repair All" in the GS? What about tagged gear in use? Stored stuff in the massive backpacks of semi active and inactive members, kept in guilds merely to be packmules? Why do we need to repair on that grand of scale.

Doesn't FSH already allow you to pull multiple items from the GS or from any number of guild members at one time? Can't all those items be repaired on any page immediately thereafter by pressing "R", then recalled in one fell swoop back to the GS in the same way?

I'm all for ideas that make life easier, but too me this would foster inactivity and irresponsible behavior. The only gear that really needs to be repaired remotely is that EQUIPPED on an offline member subject to being a GvG target. The rest should be repaired after use by the player who used it, at their expense, not the guild's.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#35 PointyHair



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 08:51

Recalls, either from GS or member BP, have to be done one at a time currently.
I've made it as painless as possible in the Guild Inventory but it's limited by
how the interface was written in the first place.
It occurs to me that FSH isn't allowed to repair gear for you so I'd only be
able to automate the recalls...


BadPenny - Were you able to get Firefox for Android running on your tablet?

#36 BadPenny



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 09:51

I had actually forgotten that I had it, however, I couldn't get Firefox or chrome to recognize it.  But I can use it with Dolphin, which also has flash functionality, so I'll see how it goes.  FSH is installed, so I'll be able to gauge the limitations of a touchscreen only device, as well.

(sorry to have hijacked this topic. Carry on)

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#37 yotekiller



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 12:56

  If a player is financially unable to repair guild gear they need to discuss that with their founder who will help them find a workable solution.  If a player is unwilling to repair guild gear, loss of recall rights is usually a pretty effective reminder to play nice with your guild mates.  Players that remain selfish in the small things will only be more selfish in the bigger things and don't make good guild members for the long term.  Get them on the right track or tell them goodbye.  Simple as that.

Screenshot everything!

#38 EpicPiety



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 21:45

It is quite an annoying chore. I'll put in on the enhancements list for FSH.

Obviously even if it takes a year it's faster than HCS can do it. So it's not really any rush just can go on the list XD.

Exactly what would PH be adding to FSH? The ability to "Repair All" in the GS? What about tagged gear in use? Stored stuff in the massive backpacks of semi active and inactive members, kept in guilds merely to be packmules? Why do we need to repair on that grand of scale.

Doesn't FSH already allow you to pull multiple items from the GS or from any number of guild members at one time? Can't all those items be repaired on any page immediately thereafter by pressing "R", then recalled in one fell swoop back to the GS in the same way?

I'm all for ideas that make life easier, but too me this would foster inactivity and irresponsible behavior. The only gear that really needs to be repaired remotely is that EQUIPPED on an offline member subject to being a GvG target. The rest should be repaired after use by the player who used it, at their expense, not the guild's.

The problem there lie's figuring out what's damaged.

#39 Removed4427



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 22:34

It is quite an annoying chore. I'll put in on the enhancements list for FSH.


a repair-all button could turn into an auto-repair feature


fallensword helper + "auto repair of guild gear" = ???


A ) something beyond what an individual player "helper" was intended to be




B ) pushing the limits on what could be called illegal scripting ... automation




C ) both



i don't see any difference between auto-repair and an auto-kill script where you leave your character on level 1 farming frags

Edited by duktayp, 24 November 2017 - 22:43.

#40 Lahona



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Posted 24 November 2017 - 23:00

Could  "Repair" be added to the right click menu for a store item?

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