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#21 Egami



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Posted 27 January 2017 - 22:55

can you please explain how exactly it "helps the game"? (you rather mean helping with a gold sink & NOT with increasing PvP activity?)

why should it matter wether the bounty gets taken by a higher or lower lvl player? if there is an incentive to get higher lvl players to take bounties then why not? after all it would increase PvP activity !!!

for EXAMPLE minutes after I hit the BB, multiple high players accept my bounty, I talked to some & asked them why they only took my bounty while there are others still on the BB untouched & with stats they could easily beat, they replied to me that the reason is that my bounty is simply much"cheaper" than the rest !!! (while my bounty costs them only 1 Bounty-Ticket, the others cost them 100 Bounty-Tickets)

another thing is that when you accept the bounty you pay 100 Bounty-Tickets, wether you did ZERO, 1, 2 ..... or all 10 hits !!!


let me ask you: do you think players would keep Titan Hunting or scavenge the caves if they could not make any profit or at least break even? the same applies to the BB too !!!


I agree with all of that and agree that the smashing that happens is a gold sink. 


How can a cheaper 10 hit clear increase PvP activity? 


It can't and it won't.


So again... back at your post: "if there is an incentive to get higher lvl players to take bounties then why not? after all it would increase PvP activity !!!


It won't. You need to release that low level bounties already get cleared. Getting them cleared "faster" because it's "cheaper" is NOT increasing activity. 


There are plenty of reasons, unfortunately, to take bounties.


If I saw tons of low level bounties not being cleared, I'd lean towards your idea. Ever seen that? 


So exactly to respond to your first line:


Yes: gold sink. That's it. You're suggestion does NOT increase activity. It just makes it so "others" have fewer costs to do what "others" with lower costs can and already do.


And all that said, I totally agree. The very reason why the BB doesn't work is because there is zero "profit".


But my point is, and always will be, that it's because few think it's worthwhile to pay for it. 


Check back in 2018, hopefully.


My idea: Zero autobounty. Pay for damage. Get rid of the clear. Make FS Players that actually believe XP is worth something have the option to get their bang for their buck.


I see zero reason why a 3.2k player should be able to hit a level 500 or whatever for a cheaper price. 


What really needs to be fixed is making players think paying a price for a 3.2k player to do so will be worthwhile. 

#22 BadPenny



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Posted 27 January 2017 - 23:17

no offense intended, but none of your premise makes sense to me. There is no logic to it, it only serves to benefit a handful (notice all the people who agree with this appear to share the same guild, for example).

let's take one of your changes...

10-50 stam only.... so basically (and I'm not stating my opinion here, but what I've heard from others) no more smasher medal from the bounty board, am I correct? This will increase PvP activity how? imho (which is solely my own) this would further hamper PvP activity, as those that take bounties purely to move up the smasher ladder will no longer take part, as there's no reason for them to do so.

No, Mary, I don't believe you have the best interests of FS or the community in mind here. I just think you want to further widen the gap between EoC members and the rest of us, till the game eventually detiorates like so many others that I used to play, but can't anymore because they went belly up trying to please a small handful, rather than the whole population.

Changes like you propose aren't going to entice me back to PvP.... rather, they'll send me running for the hills, further alienating me from the PvP community in general. As it stands now, there's a *chance* to be bountied if I attack for a DQ, for example. Your idea guarantees a bounty, and the average non PvP player objects to the possibility of losing XP already.... They're certainly not going to try something when there's 100% chance of losing a level or more. So, how does this possibly encourage more PvP? I say it doesn't.... Many will agree, I think.

You say in your opening post you want new better things for the game. Maybe I'm stupid, but I just don't see how any such changes to PvP will improve the game as a whole. Enlighten me please.

Edited by BadPenny, 27 January 2017 - 23:18.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#23 yotwehc



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Posted 27 January 2017 - 23:46

I agree with all of that and agree that the smashing that happens is a gold sink. 


How can a cheaper 10 hit clear increase PvP activity? 


It can't and it won't.


So again... back at your post: "if there is an incentive to get higher lvl players to take bounties then why not? after all it would increase PvP activity !!!


It won't. You need to release that low level bounties already get cleared. Getting them cleared "faster" because it's "cheaper" is NOT increasing activity. 


There are plenty of reasons, unfortunately, to take bounties.


If I saw tons of low level bounties not being cleared, I'd lean towards your idea. Ever seen that? 


So exactly to respond to your first line:


Yes: gold sink. That's it. You're suggestion does NOT increase activity. It just makes it so "others" have fewer costs to do what "others" with lower costs can and already do.


And all that said, I totally agree. The very reason why the BB doesn't work is because there is zero "profit".


But my point is, and always will be, that it's because few think it's worthwhile to pay for it. 


Check back in 2018, hopefully.


My idea: Zero autobounty. Pay for damage. Get rid of the clear. Make FS Players that actually believe XP is worth something have the option to get their bang for their buck.


I see zero reason why a 3.2k player should be able to hit a level 500 or whatever for a cheaper price. 


What really needs to be fixed is making players think paying a price for a 3.2k player to do so will be worthwhile. 

I"m looking forward to the 2018 idea but I think you are on to something. As a merc, I have seen what folks are willing to pay first hand (and have profitted by it ;-p). From the small base of customers I have, if more were aware, they would also pay. Than there are those that forgo posting at all since they see no bang for their buck. Your idea would most definitely increase activity.

#24 kitobas



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 08:24

my posting getting editing and important thing was removing what I posting about composing at this posting https://forums.hunte...044#entry975866



  • Composing will NOT work in PvP (Composing will only work in PvE) or is capped at lvl 192 (I choose lvl 192 since players can cast lvl 192 with the help of Buff Enhancer 340) !!! just watch how composing has negatively affected PvP, BB, GvG, PvP-Ladder !!!! defending while either online / offline will have a much higher chance since everyone will be battling with lvl 175 buffs !!! (skill levels 175 VS 175 & NOT levels 175 VS 400-552 LOL) => increase PvP, BB, GvG, … activity !!!!

scaredy cat will always wanting liking to do scaredy cat way of pvp, they afraid fighting with same level buffs 175 against other players, they needing crazy high composing skills so they can having very big advantage for their scaredy cat way of pvp, it is disgrace how gvg conflict, ladder, bounty board and all pvp getting destroying by this

not forgetting how crazy high composing destroying relic battles too, I was in relic battles for many months and you are forcing using crazy high composing or you not having chance, it is disgrace how one thing calling composing can having very big bad effects and effecting many other playing gam styles very bad


in past all players fighting with same buff level 175 against each other, everyone was fighting with same buff levels, no scaredy cat way of pvp with crazy high composing



for mary and other players who not understanding, some players inventing words and I first time hearing them after I returning after I retiring, I not understanding them at beginning because I never hearing them from nobody when I was doing pvp or reading forum before, I was asking many players and this what I getting answer, I now will explaining words what they meaning, words that scaredy cat inventing


gvp is guild vs player, it meaning bullying

first p and second p, it meaning bullying

if player saying: why you bullying me, he meaning why you pvp me, bullying = pvp

if player saying: you are bully, he meaning you are pvper, bully = pvper


soon this scaredy cat will inventing new words, lies

maybe saying that crazy high composing was already in original pvp system or in last years some players trying saying that pvp protection was implementing because of pvpers who wanting to hide from other pvpers lol


they having crazy imaginations and it will not stopping


there some players who thinking very low level should be able beating very high level in pvp, crazy thinking

I playing many games and I never seeing very low level can beating very high level

in games normally you need leveling up for getting stronger to wearing higher equip and not using cheating (crazy high composing) for very low player beating very high player, why you thinking games have leveling numbers? this for reason and it logic



all 4 things you saying mary are very good and will having increasing pvp and scaredy cats knowing it too and when hoofmaster reading it he will seeing it too but scaredy cat will trying their best for it not implementing, it very disgrace


this only for hoofmaster, can you please looking at my posting, I making copy of all my postings and sending to players my orignal postings before they getting editing or deleting, if problem then please hoofmaster sending me forum message, thank you very much

#25 kitobas



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 09:23

for mary and other players who not understanding, some players inventing words and I first time hearing them after I returning after I retiring, I not understanding them at beginning because I never hearing them from nobody when I was doing pvp or reading forum before, I was asking many players and this what I getting answer, I now will explaining words what they meaning, words that scaredy cat inventing


gvp is guild vs player, it meaning bullying

first p and second p, it meaning bullying

if player saying: why you bullying me, he meaning why you pvp me, bullying = pvp

if player saying: you are bully, he meaning you are pvper, bully = pvper


soon this scaredy cat will inventing new words, lies


changing pvp to fit the view of the chosen(?) few won't accomplish this.

I telling they will inventing new words

adding pvp to fit the chosen to list (where how they finding this words, is messiah telling that pvpers are bullies, the choosen?)

#26 kitobas



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 10:01


  • IF you have activated the auto-bounty feature under "Character Preferences"

for the auto-bounty feature to work these 2 conditions have to be met:

1) you need to activate the auto-bounty feature under "Character Preferences"

2) you need to be OFFLINE (from the moment you were attacked until the bounty expires) WITHOUT coming online, not even once !!! (see EXAMPLES below)


INFO: bounties expire after 2 days (=48 hours)



at 03:30 02 July A hits B (B is offline at that moment)

after another 2 days (=48 hours) at 03:30 04 July B is still offline & the bounty expires BUT here is where the "auto-bounty" feature would kick in !!!

NOW instead of that the bounty would expire (since B is still offline) the bounty will be auto-posted !!!



at 03:30 02 July A hits B (B is offline at that moment)

after another 1 day (=24 hours) at 03:30 03 July B comes online (auto-bounty feature will be deactivated / STOP) & B will have 1 day (=24 hours) left (until 03:30 04 July) to manually post the bounty before it expires !!!

if B goes offline again without manually posting the bounty the auto-bounty feature will not activate on this bounty since he already came online between the duration of the bounty (FROM 03:30 02 July TO 03:30 04 July) !!!


the "auto-bounty" feature does NOT replace the current "manually" posting of bounties !!!

the "auto-bounty" feature is an ADDITION / EXTRA that activate under "special" conditions (read obove post in green) !!!



bounties who would have expired for 100% due to the target being offline / inactive for days will now be "auto-posted" !!!

would benefit players who go offline / inactive for days due to vac, work, RL, .....


so instead of ZERO bounties, this ADDITION called "auto-bounties" will generate bounties !!!

instead of ZERO bounties we will have MULTIPLE bounties !!!


ps: alone in my range thare are many who "prey" on inactive players whom they know will not be able to come online in time to bounty them & this "auto-bounty" - feature (which is an addition) will prevent bounties on inactives to expire !!! smile.png

I discusing with players and what they explaining I liking but can I please asking my examples to you? I wanting knowing very sure



I go offline 5 days in total sumary but after I offline for 1 day player attacking me, it meaning on third day bounty will expiring and I will not knowing it beause I staying offline 5 days in total sumary and when I returning after 5 days it too late posting bounty

here my questions

a] if I having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning on third day bounty will be auto posting while I offline?

b] if I not having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning on third day bounty will not be auto posting while I offline?




look at this please, I giving example from me

he getting attacking 10 times when he was offline and when he coming online he seeing all bounties expiring


a] if he having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning 10 bounties auto posting while he offline?

b] if he not having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning 10 bounties not auto posting while he offline?


can please give answer to this?

Edited by kitobas, 29 January 2017 - 10:04.

#27 BadPenny



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 10:25

You know what?  I never once said PvP was bullying.   I just don't see how this is conducive to making PvP a more viable part of the game.    I prefer to attack a live wiggly player myself.  I'm gonna stalk you while you hunt, wait till you're down to about 350 stam, then, while you're posting your gold in the market, I will strike, 1 shot, to try to get the gold.  IDC about medals, what have you.  But most object to this....  This is what they call bullying.  THIS  is what the  bb is supposed to be for.  Not a random attack 4 days ago for the DQ....


Things that aren't bullying, and do not apply:


GvG  it's pillow fighting.  it can't be bountied.  Nobody loses anything but time spent, maybe some gear damage..

The ladder.  Can't be bountied. (this is where you should be focusing, btw, if you want PvP reform, ifyou want to encourage more PvP



You're all focusing on bounties here.  I rarely post them myself, as they're a waste of my gold and time.  I'm just gonna either let it pass as part of the game, or swing back.....  In no way do I consider it bullying or farming.....


I still don't see how any of this pertains to making the game better.  I think you all just want attention.  


let's have a group hug and sing kum ba ya....  at least FS gets updates.  Other HCS games do not, and probably never will....  Be grateful for what we get....



I'm done with this thread.  It like the global seasons thread, will probably never die, nor will it ever have a specific direction towards positive progress....  


Mary, you just made another flame engine is all...  Hope you're all proud....




Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#28 kitobas



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 11:40

You know what?  I never once said PvP was bullying.


Things that aren't bullying, and do not apply:


GvG  it's pillow fighting.  it can't be bountied.  Nobody loses anything but time spent, maybe some gear damage..


The ladder.  Can't be bountied. (this is where you should be focusing, btw, if you want PvP reform, ifyou want to encourage more PvP

you saying you never saying pvp is bullying but in same posting you saying what is not bullying

this meaning rest of pvp game styles is bullying lol


if for you only gvg and ladder not bullying then it meaning that rest of pvp like gold hitting, prestige hitting, daily quest hitting, bounty board is bullying, that not normal thinking


who you are for deciding what is bullying and what is not bullying?

hoofmaster is creator of this game and in original pvp system there was bounty board, gold hitting, prestige hitting and others


hoofmaster deciding game mechanics and rules, not you deciding in your head


I'm done with this thread.

you always saying this but you always coming back

you afraid of what mary here posting that hoofmaster will reading and liking, you making problem and knowing that when making problems admin will closing topic, you doing same pathetic thing like troll was doing, everyone knowing that troll lying and hating pvp and always starting fighting for getting pvp topic closing in last years

#29 BadPenny



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Posted 29 January 2017 - 12:04

don't be obtuse.   


it's not me that said pvp is bullying


I've PvP'd with the rest.


Who are you to invalidate my opinion?  

You twist what I say to fit what you want to spew, and half the time you don't even make sense to me.  I'm sure this is my fault because I just don't understand your vernacular, so please don't be offended.  But obviously this goes both ways.    


GvG has been around longer than prestige.  


I'm sure these offline inactives that Mary keeps referencing are supposed to be being farmed for prestige.  WELL HERES A SOLUTION!  Ditch prestige entirely. Go back to the old way of PvP where winner got PvP rating and loser lost some (oh yeah, ladder does this)  You want to fix PvP, START THERE!  The bb, although inactive, is just fine!


Nothing to farm, no reason for auto bountying, which is a bad idea if you ask me.

Edited by BigGrim, 30 January 2017 - 12:24.
Let's keep it civil, yes?

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#30 mary4ever



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Posted 30 January 2017 - 00:51

IMHO, attitudes like this are killing PvP. It's why it's no longer fun for me, and after the levels lost due to my last PvP DQ, I'll no longer be doing those. Your guildmates have closed that door for me. I now do something else with my time.....

in your 1st post you went after my guild


then your next posts hardly make any sense to me, you have an aggressive attitude & I even doubt you fully READ my OP !!!



let's take one of your changes...

10-50 stam only.... so basically (and I'm not stating my opinion here, but what I've heard from others) no more smasher medal from the bounty board, am I correct? This will increase PvP activity how? imho (which is solely my own) this would further hamper PvP activity, as those that take bounties purely to move up the smasher ladder will no longer take part, as there's no reason for them to do so.

NO, I have NEVER said that the smasher medal is no more on the Bounty Board !!! where did you get that nonsense & who are those "others"???? you can not just simply write things that those "others" tell you & put words into my mouth which I never said !!!

No, Mary, I don't believe you have the best interests of FS or the community in mind here. I just think you want to further widen the gap between EoC members and the rest of us, till the game eventually detiorates like so many others that I used to play, but can't anymore because they went belly up trying to please a small handful, rather than the whole population.

you just assumed something those "others" told you outside the forum, NOT me & even saying that "" I do not have the best interests of FS or the community in mind here. I just think you want to further widen the gap between EoC members and the rest of us, till the game eventually detiorates !!! "" basing it on something "others" (NOT me said) !!!

in a previous PvP thread I created I kept telling you to FULLY READ my posts before you reply & you kept ignoring it

Changes like you propose aren't going to entice me back to PvP.... rather, they'll send me running for the hills, further alienating me from the PvP community in general. As it stands now, there's a *chance* to be bountied if I attack for a DQ, for example.

& I see NO problem with that, if you attack someone then be expected to be hit back, get bountied or ignored, that is how PvP works !!!  "" Anyone who dishes it out must also be able to take it ""

Your idea guarantees a bounty,

NO, my idea does NOT guarantee a bounty, only in "special cases" & if you really READ my post https://forums.hunte...044#entry976017then you would know it !!!

and the average non PvP player objects to the possibility of losing XP already.... They're certainly not going to try something when there's 100% chance of losing a level or more. So, how does this possibly encourage more PvP? I say it doesn't.... Many will agree, I think.
in case you have not noticed, this thread is about how to increase PvP activity !!! & NOT how to decrease PvP activity !!! just READ my OP (1st post in this thread)



I still don't see how any of this pertains to making the game better.  I think you all just want attention.

we just want attention????

seriously this is a thread I created with suggestions how to increase PvP activity, you fail to FULLY READ posts, to arguement in a civil manner, spam posts that hardly make any sense + have an aggressive attitude

let's have a group hug and sing kum ba ya....  at least FS gets updates.  Other HCS games do not, and probably never will....  Be grateful for what we get....

I only play FallenSword & do not know how the current other HCS games are doing & I, others & hoof want to increase PvP activity, want to see a PvP update that for once does NOT water PvP down & that is why I am posting here !!!

I'm done with this thread.  It like the global seasons thread, will probably never die, nor will it ever have a specific direction towards positive progress....  

Nobody is forcing you to post here, if you are done with this thread then please move on & I seriously doubt someone is holding a gun to your head or a knife to your throat telling you to keep spam posting here, others want to DISCUSS, you obviously not !!!



Mary, you just made another flame engine is all...  Hope you're all proud....

What is wrong with you? are you seriously accusing me of flaming? I created this thread to DISCUSS in a civil manner which you have proven are unable to

here is my OP post

as usual please keep it civil & ignore trolls whose aim is just to start a fight / get the topic closed, THANKS


I will say this again: your posts hardly make any sense, you do NOT fully READ my posts before you reply, you keep misunderstanding, misinterpreting, even putting words into my mouth I never said, are unable to quote & arguement in a civil manner like EGAMI did, seriously take EGAMI as an example, he quoted me, FULLY READ my posts unlike you, disagreed with my suggestions & arguemented in a civil manner without attacking me, other players or my guild !!!!


Edited by BigGrim, 30 January 2017 - 11:55.
Let's not flame other players please?

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#31 mary4ever



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Posted 30 January 2017 - 01:11

I discusing with players and what they explaining I liking but can I please asking my examples to you? I wanting knowing very sure

just ask ^_-



I go offline 5 days in total sumary but after I offline for 1 day player attacking me, it meaning on third day bounty will expiring and I will not knowing it beause I staying offline 5 days in total sumary and when I returning after 5 days it too late posting bounty

here my questions

a] if I having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning on third day bounty will be auto posting while I offline? YEP

b] if I not having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning on third day bounty will not be auto posting while I offline? YEP




look at this please, I giving example from me

he getting attacking 10 times when he was offline and when he coming online he seeing all bounties expiring


a] if he having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning 10 bounties auto posting while he offline?


b] if he not having activated in player settings auto bountying then it meaning 10 bounties not auto posting while he offline?


can please give answer to this?

if you have any more questions then please feel free to ask, you can even send me PMs smile.png

& kitobass PLEASE do NOT reply to players whos aim is to cause trouble and get this thread locked, you already said it yourself:

you afraid of what mary here posting that hoofmaster will reading and liking, you making problem and knowing that when making problems admin will closing topic, you doing same pathetic thing like troll was doing, everyone knowing that troll lying and hating pvp and always starting fighting for getting pvp topic closing in last years

PLEASE just ignore them so that players can keep talking civilized !!!



PS mary... I do care a lot about PvP. I hope none of the above seems like an "attack"... it's definitely not meant to be. 

you did not "attack" at all, you simply replied in a civil manner & even explained your arguements which I am very thankful for smile.png , wish more would keep it civil like this


Right or wrong, I hope to move towards something both sides can accept and make PvP "real" again. That will not be easy. 

From nine years ago, "PvP perception" is a problem. For the most part, imo, HCS failed by exacerbating something that never should have been an issue.

However, I also believe that player ignorance was a huge factor as well.

YEP, totally agree with you !!!

I already wrote a text-wall (2 times) about composing BUT unfortunately both times accidentally deleted them (took me a long time to write), sorry

it is already late here BUT I will make sure to reply to your posts from work, please have some paitence & sorry in advance for the delay


btw have you already replied to the "auto-bounty" feature in my post https://forums.hunte...044#entry976017if you agree or disagree with it?

if you have then please disregard this, I am very tired & might have overlooked it, see you tomorrow, good night

Edited by mary4ever, 30 January 2017 - 01:12.

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#32 kitobas



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Posted 03 February 2017 - 04:38



look at this please, I giving example from me

he getting attacking 10 times when he was offline and when he coming online he seeing all bounties expiring

now if offline player getting attacking and he staying offline until bounty expiring then full 10 bounties will expiring and no bounty posting but with your idea there will be 10 bounties, this will giving more pvp activity, I liking very much, this really very good

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