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How to plan your equipment - a guide

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#21 fs_crace

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Posted 14 October 2008 - 21:27

Yes, you can most likely train effectively in realms that are four or five levels higher than you in the where to train guide if you have good equipment...problem is most realms have a level requirement that you don't meet...

Only it isn't worth doing this as the xp gained caps off and you get no more xp than you would hunting creatures nearer your own level.

#22 fs_elorana

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 00:10

:lol: Thanks

#23 Khanate



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Posted 08 December 2008 - 20:41

is it HP * 1.1053 or really 1.053?

#24 fs_nthnclls

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Posted 01 March 2009 - 13:47

I'm trying to get the emmisaries set and I don't have loads of money to spend, the guide said to go to The Gathering Shroud but I can't find a way there, can anyone tell me how to get there please?

The creature that drops that is only available during some Legendary Events. It's not there right now, so you can't hunt it. You'll have to either buy the set, or forget about it.

#25 koenvdv



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Posted 04 August 2011 - 16:20

A little tip for new players: join a guild. Their structures give u almost all the stats you need for the first 15 levels.

I've tried to play as a noob on the alpha server, and it was quiete hard to get the stats needed to defeat my oponents. And I have the luck to know the game a little better so I know what I need to win.

So joinging a guild with good structures will help you a lot and gives you some time to get used to the game.

#26 fs_musjacom

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Posted 24 August 2011 - 19:23

2. Your attack should beat his defence (otherwise you'll miss a lot)

I don't understand why I did miss my target (with 2,271,465 gold):

my attack was 177, my target's defense was 155. no buffs on both.

musjacom hits xxx for 14 damage.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom hits xxx for 18 damage.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom misses xxx.
xxx hits musjacom for 141 damage.
xxx was victorious!

#27 fs_musjacom

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Posted 24 August 2011 - 20:51

2. Your attack should beat his defence (otherwise you'll miss a lot)

I don't understand why I did miss my target (with 2,271,465 gold):

my attack was 177, my target's defense was 155. no buffs on both.

musjacom hits xxx for 14 damage.
xxx misses musjacom.
musjacom hits xxx for 18 damage.
xxx misses musjacom. musjacom misses xxx. xxx misses musjacom. musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom. musjacom misses xxx. xxx misses musjacom. musjacom misses xxx.
xxx misses musjacom. musjacom misses xxx.
xxx hits musjacom for 141 damage.
xxx was victorious!

What enhancements did he have ? Breaker perhaps ? If so, or even if not, it could be that after your first two attacks, your gear had taken enough damage that you didn't have enoguh attack to hit him anymore.

Or it could just be bad luck.

Thank you for your answer! :)

He had the following enhancements:

Piercing Strike:
Reinforced Armor:
Critical Hit:
Protect Gold:
Elite Hunter:
First Strike:

#28 douglasj



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Posted 24 August 2011 - 20:54

They wont show you will have to right each one out personally like Elite Hunter 100%

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