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Midnight at the Temple

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#21 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 08:10

"It's ok" The demon replied, smirking at the blushing angel. "This place needs more excitement anyway....So, how was your first day here? Enjoying yourself I hope?".

Thomas takes a step closer to Rollina when suddenly a deep knocking sound boomed through the hall. "Who would be calling this late?" Thomas said as he turned toward the main gate.

#22 Kayla



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 09:27

As Lord Thomas stomped towards the main gates, the flickering shadows within the parlour seemed to lengthen, the fire seeming feeble and unable to pierce the sudden darkness. But as quickly as this phenomenon occured, it faded and all seemed normal within the parlour... with the exception of an additional occupant.

The woman stared into the fire, her white hair looking oddly bright in the candle and firelight. As if she knew she was not alone, she turned suddenly, her arms clasped around her chest, sword swinging within the scabbard at her side. Her lavender eyes widened as she took in the form of the strange angel woman who was there, which then flickered to the large presence of Lord Thomas as he returned to the parlour.

"My apologies," she murmured, not sounding all that sorry in the way she implicated, "I did not know that anyone was here."

#23 gothador_rollina

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 16:30

Rollina blushes as Thomas comes closer. She then becomes startled by the knocking, and looks around for a place to hide. She see's the woman appear from no where her sword out. Rollina panics, she quickly hides in a door frame scared. Her heart raceing, as she makes a quite sighn to the girl to let her know she is hideing.

#24 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 02:23

Thomas was walking back into the parlor. "Just a monk who was locked....out..." He trailed off noticing Rollina looking scared and Kayla by the fire. "You didn't scare her too much with your little shadow trick did you?" he asked the drow.

"It's ok you can come out" Thomas motioned to the angel hiding in the doorway to come out. "Not the best hiding spot, next time dive into the fire, they'll never look there". The demon smirked.

#25 gothador_rollina

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 15:52

Rollina comes out slowly still trembeling "I thought it might of been more angels hunting me." Her voice was low and calm, but her eyes held much fear. She walks over to Thomas, and hugs him tightly "Thank you for every thing my friend."

#26 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 11 July 2005 - 06:38

"It's no problem, really" Thomas said in an embarrassed manner. His tone then changed dramaticaly after what Rollina had said sunk in "Wait! angels?...Why are there angels after you, I figured maybe you were an escaped slave but, those guys don't take slaves"

He gently pushed her back from the hug to arms length. "W-what did you do? It takes alot to get angels angry. This isn't good. You best tell me everything".

#27 Kayla



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Posted 11 July 2005 - 12:10

"I seem have caused your friend some discomfort, Lord Thomas" Kayla murmured, still weary from her journey. Her eyes fell upon the almost quivering form of the angel. "I shall leave, but should you have need of me, I will be in my rooms."

And with that Kayla slipped past the large demon and little angel out into the corridor, heading for her rooms.

#28 gothador_rollina

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Posted 11 July 2005 - 20:10

Rollina looks down sighing softly, as she thinks of where to begin. "I....I didnt do it I swear I did not kill the leader of my clan of Angels." She sighs softly. "I lived in a Village we had a small clan. Our leader was sick so I desided to go and bring him some food to try to make him feel better a special soup made of herbs. When I entered the hut I found him dead. Blood was every where, and then the son of the leader came in he found me there with the broken bowl of soup. He told every one that I had slain there leader, and I was shackled, and bound. That night they planned to kill me, but I escaped. I had to prove my self innocent. I would never kill our leader, I thought of him as a father since mine had died long ago, and so did my mother." Tears rolled down her face, as she fell to the ground. Her wings wrapped around her tightly. "The only thing they found besides his mangled corpse was a sword. That belongs to fighters in my village. I dont kill, all I did was try to help him, and I found him dead that is all I know I swear it. I tried to tell them, but they called me a lier, and said that I had betrayed them. Now I fear all angels because they may come to kill me for something I didnt do. Im scared." She hugged her legs crying hard, as her white angelic wings wrapped around her body protectively. She watches the woman that had scared her leave. her heart was racing in her chest, as the tears would not stop coming. She then looks up at Thomas waiting for his response.

#29 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:50

"...Well" Thomas said. "I'll Protect you from whoever comes, I believe you". He picked Rollina up in a hug, Trying to ease her pain a little.

Thomas thought to himself about his situation as he looked at the main entrance door, almost expecting trouble at any moment.

"These temple walls are strong, but I fear we can't stay here very much longer. We will need to find the real murderer and clear your name" He let out a heavy sigh and released the hug.

#30 gothador_rollina

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 17:19

Rollina looks up at Thomas, and smiles a little hugging him. As if afraid to let go. "Thank you Thomas so much. I dont know where to start, and I fear they will find me sooner or later. I dont want to put anyone at danger." She crys softly into his arms. "Please I dont want anything to happen to you. Promise me Thomas you will stay safe. Your the only one that belives me." She looks up at him with tear filled eyes.

#31 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:59

Thomas smiled. "Don't worry, Don't worry...perhaps you should get some..." He stopped suddenly as if to listen. His demonic pointed ears pricking up.

"Something's there....no...lots of things". Thomas stared at the main archway, grabbing the hilt of his sword. "They're coming fast. Really fast".

A loud noise sounding like millions of birds swarming outside the gate boomed through the hall, getting louder and louder. Then a series of thumping sounds, and it was quiet.

#32 gothador_rollina

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 03:37

Rollina backs up fear in her eyes as she looked at Thomas. Her heart was raceing fast. "Thomas we have to get out of here now. There here arent they? They have come for me? I dont want you to get hurt." She backs up moveing slowly holding onto Thomas's arm. "We have to go now. There are to many of them to fight. If I know my kind it will most likely be the whole village. I dont want you to get hurt." Tear where flowing down her face. As her body quevered. She could hear them too. The silence just added to her worry. "I dont know what they are doing if it is them." She looks at Thomas worryed. "Isnt there another way out of here, or something." You could see from her eyes she didnt want anyone to die, and she was scared.

#33 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 05:25

"Don't worry, there's a place to hide for now." Thomas said still staring at the doorway, he then looked at the fireplace. "There, go in, now...I'll distract them and try to get them to leave".

He pulled Rollina's over to the fire, and placed his hand above it. The flames died down and vanished, revealing a trap door. "It gets hot down there but it's safe, now climb in".

#34 Kayla



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Posted 15 July 2005 - 12:46

Kayla leapt from her bed. Who was making such a fuss at the Temple doors?? Angry from having her sleep disturbed, she leapt into the shadows, still in her nightdress.

Barefoot she appeared just outside of the Temple doors, within the gardens, where the midnight blooms sent their sweet scent upon the breeze. A crowd of winged folk were yelling incoherent words at the Temple. They were angels, not demons, she noticed quickly, for their feathers almost glowed in the moonlight.

In her voice so trained within her dreams by one who would have her lead her dark-elf House, she called out loudly as she approached; "What is thy meaning in disturbing the sanctaty of the Knights whom serve the Changing Goddess?" She crossed her arms, her spells of protection about herself, and waited for an answer.

#35 gothador_rollina

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 15:09

Rollina rushed into the fire place and looked back. "Please come with me I dont want anything to happen to you." She looks at him pleadingly as she started to walk down the steeps. It was true it started to get hot for her, but she trusted Thomas with her life. She found her way in a small room, and sat on the ground waiting, and praying.

Mean while a man steeped forward he was young he looked to be 25 with golden hair, and his wings glowed brighter in the moonlight then the others. He had a strange sword with him that looked as if it was made of glass. He looked at the elfen girl, and smiled. He bowed slightly, and looked up at her with deep ice blue eyes.
"We are here for the one who killed my father. That wench that slayed him in his sleep. We do not mean to cause trouble for anyone, but that low creature that has the nerve to call her self an angel, and a part of our Village." His words where like vinom that he was spiting out. "My name is Valki I am son of our clan leader, and now I am the clan leader. Her head is all we ask for."

#36 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 00:17

"Well you won't be given it!" A voice came loudly from just inside the gates. In a flash of red and warm air a red demon was standing behind Valki, sword drawn.

"This temple is sacred, we are not in the business for killing our tenants and never will be!" Thomas shouted more loudly than before.

Valki looked smug yet amazed at the brash demon. "You think a lowly creature of the undeworld and a worthless drow could stop me?" He laughed, the others laughed with him. Valki then suddenly stopped laughing and drew his sword, the other angels soon quieted and stepped back.

"Don't! Don't you dare!" Thomas looked very angry, his red bat-like wings unfolding from their concealment under his long hair. Flying up in the air he motioned to Valki for them to begin the fight, his sword gripped tight and his sheild in front of him.

The angel flew up after and they began.

#37 gothador_rollina

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 06:31

Rollina hides in the small room behind the fire place. Fear, and worry in her eyes. Her body trembled as she sat there praying Thomas was ok, and so was everyone in the temple."Thomas please be safe."

Meanwhile Valki flew to meet Thomas his sowrd glimering in the moon light. He smirked, as a sheild apeared in his hands. He quickly tryed to slash in an down ward vertical motion at Thomas. He had an demented glimer in his eyes. He moved quickly useing the wind currents to his advantage. As they fought it looked as if an amazeing dance was being held in the sky. Thomas skills where apparent anyone could see both of there skills. Even in sultile movements. After Valki had made his one slash he moved back trying to avoide any thing Thomas may do. Thomas was an opponent Valki had no clue of how to handel. "It is just one woman why do you want to protect her." The smell of angelic blood lay heavey on Valki. As the angels watched the fight all watched in aww.

#38 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 07:04

"Call it honor" Thomas replied with a quick slash, bouncing of of Valki's shield. "You know? The stuff you haven't got".

Bouncing back and forth, high in the air, they fought. Valki caught thomas with cut accross his chest that sent him almost to the ground. "I'd expect as much from your sort, no endurance at all" The arrogant angel charged down straight for his enemy.

"I'd expect as much from your sort" Thomas retorted, dodging the charge as Valki's sword stuck with a thunk in the ground. "No brains at all" The demon laughed slashing Valki's face, leaving a bloody gash over his eye.

Enraged by this the angel pulled his sword from the ground and swept over Thomas with a flurry of blows. Blocking each one, the demon went back on the offensive.

"And now..." Thomas said faintly, fading away before Valki's eyes. "...It's over!" He reapeared behind his surprised foe and with a move worthy of an omnilord, gracefully slashed off the angel's right wing. Falling to the ground Valki screamed in pain and then thud! He was lying in a bloody heap on the ground.

This did not please his followers, two of them rushed to Valki's side, the rest drew their swords. Half the army surrounded Kayla at once, the others took to the sky after Thomas.

"This isn't good!" Thomas yelped. "But...I won't run when there are those who need me!". With a determined look, Thomas stood his ground.

#39 Kayla



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 08:03

Kayla gave glances of scorn to those who surrounded her. "So brave," she purred, her words not seeming her own, "that thee might of thy army be pitted at one seeming defenseless with no sword at hand, no shield upon arm, no armour worn. Think again!"

Her lavender eyes, tinged red by an influence not her own, closed and the shimmering force around her expanded slightly pushing back her would be attackers. Ribbons of fire and lighting danced around her as her hands parted at her sides, their speed and brightness increasing within every second. Without warning the great sparks and flames shot from the magi drow and hit at random the angels surrounding her. They fell, few at first, the weakest, the most unprotected, but the second and third strikes felled a half. The remainder backed away as the drow bent to her knees, the power of the attack having drained her.

As her head rose, her eyes caught notice of the fallen ones, causing a tear to side down her black skin and too the ground. Sliding over to the nearest, she placed her hands above his still form and chanted a healing spell with her remaining energies. The spell left her gasping, her shields fell about her, she was vunerable and she believed they knew it....

Yet as they approached, so did an elderly woman. "Stop this nonsense!" she yelled, the authority in her voice one that could not be ignored. All looked towards her...

#40 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 09:02

"Na-....Nanaea? What the blazes?" Thomas said in shock, looking upon the old woman.

All the angels stood in shock as well. They had, no doubt, heard of her.

"You will leave my temple at once!" exclaimed the goddess. "This is no place for battle, the one you seek is innocent and I will hear no more of this!".

The angels fled, scooping up their fallen and their wingless leader, wanting no fight with this otherworldly being.. Thomas swooped down next to Nanaea and knealed. "Thank you" was all he could say.

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